Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Dec 31, 2023
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Journal of Environmental and Ecological Engineering, May 28, 2015
This is to certify that the thesis entitled, "studies on performance of an airfoil and its simula... more This is to certify that the thesis entitled, "studies on performance of an airfoil and its simulation " being submitted by Mr Rajendra Roul is a veritable research work carried by him under my guidance in partial fulfilment of the essentials for the reward of Master of Technology Degree in CIVIL ENGINEERING with specialization in "WATER RESOURCE ENGINEERING" at the National Institute of Technology, Rourkela. To the best of my knowledge, the subject personified in the dissertation has not been submitted to any other University / Institute for the award of any Degree or Diploma, fellowship published any time before.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2023
International Journal of Educational Development
Elsevier has created a COVID-19 resource centre with free information in English and Mandarin on ... more Elsevier has created a COVID-19 resource centre with free information in English and Mandarin on the novel coronavirus COVID-19. The COVID-19 resource centre is hosted on Elsevier Connect, the company's public news and information website. Elsevier hereby grants permission to make all its COVID-19-related research that is available on the COVID-19 resource centre-including this research content-immediately available in PubMed Central and other publicly funded repositories, such as the WHO COVID database with rights for unrestricted research re-use and analyses in any form or by any means with acknowledgement of the original source. These permissions are granted for free by Elsevier for as long as the COVID-19 resource centre remains active.

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Journal of Environmental and Ecological Engineering, 2015
Airfoil plays an important role in any aircraft because it has to generate adequate lift to hold ... more Airfoil plays an important role in any aircraft because it has to generate adequate lift to hold the aircraft in the air with less drag. The design of an airfoil with desired aerodynamic characteristics is not so easy till date. In early days the design was random and it was tested in a flow section, then Wright Brothers come with cambered section. NACA has given a proper definition for airfoil which help us to create airfoil using formulas and not randomly. In this work a detailed study of NACA 2312 airfoil, at various angle of attack and different free stream velocity in the wind tunnel. This work is divided into two phase one is numerical analysis and another one is experimental verification by fabricating the airfoil and testing in wind tunnel. The aerodynamic characteristics are plotted against AOA and the comparison between the numerical and experimental is also performed.
Multimedia Tools and Applications, Mar 22, 2023
Lecture Notes in Computer Science

arXiv (Cornell University), Jan 15, 2022
Limited urban parking space combined with urbanization has necessitated the development of smart ... more Limited urban parking space combined with urbanization has necessitated the development of smart parking systems that can communicate the availability of parking slots to the end users. Towards this, various deep learning based solutions using convolutional neural networks have been proposed for parking space occupation detection. Though these approaches are robust to partial obstructions and lighting conditions, their performance is found to degrade in the presence of haze conditions. Looking in this direction, this paper investigates the use of dehazing networks that improves the performance of parking space occupancy classifier under hazy conditions. Additionally, training procedures are proposed for dehazing networks to maximize the performance of the system on both hazy and non-hazy conditions. The proposed system is deployable as part of existing smart parking systems where limited number of cameras are used to monitor hundreds of parking spaces. To validate our approach, we have developed a custom hazy parking system dataset from real-world task-driven test set of RESIDE-β dataset. The proposed approach is tested against existing state-of-the-art parking space detectors on CNRPark-EXT and hazy parking system datasets. Experimental results indicate that there is a significant accuracy improvement of the proposed approach on the hazy parking system dataset.
Proceedings of the 9th Annual Meeting of the Forum for Information Retrieval Evaluation
Based on the architecture of deep learning, Multilayer Extreme Learning Machine (ML-ELM) has many... more Based on the architecture of deep learning, Multilayer Extreme Learning Machine (ML-ELM) has many good characteristics which make it distinct and widespread classifier in the domain of text mining. Some of its salient features include non-linear mapping of features into a high dimensional space, high level of data abstraction, no backpropagation, higher rate of learning etc. This paper studies the importance of ML-ELM feature space and tested the performance of various traditional clustering techniques on this feature space. Empirical results show the efficiency and effectiveness of the feature space of ML-ELM compared to TF-IDF vector space which justifies the prominence of deep learning.
Neural Computing and Applications
Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering
The dynamic Web where thousands of pages are updated in every second is growing at lightning spee... more The dynamic Web where thousands of pages are updated in every second is growing at lightning speed. Hence, getting required Web documents in a fraction of time is becoming a challenging task for the present search engine. Clustering, which is an important technique of data mining can shed light on this problem. Association technique of data mining plays a vital role in clustering the Web documents. This paper is an effort in that direction where the following techniques have been proposed: (1) a new feature selection technique named term-term correlation has been introduced which reduces the size of the corpus by eliminating noise and redundant features. (2) a novel technique named Support Based Count (SBC) has been proposed which combines with traditional Apriori approach for clustering the Web documents.
Intelligent Human Computer Interaction, 2020
Text summarization is the technique for generating a concise and precise summary of voluminous te... more Text summarization is the technique for generating a concise and precise summary of voluminous texts while focusing on the sections that convey useful information, and without losing the overall meaning. Although recent works are paying attentions in this domain, but still they have many limitations which need to be address.. This paper studies the attention model for abstractive text summarization and proposes three models named as Model 1, Model 2, and Model 3 which not only handle the limitations of the previous contemporary works but also strengthen the experimental results further. Empirical results on CNN/DailyMail dataset show that the proposed approach is promising.

