Papers by Robert Merrillees
3. V. Karageorghis, A. Kanta, Pyla-Kokkinokremos. A Late 13th Century BC Fortified Settlement in Cyprus. Excavations 2010-2011, SIMA 141, 2014
Cahiers du Centre d’Études Chypriotes, 2014
Merrillees Robert Stuart. 3. V. Karageorghis, A. Kanta, Pyla-Kokkinokremos. A Late 13th Century B... more Merrillees Robert Stuart. 3. V. Karageorghis, A. Kanta, Pyla-Kokkinokremos. A Late 13th Century BC Fortified Settlement in Cyprus. Excavations 2010-2011, SIMA 141, 2014 . In: Cahiers du Centre d'Etudes Chypriotes. Volume 44, 2014. pp. 442-444
Avant-propos Annie Caubet
Cahiers du Centre d’Études Chypriotes, 2007
Hermary Antoine, Fourrier Sabine, Merrillees Robert Stuart, Yon Marguerite. Avant-propos Annie Ca... more Hermary Antoine, Fourrier Sabine, Merrillees Robert Stuart, Yon Marguerite. Avant-propos Annie Caubet. In: Cahiers du Centre d'Etudes Chypriotes. Volume 37, 2007. Hommage à Annie Caubet. pp. 7-8
1. Giorgos Georgiou, Jennifer M. Webb, David Frankel, Psematismenos- Trelloukkas, An Early Bronze Age Cemetery in Cyprus
Cahiers du Centre d’Études Chypriotes, 2012
Merrillees Robert Stuart. 1. Giorgos Georgiou, Jennifer M. Webb, David Frankel, Psematismenos- Tr... more Merrillees Robert Stuart. 1. Giorgos Georgiou, Jennifer M. Webb, David Frankel, Psematismenos- Trelloukkas, An Early Bronze Age Cemetery in Cyprus. In: Cahiers du Centre d'Etudes Chypriotes. Volume 42, 2012. pp. 479-487
Vassos Karageorghis: Cypriote antiquities in the Pierides collection Larnaca, Cyprus. Athens: Ekdotike Hellados, 1973. 157 pp., 102 pls. (in colour). Cyprus £4.00
Antiquity, Jun 1, 1974
Oxford Art Online, 2003
Homer L. Thomas: Near Eastern, Mediterranean and European Chronology: the Historical, Archaeological, Radiocarbon, Pollenanalytical and Geochronological Evidence. (Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology, Vol. XVII.) Lund: 1967. Fasc. 1: text, 175 pp; Fasc. 2: 62 looseleaf charts. Sw. Kr. 100
Antiquity, Jun 1, 1968
Proceedings of the International Symposium Cyprus in the 11th century BC … Nicosia 30–31 October, 1993. Ed. V. Karageorghis. Nicosia: A.G. Leventis Foundation, 1994. Pp. xvi + 247. £C20
The Journal of Hellenic Studies, Nov 1, 1996
The Swedish Cyprus expedition Vol. IV, Part IC. The Late Cypriote Bronze Age. Architecture and pottery by Paul Åström with a contribution by M. R. Popham. Lund: 1972. 472 pp., 46 pls., 59 figs. - The Swedish Cyprus expedition Vol. IV, Part ID. The Late Cypriote Bronze Age. Other arts and crafts b...
Antiquity, Dec 1, 1973
Paul Åström: Excavations at Kalopsidha and Ayios Jakovos in Cyprus (Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology Vol. II.) Lund: 1966. 234 pp., 51 pls., 12 figs. Sw. Kr. 133
Antiquity, Dec 1, 1967
Toumba tou Skourou. The Mound of Darkness. A Bronze Age Town on Morphou Bay in Cyprus
American Journal of Archaeology, 1976
Vronwy Hankey: in memoriam
Publications de la Maison de l'Orient et de la Méditerranée, 2004
Merrillees Robert Stuart. Vronwy Hankey: in memoriam. In: La Céramique mycénienne de l'Égée a... more Merrillees Robert Stuart. Vronwy Hankey: in memoriam. In: La Céramique mycénienne de l'Égée au Levant. Hommage à Vronwy Hankey. Table ronde internationale, Maison de l'Orient et de la Méditerranée, 20 mars 1999. Lyon : Maison de l'Orient et de la Méditerranée Jean Pouilloux, 2004. pp. 13-14. (Travaux de la Maison de l'Orient et de la Méditerranée, 41
Bamboula at Kourion. The Necropolis and the Finds. Excavated by J. F. Daniel
American Journal of Archaeology, Jul 1, 1974
... Bamboula at Kourion: The necropolis and the finds excavated by JF Daniel. Post a Comment. CON... more ... Bamboula at Kourion: The necropolis and the finds excavated by JF Daniel. Post a Comment. CONTRIBUTORS: Author: Benson, JL. Author: Daniel, John Franklin (b. 1910, d. 1948). Author: Porada, Edith (b. 1912, d. ----. Author: Angel, J. Lawrence. PUBLISHER: ...
