Abstract. Environmentally friendly agriculture is an agricultural system that manages all resour... more Abstract. Environmentally friendly agriculture is an agricultural system that manages all resources and inputs of the agricultural system to achieve optimal productivity and economic benefits, but has a low risk of resource and environmental sustainability, as well as global warming/climate change. Environmentally friendly implementation strategies lead to synergy and integration between technologies, optimization of resources and production inputs which are carried out through three approaches, namely: (1) Anticipation, adaptation, and mitigation approaches in the context of global warming and climate change, (2) Mitigation approach, countermeasures, and remediation in the context of edhapik and biological environments, and (3) Land remediation approach in the context of degradation and pollution of land, air and ecosystem resources due to excessive use of agrochemicals. Support for research activities and development of adaptation, mitigation and remediation strategies for the re...
Saidi BB, Purnama H, Hendri J, Firdaus F, Minsyah NI. 2021. Lebak swamp land optimization suppor... more Saidi BB, Purnama H, Hendri J, Firdaus F, Minsyah NI. 2021. Lebak swamp land optimization supports rice production in Batanghari Jambi Regency. In: Herlinda S et al. (Eds.), Prosiding Seminar Nasional Lahan Suboptimal ke-9 Tahun 2021, Palembang 20 Oktober 2021. pp. 58-71. Palembang: Penerbit & Percetakan Universitas Sriwijaya (UNSRI).Lebak swamp land is a swamp that is affected by the presence of inundation with a duration of inundation of more than 3 months and inundation height of more than 50 cm. The potential of lebak swamps for the development of rice farming is very large. The area of lebak swamp land in Batanghari Regency is 4,033 ha. In order to support the Land Optimization Program to increase rice production in Batanghari district, 2,500 ha of lebak swamp land has been established in 7 (seven) sub-districts, 21 villages. The study aims to: (1) provide information about the characteristics, potential, opportunities of lowland swamp land for agricultural development, and (...
Kabupaten Muaro Jambi memiliki potensi lahan dan air untuk peningkatan IP (Indeks Pertanaman) khu... more Kabupaten Muaro Jambi memiliki potensi lahan dan air untuk peningkatan IP (Indeks Pertanaman) khususnya komoditas jagung dengan potensi lahan kering seluas 85.540 ha. Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian telah menghasilkan inovasi teknologi yang dapat digunakan untuk meningkatkan indeks pertanaman pada lahan kering. Tulisan ini bertujuan mengkaji potensi, ketersediaan teknologi, serta tantangan dan solusi dalam upaya meningkatkan IP jagung di lahan kering Kabupaten Muaro Jambi. Potensi di Muaro Jambi untuk meningkatkan IP yaitu potensi iklim dengan curah hujan yang cukup rendah, potensi sumberdaya lahan yang sesuai untuk tanaman jagung berdasarkan arahan peta pewilayahan komoditas dan potensi tanam berdasarkan Kalender Tanam (Katam). Untuk mendukung potensi dan tujuan peningkatan IP Jagung di Kabupaten Muaro Jambi, telah diidentifikasi ketersediaan teknologi diantaranya Varietas Unggul Baru Jagung Hibrida, pengaturan pola dan waktu tanam berdasarkan Sistem Informasi Kata...
Duku is one of horticultural crops and tropical fruits that has high commercial value. Government... more Duku is one of horticultural crops and tropical fruits that has high commercial value. Government of Jambi Province intends to maintain and develop duku through crop improvements and extensification. For that purpose it needs to understand crop requirement related to land characteristic. The aims of this research were to identify land characteristics that associated to duku productivity, describe the optimum land characteristics to support maximum duku productivity, and to investigate the significance influence of land characteristics on optimum duku productivity. The study used primary and secondary data. Primary data was collected through field surveys, including biophysical properties and crop productivity. Secondary data included climate and duku distribution in Jambi Province. Data analysis were used line boundary method analysis and discriminant analysis. Biophysical properties and productivity were plotted on scatter diagram and the distribution of points form a model of the ...
