Papers by Ruta Petrauskiene

Engineering Management in Production and Services
Significant gaps in public services management were highlighted when service-dominant logic emerg... more Significant gaps in public services management were highlighted when service-dominant logic emerged in services science, resulting in fundamental changes in attitudes. The business model application in public services was initiated by offering public service logic. However, this concept requires justification of its interfaces with management approaches, frameworks, and practices. The VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity) environment has changed the existing managerial approach in organisational performance and services management. This paper aims to highlight the key aspects and justify the application of services management approaches, frameworks, and practices (Agile practices, customer experience management frameworks, and the design thinking approach) that coincide with the business model approach in public services management (public service logic) in a VUCA environment. In this paper, the Cochrane Guide to Literature Reviews was loosely followed. The focus...

The Engineering Economics, Dec 22, 2017
Globalization, economic crisis, political changes, increasing expectations of society and dissati... more Globalization, economic crisis, political changes, increasing expectations of society and dissatisfaction with policy implemented by the government visibly increase the changes in civil service institutions as well as condition the necessity of strategical thinking and active senior executives in civil service. The performance results of public sector mostly depend on senior executives` professionalism, competences in leadership, ability to focus and motivate civil servants so they can achieve set goals. Therefore, one of the most important tasks in every country is to create a professional and competent civil service, which would be able to function effectively in a rapidly changing and complex environment. The necessity of wellprepared and competent public senior executives in present modern institutions is increasing. There are many classifications of competences in the scientific literature. Summarizing these classifications of competences, the authors distinguish two main groups of competences: common and strategic. The group of common competences, which are required to take a particular position, consists of the following: personal, social, professional and managerial. Meanwhile, the group of strategic competences consists of: cooperation, single-mindedness, possession of vision and leadership. According to respondents' statements it was determined that in the group of common competences (which consists of personal, social, professional and managerial competences) the least demonstrated competence of senior executives of Lithuanian self-government administrations is the managerial one (involves logical, analytical, systemic thinking and so on). In the group of common competences, social competence oriented towards cooperation, partnership, training and development was assessed as the most positive. During the assessment, it was determined that all criteria of strategic competences group (cooperation, single-mindedness, possession of vision and leadership) were assessed by the respondents as important.
Vytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij

Pastaruoju metu Lietuvoje pastebima sparti muziejų interneto svetainių vystymosi tendencija, todė... more Pastaruoju metu Lietuvoje pastebima sparti muziejų interneto svetainių vystymosi tendencija, todėl ypac svarbūs tampa jų kokybės vertinimai. Straipsnio tikslas – įvertinti Lietuvos savivaldybių muziejų interneto svetainių issivystymą taikant svetainių kokybės vertinimo metodą. Įvertinus muziejų interneto svetaines pagal patogumo, funkcionalumo, patikimumo ir efektyvumo dimensijas, sudarytas jų reitingas, atlikta miestų ir rajonų savivaldybių muziejų interneto svetainių kokybės lyginamoji analizė, nustatyti veiksniai, turintys įtakos savivaldybių muziejų interneto svetainių issivystymui. Nustatyta, kad daugelis Lietuvos savivaldybių muziejų interneto svetainių yra ribinio issivystymo lygio. Esminio skirtumo tarp miestų ir rajonų savivaldybių muziejų interneto svetainių issivystymo pagal patogumo, funkcionalumo, patikimo ir efektyvumo dimensijas nenustatyta. Pažymėtina, kad labiausiai isvystyti yra kriterijai, susije su informacijos suradimu ir sklaida, o interaktyvumo ir komunikacijos su lankytojais, socialinės įtraukties, techninių galimybių isvystymo kriterijai rodo gana žemą svetainių issivystymo lygį.

Public Policy and Administration, 2007
Kauno technologijos universitetas K.Donelaičio g. 20, 44239 Kaunas The factors of public administ... more Kauno technologijos universitetas K.Donelaičio g. 20, 44239 Kaunas The factors of public administration improvement in the article are being analyzed. These factors are typical to any public administration institution regardless of its size, performance particularity or level. The goal to diagnose the condition of all public administration institutions in Lithuania was not raised for this research. For this particular reason, the administrations of Lithuanian district municipalities became the object of the empirical research. The diagnosis of the condition of Lithuanian district municipalities' administrations was accomplished. On the basis of theoretical and empirical investigations of the authors, a model of performance improvement of Lithuanian public administration institutions (on the selfgovernment level) was developed. Raktažodžiai: viešojo administravimo tobulinimas, viešojo administravimo efektyvumas, inovacijų plėtra, demokratinės vertybės ir tradicijos.