Multimedia Tools and Applications
Limited urban parking space combined with urbanization has necessitated the development of smart ... more Limited urban parking space combined with urbanization has necessitated the development of smart parking systems that can communicate the availability of parking slots to the end users. Towards this, various deep learning based solutions using convolutional neural networks have been proposed for parking space occupation detection. Though these approaches are robust to partial obstructions and lighting conditions, their performance is found to degrade in the presence of haze conditions. Looking in this direction, this paper investigates the use of dehazing networks that improves the performance of parking space occupancy classifier under hazy conditions. Additionally, training procedures are proposed for dehazing networks to maximize the performance of the system on both hazy and non-hazy conditions. The proposed system is deployable as part of existing smart parking systems where limited number of cameras are used to monitor hundreds of parking spaces. To validate our approach, we have developed a custom hazy parking system dataset from real-world task-driven test set of RESIDE-β dataset. The proposed approach is tested against existing state-of-the-art parking space detectors on CNRPark-EXT and hazy parking system datasets. Experimental results indicate that there is a significant accuracy improvement of the proposed approach on the hazy parking system dataset.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2022

The size of web has increased exponentially over the past few years with thousands of documents r... more The size of web has increased exponentially over the past few years with thousands of documents related to a subject available to the user. With this much amount of information available, it is not possible to take the full advantage of the World Wide Web without having a proper framework to search through the available data. This requisite organization can be done in many ways. In this paper we introduce a combine approach to cluster the web pages which first finds the frequent sets and then clusters the documents. These frequent sets are generated by using Frequent Pattern growth technique. Then by applying Fuzzy C- Means algorithm on it, we found clusters having documents which are highly related and have similar features. We used Gensim package to implement our approach because of its simplicity and robust nature. We have compared our results with the combine approach of (Frequent Pattern growth, K-means) and (Frequent Pattern growth, Cosine_Similarity). Experimental results sho...

Abstract—The web is a huge repository of information and there is a need for categorizing web doc... more Abstract—The web is a huge repository of information and there is a need for categorizing web documents to facilitate the search and retrieval of documents. Web document classification plays an important role in information organization and retrieval.This paper presents a fuzzy set based approach for automatically classifying web documents into one of the classes represented by a set of training documents belonging to a number of classes. Using same word to represent more than one meaning and many words representing one meaning lead to ambiguity especially in web environment where numbers of users are very large. This problem is tackled using fuzzy association wherein each pair of words has a value associated with it. This helps in distinguishing it with other such pairs of words and thus helps in tackling ambiguities. The approach present in this paper does not require any parameter to be given by the user and hence is independent of any bias that may occur due to user input. It re...

Abstract- Exponential growth of the web increased the importance of web document classification a... more Abstract- Exponential growth of the web increased the importance of web document classification and data mining. To get the exact information, in the form of knowing what classes a web document belongs to, is expensive. Automatic classification of web document is of great use to search engines which provides this information at a low cost. In this paper, we propose an approach for classifying the web document using the frequent item word sets generated by the Frequent Pattern (FP) Growth which is an association analysis technique of data mining. These set of associated words act as feature set. The final classification obtained after Naïve Bayes classifier used on the feature set. For the experimental work, we use Gensim package, as it is simple and robust. Results show that our approach can be effectively classifying the web document. Keywords- Classification, FP-growth, Gensim, Naïve Bayes, Vector space model I.
ArXiv, 2012
Search engine returns thousands of web pages for a single user query, in which most of them are n... more Search engine returns thousands of web pages for a single user query, in which most of them are not relevant. In this context, effective information retrieval from the expanding web is a challenging task, in particular, if the query is ambiguous. The major question arises here is that how to get the relevant pages for an ambiguous query. We propose an approach for the effective result of an ambiguous query by forming community vectors based on association concept of data mining using vector space model and the freedictionary. We develop clusters by computing the similarity between community vectors and document vectors formed from the extracted web pages by the search engine. We use Gensim package to implement the algorithm because of its simplicity and robust nature. Analysis shows that our approach is an effective way to form clusters for an ambiguous query.

The IETF is developed Network Mobility Basic Support (NEMO BSP) to support session continuity and... more The IETF is developed Network Mobility Basic Support (NEMO BSP) to support session continuity and reachability to the Mobile Network Nodes (MNNs) as one unit while they move. While NEMO move and attached to different networks, it needs to register the MNNs. This function of registration decreases the performance of NEMO. NEMO BSP suffers from some challenges. The most important of these challenges are route optimization, seamless mobility, handover latency and registration time. Binding Update No Sense Drop (BUNSD) Binding Cache Entry (BCE) in Local Mobility Anchor (LMA) is proposed to find a possible solution to MNNs. MNNs that are roaming in a Proxy Mobile IPv6 (PMIPv6) domain to perform seamless mobility while they are maintaining their session continuity through mobile router (MR). In this paper, BUNSD-LMA is analyzed mathematically with NEMO BS based on handover latency, total packet delivery delay cost, and throughput time during handoff. The analytical result shows that the B...