Papers by Purnama Hidayat

Rainforest canopies, home to one of the most complex and diverse terrestrial arthropod communitie... more Rainforest canopies, home to one of the most complex and diverse terrestrial arthropod communities, are threatened by conversion of rainforest into agricultural production systems. However, little is known about how predatory arthropod communities respond to such conversion. To address this, we compared canopy spider (Araneae) communities from lowland rainforest with those from three agricultural systems in Jambi Province, Sumatra, Indonesia, i.e., jungle rubber (rubber agroforest) and monoculture plantations of rubber and oil palm. Using canopy fogging, we collected 10,676 spider specimens belonging to 36 families and 445 morphospecies. The four most abundant families (Salticidae N = 2,043, Oonopidae N = 1,878, Theridiidae N = 1,533 and Clubionidae N = 1,188) together comprised 62.2% of total individuals, while the four most speciose families, Salticidae (S = 87), Theridiidae (S = 83), Araneidae (S = 48) and Thomisidae (S = 39), contained 57.8% of all morphospecies identified. In l...

Currently, our understanding of the responses of ant communities under rainforest conversion to c... more Currently, our understanding of the responses of ant communities under rainforest conversion to cash crops in SE Asia is based on comparisons of primary rainforests to large company-owned oil palm estates in Malaysian Borneo and a few comparisons of natural forests to rubber plantations in Thailand and China. In Indonesia, second largest rubber producer and largest oil palm producer worldwide, the vast majority of its rubber economy and almost half its oil palm acreage relies on smallholder farmers. This study compares canopy ant communities among four land-use systems in Jambi Province, Sumatra, Indonesia: 1) lowland rainforest, 2) jungle rubber (i.e., extensive rubber cultivation), and monoculture plantations of 3) rubber or 4) oil palm. Smallholder plantations of rubber and oil palm support less than 25% of the abundance and less than 50% of the canopy ant species richness in lowland rainforest, with intermediate levels in jungle rubber. Canopy ant communities from rainforest and jungle rubber were similar and differed from those in monoculture rubber and oil palm plantations, which each hosted distinct communities. Nestedness and turnover also differed between rainforest and jungle rubber on the one hand and rubber and oil palm on the other. This pattern was in part due to significantly greater proportions of tramp ants in the monoculture plantations: While virtually absent in forest (< 1%), six tramp ant species accounted for 9.8% of the collected ant individuals in jungle rubber, 26.6% in rubber and 41.1% in oil palm plantations (up to 88.1% in one studied plantation). Overall, this study improves our understanding of the effects of rainforest conversion to cash crop plantations of rubber and oil palm on ant communities by incorporating smallholder systems in one of the most important regions for oil palm and rubber production worldwide.

Land-use change causes undesirable effects such as biodiversity decline, altered community struct... more Land-use change causes undesirable effects such as biodiversity decline, altered community structure and reduced ecosystem services. Changes in species composition and disrupted trophic interactions between pests and their natural enemies may also result causing decreased ecosystem services. We studied the effects of forest habitat transformation on the community structure of ants, which include major biological control agents. We focused on four types of land use around Harapan Forest (Harapan) and Bukit Duabelas National Park (BDNP), Jambi, Sumatra, Indonesia: forest, jungle rubber, rubber plantations and oil palm plantations. Four replicate patches of each land-use type were sampled, with plot sizes of 50 x 50 m at each of the 32 sites. Ants were collected by hand in combination with tuna and sugar baiting on three strata i.e. leaf litter, soil and tree. We found 104 ant species in total. Surprisingly, ant species richness per plot was not significantly different among land-use t...

Jurnal Entomologi Indonesia, 2021
The whitefly, Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) and the aphid, Myzus persicae (Sulzer) are important pes... more The whitefly, Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) and the aphid, Myzus persicae (Sulzer) are important pests in tomato and chilli pepper. These pests directly attack and as a viral vector can decrease the production of tomato and chili pepper. Menochilus sexmaculatus (Fabricius) and Micraspis lineata (Thunberg) are predator beetles of B. tabaci and M. persicae. This study aimed to know the potential predation of M. sexmaculatus and M. lineata as a predator of B. tabaci and M. persicae. Completely randomized factorial design using 2 factors consist of type and density of prey with 3 replicates used in this study. The potency of predatory coccinellidae as predator of B. tabaci and M. persicae was evaluated in 2 observations, i.e. predation and functional response assay. Based on logistic regression analysis, both of M. sexmaculatus and M. lineata showed characteristic of type I functional, this means that the higher density of prey, the ability and predation rate of M. sexmaculatus and M. line...

