Theory Study of Leadership Style, Workload and Work Productivity
Solid State Technology, Dec 10, 2020

ABSTRAKTujuan – Menghasilkan kajian tentang kinerja publikasi ilmiah dosen melalui penciptaan ikl... more ABSTRAKTujuan – Menghasilkan kajian tentang kinerja publikasi ilmiah dosen melalui penciptaan iklim organisasi yang kondusif, dukungan organisasi dan berbagi pengetahuan.Desain / metode / pendekatan – Gabungan penelitian kualitatif dan kuantitatif, alat uji menggunakan uji rata-rata untuk hipotesis deskriptif dan SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) untuk hipotesis verifikatif. Sedangkan untuk penelitian kualitatif dengan FGD dan wawancara. Orisinalitas / nilai – berdasarkan beberapa kajian penelitian terdahulu, belum pernah ada penelitian tentang kinerja publikasi ilmiah dosen dikaitkan dengan iklim organisasi, dukungan organisasi dan berbagi pengetahuan. Sehingga penelitian ini dapat dijadikan literatur dalam upaya peningkatan kinerja publikasi ilmiah dosen di Indonesia, khususnya di Jawa Barat. Temuan - Peningkatkan Kinerja Publikasi Ilmiah Dosen di Indonesia khususnya di Jawa Barat dapat terwujud, apabila fakultas dan universitas dapat menciptakan iklim organisasi yang kondusif,...
The purpose-to produce a study on the quality of service in Vocational High School Based On Board... more The purpose-to produce a study on the quality of service in Vocational High School Based On Boarding Boarding. Design / methodology / approach-A conceptual framework was developed by analyzing previous studies and synthesize the results related to the quality of services in the service sector. Originality / value-This article contributes to the literature on the concept of quality of care in relation Vocational High School Based On Boarding School, with dimensions Selp-esteem, exeed expectation, empowering, Vision, improve and Care Findings-The paper is that the service quality of service shown by SELP-esteem, exeed expectation, empowering, Vision, improve and Care.

The Effect of Direct Compensation, Promotion, Motivation and Work Discipline on the Performance of the Cover Department Employees in Pt. Seikou Seat Cover
The objective of this research is to identify the influence of Direct Compensation, Promotion, Mo... more The objective of this research is to identify the influence of Direct Compensation, Promotion, Motivation and Work Discipline to cover departmental Employee Performance in PT. Seikou Seat Cover. Data obtained through questionnaires were processed using a tool to help IBM SPSS statistics. The results showed that the respondents regarding the provision of direct compensation granted PT. Seikou Seat Cover is considered good. Respondents' responses regarding employee promotions are considered good. Respondents' responses regarding motivation are considered good, Respondents' responses regarding work discipline are considered good, Respondents' responses regarding performance are considered good. The results of the partial test (t test) show that if the work discipline is higher it will be able to improve employee performance, but for direct compensation, promotion, and motivation do not have a direct effect on employee performance.The simultaneous hypothesis test results...

Work Stress and Motivation in Determining Student Achievement at Widyatama University
Technium Social Sciences Journal, 2021
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of work stress and motivation in determinin... more The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of work stress and motivation in determining student achievement at Widyatama University. The respondents of this study were 130 students who were active in the organization (Student Affairs Organization). This study uses path analysis techniques to answer the research hypothesis, and the research data is obtained through distributing questionnaires to students who are active in organizations. The results of the hypothesis found that simultaneously (Fcount 39,111 > Ftable 3.09) and partially (tcount 3,830 > ttable 1,98; tcount 5,358 > ttable 1,98), it means that the two variables, namely work stress and motivation have a significant effect on student achievement. who are active in organizations. Thus, H1 is accepted and shows that job stress and motivation have a significant effect on the achievement of active student organizations.