Management Theory and Studies for Rural Business and Infrastructure Development, 2008
The main task of the head of organization is identification of psychological mechanisms of employ... more The main task of the head of organization is identification of psychological mechanisms of employees` behavior and description of their functioning conditions. This task is significant both theoretically and practically. The article is meant to analyze the structure of employees` behavior types and theoretical bases applying theories of social psychology, humanistic psychology, propaganda psychology, psychoanalytical and comparative psychology, behaviorism, and introspective psychology. Such way was chosen on purpose to make better analysis because there isn’t one universal theory which is explaining employees` behavior. The particular theories were chosen on the ground of different employees` behavior. The theories were discussed on the theoretical context in the article on purpose to identify problems which impede to formulate the theoretical base of employees` behavior at work.
Dizainu grįstas mąstymas – tai kūrybiška iššūkio sprendimo metodologija, kuri plačiai taikoma įva... more Dizainu grįstas mąstymas – tai kūrybiška iššūkio sprendimo metodologija, kuri plačiai taikoma įvairaus tipo organizacijose visame pasaulyje. Pagrindinis šio leidinio tikslas – padėti viešajam sektoriui inovatyviai reaguoti į šiuo¬laikinės visuomenės patiriamus iššūkius, tarpsektorines problemas ir skatinti pasitikėjimą viešuoju sektoriumi. Leidinys skirtas viešojo sektoriaus organizacijų darbuotojams, vadovams, įvairių studijų lygmenų socialinių mokslų studijų studentams, neformaliojo švietimo programų dalyviams ir visiems, siekiantiems kūrybiškai reaguoti į bet kokius iššūkius ir ieškoti tinkamų sprendinių.
Vitae Litera eBooks, 2012
Kaunas : Technologija eBooks, 2007
Kauno technologijos universitetas, [email protected] technologijos universitetas, evandze... more Kauno technologijos universitetas, [email protected] technologijos universitetas, [email protected] technologijos universitetas, [email protected] technologijos universitetas, [email protected] technologijos universitetas, [email protected] technologijos universitetas, [email protected] technologijos universitetas, [email protected] technologijos universitetas, [email protected] technologijos universitetas, [email protected] technologijos universitetas, [email protected] Romerio universitetasVilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetasVilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetas, [email protected] universitetasVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŠiaulių universitetasŠiaulių universitetas, [email protected]
Kaunas : Vitae Litera eBooks, 2012
Knygoje: Pivoras S. Viešųjų organizacijų teorijos, p. 31-48. Bibliogr. 29Kauno technologijos univ... more Knygoje: Pivoras S. Viešųjų organizacijų teorijos, p. 31-48. Bibliogr. 29Kauno technologijos universitetasKauno technologijos unoversitetasKlaipėdos universitetasMykolo Romerio universitetasViešojo administravimo katedraVilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetasVytauto Didžiojo universiteta
Spartūs globalizacijos procesai skatina viesąsias institucijas ieskoti būdų, kaip tobulinti viesą... more Spartūs globalizacijos procesai skatina viesąsias institucijas ieskoti būdų, kaip tobulinti viesąjį valdymą, t. y. skatinti demokratiją, didinti valdžios atsakomybe, stiprinti valdžios ir visuomenės santykius ir pan. Tyrimo metu buvo siekiama identifikuoti veiksnius, lemiancius gero valdymo principų įgyvendinimą viesosiose institucijose. Gero valdymo koncepcija apima susitelkimą ties viesosios institucijos tikslais bei piliecių ir paslaugų vartotojų poreikių tenkinimu, tinkamu funkcijų bei pareigų atlikimu. Remiantis saltinių analize isskirti pagrindiniai gero valdymo principai ir nustatyti svarbiausi požymiai, nusakantys veiksnius, įtakojancius viesojo valdymo tobulinimą institucijose. Gero valdymo funkcionavimą galima pagrįsti viesosios institucijos plėtros, veiklos optimizavimo ir administracinių gebėjimų stiprinimo veiksniais.
Public Policy and Administration, 2005
The author examines modern means of public administration improvement such as New Public Manageme... more The author examines modern means of public administration improvement such as New Public Management, E-government, strategic planning, Total Quality Management, administrative creativity etc. All these means are grouped into efficiency, innovations and means for democracy development. 2003-2004 the research was carried out in 20 Lithuanian municipalities. The research pointed such tendencies of internal municipalities’ administration as more effective communication channels, public servants involvement in the decision-making process, the evaluation of civil servants demands for training, the development of procedure evaluating the effectiveness of training, the implementation of faster IT development, citizens involvement in institutions` management.

Public Policy And Administration, 2017
Trust in civil service is considered as the main condition for progress and prosperity in every c... more Trust in civil service is considered as the main condition for progress and prosperity in every country. The article analyzes civil service, which has a special legal status and the main responsibility for public administration in Lithuania. According to theoretical insights, trust in civil service can be defined as institutional level trust of civil servants, who have a legal status and implements public administration; it is formed on the use of public/administrative services or non-use basis and is characterized by low (civil servant vs. user) mutual knowledge, dependence and continuity. The main factors, which affects trust in civil service is honesty, interest, openness, justice, obligations and competence. The answers of EUPAN country experts showed that the main factors determining trust in civil service in European countries (Latvia, Estonia, Poland, Sweden, Finland, Croatia and the European Commission) is the image of civil service, the future prospects for cooperation, the...

