Papers by Robert Kashindi

European Journal of Political Science Studies, Jun 12, 2018
Marxism in Literary or Art in our 21 St centuries is built around a debate of methodology and app... more Marxism in Literary or Art in our 21 St centuries is built around a debate of methodology and application when a critic is requested to evaluate a literary text or genre. Though disparities of thoughts in the point of views of some scholars such as: Georg Lukacs, Karl Korsch, Antonio Gramsci, Louis Althusser etc. have been involved in scientific debates whether Marxism as a sociological approach finds a better reliable application in literature. Marxism as a political ideology of Karl Marx was not designed for literary study, literature in terms of form, politics, ideology, and consciousness, numbers of research skills are required for a critic in almost literary components. While the question of methodology and application in literary analysis is still unsettled in the areas of literary studies so, it appears very difficult and ambiguous to some literary students and English teachers in our local universities in Bukavu (DRC) when prior involving in literary evaluation. Furthermore, sometimes students get involved into confusion mixing theories of new literary criticism or traditional literary criticism for Marxist literary interpretation. The work has enriched the debate by suggesting a critic engaging into the Marxism analysis to base his interpretation framing linguistic features as observable phenomena in literature or art in all its form affecting characters' life flashing back to Karl Marx ideology of class struggle to avoid him draining into confusion of interweaving his analysis with either traditional or new literary school criticism. Determining the focus of literary theory according to the text and genre, classical categorization distinguishes between genres and their own sub-genres: poetry, plays, (drama), novels and short stories (fiction).Research must be focused with regards to the area of application of research paradigms. The common topics dealt with under the traditional literary criticism have been: Plot, Setting, and Narration, Point of View, Characterization, Symbol, Metaphor, Genre, Irony/Ambiguity. Such literary analyses have been useful for the discussion of the following issues: How the various components of an individual work relate to each other. The tradition has ignored to deal with a question ‚how concepts and forms in literary works relate to larger political, social,

European Journal of Literature, Language and Linguistics Studies, Jun 23, 2018
In 21 st Century, Translation has been one of very important field in multicultural communication... more In 21 st Century, Translation has been one of very important field in multicultural communication. Though disparities of thoughts in the point of views of some scholars with different oriented paradigms either translation should be word for word, literal, syntactic, semantic or pragmatic. Chomsky extrapolation theory of direct translation of X transfer to Y, Peter Newmark "sense for sense", Cisero "free translation», L1 in L2, , Jacobson etc. The scientific debates engaged by the previous cited scholars have never settled the problems of similarities and differences that may still exist between a pair of languages. Thus, translation of SL (source language) into TL (language) should not only limit at word for word, L1 & L2 input-output hypothesis, but also should understand accuracy, meaning, context, and audience. While the problem of translation method and application to meet equivalence is still a dilemma to some teachers and scholars, novice and practitioners when prior involving in translation and lacking faithfulness of SL &TL in South -Kivu institutions of higher education (DRC), the work has enriched the debate by suggesting to the translator how to frame his translation duty not only prior engaging into water sinking and diving without being familiarized with the context of water diving but also should encounter both the rules governing the feature of L1 morphological construction either applicable or nonapplicable to L2 morphological construction. The paper raises a question: does the rule of L1 morphological construction generalization of (UG) universal grammar serve in the production of L2 construction of inversion in direct reported speech? To answer to this question ,the study consisted of collecting data from two novels George Orwell Animal Farm and La Ferme d'animaux; English-French Translated corpus to understand linguistic phenomena that may still exist between a pair of languages in translation. The present paper has applied qualitative method grounding contrastive analysis in the processing of the data. The finding reveals that similarities and differences can still exist