The Hierarchy Level of Strategy: A Bankruptcy Prediction of the Company using the Altman Z-Score Method in the Coronavirus Disease Period (An Empirical Study on Manufacturing Companies of Various Industry Sub-Sectors Listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange in
Solid State Technology, 2020
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) weakens many business sectors, including the corporate sector.This... more Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) weakens many business sectors, including the corporate sector.This research uses quantitative method with explanation theory. Thus, researchers are interested in finding outwhether there are differences and influence of financial conditions in the 1st and 2nd Quarter of 2020 onmanufacturing companies of various industry sub-sectors listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange. This researchutilized the Altman Z-Score method. In addition, method of analysis used multicollinearity and binary logisticregression, which data sources were from financial reports in the 1st quarter and the 2nd quarter of 2020 with asample of 36 x 2 = 72 observations; utilizing purposive sampling technique. The results showed that there wasno difference in financial conditions in the 1st quarter and the 2nd quarter. However, there was a significanteffect on the variables studied. Therefore, the Altman Z-Scores method is proven to be able to predict financialbankruptcy of manufacturing co...
Organizational Climate in Improving the Performance of Scientific Lecturer Publications. (Study at Private University in West Java-Indonesia)

Abstrak Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melihat bagaimana tingkat produktivitas perbankan di Indon... more Abstrak Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melihat bagaimana tingkat produktivitas perbankan di Indonesia dengan menggunakan Malmquist Productivity Index (MPI) yang merupakan suatu pendekatan non parametrik dengan menggunakan indeks bilateral. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada 84 bank di Indonesia selama tahun 2005 hingga 2016. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan dua model untuk variabel output yaitu model pertama total pinjaman, investasi sekuritas, dan pendapatan lainnya, sementara itu model kedua menggunakan pinjaman lainnya, investasi sekuritas dan pendapatan lainnya. Untuk variabel input dilihat dengan dengan menggunakan beban administrasi dan umum, aset tetap, total simpanan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa diantara kedua model ouput yang digunakan, model pertama cenderung lebih baik, meskipun hasil pengujian menunjukkan kurang optimalnya tingkat penggunaan teknologi. Hasil pada model pertama juga menunjukan nilai rata-rata produktivitas yang lebih tinggi. Keyword: Perbanka...

Apple juice, extracted from apple of ana cultivar , was pasteurized using a pulsed electric field... more Apple juice, extracted from apple of ana cultivar , was pasteurized using a pulsed electric field (PEF) method. The aimof this research was to analyze the changes on nutritional, physical and chemical properties and total microbes from apple juice after pasteurization. The research was conducted from July until Oktober 2009 located in Malang. The PEF treatment was carried out using treatment time variation for 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60 seconds. Several parameters of vitamin A and C, water content, density, pH, total soluable solid and total microbes were observed. The results showed that PEF treatment did not significantly change nutritional, physical and chemical properties and total microbes after pasteurization with PEF in compared with no treatment pasteurization. The highest degradation was found in treatment time for 60 seconds, i.e. 93.53 %. ABSTRAK Sari buah apel, yang diekstrak dari apel varietas ana, dipasteurisasi dengan metode pulsed electric field (PEF). Tujuanpenelitia...
Tujuan – menghasilkan kajian tentang peningkatan kinerja publikasi ilmiah dosen melalui pengaruh ... more Tujuan – menghasilkan kajian tentang peningkatan kinerja publikasi ilmiah dosen melalui pengaruh berbagi pengetahuan. Desain / metode / pendekatan – Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis kuantitatif dengan metode survey, alat uji menggunakan uji rata-rata untuk hipotesis deskriptif dan SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) untuk hipotesis verivikatif. Orisinalitas / nilai – berdasarkan beberapa kajian penelitian terdahulu, belum pernah ada penelitian tentang kinerja publikasi ilmiah dikaitkan dengan berbagi pengetahuan. Novelty - Peningkatkan Kinerja Publikasi Ilmiah Dosen di Indonesia khususnya di Jawa Barat dapat terwujud apabila berbagi pengetahuan terlaksana secara efektif.
The Effect Of Organizational Learning And Job Satisfaction On Organizational Commitment : Its Implication Toward Lecturers Performance
Proceeding of the 2nd International Conference on Human Capital and Knowledge Management 2015 - R... more Proceeding of the 2nd International Conference on Human Capital and Knowledge Management 2015 - Ratna Komala Putri ; Yayan Firmansyah ; Dwinto Martri Aji Buana

