Lift is a simple mechanical device used to raise element or object from ground level to a certain... more Lift is a simple mechanical device used to raise element or object from ground level to a certain height to perform a specific work with maximum load and minimum efforts. This project describes the design as well as analysis of a mechanical scissor lift which works on the principle of screw jack. The design will be developed keeping in mind that the lift can be operated by mechanical means so that the overall cost of the scissor lift is reduced. Also such design can make the lift more compact and much suitable for medium scale work. Conventionally a scissor lift or jack is used for lifting a vehicle to change a tire, to gain access to go to the underside of the vehicle, to lift the body to appreciable height, and many other applications. But in this case along with lifting a vehicle we are also going to make an effort to move the vehicle to a short distance by incorporating roller mechanism. Finally, the analysis will be carried out in order to check the compatibility of the design ...

International Journal For Science Technology And Engineering, 2017
This research paper provides the study of various quality control methods and also their comparis... more This research paper provides the study of various quality control methods and also their comparison with their advantages as well as applications. This study has helped us in our project which is based on gauge designing and as has also helped us understand the need of quality control. The company that has sponsor our project is a TQM (Total Quality Management) adapted company and demands an increased quality controlled product. Also the global industry depends on quality and metrology to establish confidence between customer and supplier. Global trade is open to all and in order to take part effectively in today’s global economy QSTM (Quality, Standardization, Testing and Metrology) activities are essential to improve productivity and social as well as economic development .The National measurement system provides a coherent formal system which ensures that measurement can be made on consistent basis throughout the country. The quality council of India has been established in India...
International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, 2016
Solar technology has great potential in terms of supplying the world’s energy demands. The effect... more Solar technology has great potential in terms of supplying the world’s energy demands. The effective way of using sunlight with solar energy concentration technology and solar tracking system is discussed in this paper. The present status of application and the ongoing research and development work suggest that parabolic dish solar concentrators coupled with solar trackers will bring a breakthrough of commercial solar energy concentration application technology in the coming years. The paper is focused on increasing the efficiency of parabolic dish concentrator using solar tracker. This paper will provide an up-to-date review of solar parabolic dish concentrators and their benefits to make solar technology affordable.

Cylindrical grinding is very important process to improve quality of the component and to get pre... more Cylindrical grinding is very important process to improve quality of the component and to get precision dimensions with smooth surface finish. In the manufacturing sector, producing smooth surface finish plays an important role. To fulfill this smooth finish, surface grinding process is mostly used in which the parameters to be considered are surface quality and metal removal rate. Several factors which include depth of cut, wheel grade, wheel speed, material properties and table speed affects the machining process economics. This paper mainly focuses on developing the empirical models using response surface methodology for surface roughness and metal removal rate by considering control factors as wheel speed, table speed and depth of cut. The main objective of using Response surface methodology (RSM) on surface grinding operation of EN19 steel is to find optimum machining parameters which leads to minimize surface roughness and maximum metal removal rate. For conducting the experim...
This paper theologies with the Taguchi technique for the optimization of lathe parameters on a cy... more This paper theologies with the Taguchi technique for the optimization of lathe parameters on a cylindrical round workpiece of EN19 steel. In industry main objective is to have a good quality surface or to get a maximum material removal rate. The three significant parameters of lathe which are used are speed, feed and depth of cut. The number of experiments has been carried out using Taguchi’s orthogonal array in the design of experiments (DOE).Analysis of Variance is used to identify the effects of parameters on the workpiece. Roughness values are measured using a surface roughness meter. From experimental results the mathematical models were generated for the parameters. KeywordsLathe, Annova, Mathematical Modeling, MRR, Taguchi Method, Optimization

International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Communication and Technology
The continuous increase in demand of efficient energy storage for automobile sector and with cont... more The continuous increase in demand of efficient energy storage for automobile sector and with controlling mechanism to rise in environmental issues leads to adoption of hybrid energy storage system. This hybridization can be battery and internal combustion engine or battery with supercapacitor to meet the energy and power requirement demands. Electric mobility deals with use of electric energy in automobile sector but problem lies in using pure electric battery-based vehicle are less power density at higher torque requirement as well thermal runaway for longer run. Many renewable energy sources like wind, wave and solar energy which can be used to generate electricity for charging electric vehicle batteries. Some conventional batteries like lead acid have drawbacks of increased in weight and size optimization for efficient energy storage system. Also, by using hybridization of internal combustion engine with battery, still dependency on petroleum fuel and its environmental effects wi...

