Papers by Quinten Raaijmakers

Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines, Oct 1, 2009
Background: This study investigates whether anxiety and depressive disorder symptoms of adolescen... more Background: This study investigates whether anxiety and depressive disorder symptoms of adolescents from the general community are best described by a model that assumes they are indicative of one general factor or by a model that assumes they are two distinct disorders with parallel growth processes. Additional analyses were conducted to explore the comorbidity of adolescent anxiety and depressive disorder symptoms and the effects that adolescent anxiety and depressive disorder symptoms have on each other's symptom severity growth. Methods: Two cohorts of early (N = 923; Age range 10-15 years; Mean age = 12.4, SD = .59; Girls = 49%) and middle adolescent (N = 390; Age range 16-20 years; Mean age = 16.7, SD = .80; Girls = 57%) boys and girls from the general community were prospectively studied annually for five years. These two adolescent cohorts were divided into five groups: one group at-risk for developing a specific anxiety disorder and four additional groups of healthy adolescents that differed in age and sex. Self-reported anxiety and depressive disorder symptoms were analyzed with latent growth modeling. Results: Comparison of the fit statistics of the two models clearly demonstrates the superiority of the distinct disorders with parallel growth processes model above the one factor model. It was also demonstrated that the initial symptom severity of either anxiety or depression is predictive of the development of the other, though in different ways for the at-risk and healthy adolescent groups. Conclusions: The results of this study established that the development of anxiety and depressive disorder symptoms of adolescents from the general community occurs as two distinct disorders with parallel growth processes, each with their own unique growth characteristics.

Nederlands Tijdschrift Voor De Psychologie En Haar Grensgebieden, 2005
In dit onderzoek bestudeerden we de veranderingen van de persoonlijkheidstypen van Block en Block... more In dit onderzoek bestudeerden we de veranderingen van de persoonlijkheidstypen van Block en Block in de adolescentie. Daarnaast onderzochten we het verband tussen verandering in persoonlijkheidstypen en verandering in angst. De steekproef bestond uit 827 adolescenten die vragenlijsten over persoonlijkheid en angst op twee meetmomenten van het CONAMORE-project invulden. We vonden dat 56,9 procent van de adolescenten hetzelfde persoonlijkheidstype behield, terwijl het persoonlijkheidstype bij 43,1 procent veranderde. De verandering van ondercontrollers naar overcontrollers kwam na de niet-veranderende persoonlijkheidsgroepen het meest voor. Tevens vonden we dat de stabiliteit van persoonlijkheid gerelateerd was aan de stabiliteit van het angstniveau en dat de verandering in persoonlijkheid gerelateerd was aan verandering in angstniveau. De adolescenten die veranderden van veerkrachtige naar overcontroller lieten een toename op angst zien, terwijl de adolescenten die veranderden van overcontroller naar veerkrachtige een afname vertoonden.
Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 2004
Journal of Research in Personality
In the current study, five annual wave longitudinal data were employed to examine the association... more In the current study, five annual wave longitudinal data were employed to examine the associations between Big Five personality traits and problem behavior (i.e., depression and aggression) in early to middle and middle to late adolescent boys and girls. Using cross-lagged panel models, we simultaneously tested two competing hypothesis: (1) a vulnerability hypothesis stating that Big Five personality traits would affect problem behavior, and (2) a scar hypothesis asserting that problem behavior would affect Big Five personality traits. Results supported both hypotheses, as the effects between personality and problem behavior were bidirectional. These findings have important theoretical and clinical implications, as they suggest a transactional process.
Panic disorder is one of the most severe anxiety disorders. Panic disorder usually develops durin... more Panic disorder is one of the most severe anxiety disorders. Panic disorder usually develops during adolescence or young adulthood, but sometimes this disorder will develop before puberty. In community samples of adolescents, panic disorder occurs in about 1% of youth. Among children and adolescents who are referred to mental health clinics, the prevalence rate may be as high as 10-15%. Panic disorder is more common among females, especially after 14 years of age. Youngsters with panic disorder often avoid participating in social activities with peers or family, or do not attend school because they fear having a panic attack during these activities. Youngsters who experience panic disorder are at increased risk of having other psychological disorders during adolescence and adulthood, most notably other anxiety disorders, depression, and substance abuse.