European Journal of Literature, Language and Linguistics Studies, Jun 23, 2018
In 21 st Century, Translation has been one of very important field in multicultural communication... more In 21 st Century, Translation has been one of very important field in multicultural communication. Though disparities of thoughts in the point of views of some scholars with different oriented paradigms either translation should be word for word, literal, syntactic, semantic or pragmatic. Chomsky extrapolation theory of direct translation of X transfer to Y, Peter Newmark "sense for sense", Cisero "free translation», L1 in L2, Krashen (1981), Jacobson etc. The scientific debates engaged by the previous cited scholars have never settled the problems of similarities and differences that may still exist between a pair of languages. Thus, translation of SL (source language) into TL (language) should not only limit at word for word, L1 & L2 input-output hypothesis, but also should understand accuracy, meaning, context, and audience. While the problem of translation method and application to meet equivalence is still a dilemma to some teachers and scholars, novice and practitioners when prior involving in translation and lacking faithfulness of SL &TL in South-Kivu institutions of higher education (DRC), the work has enriched the debate by suggesting to the translator how to frame his translation duty not only prior engaging into water sinking and diving without being familiarized with the context of water diving but also should encounter both the rules governing the feature of L1 morphological construction either applicable or nonapplicable to L2 morphological construction. The paper raises a question: does the rule of L1 morphological construction generalization of (UG) universal grammar serve in the production of L2 construction of inversion in direct reported speech? To answer to this question ,the study consisted of collecting data from two novels George Orwell Animal Farm and La Ferme d'animaux; English-French Translated corpus to understand linguistic phenomena that may still exist between a pair of languages in translation. The present paper has applied qualitative method grounding contrastive analysis in the processing of the data. The finding reveals that similarities and differences can still exist

Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Sep 25, 2019
Critical thinking skills in 21 st Century (CTs) is a global movement and policy making to study t... more Critical thinking skills in 21 st Century (CTs) is a global movement and policy making to study the effective factors that make the educational system efficient. The latter is still built around a debate of methodology and application in Congolese educational framework. In fact, ELT and EAP teachers have been found not to have enough skills in creativity in innovating their lessons when attempting to guide learners in English Language Learning. On the one hand, some teachers, novice and practitioners quit the teaching career since they find it mostly difficult and others resist to participate in the curriculum development. On the other hand, students who have been involved in Academic English Language Classroom learning for 5 Years end up by not sensibly developing their communicative competence. Consequently the teachers tend to accuse the learners of inability to perform in satisfactory way. This attitude is due to teachers' automatic application of traditional methods, such as, grammar translation, audiolingual method, total physical response, counseling learning, communicative methods, and others. A large number of researchers have been writing in this area such as the case of Parham Aarabi (2011) with Art of Lecturing, Ruth Pickford (2004) with primary role of lecturer, Keerthi Gopinath (2014) teaching as a teacher controlled and information centered approach yet not enough attention has been given to critical thinking skills etc, this article has enriched the debate by strongly appealing to ELT and EAP teachers, learners and trainee teachers and teachers and applied linguists to a paradigm shift from inactive to productive learning with Critical thinking as a cognitive approach which enables learning to be more enjoyable, productive and working towards the ultimate academic goals of participative and productive curriculum development. Since DRC educational system is built upon lecturing method whereby the teacher's task is simplified as self-centered and dominating approach, this in turn will not be conducive

In 21<sup>st</sup> Century, Translation has been one of very important field in multi... more In 21<sup>st</sup> Century, Translation has been one of very important field in multicultural communication. Though disparities of thoughts in the point of views of some scholars with different oriented paradigms either translation should be word for word, literal, syntactic, semantic or pragmatic. Chomsky extrapolation theory of direct translation of X transfer to Y, Peter Newmark "sense for sense", Cisero "free translation», <em>L1 in L2</em>, <em>Krashen</em> (1981), Jacobson etc. The scientific debates engaged by the previous cited scholars have never settled the problems of similarities and differences that may still exist between a pair of languages. Thus, translation of SL (source language) into TL (language) should not only limit at word for word, L1 & L2 input-output hypothesis, but also should understand <strong>accuracy, meaning, context, and audience</strong>. While the problem of translation method and appli...

