Papers by Ricky Pramono Hasibuan
Manthano, Mar 31, 2024
This article examines the crucial role of HKBP pastors in fostering inclusive-pluralistic charact... more This article examines the crucial role of HKBP pastors in fostering inclusive-pluralistic characters among children, by analyzing the Fourth Poda Tohonan of HKBP Pastors. Pastors are expected to educate children to have inclusive-pluralistic attitudes that appreciate diversity. The research method used is quantitative research with data collection through questionnaires. The research population consists of HKBP pastors in District X Medan-Aceh. The analysis results indicate that pastors are aware of the importance of inclusive-pluralistic character education, but further efforts are needed to integrate these concepts into children's learning in the context of diversity in Indonesia.
Jurnal Diakonia, Nov 29, 2023
This article discusses the importance of the concept of Holistic Fellowship in understanding the ... more This article discusses the importance of the concept of Holistic Fellowship in understanding the essence of the Church, with a comparison to the HKBP Confession. The author emphasizes that fellowship in the current church life must be holistic, involving both spiritual and physical aspects, and not limited to individual worship. The research method used is literature review. The author asserts that Holistic Fellowship involves the participation of church members in all aspects of life, including their relationship with God and fellow human beings, in order to serve in social and other areas. The author also reviews the concept of fellowship in the HKBP Confession, which emphasizes a holistic understanding of fellowship in theological aspects.

Jurnal Lektur Keagamaan
Sejak permulaan sejarah Kekristenan, salah satu aktivitas gerejawi yang sangat diutamakan adalah ... more Sejak permulaan sejarah Kekristenan, salah satu aktivitas gerejawi yang sangat diutamakan adalah beribadah. Hal itu tercermin dari banyaknya ritus yang tercipta sepanjang sejarah gereja, antara lain ritus Aleksandria, ritus Syria Barat, ritus Syria Timur, ritus St. Basilius, ritus Byzantium (ritus St. Yohanes Krisostomus), ritus Roma, dan ritus Gallic. Ternyata, sebelum terciptanya ritus-ritus tersebut, sudah ada beberapa tata gereja kuno yang sebagian isinya juga mengatur tata peribadahan. Tata gereja kuno yang paling terkenal adalah The Didache, The Apostolic Tradition, The Canons of Hippolytus, The Apostolic Constitutions, The Epitome, dan The Testament of Our Lord. Makalah ini akan mengulas The Apostolic Tradition atau Tradisi Apostolik: tata gereja abad ketiga yang berisi aturan tentang penahbisan, perjamuan, katekisasi dan baptisan, serta ibadah harian. Secara khusus, penulis akan menafsir naskah Tradisi Apostolik 41:1-4 tentang ibadah fajar. Di dalam teks tersebut diinstruksi...
SUNDERMANN: Jurnal Ilmiah Teologi, Pendidikan, Sains, Humaniora dan Kebudayaan
This article seeks to understand the relationship between the Word and the Holy Communion in Sund... more This article seeks to understand the relationship between the Word and the Holy Communion in Sunday Worship. First, this article will do a historical study from the early church era to the Middle Ages. Furthermore, there will be a particular study on the order of Sunday Worship written by Martin Luther, the Formula Missae et Communiones and the Deustsche Messe. Furthermore, this article will look at the theological relationship between the Word and the Holy Communion at Sunday Worship, especially from the Luther and Lutheran perspective. As an implication, this article will elaborate on HKBP Sunday Worship in conjunction with the Lutheran liturgy and the Prussian Agenda.

Anthropos: Jurnal Antropologi Sosial dan Budaya (Journal of Social and Cultural Anthropology), 2021
This research aims to discuss the teachings of the Protestant Batak Christian Church (HKBP) and t... more This research aims to discuss the teachings of the Protestant Batak Christian Church (HKBP) and the Toba Batak about the relationship between the living and the dead. Batakness believes the dead still have a relationship with the living, while HKBP denies it. To reconcile these two doctrines, we will reinterpret “the communion of saints” phrase in the Apostolic Creed, which always presents as one of the main elements in the liturgy of HKBP. We argue that the “communion of saints” is an association of all believers, not only cross-geographical (trans spatial) but also cross-age (trans temporal). The relation of the living and the dead in the association is not direct but via Christ. Therefore, the trans temporality of the communion is evidence of the connectedness of the living and the dead.
Papers by Ricky Pramono Hasibuan