Public Policy And Administration, 2018
The article analyzes the theoretical concepts of competence, competence management and competency... more The article analyzes the theoretical concepts of competence, competence management and competency model and their relationship between each other. Article reveals possibilities of using the competency model in the process of human resources management in the civil service. The model of competencies of the civil service of the Republic of Lithuania and the methodology of its application is analyzed. The aim of the article is to study the experience of applying the competency model in the process of human resources management in the civil service in Lithuania. To achieve this, a qualitative social survey was conducted - a semi-structured expert interview. During the research, the issues of the implementation of the competency model were identified.DOI:

Management Theory and Studies For Rural Business and Infrastructure Development, 2008
The main task of the head of organization is identification of psychological mechanisms of employ... more The main task of the head of organization is identification of psychological mechanisms of employees` behavior and description of their functioning conditions. This task is significant both theoretically and practically. The article is meant to analyze the structure of employees` behavior types and theoretical bases applying theories of social psychology, humanistic psychology, propaganda psychology, psychoanalytical and comparative psychology, behaviorism, and introspective psychology. Such way was chosen on purpose to make better analysis because there isn’t one universal theory which is explaining employees` behavior. The particular theories were chosen on the ground of different employees` behavior. The theories were discussed on the theoretical context in the article on purpose to identify problems which impede to formulate the theoretical base of employees` behavior at work.
Viešoji politika ir administravimas
... Atlikti tyrimai ir Lietuvos Statistikos departa-mento skelbiami duomenys akivaizdžiai liudija... more ... Atlikti tyrimai ir Lietuvos Statistikos departa-mento skelbiami duomenys akivaizdžiai liudija, kad staigaus Lietuvos valstybės visuomeninio poli-tinio, ekonominio bei kultūrinio gyvenimo persi-tvarkymo sąlygomis kaimo ... Jos teikiamos ir prevencijos, ir reabilitacijos tiks-lais. ...

Baigiamieji projektai – vieni svarbiausių studijų darbų, kuriems reikia skirti daug laiko, pastan... more Baigiamieji projektai – vieni svarbiausių studijų darbų, kuriems reikia skirti daug laiko, pastangų ir svarbiausia – gerai išmanyti jų rengimo gaires. Šioje metodinėje priemonėje sutalpinta visa svarbiausia informacija, kuri padės parengti reikalavimus atitinkančius baigiamuosius projektus ir leis formuoti fundamentinio ar taikomojo mokslo darbo įgūdžius, ugdyti savarankiškumą bei aukštą tyrimo atlikimo kultūrą. Tik įsigilinę į baigiamojo projekto tipus, paskirtį ir išanalizavę galimus skirtumus, prieisite prie kitos svarbios dalies – rengimo gairių, kuriose glaustai aprašyti bendrieji struktūros reikalavimai, o darbo struktūros dalys atskirai aptariamos kiekviename poskyryje. Dėl šios priežasties, tiek studentai, tiek dėstytojai galės lengvai ir patogiai naudotis šia metodine priemone ir ras jiems svarbiausias dalis, kurias norima išsiaiškinti ar pagilinti. Nors leidinys paruoštas KTU bendruomenės mokslininkų, tačiau jis gali būti aktualus ir kitų Lietuvos universitetų baigiamųjų k...

Engineering Management in Production and Services
This paper aims to identify the influence of intercultural competence on an organisation’s succes... more This paper aims to identify the influence of intercultural competence on an organisation’s success and personal career in Lithuania. The study described in this paper is a part of international research on intercultural competence. An online questionnaire survey was conducted in Lithuania with non-probability convenience sampling to find out the views of employees working in different sector organisations. The survey was filled out by 1193 respondents from Lithuania. Employees’ intercultural competence (knowledge/cognitive dimension, skills/behavioural dimension, and attitudes/emotional dimension) was evaluated using 5-point Likert items and is elaborated elsewhere. The multivariate analysis was used to analyse the survey data and test three hypotheses stating that (1) employees support the notion that higher intercultural competence can foster an organisation’s success and personal career, (2) organisations tend to leave the development of intercultural competence to employees, and...

Nowadays non-profit organisations that offer different services are getting more and more recogni... more Nowadays non-profit organisations that offer different services are getting more and more recognition. Organisation activities appeal to voluntary work. Presented services are more qualitative because they are fulfilled by dedicated volunteers; they are more efficient, because volunteers are not paid. Sometimes it happens not to know how to initiate the process of organisation development: not every member is involved into the process of voluntary organisation even if he has very good ideas; work is distributed inefficiently etc. Then many members become disappointed in such activity and do not believe that they can change or improve something in their lives. A closed circle forms: there are people who wish to work for the good of community but poor work motivation and misjudgement of initiatives disappoint people, and social activity sort of “dies” or is performed by two or three the most active members. Therefore such activity becomes more “on paper” than practical. It is very imp...
Papers by Ruta Petrauskiene