The Swedish Cyprus Expedition. Vol. IV. Part IA. The Stone Age and the Early Bronze Age in Cyprus, by Porphyrios Dikaios and James R. B. Stewart. Lund: The Swedish Cyprus Expedition, 1962, 446 pp., 156 helios., 105 figs. Price not stated
Antiquity, Mar 1, 1964
3. Gerald Cadogan, Maria Iacovou, Katerina Kopaka, James Whitley (eds.), Parallels Lives. Ancient Island Societies in Crete and Cyprus. Paper arising from the Conference in Nicosia organised by the British School at Athens, the University of Crete and the University of Cyprus, in November-Decembe...
Cahiers du Centre d’Études Chypriotes, 2012
Merrillees Robert Stuart. 3. Gerald Cadogan, Maria Iacovou, Katerina Kopaka, James Whitley (eds.)... more Merrillees Robert Stuart. 3. Gerald Cadogan, Maria Iacovou, Katerina Kopaka, James Whitley (eds.), Parallels Lives. Ancient Island Societies in Crete and Cyprus. Paper arising from the Conference in Nicosia organised by the British School at Athens, the University of Crete and the University of Cyprus, in November-December 2006, London, British School at Athens, Studies 20, 2012. In: Cahiers du Centre d'Etudes Chypriotes. Volume 42, 2012. pp. 490-495
2. Ariane Jacobs and Peter Cosyns (eds.), Cypriot Material Culture Studies from Picrolite Carving to Proskynitaria Analysis. Proceedings of the 8th Annual Postgraduate Cypriot Archaeology Conference Held in Honour of the Memory of Paul Åström at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Belgium ) from 27th...
Cahiers du Centre d’Études Chypriotes, 2016
Merrillees Robert Stuart. 2. Ariane Jacobs and Peter Cosyns (eds.), Cypriot Material Culture Stud... more Merrillees Robert Stuart. 2. Ariane Jacobs and Peter Cosyns (eds.), Cypriot Material Culture Studies from Picrolite Carving to Proskynitaria Analysis. Proceedings of the 8th Annual Postgraduate Cypriot Archaeology Conference Held in Honour of the Memory of Paul Åström at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Belgium ) from 27th-29th November 2008. Brussels University Press 2015. In: Cahiers du Centre d'Etudes Chypriotes. Volume 46, 2016. Hommage à Antoine Hermary. pp. 407-408
2. J.M. Webb, D. Frankel, Ambelikou Aletri. Metallurgy and Pottery Production in Middle Bronze Age Cyprus, SIMA 138, 2013 et J.M. Webb (ed.), Structure, Measurement and Meaning. Studies on Prehistoric Cyprus in Honour of David Frankel, SIMA 143, 2013
Merrillees Robert Stuart. 2. J.M. Webb, D. Frankel, Ambelikou Aletri. Metallurgy and Pottery Prod... more Merrillees Robert Stuart. 2. J.M. Webb, D. Frankel, Ambelikou Aletri. Metallurgy and Pottery Production in Middle Bronze Age Cyprus, SIMA 138, 2013 et J.M. Webb (ed.), Structure, Measurement and Meaning. Studies on Prehistoric Cyprus in Honour of David Frankel, SIMA 143, 2013. In: Cahiers du Centre d'Etudes Chypriotes. Volume 44, 2014. pp. 439-442
2. Lucie Bonato, Maryse Emery, Louis Dumesnil de Maricourt. Un consul pour la France (1806-1865), Peleus, Studien zur Archäologie und Geschichte Griechenlands und Zyperns Band 48, 2010
Merrillees Robert Stuart. 2. Lucie Bonato, Maryse Emery, Louis Dumesnil de Maricourt. Un consul p... more Merrillees Robert Stuart. 2. Lucie Bonato, Maryse Emery, Louis Dumesnil de Maricourt. Un consul pour la France (1806-1865), Peleus, Studien zur Archäologie und Geschichte Griechenlands und Zyperns Band 48, 2010. In: Cahiers du Centre d'Etudes Chypriotes. Volume 40, 2010. pp. 314-316
American Journal of Archaeology, 1998
Marsa Matruh I. The Excavation and Marsa Matruh II. The Objects. The University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology's Excavations on Bates's Island, Marsa Matruh, Egypt, 1985-1989
Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt, 2004
Proceedings of the International Symposium Cyprus in the 11th Century BC... Nicosia 30-31 October, 1993
The Journal of Hellenic Studies, 1996
Papers by Robert Merrillees