Papers by Punaji Manajemen

This study aims to analyze and determine the effect of learning strategies (The differences betwe... more This study aims to analyze and determine the effect of learning strategies (The differences between Problem Based Learning and Direct Instruction) and cognitive style on mathematical problems solving learning outcomes. This study used a quasi-experimental research design (nonequivalent control group designs) The research subjects were students from state elementary school of V grade in Gading I Surabaya, east java. The totals of elementary school population in east Surabaya were 141 elementary schools. The selected schools are the schools which have some parallel classes, therefore the circumstances are relatively similar. Four classes are selected, they were from SDN Gading 1 state elementary school. These schools were randomly chosen to implement different learning strategies, they are implementing problem-based learning and hands-on learning. The data collection techniques were mathematical problems solving learning pre-tests and post-test, Group embedded figures test (GEFT) for ...

İlköğretim Online, 2020
The difficulties for first-grade students in the primary school in reading, particularly unfamili... more The difficulties for first-grade students in the primary school in reading, particularly unfamiliarity with the alphabet, obstruct their communication due to the inability to use the right words and proper spelling. These issues lead to low reading comprehension. The use of inappropriate learning models for early reading skills and inaccurate learning media creates difficulties for students in reading. As such, to improve their reading comprehension, the use of PWIM with the emphasis on students' ability to think inductively is considered to be the right solution. This study aims to investigate the influence of PWIM on early reading skills in first-grade students of primary school in Indonesia. This study used a quasi-experimental model with a control group pre-test and post-test. The data analysis techniques involved the T-test and gain score test. The results of the study acknowledged significant difference in reading skills toward early reading skills. PWIM posed a significant influence on the early reading skills of primary students, compared to conventional teaching using textbooks. PWIM was proven influential to empower the inductive thinking of primary school students.

Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists, 2019
This research examines the effect of discovery learning method using various cognitive styles on ... more This research examines the effect of discovery learning method using various cognitive styles on metacognitive and critical thinking skills of pre-service elementary school teachers. Quasi-experimental pretest-post tests non-equivalent control group design is selected to be the method of this research. The subjects of this research are 144 preservice teachers. The instrument used to measure the subjects' metacognitive skill is Metacognitive Awareness Inventory (MAI) questionnaires as adapted from Schraw & Dennison (1994), whereas modified essays of Ennis (1985) are to evaluate critical thinking skills. Embedded Figure Test Group (GEFT) as adapted from Witkin, et al (1977), is utilized to measure the cognitive styles of the research subjects. The data is then analyzed through two-way MANOVA technique. The findings of the research conclude that: (1) there are significant differences in metacognitive and critical thinking skills between groups which learned using discovery learning method and discussion method; (2) there are significant differences in metacognitive and critical thinking skills between pre-service elementary school teachers when integrated with field independence cognitive style and field dependence cognitive style; (3) there is an interaction between discovery learning and discussion method integrated with cognitive styles on metacognitive and critical thinking skills of pre-service elementary school teachers.

Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists, 2019
This research aims to examine the effect of applying art-based learning model to the learning out... more This research aims to examine the effect of applying art-based learning model to the learning outcomes of effective teaching behavior of students in microteaching classes. The research design used a quasi-experimental design of non-equivalent control group design. Participants were students' microteaching classes in the Department of Islamic Studies, Universitas Islam Malang academic year 2018/2019. The subjects of this study were 103 pre-service teacher students consisting of 4 classes (2 experimental classes and 2 control classes, (54) in the experimental group, (49) in the control class). The experimental classes are taught art-based learning models and control classes are taught by practice-based models. The data tools used teacher observation instrument connecting descriptions of how effective teaching was. Research data were analyzed by independent sample t-test. It was found that pre-service teacher students' outcomes in the form of effective teaching behavior produced by art-based learning is higher than student learning outcomes used practice-based models.

Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists, 2020
The Covid-19 pandemic marks an era of using online as a medium of learning communication, includi... more The Covid-19 pandemic marks an era of using online as a medium of learning communication, including counseling services. School Counselor are required to use ICT as a form of adaptation to learning with students. The research design using a quantitative Structural equation modeling aimed to test correlation of two or more variables. The participants are 214 School Counselor who are members of the Indonesian Guidance and Counseling Association (ABKIN) and the Guidance and Counseling Teacher Council (MGBK). This study measures the participation of School Counselor who fill out online questionnaires with respect to their perceptions of maximizing the use of ICT in providing counseling services. Measurement of the successful use of ICT in Guidance and counseling (BK) services during a pandemic will be measured through the attributes of Computer Anxiety (CA), Computer Self-Efficacy (CSA), Collegial Collaboration (CC), Lack Facility (LF), Perceive Usefulness (PU), and Perceived Ease of Use (PEOU). The results showed findings in which all attributes have a significant outcome on the use of ICT on School Counselor.

Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists, 2019
This research aims to examine the effect of Project-based Collaborative Learning (PBCL) strategy ... more This research aims to examine the effect of Project-based Collaborative Learning (PBCL) strategy on conceptual understanding and application of biology for students with different social skills. The research design used a quasi-experimental design of a non-equivalent control group. The population in this study was all 11thgrade students at Al-Abidin Surakarta high school. Seventy-five students were taken as the research subjects and divided into two groups, 38 students in the experimental class with PBCL implementation and 37 ones in the control class with Collaborative Learning (CL) strategically. