Papers by Marina Putnik-Delić

Journal of photochemistry and photobiology. A, Chemistry, Aug 1, 2024
Even though we have only one planet to live on, environmental pollution is still an urgent global... more Even though we have only one planet to live on, environmental pollution is still an urgent global issue. Among all-natural threatened resources, the drinkable water has one of the most burdening influences on the life quality and economy. The pharmaceutically active ingredients are the most concerning pollutants. In this study, heterogeneous photocatalysis was used as a sustainable alternative for tolperisone hydrochloride (TLP) removal from water. The degradation pathway of TLP was also analyzed using various scavengers and it was found that the contribution of reactive species changed in following order: OHfree· ˃ h+ ≫ OHads· > e-. Furthermore, 12 photodegradation intermediates of TLP were identified using LC–ESI–MS/MS. In addition, the toxicity of TLP and its degradation intermediates were examined on barley, using chemometrics. The most significant variations were observed on barley plant after 4 days of germination and on the root, during the barley biomass production. The results also showed that TLP and its intermediates are harmful to the plants, due to deteriorating water uptake with toxic TLP-compounds that reach the vital parts of plants. Also, slightly variations in total nitrogen amount were observed. The high genetic variability efficiently guards barley from various environmental stresses.

Rare earth elements (REEs) are a group of chemical elements that include lanthanidеs as well as s... more Rare earth elements (REEs) are a group of chemical elements that include lanthanidеs as well as scandium and yttrium. Today REEs are used in various industries, such as agriculture where they are used as micro fertilizers and feed additives, the latter being used in medicine as well. There is no indication that REEs might be essential for any form of life. At lower concentrations, they can favorably influence certain physiological processes of plants (enzyme activity, hormone content, photosynthesis, seed germination, plant growth, etc.). They may induce an increase in some antioxidant systems and thereby increase the tolerance of plants to environmental stressors caused by high concentrations of heavy metals, herbicides, lack of water and essential nutrients, UV radiation and oxidative stress. Thus, their favorable effect was documented regarding the yield of cultivated species as well as the effect of their chemical composition on the content of vitamin C, soluble sugars and essential elements, reduction of the concentration of toxic heavy metals, improvement of the quality of wheat kernel for different uses. REEs have been commonly used as feed additives in organic and inorganic forms in livestock production. The available literature on the use of REEs as feed additives in livestock suggests positive outcomes (affected various physiological processes, increase in milk, egg and meat production, promoted growth and reproductive performance), but further investigation and results are needed before extending their use to zootechnical purposes.

Contemporary Problems of Ecology, May 1, 2015
Distributions of 20 aquatic associations in the Danube Tisza Danube hydrosystem were mapped using... more Distributions of 20 aquatic associations in the Danube Tisza Danube hydrosystem were mapped using published data and personal field observations resulting in 562 georeferenced collection sites. The Max ent modeling software was used to estimate the current potential and future distribution of the associations by the year 2050 (2xCO2 climate conditions, CCM3 model). Based on the Principal Component Analysis (PCA), climate data at the collection sites described climatic preferences of different aquatic associations. The central eastern part of the investigated area showed the most favorable climatic conditions for aquatic vegetation growth and thus the highest potential for future biodiversity. The stands of Lemnetum trisulcae, Ceratophyllo Azolletum filiculoides, Najadetum marinae, Salvinio natantis Spirodeletum polyrhizae, Elodeetum canadensis and Potametum denso nodosi associations displayed a marked invasive potential in the forecasted distribution scenarios. The results revealed that the stands of Nymphaeetum albae and Nymphaeo albae Nupharetum luteae subass. nupharetosum associations are likely to be significantly less abundant in the future. As the key climatic factors used in the analysis were annual mean temperature, as well as mean temperature of the wettest and warmest quartile, the findings suggest that, if adequate protective measures shall not be taken, these provenances could become degraded in the next decade and some could even become extinct at the locations where they presently occur naturally.
Ratarstvo i Povrtarstvo, 2010
Previous explanations of wheat and Puccinia triticina interactions are presented. New ones sugges... more Previous explanations of wheat and Puccinia triticina interactions are presented. New ones suggested the stable effects of the resistance genes on growth characters and realized the opportunity for creating the new set of parasite population differentials in Thatcher background comparable in all environmental conditions and growth stages. The main problem was the infl uence of Lr 22b and Lr Tc in Lr lines. The specifi c genes Lr1, Lr 2a, Lr 3a, Lr 9, Lr19, Lr 20, Lr 24 and Lr 38 as Lr 2c, Lr 3C and Lr 13 from the opposite growth infl uential group were chosen. Following growth ratio values could be near the same even after further suggested accumulation of two genes for the specifi c resistance. New set was directed in regionally higher grain yield achievement as to the stability across temporary recycling.

DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), 2015
The aim of the study was to examine the weed flora structure and to identify possible differences... more The aim of the study was to examine the weed flora structure and to identify possible differences in habitat conditions. The research was conducted in the crops of pepper grown according to the principles of organic production at two localities (Ljutovo and Stara Pazova). A total of 29 weed species was noted (8 common species). Floristically richer was the locality Stara Pazova. Five species are invasive in the region of Vojvodina. There were no significant differences in ecological conditions of habitats, except slightly larger differences in species diversity in relation to ecological indices for the temperature and humidity of habitat. Strong anthropogenic influence was indicated by significant dominance of therophytes in both localities. At Stara Pazova there were also perennial geophytes and hemikryptophytes, which indicate the stability of weed flora and worse weed control measures. Most of the weeds have a root system that penetrates to the depth of 50-100 cm. Approximately 60 % of the weeds begin to bloom in June and flowering ends in September. Approximately 60 % of the weeds form seed that can survive in soil from 20 to 100 years. In both localities dominated by weed-ruderal species and species that develop under the strong anthropogenic influence.

DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), 2012
Some of the most important factors in weed control in organic production are: preventive measures... more Some of the most important factors in weed control in organic production are: preventive measures, adequate selection of species and varieties of plants, regular crop rotation etc. Better understanding of competition between weeds and cultivated plants contribute to reduction or complete exclusion of herbicide use in organic agriculture. Therefore, the starting point in weed control is the knowledge of weed species biology and ecology. In organic production of soybean, 17 weed species were found. The life form analysis of soybean weeds indicates that therophytes are predominant. The ecological analysis of the weed flora indicated that the studied site is moderately moist and neutral soil, medium rich in nitrogen, nitrogen compounds and organic matter content, moderately aerated, and non-saline. In these weed flora, bioindicators of the warm and high light intensity sites are predominant. The detected weeds are adapted to the conditions of moderately continental climate.
Large amounts of solid residues (SR) remain after the process of energy production in a biogas pl... more Large amounts of solid residues (SR) remain after the process of energy production in a biogas plant. This material may be utilized directly or after composting (CSR) as organic fertilizers. The study was conducted to investigate the influence of various amounts of SR and CSR from biogas plant on growth, accumulation and distribution of essential metals in the leaves and roots of young cucumber plants. In both leaves and roots, concentration of K was the most responsive to treatments of macronutrients, and concentration of Mn of micronutrients. Overall, concentrations of all micronutrients, apart from Zn, were under optimal level in all treatments. Even though the concentration of nutrients in SR and CSR were limited, they significantly influenced content of essential metals and their distribution in leaves and roots of cucumber.
Previous explanations of wheat and Puccinia triticina interactions are presented. New ones sugges... more Previous explanations of wheat and Puccinia triticina interactions are presented. New ones suggested the stable effects of the resistance genes on growth characters and realized the opportunity for creating the new set of parasite population differentials in Thatcher background comparable in all environmental conditions and growth stages. The main problem was the infl uence of Lr 22b and Lr Tc in Lr lines. The specifi c genes Lr1, Lr 2a, Lr 3a, Lr 9, Lr19, Lr 20, Lr 24 and Lr 38 as Lr 2c, Lr 3C and Lr 13 from the opposite growth infl uential group were chosen. Following growth ratio values could be near the same even after further suggested accumulation of two genes for the specifi c resistance. New set was directed in regionally higher grain yield achievement as to the stability across temporary recycling.