Jurnal Entomologi Indonesia, 2019
Whitefly (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) plays an important role as pest in many horticultural plants (f... more Whitefly (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) plays an important role as pest in many horticultural plants (fruits, vegetables, and ornamental plants). The aim of this research was to study whiteflies diversity in horticultural plants on different altitude. Whitefly samples were collected from its host plants in five areas of West Java Bogor, Sukabumi, Cianjur, Bandung, and Garut. The places were grouped into three altitude categories: lowland, midland, and highland. Number of whitefly species and individual were analysed using analysis of variance (ANOVA) with post-hoc Tukey (α = 0.05), while the correlation between altitude and whiteflies species number described in linear regression. Species diversity was measured by two types of index (Shannon and Simpson). The highest number of whitefly individual was found in vegetables (121.80). However, the highest number of whitefly species was found in fruits (2.44 species). According to the altitude, the highest number of whitefly species was found i...

Nature Communications, 2020
Land-use transitions can enhance the livelihoods of smallholder farmers but potential economic-ec... more Land-use transitions can enhance the livelihoods of smallholder farmers but potential economic-ecological trade-offs remain poorly understood. Here, we present an interdisciplinary study of the environmental, social and economic consequences of land-use transitions in a tropical smallholder landscape on Sumatra, Indonesia. We find widespread biodiversity-profit trade-offs resulting from land-use transitions from forest and agroforestry systems to rubber and oil palm monocultures, for 26,894 aboveground and belowground species and whole-ecosystem multidiversity. Despite variation between ecosystem functions, profit gains come at the expense of ecosystem multifunctionality, indicating far-reaching ecosystem deterioration. We identify landscape compositions that can mitigate trade-offs under optimal land-use allocation but also show that intensive monocultures always lead to higher profits. These findings suggest that, to reduce losses in biodiversity and ecosystem functioning, changes...

Species identification, host range, and identification key of whiteflies of Bogor and surrounding... more Species identification, host range, and identification key of whiteflies of Bogor and surrounding area. Whitefly (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) is a group of insects that are small, white, soft-bodied, and easily found on various agricultural crops. Whitefly is a phytophagous insect; some species are important pests in agricultural crops that can cause direct damage and can become vectors of viral diseases. The last few years the damage caused by whitefly in Indonesia has increased. Unfortunately, information about their species and host plants in Indonesia, including in Bogor, is still limited. Kalshoven, in his book entitled Pest of Crops in Indonesia, published in the 1980s reported that there were 9 species of whitefly in Indonesia. The information on the book should be reconfirmed. Therefore, this study was conducted to determine whitefly species and its host plants in Bogor and its surroundings. Whiteflies is identified based on the ‘puparia’ (the last instar of the nymph) collected...

Jurnal Entomologi Indonesia, 2016
Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) dikenal mempunyai variasi genetik tinggi dan merupakan hama penting pa... more Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) dikenal mempunyai variasi genetik tinggi dan merupakan hama penting pada tanaman hortikultura sekaligus sebagai vektor Geminivirus. Penyakit kuning pada cabai yang disebabkan oleh Geminivirus dan ditularkan oleh B. tabaci menjadi masalah penting di Indonesia mengingat kerugian yang ditimbulkan dapat mencapai 100%. Informasi mengenai genetik B. tabaci yang berasosiasi dengan penyakit kuning cabai di Indonesia masih sedikit. Untuk itu, perlu dilakukan penelitian untuk mengetahui identitas genetik B. tabaci. Penelitian bertujuan mengetahui identitas genetik B. tabaci yang diperoleh dari daerah endemik penyakit kuning cabai di Indonesia bagian barat. Kegiatan penelitian yang dilakukan meliputi 1) pengambilan sampel B. tabaci dari daerah endemik penyakit kuning cabai di Indonesia bagian barat; 2) ekstraksi DNA total satu individu B. tabaci dari hasil pengambilan sampel; 3) amplifikasi fragmen gen mitokondria sitokrom oksidase I (mtCOI) dengan metode polymerase chain reaction (PCR); 4) perunutan DNA fragmen gen mtCOI; 5) analisis filogenetika fragmen gen mtCOI hasil ekstraksi, dibandingkan dengan fragmen gen mtCOI yang sudah didepositkan di gen bank National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). Hasil analisis filogenetika menggunakan fragmen gen mtCOI diperoleh hasil bahwa sampel B. tabaci yang berasal dari daerah endemik penyakit kuning cabai di Indonesia Bagian Barat berada dalam satu golongan, yaitu kelompok wilayah Asia I. Identitas genetik B. tabaci dari daerah endemik cabai di Indonesia bagian barat tidak bervariasi dengan ditandai kladogram yang politomi.

