R K Prabhu
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Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research
Quratulan Ahmed
University of Karachi
Paromita Chakraborty
usha damodharan
Pondicherry Central University
S Veerasingam
Qatar University
Selvin Jacob
M.S.University, Tirunelveli
Aaron Lipton
Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tamilnadu, India
Kamala Satpathy
Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research
Papers by R K Prabhu
were estimated using ICP-MS in nine commercially
important and locally consumed fish species (Sarda
orientalis, Scomberomorus commerson, Rastrelliger
kanagurta, Sardinella longiceps, Paraplagusia bilineata,
Cynoglossus lida, Cynoglossus macrostomus,
Lepturacanthus savala, and Siganus javus) collected
from coastal waters of Kalpakkam, eastern part of
India. Their concentration (μg g−1) in the examined
fish species ranged as follows: Cu (0.8–6.5), Zn (14.3–
27.9), Mn (0.5–8.8), Fe (17.6–117.0), Cr (0.24–1.78),
and Pb (0.18–2.29). Concentrations of most of the
metals in the fish species studied were found to be safe
for human consumption barring Mn.
were estimated using ICP-MS in nine commercially
important and locally consumed fish species (Sarda
orientalis, Scomberomorus commerson, Rastrelliger
kanagurta, Sardinella longiceps, Paraplagusia bilineata,
Cynoglossus lida, Cynoglossus macrostomus,
Lepturacanthus savala, and Siganus javus) collected
from coastal waters of Kalpakkam, eastern part of
India. Their concentration (μg g−1) in the examined
fish species ranged as follows: Cu (0.8–6.5), Zn (14.3–
27.9), Mn (0.5–8.8), Fe (17.6–117.0), Cr (0.24–1.78),
and Pb (0.18–2.29). Concentrations of most of the
metals in the fish species studied were found to be safe
for human consumption barring Mn.