European child & adolescent psychiatry, Jan 8, 2015
There appear to be contradicting theories and empirical findings on the association between adole... more There appear to be contradicting theories and empirical findings on the association between adolescent Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD) symptoms and cannabis use, suggesting potential risk as well as protective pathways. The aim of this six-year longitudinal study was to further examine associations between SAD symptoms and cannabis use over time in adolescents from the general population, specifically focusing on the potential role that adolescents' involvement with their peers may have in these associations. Participants were 497 Dutch adolescents (57 % boys; M age = 13.03 at T1), who completed annual self-report questionnaires for 6 successive years. Cross-lagged panel analysis suggested that adolescent SAD symptoms were associated with less peer involvement 1 year later. Less adolescent peer involvement was in turn associated with lower probabilities of cannabis use as well as lower frequency of cannabis use 1 year later. Most importantly, results suggested significant longitud...
Kind & Adolescent, 2012
Gedrags-en psychologische controle door ouders en symptomen van gegeneraliseerde en separatieangs... more Gedrags-en psychologische controle door ouders en symptomen van gegeneraliseerde en separatieangststoornis bij adolescenten Saskia A. M. Wijsbroek, William W. Hale III, Quinten A. W. Raaijmakers en Wim H. J. Meeus
Psychological, Developmental, Social, and Methodological Aspects, 2008
Netherlands journal of psychology, 2005
... De vrouwelijke adolescenten scoorden op deze schalen hoger dan de mannelijke adolescenten. Sc... more ... De vrouwelijke adolescenten scoorden op deze schalen hoger dan de mannelijke adolescenten. Scoreverschillen tussen jongere en oudere adolescenten. ... De jonge adolescenten scoorden op de subschaal SAD hoger dan de oudere adolescenten. ...

European journal of public health, 2015
This study examined trends in adolescent weekly alcohol use between 2002 and 2010 in 28 European ... more This study examined trends in adolescent weekly alcohol use between 2002 and 2010 in 28 European and North American countries. Analyses were based on data from 11-, 13- and 15-year-old adolescents who participated in the Health Behaviour in School-Aged Children (HBSC) study in 2002, 2006 and 2010. Weekly alcohol use declined in 20 of 28 countries and in all geographic regions, from 12.1 to 6.1% in Anglo-Saxon countries, 11.4 to 7.8% in Western Europe, 9.3 to 4.1% in Northern Europe and 16.3 to 9.9% in Southern Europe. Even in Eastern Europe, where a stable trend was observed between 2002 and 2006, weekly alcohol use declined between 2006 and 2010 from 12.3 to 10.1%. The decline was evident in all gender and age subgroups. These consistent trends may be attributable to increased awareness of the harmful effects of alcohol for adolescent development and the implementation of associated prevention efforts, or changes in social norms and conditions. Although the declining trend was rema...

European journal of public health, 2015
According to Jessor's Problem Behaviour Theory (PBT) and Moffitt's theory of adolescence-... more According to Jessor's Problem Behaviour Theory (PBT) and Moffitt's theory of adolescence-limited antisocial behaviour, adolescent risk behaviours cluster and can be predicted by various psychosocial factors including parent, peer and school attachment. This study tested the potential influence of the sociocultural, or macro-level, environment on the clustering and correlates of adolescent risk behaviour across 27 European and North American countries. Analyses were based on data from the 2009-10 Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) study. Participants compromised 56,090 adolescents (M(age) = 15.5 years) who self-reported on substance use (tobacco, alcohol, cannabis) and early sexual activity as well as on psychosocial factors (parent, peer and school attachment). Multiple group confirmatory factor analyses (with country as grouping variable) showed that substance use and early sexual activity loaded on a single underlying factor across countries. In addition, mult...

Netherlands journal of psychology, 2005
In dit onderzoek bestudeerden we de veranderingen van de persoonlijkheidstypen van Block en Block... more In dit onderzoek bestudeerden we de veranderingen van de persoonlijkheidstypen van Block en Block in de adolescentie. Daarnaast onderzochten we het verband tussen verandering in persoonlijkheidstypen en verandering in angst. De steekproef bestond uit 827 adolescenten die vragenlijsten over persoonlijkheid en angst op twee meetmomenten van het CONAMORE-project invulden. We vonden dat 56,9 procent van de adolescenten hetzelfde persoonlijkheidstype behield, terwijl het persoonlijkheidstype bij 43,1 procent veranderde. De verandering van ondercontrollers naar overcontrollers kwam na de niet-veranderende persoonlijkheidsgroepen het meest voor. Tevens vonden we dat de stabiliteit van persoonlijkheid gerelateerd was aan de stabiliteit van het angstniveau en dat de verandering in persoonlijkheid gerelateerd was aan verandering in angstniveau. De adolescenten die veranderden van veerkrachtige naar overcontroller lieten een toename op angst zien, terwijl de adolescenten die veranderden van overcontroller naar veerkrachtige een afname vertoonden.
The Spanish Journal of Psychology, 2013

Psychiatry journal, 2014
Presently most adolescent anxiety disorder screening instruments make their determination of runn... more Presently most adolescent anxiety disorder screening instruments make their determination of running a high risk for an anxiety disorder on the basis of a cut-off score measured by a single screening which can lead to false positives. Therefore, the goal of this study is to examine whether a repeated administration of the SCARED screening instrument for DSM-5 anxiety disorder symptoms could help in the detection of true positives while also avoiding false positives. Participants were 923 early adolescents from the general community. The adolescents' ages at the first annual screening ranged from 10 to 15 with an average of 12.5 years. In a prospective five-year longitudinal design, the adolescents completed the SCARED screening instrument for anxiety disorder symptoms on a yearly basis. To detect true positives and avoid false positives, the data were analyzed with Receiver Operating Characteristics (ROC) cut-off score analyses. ROC cut-off score analyses revealed that the sensi...