Purnama H, Hendri J, Saidi BB. 2019. Characteristics of potential land resources for agricultural... more Purnama H, Hendri J, Saidi BB. 2019. Characteristics of potential land resources for agricultural planning in merangin district based on Agroecological Zones (ZAE). In : Herlinda S et al. ( Eds .), Prosiding Seminar Nasional Lahan Suboptimal 2019, Palembang 4-5 September 2019. pp. 270-276. Palembang: Unsri Press. The study of Characteristics and Potential of Land Resources in Merangin Regency aims to identify the potential of land resources for agricultural development, to develop information on the type of land use for the right agricultural system as a basis for sustainable agricultural development, and to develop maps of zoning of agricultural commodities based on ZAE scale of 1: 50,000. The study was conducted with a desk study approach, soil sampling and surveys. The results of the study found that the climate classification of Merangin district was included in type B. The Merangin district landform consisted of 134 land units. SPT 1 to 6 are soil in the alluvial group, soil t...
Hendri J, Purnama H, Saidi BB. 2019. Based agricultural commodities of agroecology zone map scal... more Hendri J, Purnama H, Saidi BB. 2019. Based agricultural commodities of agroecology zone map scale 1: 50.000 at Muaro Jambi and Jambi District, Jambi Province. In : Herlinda S et al. ( Eds .), Prosiding Seminar Nasional Lahan Suboptimal 2019, Palembang 4-5 September 2019. pp. 277-286. Palembang: Unsri Press. Support regional development plans Jambi province, especially Muaro Jambi and Jambi City regency, has done the preparation of maps of land resources and agricultural commodities zoning map scale of 1: 50,000 which can be used as the basis for planning the development of agriculture. Research methodology includes several stages of the preparation, the field research and data collection. The results showed that Agroclimate Zone Muaro Jambi and Jambi City belong to the agro-climatic zones B1, Consists of 21 land units where 8 land units are behind river meanders marsh, swamp behind the tidal plains and peat plivio marin, whereas 13 land units consist of tectonic flat to undulatin...
Primilestari S, Purnama H. 2019. Citrus fruit cultivation technology in peatland to improve produ... more Primilestari S, Purnama H. 2019. Citrus fruit cultivation technology in peatland to improve productivity and farmer’s income in tanjung Jabung Barat District. In : Herlinda S et al. ( Eds. ), Prosiding Seminar Nasional Lahan Suboptimal 2019, Palembang 4-5 September 2019. pp. 79-89. Palembang: Unsri Press. Tanjung Jabung Barat District is a part of the development area of national citrus horticulture area located in Jambi Province. The area is a peatland which is suboptimal land, constrained by the nature of acid soils. Another obstacle is the low availability of quality and certified seeds, the level of pest and disease attacks is quite high due to the excessive use of pesticides, and nonoptimal plant maintenance. This paper aims to provide information on the implementation of technology and suggest improvements for the community and related stakeholders. This paper is a scientific review of location-specific technology innovations for citrus cultivation to applied on peatlands, in...
Duku is one ofhorticultural crops and tropical fruits that has high commercial value. Government ... more Duku is one ofhorticultural crops and tropical fruits that has high commercial value. Government ofJambi Province intends to maintain and develop duku through crop improvements and extensification. For that purpose it needs to understand crop requirement related to land characteristic. The aims ofthis research were to identifY land characteristics that associated to duku productivity, describe the optimum land characteristics to support maximum duku productivity, and to investigate the significance influence of land characteristics on optimum duku productivity. The study used primary and secondary data. Primary data was collected through field surveys, including biophysical properties and crop productivity. Secondary data included climate and duku distribution in Jambi Province. Data analysis were used line boundary method analysis and discriminant analysis. Biophysical properties and productivity were plotted on scatter diagram and the distribution ofpoints form a model ofthe boundary line. The model ofthe biophysical properties and production relationship could determine land characteristics that associated with optimum productivity. The optimum productivity was associated with soil texture ofsandy clay, sandy clay loam, loam, and clay loam, soil depth > 56 cm, soil pH between 4.5 to 6.4, C organic content> 0.60%, CEC was > 16.0 cmol kg-I, base saturation was > 5%, available P was > 1.50 ppm, exchangeable K content > 0.50 cmol kg-I, and Al saturation was < 43%. The discriminant analysis showed that the soil pH had the highest contribution on duku productivity.