The principle of this project is to recovering waste heat from automobile vehicle and utilizes it... more The principle of this project is to recovering waste heat from automobile vehicle and utilizes it for refrigeration affection. The waste heat from engine is recovered by using a copper tube wound around exhaust pipe of engine which contains water, which absorbs heat from flue gasses and supplies it to ammonia container through tubes. The ammonia container contains liquefied ammonia under pressure. The tubes containing hot water supplies heat to liquefied ammonia which evaporates and evaporated ammonia is supplied to chiller box. And hence refrigeration is created by vaporized ammonia in chiller box. Waste heat is heat, which is generated in a process by way of fuel combustion or chemical reaction, and then “dumped” into the environment even though it could still be reused for some useful and economic purpose. The essential quality of heat is not the amount but rather its “value”. The strategy of how to recover this heat depends in part on the temperature of the waste heat gases and ...
Many industrial applications, specifically piping industrials faces performance evaluation issues... more Many industrial applications, specifically piping industrials faces performance evaluation issues of working condition. This Project work basically focused on integration of robotics and magnetic applications with permanent magnetic tracks to facilitate cleaning inspection issues of pressure vessels. This work includes an experimental evaluation of robot assembly system with wall climbing robot and permanent magnetic adhesion mechanism for inspecting pipes and duct system. Conceptual design of proposed system considering all working parameters is done by suitable CAD modeler (CATIA). Hardware includes many sensors and Arduino controller to facilitate smooth automation. Arduino programming is studied in this work for experimental evaluation of robotics system.

The principle of this project is to recovering waste heat from automobile vehicle and utilizes it... more The principle of this project is to recovering waste heat from automobile vehicle and utilizes it for refrigeration affection. The waste heat from engine is recovered by using a copper tube wound around exhaust pipe of engine which contains water, which absorbs heat from flue gasses and supplies it to ammonia container through tubes. The ammonia container contains liquefied ammonia under pressure. The tubes containing hot water supplies heat to liquefied ammonia which evaporates and evaporated ammonia is supplied to chiller box. And hence refrigeration is created by vaporized ammonia in chiller box. Waste heat is heat, which is generated in a process by way of fuel combustion or chemical reaction, and then " dumped " into the environment even though it could still be reused for some useful and economic purpose. The essential quality of heat is not the amount but rather its " value ". The strategy of how to recover this heat depends in part on the temperature of the waste heat gases and the economics involved. Large quantity of hot flue gases is generated from Boilers, Kilns, Ovens and Furnaces. If some of this waste heat could be recovered, a considerable amount of primary fuel could be saved. The energy lost in waste gases cannot be fully recovered. However, much of the heat could be recovered and loss minimized by adopting following measures as outlined in this chapter. A waste heat recovery is an energy recovery system which recovers heat from hot streams containing high potential energy, such as hot flue gases from a diesel generator or steam from cooling towers or even waste water from different cooling processes such as in steel cooling or automobiles.

Lift is a simple mechanical device used to raise element or object from ground level to a certain... more Lift is a simple mechanical device used to raise element or object from ground level to a certain height to perform a specific work with maximum load and minimum efforts. This project describes the design as well as analysis of a mechanical scissor lift which works on the principle of screw jack. The design will be developed keeping in mind that the lift can be operated by mechanical means so that the overall cost of the scissor lift is reduced. Also such design can make the lift more compact and much suitable for medium scale work. Conventionally a scissor lift or jack is used for lifting a vehicle to change a tire, to gain access to go to the underside of the vehicle, to lift the body to appreciable height, and many other applications. But in this case along with lifting a vehicle we are also going to make an effort to move the vehicle to a short distance by incorporating roller mechanism. Finally, the analysis will be carried out in order to check the compatibility of the design values.
This paper theologies with the Taguchi technique for the optimization of lathe parameters on a cy... more This paper theologies with the Taguchi technique for the optimization of lathe parameters on a cylindrical round workpiece of EN19 steel. In industry main objective is to have a good quality surface or to get a maximum material removal rate. The three significant parameters of lathe which are used are speed, feed and depth of cut. The number of experiments has been carried out using Taguchi's orthogonal array in the design of experiments (DOE).Analysis of Variance is used to identify the effects of parameters on the workpiece. Roughness values are measured using a surface roughness meter. From experimental results the mathematical models were generated for the parameters.

