Papers by Puni Alexandru Rares

Knowledge of learning style can enhance the ability of teachers to build on student experiences a... more Knowledge of learning style can enhance the ability of teachers to build on student experiences and construct new learning opportunities. It is about how a person learns than what a person learn. This study examines the learning styles preferences in medical and physical education university students and the differences in their learning according to Learning Styles Kolb Questionnaire. This questionnaire is design to find out the preferred learning style and differs from other tests of learning style and personality used in education by being based on a comprehensive theory of learning and development. The group consist in 222 students. Six variables were assesses: four primary scores that measure an individual's relative emphasis on the four learning orientations: Concrete Experience (CE), Reflective Observation (RO), Abstract Conceptualization (AC), and Active Experimentation (AE), and two combination scores that measure an individual's preference for abstractness over concreteness (AC-CE) and action over reflection (AE-RO). According to the results of the study after applied One Way Anova and Bonferoni with SPSS package program it was seen that are not significant differences between groups for three learning orientation. Only for Abstract Conceptualization (AC) were founded differences between groups. With the results, we bring out the inventory of students learning stylea and performance.

Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2015
Optimizing the technical training is a primordial (essential) requirement within the entire train... more Optimizing the technical training is a primordial (essential) requirement within the entire training process in Rhythmic Gymnastics. For this reason, the purpose of this study was to improve the execution technique, to teach or correct the technical elements and to obtain high results in competitions. We have approached this theme in order to pinpoint certain mental training techniques and their application in the training process on a sample of 10 female gymnasts of the third and the second category. After interpreting the results obtained at the competitions of 2012 and 2013, we have found an increase in the scores for both execution scores and final scores. Hence, the female gymnasts scored the following values: t = -2.771 (hoop), t = -4.483 (ball), t = -2.182 (clubs) and t = -6.805 (ribbon), all with p < 0.05 threshold. The final scores obtained had the following values: t = -5.473 (hoop), t = -3.851 (ball), t = -3.184 (clubs) and t = -4.880 (ribbon), all with p < 0.05 thr...

New Trends and Issues Proceedings on Humanities and Social Sciences
The purpose of this study is to highlight the evolution of the explosive strength in the 4-year i... more The purpose of this study is to highlight the evolution of the explosive strength in the 4-year interval of the backs compartment and the level of adaptation to the game requirements. The hypothesis in this study is that the explosive strength of the lower limbs in rugby backs developed during the past 4 years, trying to keep up with the higher needs in the first Romanian league. Explosive power was measured using the ‘Just Jump System’, which is a plyometric test mat on which the players conducted a set of three tests: squat jump, control movement jump and free jump. The forwards significantly improved their explosive strength in a 4-year period. Although the total body mass got bigger, the players managed to improve their lower limbs’ explosive strength; this fact proves a good physical adaptation to the requirements of the rugby game. Keywords: Power, jump.

From 15 to 26 June 1955, the Romanian capital hosted the fourth edition of the European Volleybal... more From 15 to 26 June 1955, the Romanian capital hosted the fourth edition of the European Volleyball Championship, both women and men. This edition, scheduled four years after the previous one, also registered a record of participation for those times: 14 teams entered the men's competition and 6 attended the women's. In the end, the Romanian men representative occupied an honourable second position in the charts, while the women were only fourth. The European titles went to Czechoslovakia, which clearly dominated the competition. The tournament was programmed to take place in Floreasca Hall and Dinamo Sports Park in Bucharest. The main aim of our present study is that of providing a detailed analysis of this sports event, which belongs to a period when the European volleyball championships did not have a regular scheduling, and the number of competing teams was not officially pre-established. Our second goal is that of framing this competition into the larger political context which deeply influenced its development. The sports event happening in Bucharest proved to be a success, both from the perspective of the quality of the featured competitions, and from the organizational point of view, thus placing the country among the select few volleyball promoters worldwide