Young, 2008
This research examines whether opposition between higher and lower forms of youth culture still c... more This research examines whether opposition between higher and lower forms of youth culture still contributes to the emergence of groups with different cultural tastes. Do youth at higher levels of secondary education (for example, preuniversity education) tend to display 'omnivorous' tastes nowadays , just as highly educated adults do? A sample of Dutch adolescents (N = 226) completed a questionnaire concerning their preferences in several cultural domains (music, fi lm and television, light reading and literature, receptive cultural participation). Four groups or clusters representing cultural styles were identifi ed: omnivores, moderate omnivores, a group interested primarily in popular culture, and a culturally disinterested group; each group comprised about a quarter of the sample. Whereas girls were overrepresented in the fi rst two groups, boys were more common in the latter two groups. The two groups with omnivorous tastes appear to fi t the profi le of 'normal' youth. Otherwise, the four cultural groups could not be linked to specifi c youth subcultures.
Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 2004

Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 2007
j Abstract Background The level of expressed emotion (LEE) is a four-factor questionnaire that me... more j Abstract Background The level of expressed emotion (LEE) is a four-factor questionnaire that measures expressed emotion (EE) as perceived by the recipient. These factors are: perceived lack of emotional support, perceived intrusiveness, perceived irritation, and perceive criticism. The four factors of the LEE has previously been found to be related to psychological disorders and has good psychometric properties for adults. However, it has not previously been studied in adolescent populations. Methods A total of 311 adolescents participated in this study. Using structural equation modeling, confirmatory factor analyses were conducted to examine if the LEE also had the same four-factor structure for adolescents as it does for adults. Results The confirmatory factor analyses demonstrated that the LEE's fourfactor structure also applied to adolescents. The internal consistency of the scales were good and all the inter-correlations between the scales were significant. Additionally, the factors were significantly correlated to adolescent depressive and anxiety symptom score dimensions. Conclusion These findings seem to indicate that the LEE may be a good instrument in the measurement of adolescents perceived EE.

Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 2011
Background In previous studies, it has been demonstrated that high parental expressed emotion (EE... more Background In previous studies, it has been demonstrated that high parental expressed emotion (EE) is predictive of depressive, aggressive and delinquency symptoms of adolescents. Two issues have received much less prominence in EE research, these being studies of adolescent perceived EE and the measurement of the EE as a dynamic, developmental construct. This 4-year, three-wave, longitudinal study of perceived EE of adolescents from the general community examines if adolescent perceived EE measured with the traditional, one-measurement EE approach as well as adolescent perceived EE measured with a repeated measured, dynamic EE approach can predict adolescent depressive, aggressive and delinquency symptoms. Methods Dutch adolescents (N = 285; 51% girls; M = 13 years) from the general community were prospectively studied annually for 4 years. At all waves, the adolescents completed the Level of Expressed Emotion (LEE) questionnaire and at the final wave also completed self-rated measures of depressive, aggressive and delinquent symptoms. Growth models were used to predict adolescent symptoms from adolescent perceived EE. Results Growth models significantly predicted adolescent depressive, aggressive and delinquency symptoms from adolescent perceived EE. Conclusions This study of the LEE demonstrates that developmental characteristics of EE are predictive of adolescents' symptoms. These findings hold implications for current EE intervention therapies and the conceptualization of EE.

Schizophrenia Research, 2011
Background: The path from subclinical psychotic experiences to clinical disorder is thought to be... more Background: The path from subclinical psychotic experiences to clinical disorder is thought to be mediated by the persistence of subclinical psychotic experiences. One of the factors that is likely associated with this persistence is depression. Although commonly viewed as interrelated concepts, the exact relationship between subclinical psychosis and depression is not clear. Methods: Cross-lagged path modeling was used to explore the relationship between subclinical psychosis and depression across and over time in an adolescent population seeking assistance for non-psychotic disorders (N = 138), measured at four occasions over a two-year period. Results: Subclinical psychosis and depression were related to each other at every cross-sectional measurement, but did not predict each other over time. Subclinical psychotic experiences and depressive symptom levels were highest at baseline, when participants presented to the clinical service for help. In addition, the relationship between them was also strongest at baseline and decreased significantly over time.
Papers by Quinten Raaijmakers