Contemporary Problems of Ecology, Jul 1, 2015
The method for purification of municipal waste waters with the use of constructed wetland system ... more The method for purification of municipal waste waters with the use of constructed wetland system (CWS) was put in operation in Serbia for the first time in 2004, in the Gložan village near Novi Sad. Biological factors in this anthropogenic ecosystem are microorganisms and reeds (Phragmites communis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steud.). In the process of bioaccumulation, among other substances, emergent plants often accumulate large quantities of microelements. Although microelements are present in plants in relatively small quantities, in emergent plants that grow on the surface where wastewater (which contains various substances, including microelements) flows, their quantity in plant dry weight can be higher. This paper presents the results of the three-year study (2004–2006) of Cu and Zn concentration in different organs of reed plants (leaf, stem, rhizome with root and inflorescence) grown in the “Gložan” CWS. The study was carried out on three fields. The first year of the study was taken as control, as that’s when the “Gložan” CWS was established, while 2005 and 2006 were the first and the second years of the system exploitation. In 2004 Cu concentration varied from 3.20 ppm in reed stems to 5.30 ppm in inflorescences. In 2005 Cu concentrations were lower in comparison to the first year, while in the third year the trend of reduction of Cu concentration was present in all analyzed organs in the third field. Concentration of Cu had diminishing tendency in all three fields over time, with exception of inflorescences where it was mostly constant.In the first year of the study the highest concentrations of Zn were recorded, ranging from 13.97 ppm in rhizomes with roots to 34.60 ppm in inflorescences. In the second year, concentration of Zn was the lowest in all three fields, and in the third year overall concentration of Zn (except for inflorescences) was lower in comparison to the first year of the study (control).
Chemosphere, Sep 1, 2020
This is a PDF file of an article that has undergone enhancements after acceptance, such as the ad... more This is a PDF file of an article that has undergone enhancements after acceptance, such as the addition of a cover page and metadata, and formatting for readability, but it is not yet the definitive version of record. This version will undergo additional copyediting, typesetting and review before it is published in its final form, but we are providing this version to give early visibility of the article. Please note that, during the production process, errors may be discovered which could affect the content, and all legal disclaimers that apply to the journal pertain.

DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), 2014
Floristic study of weed vegetation in a peach orchard in Bajmok, certified for organic production... more Floristic study of weed vegetation in a peach orchard in Bajmok, certified for organic production, revealed the following predominant species: Erigeron canadensis, Cirsium arvense, Convolvulus arvensis, Chenopodium album, Polygonum lapathifolium, Sorghum halepense, Solanum nigrum, Sinapis arvensis, Setaria viridis, Rubus caesius, Sonchus arvensis, Artemisia vulgaris and Capsella bursa-pastoris. Based on the taxonomic analysis findings, the weed families Asteraceae (4 species), Poaceae (2 species) and Brassicaceae (2 species) comprise the greatest number plant species. Among the analyzed weed species, most of which bloom from June to September, 84.62% are weed-ruderal, and the remaining 15.38% are classified as ruderal. The weed flora life-form spectrum reveals therophyte dominance (53.85%): T 4 (38.46%), T 1 (7.69%) and T 3 (7.69%). Geophytes contribute by 30.77%, or 4 taxa, namely G 3 (23.08%) and G 1 (7.69%). Finally, hemicryptophytes are present with 15.38%: H 3 (7.69%) and H 5 (7.69%). Based on the ecological weed flora analyses, the habitat is meso-eutrophic (N -3.77), unsalinated (S --84.62%), and favorably aerated (D -3.85), and is characterized by moderate humidity (F -2.54), neutral reaction (R -3.15), and moderate humus content (H -3.00), as well as favorable light (L -3.77) and thermal (T -3.92) regimen. Phytogeographical analysis of the weed flora in the aforementioned peach orchard indicates the dominance of widely distributed taxa (92.3%)-a characteristic of weed vegetation.
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Dec 15, 2013
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), May 12, 2022

Journal on processing and energy in agriculture, 2011
During the vegetation period of 2009 in organic production of leaf lettuce (Lactuca sativa L. sub... more During the vegetation period of 2009 in organic production of leaf lettuce (Lactuca sativa L. subsp. secalina Alef.) in the open area 14 weed species were found. The investigation was made in the village of Kisač (Serbia). According to , the identified weed species are vectors of at least 64 taxa which are carriers of various diseases and pests (the least 18 fungi, 29 insects and 17 nematodes). The important vectors of diseases and pests, and thus the most undesirable weeds in leaf lettuce crop are: Amaranthus retroflexus, Chenopodium album, Cirsium arvense, Convolvulus arvensis, Sinapis arvensis and Stellaria media. It is necessary to prevent their growth with "selective plucking", so that the weeds, which are not significant vectors of diseases and pests, would prevent draining of soil in the periods of drought. In addition, crops in crop rotations are the most important, and often the only measure in fighting weeds, diseases and pests.

