Papers by I Made Putrawan

International Journal of Membrane Science and Technology
Human basic needs should be filled with satisfaction in daily life for survival and growth. One o... more Human basic needs should be filled with satisfaction in daily life for survival and growth. One of the behavior, in this case, is the ability of the people to consume goods they need, that is why they are called consumers. To satisfy their needs, they have to use their purchase behavior for the transaction, which is called green transaction when they perceive that behavior would be meant to preserve our nature since most of the goods as products derived from the exploitation of nature. That was why this research was urgently conducted to find out the information, on what factors should be considered that affect people’s green purchasing behavior (GPB). For this purpose, a causal survey was used by selecting randomly 160 university students as a sample. There were four instruments developed to measure green purchase behavior (reliability was 0.947), environmental concern (rel. was 0.927), students’ new environmental paradigm (NEP/rel. was 0.961), and big-5 personality (rel. was 0.972...

Technoarete Transactions on Renewable Energy, Green Energy and Sustainability, Jul 14, 2022
The main problem faced by every country in the world is environmental problems which are assumed ... more The main problem faced by every country in the world is environmental problems which are assumed to be brought about by human activities as mentioned by IPCC reports since 1995. That was why this research has been conducted to get information scientifically on whether human behavior, in this case, students' pro-environmental behavior (PEB) might be affected by their knowledge of ecosystem (KE) and mediated by their intention to act toward the environmental issues (ITA). Therefore, a causal survey was carried out involving 200 senior high school students around Bekasi, Indonesia, as a sample. There were three instruments developed which measured students' PEB, KE, and ITA. Data were analyzed by path analysis. The research results showed that students' KE and ITA were found directly and significantly affected their PEB, however, students' KE did not prove that its effect on ITA was significant. So, it could be concluded that ITA, in this case, was not a good and significant mediator between KE and students' PEB. Based on these findings, it could be implied that in trying to minimize students' PEB variation, therefore, factors such as students' knowledge about the ecosystem and intention to act toward the environment, should be considered to be empowered among students throughout school system policies.

Technoarete Transactions on Renewable Energy, Green Energy and Sustainability, Aug 19, 2022
As environmental problems could not be easily solved, human interaction with nature is interestin... more As environmental problems could not be easily solved, human interaction with nature is interesting to be studied. It meant that it talks about human behavior which is closely related to the environment. That was why the purpose of this research was aimed at finding out whether personality (Per) and motivation (Mot) affected that behavior (CB toward the environment). Therefore, a causal survey was used by selecting 89 employees of village-owned enterprises (BUMDES) in Indonesia. There were three instruments developed which measured CB employees toward the environment (CB, rel. was 0.84), big-5 personality (Per., rel. = 0.91), and motivation (Mot, rel.= 0.88). Data were analyzed by path analysis. The research results revealed that per. and mot. directly and significantly affected employees' CB, moreover, mot. has been found to be a good mediator between per. with employees' CB. Its indirect effect was found to be significant as well. Based on these findings, it could be concluded that if employees' CB planned to be minimized its variation, both personality and motivation need to be considered. This will imply that in developing a policy, especially in recruiting new employees, those factors should be not logically neglected.

Technoarete Transactions on Renewable Energy, Green Energy and Sustainability
This study reflects some important errands about The Effect of Personality and Motivation on Empl... more This study reflects some important errands about The Effect of Personality and Motivation on Employees Organizational Commitment in Managing the Environment . Most applicable process of architecture has been described in this study and its utility over the environment has also been discussed in a broad array. Renewable energy is the first and the foremost important viewpoint of this study and it is dependent on the initiative taken by individuals. Initiative taken by individuals is dependent on the quality of the thinking and the learning skills in this scenario. Moreover, new concepts of renewable energy along with the green energy have also intermingled with the topic of architecture. Sustainability of the development is the first and the foremost conclusive matter of this study. Efficiently using all of the resources can provide sustainability in this scenario Keyword : Renewable energy, sustainable architecture, green building construction, Green energy, Sustainable development

Technoarete Transactions on Advances in Social Sciences and Humanities
Education is taking the main priority of any country nowadays and teachers hold an important role... more Education is taking the main priority of any country nowadays and teachers hold an important role in improving human resources. Teachers’ performance is reflected by one of its dimensions called organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) used as the most measurable indicator in evaluating teachers. That was why it was urgent to study whether teachers, in this case, biological teachers’ OCB hypothesized affected directly or indirectly by teachers’ leadership (TL) and their integrity (IN). Therefore, a causal survey was used by selecting randomly 97 senior high school biological teachers, in the district of Cilegon, West Java, Indonesia. There were three instruments developed to measure teachers’ OCB (reliability was 0.947), TL (reliability was 0.947), and IN (reliability was 0.926). Data were analyzed by path analysis. The research results revealed that TL affected teachers’ OCB, but its effect was not significant. However, IN directly and significantly affected teachers’ OCB, and TL ...
Solid State Technology, May 30, 2020