Research on insect biodiversity in Indonesia which is known as megabiodiversity still not yet a l... more Research on insect biodiversity in Indonesia which is known as megabiodiversity still not yet a lot of done. Dung beetles represent one of insect group owning very important ecological role and enough suscebtible to condition change of an ecosistem so that is often made as one of bioindicator. Although it was estimated that there is about 1000 to 2000 species of dung beetle in Indo-Australia archipelago but the exact species number of Indonesia's dung beetles not yet been known, since the are more than 17,000 islands in the country and different islands posseses a lot of endemic species. The lack of entomologist especially taxonomist and the limited of identification key available also become the problems of study on dung beetles biodiversity as well as another group of insect in Indonesia. Therefore, we need some effort expected to solve these problem in order to accelarate the research of insect biodiversity in Indonesia.

Biodiversitas, Journal of Biological Diversity, 2007
This study analysed the response of dung beetles − a group of beetles which play a major role i... more This study analysed the response of dung beetles − a group of beetles which play a major role in decomposition of dung and animal carcasses − to changes of vegetation structure due to forest conversion to different human-made habitat types at the margin of Lore Lindu National Park. Therefore, dung beetles were sampled at natural forest, cacao agroforestry systems and open area. A total of 28 species of coprophagus beetle species were recorded from the sampled sites. Species richness and abundance of dung beetles, particularly of large species, decreased from forest towards agroforestry systems and open areas. However, more than 80 % of the species recorded in natural forest were found in cacao agroforestry systems Of the measured habitat parameters, particularly the number of tree species, air temperature, and canopy cover had a significant power for explaining changes in dung beetle ensembles along the gradient of land-use intensity.© 2007 Jurusan Biologi FMIPA UNS SurakartaKe...

Jurnal Entomologi Indonesia, 2013
Bogor dan sekitarnya merupakan salah satu wilayah Jawa Barat yang memiliki keanekaragaman tanaman... more Bogor dan sekitarnya merupakan salah satu wilayah Jawa Barat yang memiliki keanekaragaman tanaman hortikultura yang tinggi dan memengaruhi keberadaan serta keanekaragaman lalat buah di wilayah ini. Penelitian terkait keanekaragaman spesies lalat buah tidak hanya berhubungan dengan jumlah spesies lalat buah, namun juga memberikan informasi ekologi mengenai persebaran lalat buah di Kabupaten Bogor dan sekitarnya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui keanekaragaman dan persebaran dari spesies lalat buah serta inangnya di Kabupaten Bogor dan sekitarnya. Lalat buah dikoleksi dari 119 lokasi pengambilan contoh di Kabupaten Bogor dan beberapa lokasi dari Cianjur, Bekasi dan Depok. Pengambilan contoh dilakukan dengan menggunakan 2 metode, yaitu pemeliharaan inang dan penggunaan perangkap. Perangkap yang digunakan adalah modifikasi dari perangkap Lynfield dan dikombinasikan dengan 2 atraktan yang berbeda, yaitu Methyl eugenol (ME) dan Cue lure (CL). Tercatat 18 spesies lalat buah yang didapatkan melalui pemasangan perangkap dan pemeliharaan 24 spesies inang. Hasil penelitan menunjukkan bahwa persebaran, keanekaragaman dan kelimpahan dari lalat buah dipengaruhi oleh keanekaragaman inang lalat.

Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity, 2020
Oil palm pollinating weevil Elaeidobius kamerunicus is a very important insect pollinator in oil ... more Oil palm pollinating weevil Elaeidobius kamerunicus is a very important insect pollinator in oil palm plantation. However, there is still lack of information about molecular identification and population genetic study in this species. The purpose of this study was to explore the effectiveness of oil palm pollinating weevil identification using mitochondrial DNA of COI gene and to assess its genetic variation between different locations and countries. We sequenced the DNA barcode of 36 individuals of this species using the mtDNA Cytochrome Oxidase I (COI) gene to explore their genetic variation, identity and phylogenetic relationship. The COI gene sequences generated from this study were successful in identifying E. kamerunicus. Phylogenetic analysis also revealed 3 well-supported monophyletic haplogroups of E. kamerunicus population. In addition, genetic differentiation analysis revealed that most populations from Indonesia were different from Malaysian and Cameroonian populations indicating that there was a genetic variation between the population samples from these countries. The overall E. kamerunicus used in this study were geographically structured in two regions; outside Indonesia region (Cameroon and Malaysia) and Indonesia region. These results demonstrate the feasibility of using COI gene sequence for molecular identification and population genetic study of E. kamerunicus species.

Jurnal Hama dan Penyakit Tumbuhan Tropika
Indicator Plant and PCR-RAPD for Biotype Determination of Bemisia tabaci Gennadius (Hemiptera: Al... more Indicator Plant and PCR-RAPD for Biotype Determination of Bemisia tabaci Gennadius (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae).B. tabaci has been known world wide as a major pest and virus vector of horticulture. In Indonesia the presence of B.tabaci was reported since 1980 and its role as virus vector in tomato and chilli pepper has becoming more importantrecently. Genetic diversity of B. tabaci has been well recognized, but very little information available for diversity of B.tabaci in Indonesia. This research was conducted in Bogor, West Java from May 2004 to June 2005. The aim of thisresearch was to initiate basic information regarding genetic diversity of B. tabaci in Indonesia, particularly in Java Island.Whiteflies population collected from different crops, i.e. tomato, broccoli, chill pepper, eggplant, cucumber, soybean, andedamame, was evaluated using silverleaf-induction test, and RAPD-PCR. It was evidenced that only B. tabaci populationfrom broccoli was able to induce silverleaf. Two geneti...

Jurnal Entomologi Indonesia
The African oil palm weevil, Elaeidobius kamerunicus is an effective pollinator of oil palm. Each... more The African oil palm weevil, Elaeidobius kamerunicus is an effective pollinator of oil palm. Each individual palm produces exclusively male or female inflorescence so that the success of pollination depends on the ability of the pollinator to transfer pollen from male to female flowers. The objective of this research was to study the amount of pollen carried by E. kamerunicus between male and female inflorescences (pollen load) and the amount of pollen carried on each part of the weevil’s body (pollen distribution). Fifty each of male and female E. kamerunicus individuals were collected from male and female flowers on trees in 3 locations: Siantar (North Sumatra), Dramaga (West Java), and Morowali (Central Sulawesi). Data on pollen load and pollen distribution on the weevil’s body were analyzed using ImageJ software. Results show that E. kamerunicus individuals collected more pollen from male flowers than from female flowers. In addition, male insects carried more pollen on their b...

Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity
Maharani Y, Hidayat P, Rauf A, Maryana N. 2018. Short Communication: New records of aphid species... more Maharani Y, Hidayat P, Rauf A, Maryana N. 2018. Short Communication: New records of aphid species Subfamily Aphidinae (Hemiptera: Aphididae) in West Java, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 19: 510-515. Aphids (Hemiptera: Aphididae) are an economically important group of insects. Their feeding not only damages crops directly but also transmits viruses that cause plant disease. The total number of aphid species recorded in West Java, Indonesia between 1917 and 2013 was 184 species. The aim of the study reported here was to identify and record any aphid species and their host plants in West Java Province, Indonesia that had not previously been recorded. The study was conducted in thirteen districts in West Java. Fourteen species of aphid were newly recorded as found in West Java; five species from the tribe Aphidini, and nine species from the tribe Macrosiphini.
See Material & Methods

PeerJ, 2021
Rainforest conversion into monoculture plantations results in species loss and community shifts a... more Rainforest conversion into monoculture plantations results in species loss and community shifts across animal taxa. The effect of such conversion on the role of ecophysiological properties influencing communities, and conversion effects on phylogenetic diversity and community assembly mechanisms, however, are rarely studied in the same context. Here, we compare salticid spider (Araneae: Salticidae) communities between canopies of lowland rainforest, rubber agroforest (“jungle rubber”) and monoculture plantations of rubber or oil palm, sampled in a replicated plot design in Jambi Province, Sumatra, Indonesia. Overall, we collected 912 salticid spider individuals and sorted them to 70 morphospecies from 21 genera. Salticid richness was highest in jungle rubber, followed by rainforest, oil palm and rubber, but abundance of salticids did not differ between land-use systems. Community composition was similar in jungle rubber and rainforest but different from oil palm and rubber, which in...