Critical thinking skills in 21<sup>st</sup> Century (CTs) is a global movement and po... more Critical thinking skills in 21<sup>st</sup> Century (CTs) is a global movement and policy making to study the effective factors that make the educational system efficient. The latter is still built around a debate of methodology and application in Congolese educational frame‐ work. In fact, ELT and EAP teachers have been found not to have enough skills in creativity in innovating their lessons when attempting to guide learners in English Language Learning. On the one hand, some teachers, novice and practitioners quit the teaching career since they find it mostly difficult and others resist to participate in the curriculum development. On the other hand, students who have been involved in Academic English Language Classroom learning for 5 Years end up by not sensibly developing their communicative competence. Consequently the teachers tend to accuse the learners of inability to perform in satisfactory way. This attitude is due to teachers' automatic application of tra...

Critical thinking skills in 21 st Century (CTs) is a global movement and policy making to study t... more Critical thinking skills in 21 st Century (CTs) is a global movement and policy making to study the effective factors that make the educational system efficient. The latter is still built around a debate of methodology and application in Congolese educational frame‐ work. In fact, ELT and EAP teachers have been found not to have enough skills in creativity in innovating their lessons when attempting to guide learners in English Language Learning. On the one hand, some teachers, novice and practitioners quit the teaching career since they find it mostly difficult and others resist to participate in the curriculum development. On the other hand, students who have been involved in Academic English Language Classroom learning for 5 Years end up by not sensibly developing their communicative competence. Consequently the teachers tend to accuse the learners of inability to perform in satisfactory way. This attitude is due to teachers’ automatic application of traditional methods, such as,...

Journal on English Language Teaching, 2020
Autonomy in learning has been viewed by many scholars in 21 st as an approach enabling to hold th... more Autonomy in learning has been viewed by many scholars in 21 st as an approach enabling to hold the power or right to regulate, control and govern own learning activities. The idea of autonomy is fundamental to liberal philosophies which see the central goal of self-improvement as the development of independent minds and hence the capacity for independent action. The Latter traces back its origin in ancient Greek philosophy in the idea of self-mastery and determination for both Plato and Aristotle in Nicomachean Ethics (1166a 17-19). However, this approach is still a debatable subject when a critic scholar comes to evaluate its application in ELT. Teachers in DRC still play dominant role; hence, learners’ autonomy toward decision-making and problem -solving is still ignored. The latter spend 11 years in ELT Class learning from secondary school to university but unable to communicate in English. The present paper has raised the question of how to improve English Language Teaching and ...

In 21 st Century, Translation has been one of very important field in multicultural communication... more In 21 st Century, Translation has been one of very important field in multicultural communication. Though disparities of thoughts in the point of views of some scholars with different oriented paradigms either translation should be word for word, literal, syntactic, semantic or pragmatic. Chomsky extrapolation theory of direct translation of X transfer to Y, Peter Newmark “sense for sense”, Cisero “free translation», L1 in L2 , Krashen (1981), Jacobson etc. The scientific debates engaged by the previous cited scholars have never settled the problems of similarities and differences that may still exist between a pair of languages. Thus, translation of SL (source language) into TL (language) should not only limit at word for word, L1 & L2 input-output hypothesis, but also should understand accuracy, meaning, context, and audience . While the problem of translation method and application to meet equivalence is still a dilemma to some teachers and scholars, novice and practitioners when...

Marxism in Literary or Art in our 21 St centuries is built around a debate of methodology and app... more Marxism in Literary or Art in our 21 St centuries is built around a debate of methodology and application when a critic is requested to evaluate a literary text or genre. Though disparities of thoughts in the point of views of some scholars such as: Georg Lukacs, Karl Korsch, Antonio Gramsci, Louis Althusser etc. have been involved in scientific debates whether Marxism as a sociological approach finds a better reliable application in literature. Marxism as a political ideology of Karl Marx was not designed for literary study, literature in terms of form, politics, ideology, and consciousness, numbers of research skills are required for a critic in almost literary components. While the question of methodology and application in literary analysis is still unsettled in the areas of literary studies so, it appears very difficult and ambiguous to some literary students and English teachers in our local universities in Bukavu (DRC) when prior involving in literary evaluation. Furthermore,...
Papers by Robert Kashindi