Contemporary Agriculture, Nov 18, 2020
In the organic bean crops (Phaseolus vulgaris) grown in open cultivation during the vegetation pe... more In the organic bean crops (Phaseolus vulgaris) grown in open cultivation during the vegetation period of 2012, 14 weed species were found in the villages Ljutovo and Orom. The percentage of invasive species was 28.57%. Ambrosia artemisiifolia was characterized as highly invasive, Sorghum halepense as sporadically invasive, and Amaranthus retroflexus and Datura stramonium as potentially invasive species. Low diversity and low density of weed flora in organic bean crops are the factors causing a high percentage of invasive species in the floristic composition, so monitoring of these species is necessary. The weed flora dominated by therophytes (71.43%), the dominance of weed-ruderal plants (64.29%), and the presence of widespread taxa in the bean crops indicate strong anthropogenic influence and instability of the weed flora. The largest number of the weed species bloom from June to August (71.43%). According to the ecological analysis of the weed flora, the studied agroecosystems were characterized as moderately arid (F-2.36), neutral to weakly alkaline (R-3.07), eutrophic-mesotrophic (N-3.71), well-aerated (D-3.64), non-saline (S-, 78.57%) with medium humus content (H-2.86), favorable light (L-3.86) and temperature (T-4.14) regime, and with temperate continental climatic conditions (K-2.93). Correlation analysis showed that invasive weed species began to bloom later and favored well-aerated and warmer habitats compared to other weeds. PCA analysis singled out habitat aeration and salinity as the main factors separating weeds in organic bean crops.

Zbornik Matice Srpske Za Prirodne Nauke, 2009
Ten wheat genotypes were tested for resistance characteristics to Puccinia triticina. Infection i... more Ten wheat genotypes were tested for resistance characteristics to Puccinia triticina. Infection intensity in the field was evaluated at different growth stages, and time of spike appearance and leaf senescence were recorded. At seedling stage, under the controlled conditions of greenhouse, latency period, infection frequency and reaction type were determined. Resistance characteristics at different wheat growth stages were strongly correlated. Correlation coefficient between LP x RT x IF and AUDPC values, was 0.828. The highest coefficients of correlation between particular resistance characteristics and maximal intensity in the field were determined with the last evaluation in the field (0.665, 0.476 and 0.834). Time of spike appearance was very variable for different genotypes, whereas leaf senescence was recorded concomitantly for near all genotypes. The exception was Rusalka, as the most resistant in the field. All genotypes included in this three-year long experiment expressed stability with respect to infection intensity at different growth stages. Genotype Timson showed the highest level of resistance according to all tested characteristics, while genotype Pkb krupna showed the lowest.

Zbornik Matice Srpske Za Prirodne Nauke, 2008
Thirty-four wheat genotypes were tested for resistance characteristics to Puccinia triticina at d... more Thirty-four wheat genotypes were tested for resistance characteristics to Puccinia triticina at different growth stages. At seedling stage in a greenhouse, latency period, infection frequency and reaction type were determined. In the field, time of spike apperance, and infection intensity were followed. Weak (r = 0.322) to strong (r = 0.660) correlation was found between resistance characteristics at seedling stage (LPxIFxRT, in the greenhouse) and in adult plants (infection intensity and AUDPC, in the field). The values of AUDPC (area under the disease progress curve) were also strongly related to resistance characteristics of seedlings (r = 0.598). As pseudoresistant in the field (especially equal to adult plant resistance) according to other stressess reactions were considered genotypes which were the most sensitive at seedling stage (20°C) and at adult stage they did not express maximal infection intensity, particullar Evropa 90 and Suvaåa. Adult plant resistance as the sum of specific and pseudoresistance was observed on genotypes Tiha, Zlatka and Eva.
Glasnik zaštite bilja, Nov 16, 2009
Four different soil tillage systems were tested in pumpkin seed production. Pumpkin variety was G... more Four different soil tillage systems were tested in pumpkin seed production. Pumpkin variety was Gleissdorf, Austrian origin. The tested systems were: 1. Conventional (plough, disc harrow, 2. Conservation (plough, rotary harrow), 4. Reduced (plough,. The greatest yield of fresh pumpkin seeds of 1345 kg/ha was achieved by the conventional system. The reduced system achieved 1316 kg/ha, conservation system 927 kg/ha and no-till system achieved only 848 kg/ha. The greatest energy requirement of 1998 MJ/ha had the reduced system. The conventional system required 1919 MJ/ha, while conservation system required 1550 MJ/ha. The lowest energy requirement of 453 MJ/ha was achieved by no-till system.
Papers by Marina Putnik-Delić