The use of transgenic varieties on the agricultural production system may provide some agronomica... more The use of transgenic varieties on the agricultural production system may provide some agronomical benefits. However, uses of transgenic variety have raised some debates about their potential negative impact on the environment, such as on the decreasing of natural enemies. To study the impact of transgenic variety to the natural enemies, study was conducted on larvae development, and the survival of predatoral insect (V. lineata) on the transgenic Rojolele rice variety. Test was conducted at the laboratory of Molecular Biology, Research Centre for Biotechnology of Indonesian Institute of Science, from January to October 2009. Completely randomized design with 8 treatments and 30 replications were employed. The treatments were transgenic Rojolele rice as follow: 4.2.3-28-15-2-7 and 4.2.4-21-8-16-4 lines contained fusion of two cry genes (cryIB-cryIAa). The 3R9-8-2826-2 and 3R7-8-15-2-7 lines contained mpi::cryIB gene, the T96.11-420 line contained cryIAb gene obtained by particle bom...

Jurnal Entomologi Indonesia, 2016
Transformation two cry genes (cryIB-cryIAa) and transformation with a single the cry1B gene under... more Transformation two cry genes (cryIB-cryIAa) and transformation with a single the cry1B gene under the control of a wound-inducible maize proteinase inhibitor gene (mpi) promoter were two approaches that were used to get resistant rice to the rice stemborer which may be had a durable resistance. To obtain information on the effectiveness of seven transgenic rice lines to the rice yellow stemborer S. incertulas, a test was conducted in greenhouse. The seven lines were 1). line 4.2.3 and 2) line 4.2.4 both contain fusion of two cry genes (cryIB-cryIAa); 3) line 3R9 and 4) line 3R7 lines both contain of mpi-cryIB gene; and 5) line 6.11 contains of cryIAb gene by particle bombardment, 6) line DT-cry (Azygous) that do not contain cry gene (null), and 7) DT-cry line contains cryIAb gene by Agrobacterium, and as a negative control, we used three non transgenic rice varieties i.e., Rojolele, Cilosari, and Ciherang. The result showed that transgenic rice lines, except DT-cry and DT-cry (Azygo...

Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity, 2020
The high rate of land conversion has put pressure on biodiversity, especially in the tropics. The... more The high rate of land conversion has put pressure on biodiversity, especially in the tropics. The lowlands of Sumatra, for example, are dominated by increasingly extensive areas of oil palm and rubber monoculture plantations, while rainforests are continuously vanishing. The status of many rainforest animal populations, including iconic insect groups such as butterflies, is largely unclear. With a rapid assessment approach, we studied butterflies along land-use gradients from lowland rainforest, via jungle rubber plantations (rubber agroforest system), to monocultures of rubber and oil palm in Jambi Province, Sumatra. Butterflies were caught in a nested replication design at eight research plots at each of the forest, jungle rubber, and rubber and oil palm locations. Butterfly abundance was the highest in the rainforest (204.3±82.1), slightly lower in the jungle rubber and oil palm areas (164.9±61 and 169.3±94.9, respectively), and the lowest in the rubber plantation (108.8±38.5). Similarly, butterfly species richness was the highest in the forest and jungle rubber areas (47.1±7.7 and 38.8±7.6, respectively), followed by the oil palm area (33.3±9.8), and the lowest in the rubber plantation (26.1±9.1). Likewise, Shannon-Wiener diversity was the highest in the rainforest, at an intermediate level in the jungle rubber, and lowest in the oil palm and rubber plantations. Butterfly community composition in the rainforest was very different from that in the other three land-use systems, in which it was similar. Overall, the study demonstrates that rainforest butterfly communities cannot be sustained in agricultural systems, highlighting the importance of rainforests for conserving the diversity of arthropods.
Papers by Purnama Hidayat