Papers by Rüdiger Hachtmann
Copyright der digitalen Neuausgabe (c) 2017 Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung Potsdam e.V. (Z... more Copyright der digitalen Neuausgabe (c) 2017 Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung Potsdam e.V. (ZZF) und Autor, alle Rechte vorbehalten. Dieses Werk wurde vom Autor für den Download vom Dokumentenserver des ZZF freigegeben und darf nur vervielfältigt und erneut veröffentlicht werden, wenn die Einwilligung der o.g. Rechteinhaber vorliegt. Bitte kontaktieren Sie:
Copyright der digitalen Neuausgabe (c) 2017 Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung Potsdam e.V. (Z... more Copyright der digitalen Neuausgabe (c) 2017 Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung Potsdam e.V. (ZZF) und Autor, alle Rechte vorbehalten. Dieses Werk wurde vom Autor für den Download vom Dokumentenserver des ZZF freigegeben und darf nur vervielfältigt und erneut veröffentlicht werden, wenn die Einwilligung der o.g. Rechteinhaber vorliegt. Bitte kontaktieren Sie:
J.H.W. Dietz Nachfolger eBooks, 1997
Archiv Fur Sozialgeschichte, 1987
The American Historical Review, Apr 1, 1992
In der neueren Forschung zur Geschichte des "Dritten Reichs" hat sich inzwischen die An... more In der neueren Forschung zur Geschichte des "Dritten Reichs" hat sich inzwischen die Ansicht durchgesetzt, das die Industriearbeiterschaft zwar uberwiegend in Distanz zum NS-Regime blieb, jedoch keineswegs rebellisch, sondern eher resigniert bis apathisch auf die tiefgreifenden Veranderungen nach 1933 reagierte. Die Frage, warum dies so war, ist bisher nicht schlussig beantwortet worden.(...)

Routledge eBooks, Jul 6, 2022
Not only was the German Labour Front the largest mass-organization in terms of members during the... more Not only was the German Labour Front the largest mass-organization in terms of members during the Third Reich. The Labour Front also owned a large number of companies. Employing about 200.000 people and achieving turnovers worth some two billion Reichsmark per year, this consortium was one of the most powerful in Germany. It consisted of banks, Insurances, building and housing companies, Publishing houses, bookselling chains, automotive manufacturers, shipbuilding companies as well as many other businesses. This essay discusses the rapid development of the different groups. It tries to answer the following questions: Why did the Labour front not just concentrate on its political tasks but as well became active in business. What was the impact on the national economy on the whole? How did the private sector as well as political rivals react on the Labour fronts' economic expansion? Was there any further connection between the different companies owned by the organization? What political tasks did the Labour Front assign to its groups? The German Labour Front (Deutsche Arbeitsfront, DAF) with its 25 million members (1942) was by far the largest mass organization in Nazi Germany. With almost 50,000 full-time functionaries at the start of the war-nearly twice as many as the Nazi Party itself had-it long played an important role on the political stage of the Third Reich. It is well known that the Labour Front was a very influential organizational behemoth during certain periods of its existence. Little known, by contrast, is the fact that the DAF owned a loosely organized group of companies that eventually assumed gigantic proportions, counting about 200,000 workers and salaried employees at the height of the war-about 50,000 more employees than Siemens, one of the world's most important electronics companies. Its sales figures were similar in scope: during the first half of the war, the Labour Front's economic empire turned over almost as much as the world's then largest chemical company I.G. Farben. Thus, the business network of the Labour Front was one of the largest economic conglomerates in the Third Reich alongside IG Farben, Siemens, and the steel mills of Reichswerke Hermann Göring and the Vereinigte Stahlwerke. The Labour Front is interesting for its sheer size alone. A closer look at the history of the DAF economic empire is highly insightful, as it provides answers to some key questions that
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Wallstein Verlag eBooks, 2023
Wallstein Verlag eBooks, 2023
Wallstein Verlag eBooks, 2023
Papers by Rüdiger Hachtmann