DESIGN OPTIMIZATION OF MICRO HYDRO TURBINE USING ARTIFICIAL PARTICLE SWARM OPTIMIZATION AND ARTIF... more DESIGN OPTIMIZATION OF MICRO HYDRO TURBINE USING ARTIFICIAL PARTICLE SWARM OPTIMIZATION AND ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORK aLie Jasa, bRatna Ika Putri, cArdyono Priyadi, dMauridhi Hery Purnomo a,b,c,d Instrumentation, Measurement, and Power Systems Identification Laboratory Electrical Engineering Department, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia a Electrical Engineering Department, Udayana University, Bali, Indonesia b Electrical Engineering Department, Politeknik Negeri Malang, Malang, Indonesia. Email: [email protected] Abstrak Turbin digunakan mengkonversi energy potensial menjadi energy kinetik. Kapasitas Energy yang dihasilkan dipengaruhi oleh sudu-sudu turbin yang dipasang pada tepi. Sudu turbin dirancang seorang ahli dengan sudut kelengkungan tertentu. Efisiensi dari turbin dipengaruhi oleh besarnya sudut, jumlah dan bentuk sudu. Algoritma PSO dapat digunakan untuk komputasi dan optimasi dari design turbin mikro hidro. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan; Pertama, ...

Effect of Work Environment and Communication of Organization on the Performance of XYZ State Civil Apparatus (A Study in One of the Districts in the City of Bandung)
Human resources in a company or government institution is a very important thing to noteeven huma... more Human resources in a company or government institution is a very important thing to noteeven human resources are considered as the driving wheel of activity for a governmentagency. Efforts to produce quality human resources will require good performance. Toimprove good performance, agencies provide a good work environment and in accordancewith work needs and every employee must be able to communicate well in the organization.The State Civil Apparatus will feel happy and more active with the work environmentprovided by the XYZ Sub-District of Bandung, this has resulted in a good performance in theBandung Sub-District of XYZ, with an increase in percentage in each period and the StateCivil Apparatus of the XYZ Sub-District in communicating within the organization is quitegood. Therefore, this study aims to determine how much influence the work environment andorganizational communication on the performance of the State Civil Apparatus in the Districtof XYZ, Bandung. The research method...

Motor induksi 3 fasa adalah alat penggerak yang paling banyak digunakan dalam dunia industri. Sal... more Motor induksi 3 fasa adalah alat penggerak yang paling banyak digunakan dalam dunia industri. Salah satu aplikasi motor induksi pada industri gula adalah pada mesin sentrifugal yang digunakan pada proses sentrifugasi. Mesin sentrifugal menggunakan motor induksi sebagai penggerak untuk memutar chamber mesin sentrifugal yang berisi massacuite yang akan diolah. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah merancang kontroler neural fuzzy yang digunakan untuk mengendalikan kecepatan motor induksi sehingga dapat mempertahankan kecepatan sesuai setpoint walaupun terjadi perubahan beban. Motor induksi dimodelkan dengan menggunakan transformasi dq dan algoritma kontroler disimulasikan dengan MATLAB. Kontroler neural fuzzy menggunakan 2 layer dengan jumlah neuron yang diubah yaitu 20 dan 50 neuron. Dari hasil simulasi didapatkan, kontroler neural fuzzy 50 neuron memiliki settling time lebih cepat tetapi error steady state lebih besar dan tidak menghasilkan overshoot pada respon kecepatan. Sedangkan pada kon...
Description Calculation of Production Costs and Cost of Goods Sold for the Cattle Ranchers in North Bandung Regency, Indonesia