Abstract. Environmentally friendly agriculture is an agricultural system that manages all resour... more Abstract. Environmentally friendly agriculture is an agricultural system that manages all resources and inputs of the agricultural system to achieve optimal productivity and economic benefits, but has a low risk of resource and environmental sustainability, as well as global warming/climate change. Environmentally friendly implementation strategies lead to synergy and integration between technologies, optimization of resources and production inputs which are carried out through three approaches, namely: (1) Anticipation, adaptation, and mitigation approaches in the context of global warming and climate change, (2) Mitigation approach, countermeasures, and remediation in the context of edhapik and biological environments, and (3) Land remediation approach in the context of degradation and pollution of land, air and ecosystem resources due to excessive use of agrochemicals. Support for research activities and development of adaptation, mitigation and remediation strategies for the re...
Saidi BB, Purnama H, Hendri J, Firdaus F, Minsyah NI. 2021. Lebak swamp land optimization suppor... more Saidi BB, Purnama H, Hendri J, Firdaus F, Minsyah NI. 2021. Lebak swamp land optimization supports rice production in Batanghari Jambi Regency. In: Herlinda S et al. (Eds.), Prosiding Seminar Nasional Lahan Suboptimal ke-9 Tahun 2021, Palembang 20 Oktober 2021. pp. 58-71. Palembang: Penerbit & Percetakan Universitas Sriwijaya (UNSRI).Lebak swamp land is a swamp that is affected by the presence of inundation with a duration of inundation of more than 3 months and inundation height of more than 50 cm. The potential of lebak swamps for the development of rice farming is very large. The area of lebak swamp land in Batanghari Regency is 4,033 ha. In order to support the Land Optimization Program to increase rice production in Batanghari district, 2,500 ha of lebak swamp land has been established in 7 (seven) sub-districts, 21 villages. The study aims to: (1) provide information about the characteristics, potential, opportunities of lowland swamp land for agricultural development, and (...
Kabupaten Muaro Jambi memiliki potensi lahan dan air untuk peningkatan IP (Indeks Pertanaman) khu... more Kabupaten Muaro Jambi memiliki potensi lahan dan air untuk peningkatan IP (Indeks Pertanaman) khususnya komoditas jagung dengan potensi lahan kering seluas 85.540 ha. Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian telah menghasilkan inovasi teknologi yang dapat digunakan untuk meningkatkan indeks pertanaman pada lahan kering. Tulisan ini bertujuan mengkaji potensi, ketersediaan teknologi, serta tantangan dan solusi dalam upaya meningkatkan IP jagung di lahan kering Kabupaten Muaro Jambi. Potensi di Muaro Jambi untuk meningkatkan IP yaitu potensi iklim dengan curah hujan yang cukup rendah, potensi sumberdaya lahan yang sesuai untuk tanaman jagung berdasarkan arahan peta pewilayahan komoditas dan potensi tanam berdasarkan Kalender Tanam (Katam). Untuk mendukung potensi dan tujuan peningkatan IP Jagung di Kabupaten Muaro Jambi, telah diidentifikasi ketersediaan teknologi diantaranya Varietas Unggul Baru Jagung Hibrida, pengaturan pola dan waktu tanam berdasarkan Sistem Informasi Kata...
Duku is one of horticultural crops and tropical fruits that has high commercial value. Government... more Duku is one of horticultural crops and tropical fruits that has high commercial value. Government of Jambi Province intends to maintain and develop duku through crop improvements and extensification. For that purpose it needs to understand crop requirement related to land characteristic. The aims of this research were to identify land characteristics that associated to duku productivity, describe the optimum land characteristics to support maximum duku productivity, and to investigate the significance influence of land characteristics on optimum duku productivity. The study used primary and secondary data. Primary data was collected through field surveys, including biophysical properties and crop productivity. Secondary data included climate and duku distribution in Jambi Province. Data analysis were used line boundary method analysis and discriminant analysis. Biophysical properties and productivity were plotted on scatter diagram and the distribution of points form a model of the ...
