Papers by Qurratulaen Liaqat
The International Journal of Literary Humanities

English Studies at NBU
Migration has emerged as one of the most pertinent issues in the contemporary milieu. Currently, ... more Migration has emerged as one of the most pertinent issues in the contemporary milieu. Currently, more than ever, people from many countries are being forced to migrate because of religious, social, cultural, national, racial and economic issues. This increasing trend of shifting from one place to another is causing an epistemological shift in the current milieu of human history. Exit West (2017) by Hamid is one of those novels that develops a discursive discourse of the ongoing migrant crisis, and highlights the ugly realities related to the phenomenon of relocation. It chronicles the story of two lovers, Nadia and Saeed, who migrate from their conflict-ridden country to save their lives. This paper configures the poetics of migration trauma in the contemporary literature by analyzing the symbols, metaphors and narrative technique used in Hamid's text with the aim of tracing a discursive aesthetic trajectory of the migration trauma discourse.

NUML journal of critical inquiry
Anglophone literary works usually refer implicitly or explicitly to the culture, language and lit... more Anglophone literary works usually refer implicitly or explicitly to the culture, language and literature of authors’ native lands. Nadeem Aslam is one such author who makes explicit use of native language and literature in his fiction. Most of his works refer to classical Urdu poetry, phrases and extended adjectives to embellish as well as celebrate the rich legacy of the classical Urdu poetry tradition. Thus, intertextuality is a predominant feature of Aslam’s latest novel, The Golden Legend (2017). It is is not only an intertextual narrative but also an intercultural and inter-linguistic text because it incorporates popular classical Urdu poetry’s diction, metaphors and symbols. Aslam employs old poetic expressions and connects them to specific contexts of the characters in his novels. For instance, Urdu expressions like zamana and chaaragar are of special importance in the narrative structure of the novel. Moreover, the spatial structures of ‘garden’ and ‘Cordoba Mosque’ connect ...

11 Eylul saldirisinin ardindan Afganistan’in ve Irak’in isgali, Ingiliz ve Amerikan oyun yazarlar... more 11 Eylul saldirisinin ardindan Afganistan’in ve Irak’in isgali, Ingiliz ve Amerikan oyun yazarlarina savasin ve catismalarin anlamsizligini protesto eden politik oyunlar yazmaya konusunda ilham vermistir. Rajiv Joseph tarafindan yazilmis olan Bagdat Hayvanat Bahcesindeki Bengal Kaplani (2009) adli eser, isgal altindaki bir ulkenin ve vatandaslarinin durumunu anlatan oyunlardan biridir. Oyun, Irakli tercuman Musa karakterinin etrafinda doner. Savas baglaminda cevirmen cok onemli bir role sahiptir cunku dilsel beceriler somut bir guc kazanir. Isgalcilerin elinde bulunan cevirmenlerin gucsuz durumlari ve onlarin istismari uzerine yapilan bircok calisma bulunmaktadir. Bu calismada ise Musa karakterinin cevirmen ve birey olarak guclenmesinin hermenotik bir analizi yapilmaktadir. Bu calisma, iki bakimdan onem tasimaktadir; ilki, cevirinin gerektirdigi potansiyel guce iliskin tartismalara onculuk etmesi; digeri ise bu gucu kendileri, ulkeleri ve buyuk olcekte genel olarak daha iyi bir duny...