Saat ini pasteurisasi sari buah apel menggunakan metode termal dengan menggunakan pemanasan antar... more Saat ini pasteurisasi sari buah apel menggunakan metode termal dengan menggunakan pemanasan antara 60C-100C yang dapat menyebabkan kehilangan vitamin,nutrisi esensial perubahan warna, rasa dan bau. Pulse electric field (PEF) merupakan metode pengolahan pangan non termal dengan memberikan kejutan listrik berupa pulsa tegangan tinggi ke bahan makanan melalui elektroda yang ditempatkan pada chamber selama beberapa detik pada suhu kamar. Tujuan makalah ini adalah mendesain pembangkit pulsa tegangan tinggi dengan menggunakan high voltage transformator pada pasteurisasi sari buah apel berbasis pulse electric field (PEF) dengan pengaturan waktu pengolahan serta menganalisis kebutuhan energi spesifik masukan selama proses dan perubahan jumlah mikroba yang terkandung dalam sari buah apel hasil pasteurisasi dengan variasi waktu pengolahan. Berdasarkan hasil simulasi dengan simulasi menggunakan multisim 8 didapatkan bentuk gelombang pembangkit tegangan tinggi berbentuk pulsa dan hasil pen...
Pharmacognosy Journal, 2021
The antioxidant activity found in Musa balbisiana Colla may be related to anti-gout activity, where

Journal of Resources Development and Management, 2019
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of work discipline and work motivation on w... more The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of work discipline and work motivation on work productivity of PT. Denso Indonesia Plan 2 Cibitung Bekasi West Java. This research is a qualitative research. This research was conducted at PT. Denso Indonesia Plan 2 Cibitung Bekasi West Java, with a population of 192 employees. The sample in this study was random sampling (Probability Sampling) with a sample of 130 employees with a tolerance limit of 5%. Data collection techniques using a questionnaire method, where all employees get the same opportunity to answer each question asked. Test the validity and reliability of the data using the product moment correlation formula from Pearson and Cronbach's Alpha. The data analysis technique used to test the hypothesis is multiple linear regression analysis. Based on the results of data analysis can be concluded, (1) there is a positive and significant effect of work discipline on the work productivity of employees of PT. Denso Indonesia Plan 2 Cibitung Bekasi West Java, (2) there is a positive and significant effect of work motivation on work productivity of PT.

Jurnal Ekonomi Kuantitatif Terapan, 2019
Produk Domestik Bruto Regional (PDRB) merupakan salah satu indikator kemajuan suatu wilayah/ daer... more Produk Domestik Bruto Regional (PDRB) merupakan salah satu indikator kemajuan suatu wilayah/ daerah. Pertumbuhan ekonomi merupakan perbandingan PDRB di periode saat ini terhadap periode sebelumnya. Dalam perencanaan daerahnya (RPJMD), pemerintah daerah membutuhkan ramalan pertumbuhan ekonomi dalam kurun waktu 5 tahun ke depan. Dalam hal ini ramalan PDRB dapat diperoleh dengan berbagai metode, salah satu metode yang akan dibahas dalam penelitian ini adalah ramalan PDRB Bali dengan menggunakan metode ARIMA. Data yang digunakan adalah data PDRB Bali Triwulan I tahun 2007 sampai dengan triwulan II tahun 2016. Adapun metode analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis data time series yakni model ARIMA.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa model ARIMA mampu meramalkan PDRB Bali sampai dengan triwulan IV 2018. Adapun model ARIMA terbaik adalah model ARIMA (3,1,0).

Universal Journal of Educational Research, 2019
Scientific publications on reputable international journals are very important outcomes of resear... more Scientific publications on reputable international journals are very important outcomes of research. Universities that have a high number of scientific publications have high competitiveness in a country. The position of Indonesian publications in terms of numbers has outperformed Singapore and Thailand, but the level of citations to Indonesian journals remains low. So that this research must be carried out immediately which aims to produce a study of: the influence of the climate of research and institutional support in increasing the quantity and quality of scientific publications of private universities in Indonesia. The novelty in this study is that the number of scientific publications will increase if the Research Climate at the university is conducive and strong institutional support. The method used in this study uses quantitative research using Structural Equation Modeling analysis tools. The unit of analysis in this study is a private university in Indonesia. The targeted results are an increase in the quantity and quality of Indonesian scientific publications.