Purnama H, Hendri J, Saidi BB. 2019. Characteristics of potential land resources for agricultural... more Purnama H, Hendri J, Saidi BB. 2019. Characteristics of potential land resources for agricultural planning in merangin district based on Agroecological Zones (ZAE). In : Herlinda S et al. ( Eds .), Prosiding Seminar Nasional Lahan Suboptimal 2019, Palembang 4-5 September 2019. pp. 270-276. Palembang: Unsri Press. The study of Characteristics and Potential of Land Resources in Merangin Regency aims to identify the potential of land resources for agricultural development, to develop information on the type of land use for the right agricultural system as a basis for sustainable agricultural development, and to develop maps of zoning of agricultural commodities based on ZAE scale of 1: 50,000. The study was conducted with a desk study approach, soil sampling and surveys. The results of the study found that the climate classification of Merangin district was included in type B. The Merangin district landform consisted of 134 land units. SPT 1 to 6 are soil in the alluvial group, soil t...
Hendri J, Purnama H, Saidi BB. 2019. Based agricultural commodities of agroecology zone map scal... more Hendri J, Purnama H, Saidi BB. 2019. Based agricultural commodities of agroecology zone map scale 1: 50.000 at Muaro Jambi and Jambi District, Jambi Province. In : Herlinda S et al. ( Eds .), Prosiding Seminar Nasional Lahan Suboptimal 2019, Palembang 4-5 September 2019. pp. 277-286. Palembang: Unsri Press. Support regional development plans Jambi province, especially Muaro Jambi and Jambi City regency, has done the preparation of maps of land resources and agricultural commodities zoning map scale of 1: 50,000 which can be used as the basis for planning the development of agriculture. Research methodology includes several stages of the preparation, the field research and data collection. The results showed that Agroclimate Zone Muaro Jambi and Jambi City belong to the agro-climatic zones B1, Consists of 21 land units where 8 land units are behind river meanders marsh, swamp behind the tidal plains and peat plivio marin, whereas 13 land units consist of tectonic flat to undulatin...
Primilestari S, Purnama H. 2019. Citrus fruit cultivation technology in peatland to improve produ... more Primilestari S, Purnama H. 2019. Citrus fruit cultivation technology in peatland to improve productivity and farmer’s income in tanjung Jabung Barat District. In : Herlinda S et al. ( Eds. ), Prosiding Seminar Nasional Lahan Suboptimal 2019, Palembang 4-5 September 2019. pp. 79-89. Palembang: Unsri Press. Tanjung Jabung Barat District is a part of the development area of national citrus horticulture area located in Jambi Province. The area is a peatland which is suboptimal land, constrained by the nature of acid soils. Another obstacle is the low availability of quality and certified seeds, the level of pest and disease attacks is quite high due to the excessive use of pesticides, and nonoptimal plant maintenance. This paper aims to provide information on the implementation of technology and suggest improvements for the community and related stakeholders. This paper is a scientific review of location-specific technology innovations for citrus cultivation to applied on peatlands, in...
Duku is one ofhorticultural crops and tropical fruits that has high commercial value. Government ... more Duku is one ofhorticultural crops and tropical fruits that has high commercial value. Government ofJambi Province intends to maintain and develop duku through crop improvements and extensification. For that purpose it needs to understand crop requirement related to land characteristic. The aims ofthis research were to identifY land characteristics that associated to duku productivity, describe the optimum land characteristics to support maximum duku productivity, and to investigate the significance influence of land characteristics on optimum duku productivity. The study used primary and secondary data. Primary data was collected through field surveys, including biophysical properties and crop productivity. Secondary data included climate and duku distribution in Jambi Province. Data analysis were used line boundary method analysis and discriminant analysis. Biophysical properties and productivity were plotted on scatter diagram and the distribution ofpoints form a model ofthe boundary line. The model ofthe biophysical properties and production relationship could determine land characteristics that associated with optimum productivity. The optimum productivity was associated with soil texture ofsandy clay, sandy clay loam, loam, and clay loam, soil depth > 56 cm, soil pH between 4.5 to 6.4, C organic content> 0.60%, CEC was > 16.0 cmol kg-I, base saturation was > 5%, available P was > 1.50 ppm, exchangeable K content > 0.50 cmol kg-I, and Al saturation was < 43%. The discriminant analysis showed that the soil pH had the highest contribution on duku productivity.
Papers by Hendri Purnama