Ecozon@: European Journal of Literature, Culture and Environment, Oct 24, 2018
Every war has grave repercussions for both the human and non-human elements in the geographical l... more Every war has grave repercussions for both the human and non-human elements in the geographical location where it erupts. Dramatic productions like Rajiv Joseph's Bengal Tiger at the Baghdad Zoo (2009) highlight the consequences of war on the ecosystem of the conflict-stricken vicinity of Baghdad city. In the play, the chaotic world portrayed is an ecocentric site where the ghost of a tiger talks and the destruction of the garden, of Baghdad city and of human values are lamented. To illustrate the hazards of human conflict, Joseph incorporates ancient myths with the tragedy of the Iraq war to raise issues related to Eco-theology, Zoo-criticism, Speciesism, Green Criticism, Eco-Feminism and Environmental Racism against the backdrop of the Iraq War. The author integrates Grail legends, Greek mythology and monotheistic religious texts in the play's structure to draw attention to the impending environmental doom. For example, the garden in the play reminds us of Biblical gardens, the assault of a virgin brings to mind Ovid's story of Philomela's rape, and the quest for a golden toilet seat in the desert is a clear indication of the Grail motif in the play's narrative. All these instances insinuate the embedded mythical patterns and the current era's indifference to the safety of our fellow species. Moreover, the play does not only hint at war crimes, but also refers to the overall structure of the world as an outcome of human negligence and insensitivity towards the environment. In short, the play is a myth-ecological narrative of the dilapidated ecology of the contemporary world.

Posthumanism" denotes an increasing focus on women, the environment, machines, and animal-centere... more Posthumanism" denotes an increasing focus on women, the environment, machines, and animal-centered discourses instead of male-dominated narratives. The posthuman feminist field of research is one of the many emergent thematic discourses of existent posthumanisms. Posthuman feminist notions have almost always been the subject of discussion in Western academia. However, we intend to analyze the posthuman feminist discourse of a Pakistani technically mediated female subjectivity, an animated female superheroine-Burka Avenger-in order to initiate discussion on non-Western posthuman feminism. By analyzing the historical genealogy of Pakistani feminist activism, we establish that Burka Avenger contributes to two major discourses of Pakistani feminist struggle, the right to education and veiling debates. Through our analysis of the animated female subjectivity presented in this series, we contend that the protagonist is a Pakistani posthuman feminist figure because she challenges the established mental habits of Pakistani feminist struggle and prefigures an onto-epistemological shift.

Journal of Posthuman Studies
“Posthumanism” denotes an increasing focus on women, the environment, machines, and animal-center... more “Posthumanism” denotes an increasing focus on women, the environment, machines, and animal-centered discourses instead of male-dominated narratives. The posthuman feminist field of research is one of the many emergent thematic discourses of existent posthumanisms. Posthuman feminist notions have almost always been the subject of discussion in Western academia. However, we intend to analyze the posthuman feminist discourse of a Pakistani technically mediated female subjectivity, an animated female superheroine—Burka Avenger—in order to initiate discussion on non-Western posthuman feminism. By analyzing the historical genealogy of Pakistani feminist activism, we establish that Burka Avenger contributes to two major discourses of Pakistani feminist struggle, the right to education and veiling debates. Through our analysis of the animated female subjectivity presented in this series, we contend that the protagonist is a Pakistani posthuman feminist figure because she challenges the esta...

Ecozon@: European Journal of Literature, Culture and Environment, Oct 24, 2018
Every war has grave repercussions for both the human and non-human elements in the geographical l... more Every war has grave repercussions for both the human and non-human elements in the geographical location where it erupts. Dramatic productions like Rajiv Joseph's Bengal Tiger at the Baghdad Zoo (2009) highlight the consequences of war on the ecosystem of the conflict-stricken vicinity of Baghdad city. In the play, the chaotic world portrayed is an ecocentric site where the ghost of a tiger talks and the destruction of the garden, of Baghdad city and of human values are lamented. To illustrate the hazards of human conflict, Joseph incorporates ancient myths with the tragedy of the Iraq war to raise issues related to Eco-theology, Zoo-criticism, Speciesism, Green Criticism, Eco-Feminism and Environmental Racism against the backdrop of the Iraq War. The author integrates Grail legends, Greek mythology and monotheistic religious texts in the play's structure to draw attention to the impending environmental doom. For example, the garden in the play reminds us of Biblical gardens, the assault of a virgin brings to mind Ovid's story of Philomela's rape, and the quest for a golden toilet seat in the desert is a clear indication of the Grail motif in the play's narrative. All these instances insinuate the embedded mythical patterns and the current era's indifference to the safety of our fellow species. Moreover, the play does not only hint at war crimes, but also refers to the overall structure of the world as an outcome of human negligence and insensitivity towards the environment. In short, the play is a myth-ecological narrative of the dilapidated ecology of the contemporary world.