This research paper provides the study of various quality control methods and also their comparis... more This research paper provides the study of various quality control methods and also their comparison with their advantages as well as applications. This study has helped us in our project which is based on gauge designing and as has also helped us understand the need of quality control. The company that has sponsor our project is a TQM (Total Quality Management) adapted company and demands an increased quality controlled product. Also the global industry depends on quality and metrology to establish confidence between customer and supplier. Global trade is open to all and in order to take part effectively in today's global economy QSTM (Quality, Standardization, Testing and Metrology) activities are essential to improve productivity and social as well as economic development .The National measurement system provides a coherent formal system which ensures that measurement can be made on consistent basis throughout the country. The quality council of India has been established in India to implement accreditation system in line with international practice to oversee and regulate conformity assessment process. In any measurement there is always a degree of uncertainty resulting from measurement error.

Cylindrical grinding is very important process to improve quality of the component and to get pre... more Cylindrical grinding is very important process to improve quality of the component and to get precision dimensions with smooth surface finish. In the manufacturing sector, producing smooth surface finish plays an important role. To fulfill this smooth finish, surface grinding process is mostly used in which the parameters to be considered are surface quality and metal removal rate. Several factors which include depth of cut, wheel grade, wheel speed, material properties and table speed affects the machining process economics. This paper mainly focuses on developing the empirical models using response surface methodology for surface roughness and metal removal rate by considering control factors as wheel speed, table speed and depth of cut. The main objective of using Response surface methodology (RSM) on surface grinding operation of EN19 steel is to find optimum machining parameters which leads to minimize surface roughness and maximum metal removal rate. For conducting the experiment EN19 material was chosen due to various applications in automobile and mechanical components. While experimenting on cylindrical grinding machine having silicon carbide wheel L9 Orthogonal array with input variables for analysis and for optimization Taguchi method was implemented. The optimization model developed could be beneficial to many different manufacturers to get right combination of matching parameters to achieve minimum surface roughness.

Solar technology has great potential in terms of supplying the world's energy demands. The effect... more Solar technology has great potential in terms of supplying the world's energy demands. The effective way of using sunlight with solar energy concentration technology and solar tracking system is discussed in this paper. The present status of application and the ongoing research and development work suggest that parabolic dish solar concentrators coupled with solar trackers will bring a breakthrough of commercial solar energy concentration application technology in the coming years. The paper is focused on increasing the efficiency of parabolic dish concentrator using solar tracker. This paper will provide an up-to-date review of solar parabolic dish concentrators and their benefits to make solar technology affordable.. I. INTRODUCTION Solar energy is a dilute form of energy, but the amount of solar energy that is incident on earth's surface is capable of solving our energy demands. It is thus required to utilize maximum energy incident on earth. Parabolic trough is a device which concentrates sun's rays at its focal point, it is possible for it to concentrate the rays towards its focal point due to the geometric properties, but it can only happen when the sun's rays are perpendicular to the surface of the concentrator. As the earth rotates the position of sun changes according to the time and this changes the focal point position. To overcome this problem it is necessary to track the path of the sun which will continuously keep the concentrator perpendicular to sun's rays. The sunlight incidence angle constantly varies, not only during the daytime, but it also changes drastically during the different seasons of the year. Moving the concentrator in order to track the sun can significantly improve the energy output. Tracking sun will help keeping the focal point at the same position due to which the temperature obtained will me maximum and the efficiency of the unit will increase. Also it has to be taken into consideration that the amount of energy the tracker will utilize to track the sun should be minimum, otherwise it will be of no use if the tracker utilizes more energy than the increased energy in concentrator. Another point which has an impact is the cost consideration, already the solar equipment are costlier compared to devices working on conventional sources. Hence the tracker system which is an additional unit should not cost much. In this paper we have focused on developing a solar tracker which will have less initial cost also it will have very less running cost compared to the trackers that are available. In this paper we have designed solar tracker for parabolic dish which can be used for process heating, thus with the use of this solar tracker we can have a fully automated unit which will require no human operator to change the concentrator position according to the position of the sun.