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Papers by Raile KAŞGARLI
20th century. The movement of realism gives its place to socialist realism after
1949. Uyghur story telling, which aroused through ironic stories in which dignitaries
with no use for the society were criticized, was enclosed to the political
limits due to the coup towards the enlightened started by the slogan Struggle Against
Local Nationalizm in 1958. No significant work was published in the Culture
Revolution taking place between 1966-1976. The pressure was released to some
extent based on the development policy of China in 1980s. This added stories that
are about historical figures and national values in Uyghur literature.
Memtimin Hoshur brought a breathe of fresh air to the Modern Uyghur Litureture
with his stories such as Deli (Insane), Bıyık Macerası (Moustache Adventure),
Kenarlı Bardak (Glass with Sides), Altın Dişli Köpek (Dog with Golden Tooth),
Domuzlara Bayram (Feast for Pigs). The stories of Hoshur voices the current problems,
the traces of the Chinese occupation on the social life of Uyghurs in a humorous
The story entitled Moustache Adventure has a special place in terms of reflecting
some typical examples of the social problems happening in East Turkestan, which
is isolated from the rest of the World. I used text-based research method in this
study. My purpose is to exhibit the importance of Moustache Adventure and create
awareness about East Turkestan.
was directed by political authority, presented and transformed with modernization
and improvement ideals, yet utilized as a significant means of
cultural assimilation system. In context with the invasion of USSR of the
lands on which Turkic people are living and the policies imposed on there
afterwards, Uyghur Turks who live in East Turkestan as a considerable
population has shared generally the same fate with other Turkish kins in
terms of alphabet policy. On the other hand the alphabet used by Uyghur
Turks in East Turkestan depended on the political and social conditions of
China, the country which they are bound to.
In the 20th century, Uyghurs used Arab, Cyrillic and Latin alphabets.
The politicies adopted by the States governing Uyghur people forced Uyghurs
to use different alphabets and frequently change alphabets for Modern
Uyghur Turkish at the same time. Currently East Turkestan Uyghurs
use Latin alphabet unofficially besides Uyghur-Arab alphabet. Kazakhstan
Uyghurs and Kyrgyzstan Uyghurs both use Uyghur-Arab alphabets
unofficially besides Uyghur-Cyrillic alphabet. And Uyghurs in Turkey
make publications using Uyghur-Arab alphabet.
Our study focuses on the alphabets that have been used by Uyghurs
from the beginning of the 20th century to the present. The purpose of our
study is to reveal the alphabet matter of Uyghurs since the 20th century
and to examine the reasons of change of alphabet. Furthermore the study
draws attention to the matter of alphabet, which is one of the unsolved
problems at present. Qualitative research method has been used in the
study. Secondary sources have been used for the information unavailable
due to the cencorship on the sources in East Turkestan.
20th century. The movement of realism gives its place to socialist realism after
1949. Uyghur story telling, which aroused through ironic stories in which dignitaries
with no use for the society were criticized, was enclosed to the political
limits due to the coup towards the enlightened started by the slogan Struggle Against
Local Nationalizm in 1958. No significant work was published in the Culture
Revolution taking place between 1966-1976. The pressure was released to some
extent based on the development policy of China in 1980s. This added stories that
are about historical figures and national values in Uyghur literature.
Memtimin Hoshur brought a breathe of fresh air to the Modern Uyghur Litureture
with his stories such as Deli (Insane), Bıyık Macerası (Moustache Adventure),
Kenarlı Bardak (Glass with Sides), Altın Dişli Köpek (Dog with Golden Tooth),
Domuzlara Bayram (Feast for Pigs). The stories of Hoshur voices the current problems,
the traces of the Chinese occupation on the social life of Uyghurs in a humorous
The story entitled Moustache Adventure has a special place in terms of reflecting
some typical examples of the social problems happening in East Turkestan, which
is isolated from the rest of the World. I used text-based research method in this
study. My purpose is to exhibit the importance of Moustache Adventure and create
awareness about East Turkestan.
was directed by political authority, presented and transformed with modernization
and improvement ideals, yet utilized as a significant means of
cultural assimilation system. In context with the invasion of USSR of the
lands on which Turkic people are living and the policies imposed on there
afterwards, Uyghur Turks who live in East Turkestan as a considerable
population has shared generally the same fate with other Turkish kins in
terms of alphabet policy. On the other hand the alphabet used by Uyghur
Turks in East Turkestan depended on the political and social conditions of
China, the country which they are bound to.
In the 20th century, Uyghurs used Arab, Cyrillic and Latin alphabets.
The politicies adopted by the States governing Uyghur people forced Uyghurs
to use different alphabets and frequently change alphabets for Modern
Uyghur Turkish at the same time. Currently East Turkestan Uyghurs
use Latin alphabet unofficially besides Uyghur-Arab alphabet. Kazakhstan
Uyghurs and Kyrgyzstan Uyghurs both use Uyghur-Arab alphabets
unofficially besides Uyghur-Cyrillic alphabet. And Uyghurs in Turkey
make publications using Uyghur-Arab alphabet.
Our study focuses on the alphabets that have been used by Uyghurs
from the beginning of the 20th century to the present. The purpose of our
study is to reveal the alphabet matter of Uyghurs since the 20th century
and to examine the reasons of change of alphabet. Furthermore the study
draws attention to the matter of alphabet, which is one of the unsolved
problems at present. Qualitative research method has been used in the
study. Secondary sources have been used for the information unavailable
due to the cencorship on the sources in East Turkestan.
boshqa sohalarda aloqalarning kengaytirilishida o‘zaro til ta’limining ahamiyati
tobora kun sayin ortib bormoqda. Ikki mamlakat xalqlarining munosabatlari
xabarlashuvdan tashqari o‘zaro milliy ongning rivoji, turkiy tillarni asrash va
taraqqiy ettirish, ijtimoiy, madaniy, ilmiy sohalarda ma’lumotlar almashinuvini
ta’minlash, qardoshlik aloqalarini mustahkamlash, turli kuchlar ta’siri ostida
qolgan bugungi dunyoda kuchlarni birlashtirib, o‘zligini saqlab qolish kabi muhim
maqsadlarga xizmat qiladi. Afsuski, Turkiyada o‘zbek tili ta’limi sohasi, 25 yildan
ko‘p tarixga ega bo‘lishiga qaramasdan, bu sohada ko‘zlangan yutuqlarga
erishilmagan. Buning esa talaba, ilmiy xodimlar, ta’lim tizimi va ta’lim sharoitlari
bilan bog‘liq turli sabablari mavjud.
Turkiyada o‘zbek tilining mukammal o‘rgatilishi va keng yoyilishi uchun
biz taklif qilgan yo‘nalishlarda va biz ayta olmagan boshqa yo‘nalishlarda
samarali va foydali ishlarning amalga oshirilishi – biz uchun eng katta baxt.