Ecozon@: European Journal of Literature, Culture and Environment, 2018
Every war has grave repercussions for both the human and non-human elements in the geograph... more Every war has grave repercussions for both the human and non-human elements in the geographical location where it erupts. Dramatic productions like Rajiv Joseph’s Bengal Tiger at the Baghdad Zoo (2009) highlight the consequences of war on the ecosystem of the conflict-stricken vicinity of Baghdad city. In the play, the chaotic world portrayed is an ecocentric site where the ghost of a tiger talks and the destruction of the garden, of Baghdad city and of human values are lamented. To illustrate the hazards of human conflict, Joseph incorporates ancient myths with the tragedy of the Iraq war to raise issues related to Eco-theology, Zoo-criticism, Speciesism, Green Criticism, Eco-Feminism and Environmental Racism against the backdrop of the Iraq War. The author integrates Grail legends, Greek mythology and monotheistic religious texts in the play’s structure to draw attention to the impending environmental doom. For example, the garden in the play reminds us of Biblical gardens, ...

11 Eylul saldirisinin ardindan Afganistan’in ve Irak’in isgali, Ingiliz ve Amerikan oyun yazarlar... more 11 Eylul saldirisinin ardindan Afganistan’in ve Irak’in isgali, Ingiliz ve Amerikan oyun yazarlarina savasin ve catismalarin anlamsizligini protesto eden politik oyunlar yazmaya konusunda ilham vermistir. Rajiv Joseph tarafindan yazilmis olan Bagdat Hayvanat Bahcesindeki Bengal Kaplani (2009) adli eser, isgal altindaki bir ulkenin ve vatandaslarinin durumunu anlatan oyunlardan biridir. Oyun, Irakli tercuman Musa karakterinin etrafinda doner. Savas baglaminda cevirmen cok onemli bir role sahiptir cunku dilsel beceriler somut bir guc kazanir. Isgalcilerin elinde bulunan cevirmenlerin gucsuz durumlari ve onlarin istismari uzerine yapilan bircok calisma bulunmaktadir. Bu calismada ise Musa karakterinin cevirmen ve birey olarak guclenmesinin hermenotik bir analizi yapilmaktadir. Bu calisma, iki bakimdan onem tasimaktadir; ilki, cevirinin gerektirdigi potansiyel guce iliskin tartismalara onculuk etmesi; digeri ise bu gucu kendileri, ulkeleri ve buyuk olcekte genel olarak daha iyi bir duny...

NUML journal of critical inquiry
Anglophone literary works usually refer implicitly or explicitly to the culture, language and lit... more Anglophone literary works usually refer implicitly or explicitly to the culture, language and literature of authors’ native lands. Nadeem Aslam is one such author who makes explicit use of native language and literature in his fiction. Most of his works refer to classical Urdu poetry, phrases and extended adjectives to embellish as well as celebrate the rich legacy of the classical Urdu poetry tradition. Thus, intertextuality is a predominant feature of Aslam’s latest novel, The Golden Legend (2017). It is is not only an intertextual narrative but also an intercultural and inter-linguistic text because it incorporates popular classical Urdu poetry’s diction, metaphors and symbols. Aslam employs old poetic expressions and connects them to specific contexts of the characters in his novels. For instance, Urdu expressions like zamana and chaaragar are of special importance in the narrative structure of the novel. Moreover, the spatial structures of ‘garden’ and ‘Cordoba Mosque’ connect ...
Papers by Qurratulaen Liaqat