Performance in sports is based on an important pillar: health. Often times we go to our doctors w... more Performance in sports is based on an important pillar: health. Often times we go to our doctors when we are already ill, but rarely do we visit them for a discussion regarding prevention of illness. For top athletes, the fact that they have to undergo periodic medical checks allows most illnesses to be discovered at a relatively early stage. However, there are also a range of diseases that can develop latently, with minimal signs of illness that could be detected when doing a more thorough self-examination. Starting from these realities, and using as a theoretical basis the Self-control Journal from Sports Medicine, we developed a survey that included 15 questions and applied it to the team that won Romania's volleyball Cup. The purpose of the survey was to identify what is the level of knowledge of the elements regarding health: if the markers of health are known, what is the perception of athletes regarding what they can do and what depends on them in order to maintain their health. The results of the survey have shown the necessity for more information regarding the aspects related to the importance of self-examination, nutrition and sleep for athletes competing at the top levels. The value of our work resides in the fact that it is the first study in Romania that is based on the Self-control diary, combined with education on hygienic-sanitary topics simultaneous with the application of the survey.

Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2014
Our present study belongs to a broader research project, targeting the training optimization in p... more Our present study belongs to a broader research project, targeting the training optimization in performance volleyball through stress control, based upon Women's A1 Division Penicilina Iasi volleyball team, during the 2011-2012 season (in Romania). With the present proposal, we aim at discussing the levels of competitive stress, as revealed by serum biochemistry when analyzing the levels of glycaemia, serum urea and cholesterol. The participants in our research, namely ten athletes playing for Penicilina Iasi volleyball team, were the subject of DDFAO lab tests. The measurements were made during three keymoments of the competitive season: after the holydays, after returning from the mountain training camp, and right before the most important game in the championship (the last chance to avoid relegation). The research was based on two working hypothesis: 1. during different stages of the competitive season, players' stress levels vary; 2. stress levels could be improved through specific mental and physical training methods. The final results confirmed our initial assumptions.

Optimizing the technical training is a primordial (essential) requirement within the entire train... more Optimizing the technical training is a primordial (essential) requirement within the entire training process in Rhythmic Gymnastics. For this reason, the purpose of this study was to improve the execution technique, to teach or correct the technical elements and to obtain high results in competitions. We have approached this theme in order to pinpoint certain mental training techniques and their application in the training process on a sample of 10 female gymnasts of the third and the second category. After interpreting the results obtained at the competitions of 2012 and 2013, we have found an increase in the scores for both execution scores and final scores. Hence, the female gymnasts scored the following values: t = -2.771 (hoop), t = -4.483 (ball), t = -2.182 (clubs) and t = -6.805 (ribbon), all with p < 0.05 threshold. The final scores obtained had the following values: t = -5.473 (hoop), t = -3.851 (ball), t = -3.184 (clubs) and t = -4.880 (ribbon), all with p < 0.05 threshold. In conclusion, we underline the idea that the role of mental training techniques is that of channelling the athlete’s attitude towards the self, thus increasing self-awareness, which leads to analyzing the personal performance. Mental training is a process of acquiring a positive attitude towards the achievements set in mind.
The aim of our present study was to investigate the anthropometrical status of athletes and non-a... more The aim of our present study was to investigate the anthropometrical status of athletes and non-athletes. The anthropometric data included 3 types of measurements: basic, girths and breadths. The research was carried out on 20 handball players, 16 volleyball players and 21 healthy non-athlete subjects. The data obtained after applying the One-Way ANOVA indicates the existence of differences between the research groups (p<0.05), depending on weight, BMI, girths (arm span, chest, waist, hip), and breadths (biacromial, biliocristal, transverse chest), while no differences were recorded for height and anterior-posterior chest depth. Our research demonstrated the existence of differences between the non-athletes and athletes, as a result of the targeted selection of the athletes for each post or team.
Papers by Puni Alexandru Rares