IJEEM - Indonesian Journal of Environmental Education and Management, 2021
The development of paradigm from anthropocentric to new environmental paradigm is necessary. Stud... more The development of paradigm from anthropocentric to new environmental paradigm is necessary. Students have to possess the new environmental paradigm in order to protect the environment. Students new environmental paradigm can be affected by several factors such as value orientation and personality. This study aimed to determine the effect of value orientation and personality on the new environmental paradigm that students have. This study was hold in a first term of 2019/2020 school year at SMA Negeri 4 Kota Bekasi. The method used is the survey with quantitative-causal causal approach and path analysis. The sample is 95 students of XI MIPA which selected randomly. There were three instruments used for measuring new environmental paradigm, value orientation and personality with reability of 0.691, 0.809, and 0.864. As a result of study, personality is suitable as mediator of variables between value orientation and new environmental paradigm.
Remaja Rosdakarya eBooks, 2004
Solid State Technology, May 30, 2020

Developing teaching materials PPKn is a dimension of citizenship which can support behavior... more Developing teaching materials PPKn is a dimension of citizenship which can support behavior students, in lifesocial, therefore the need application of behavior citizenshipin school basic will very can be useful,considering education todaycitizenship still there are some shortcomings that become obstacles as is that happened in the field, wrongthe otheris the teacher's understanding of PPKn that’s pelled out difficult, Morepitch again still reference curriculumis very limited, especiallyon rootscience about PPKn as what has been implemented in schools. Learning this emphasize existence sourcethe supported teaching materials support researchas well asprovidinga better knowledge. Developingingredientsteach PPKn based on Citizenship Behavior (CB ) in order to improve knowledge grade V elementary school students this corresponding with four relations concepts PPKn learning as pect that proven effective improve knowledge grade V students Elementary school. The res...

This research was aimed at finding out information about the relationship between big-five perso... more This research was aimed at finding out information about the relationship between big-five personality with school principals’ citizenship behavior (performance). A non-causal survey used by involving 54 elementary school principals in Jakarta. For measuring big-five personality and principals’ citizenship behavior (PCB), two instrument developed with each respectively of its reliability was 0.826 for personality and 0.94 for PCB. Its agreement among rater for PCB was 0.63. Regression and correlation analysis by applying partial correlation used for this research.The findings showed that there was a positive and significant correlation found between personality with PCB (0.59) and when all fourth-order correlation computed, emotional stability as one of big-five personality factors, proved it was high and significant variance contribution provided for PCB (0.455). It was followed respectively by other factors such as openness, agreeableness, extraversion and finally by conscientio...

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2019
This research is aim at determining relationship between organization’s structure, leader behavio... more This research is aim at determining relationship between organization’s structure, leader behavior and personality with citizenship behavior on managing the environment at Cilegon, Banten Industrial Park. The method used was survey with a correlational study by involving 150 sample. There were four instruments which measured citizenship behavior on managing the environment (rel. 0.94), organization’s structure (rel. 0.93), leader behavior (rel. 0.93), and personality (rel. 0.97). Data has been analyzed by two-way ANOVA. Research results revealed that there is positive and significant correlation among those variables, even though it has been controlled by second-order correlation, it is still significant among them. Therefore, it could be concluded that if citizenship behavior on managing the environment would be improved, then organization’s structure, leader behavior and personality should be taken into consideration
Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, 2020

Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Innovation in Education (ICoIE 2018), 2019
This study aimed to find out the influence of cohesiveness, innovativeness and social justice. Th... more This study aimed to find out the influence of cohesiveness, innovativeness and social justice. This study used a survey method in which the data has been analyzed using path analysis (path analysis) after all variables data were included in the correlation matrix. The study respondents consisted of 85 fishermen chosen randomly as the selected samples of unit analysis. The results of the study found that the fishermen's quality of life was directly influenced by cohesiveness, innovativeness and social justice. In addition, it was also found that the fishermen's quality of life was also indirectly influenced by cohesiveness and innovativeness through social justice. Based on these findings, it could be concluded that variations that occurred in the fishermen's quality of life had been influenced by variations of cohesiveness, innovativeness and social justice.
Jurnal Green Growth dan Manajemen Lingkungan, 2018
This study is a survey of the performance of the hospital environment in the field of waste manag... more This study is a survey of the performance of the hospital environment in the field of waste management. Survey was conducted in RS. Cipto Mangunkusumo, RS. Persahabatan and RSPI Sulianti Saroso. Environmental performance of the Hospital would be good if 1) has sufficient human resources, budget management and have good facilities and adequate environmental technologies 2) Environmental regulations adhered to apply quality standards. The budget for the maintenance of waste management facilities and the recruitment of human resources outsourcing needs to be improved. Efforts to increase the motivation of the human resources environment also needs to be done in order to achieve predetermined performance targets

International Journal of Advanced Research, 2017
One of the teachers competencies is personality which is uneasy to measure. Comparing to other te... more One of the teachers competencies is personality which is uneasy to measure. Comparing to other teachers competencies, pedagogy, social. and professional, this personality competence is rather more difficult to measure. That is why. for this purpose, it has been scientifically developed teachers personality instrument by applying big-five personality (Colquitt. et. al.. 2017) concepts and try to relate it to teachers moral behaviour based on gender. Considering research objectives, survey method used by involving around 91 teachers selected randomly. Personality instrument developed based on five factors; Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism/Emotional stability, with five scale, from most accurate to less accurate (20 items). Some indicators for measuring teachers moral behaviour was also developed (32 items). Research results revealed that all personality items have high validity and only 11 items measuring moral behaviour were omitted, because its low validity. Reliability, however, for both instruments were high. .452 for personality and .802 for moral behaviour. There was no means difference between male and female teachers personality and moral behaviour. Moreover. there was no eigen-values and factor loading differences between male and female teachers personality. Its construct validity has been confirmed by empirical finding where all factors loading were > .30 (Hair. et. al.. 2010). Teachers moral behaviour. Moreover, was not significantly determined by personality. Therefore, it could be concluded that teachers personality instrument might be validated based on gender and extraversion factor could be an indicator that gender did not affect teachers personality instrument development based on big-five personality dimensions.
1 Sains Filsafat Dimensi Kreatif Dalam Filsafat Ilmu Conny R Semiawan I Made Putrawan Th I Setiawan, 1991

IJEEM - Indonesian Journal of Environmental Education and Management
Environmental problem is a problem that must be solved by all parties, including students. Respon... more Environmental problem is a problem that must be solved by all parties, including students. Responsible environmental behavior arises from awareness of environmental issues. This awareness led to intention and determination of student to set their attitude and behavior towards the problems they faced. Responsible environmental behavior is basically the result of interaction between various factors. Factors that may affect the responsibilities behavior among the personality and the environmental sensitivity. This study aims to determine the effect of personality and environmental sensitivity on the responsible environmental behavior that students have. Research conducted at SMA Labschool Jakarta on the Semester I of 2018/2019 school year. The method used is the survey with quantitative-causal causal approach and path analysis. The sample were 79 students of class XI MIPA. Based on hypothesis test, the value of the path coefficient of X1 to X2 is 0.495, path coefficient X2 to X3 is 0.0...

International Journal of Science and Society, Jan 21, 2022
Validity is one of the important characteristics in any psychological measuring tool. Measurement... more Validity is one of the important characteristics in any psychological measuring tool. Measurement tools in his research more generally include a variety of observations and usually include responses that aim to regulate and limit the choices available to respondents and assessments. There are many studies that have assessed how the number of response options on a scale affects validity and reliability, but fewer have discussed whether the midpoint should be included as a response option, or whether the scale is even. Regardless of where the response scale is in psychological measurements, the environmental personality (big-five personality) scale has been expanded and elaborated in various ways in previous research since the introduction of dreams. The bigfive personality model is the most extensive model for measuring environmental personality. This study aims to determine whether there is a difference between the number of odd and even option scales on the validity variance of students' environmental personality (big-five personality) items, and to see which scale of the number of options is better or suitable for the environmental personality (big-five personality) instrument. The calculation data were analyzed using the one-way ANOVA method. The results of this study indicate that the scale of the number of odd options (five options) and the scale of the number of even options differ significantly in the variance of the validity of the environmental personality items (big-five Personality). The mean plot results show that the odd option scale higher than the even scale. This research can be carried out for further research in using the odd scale on the environmental personality measurement tool (Bigfive Personality) with the expansion being studied.
Papers by I Made Putrawan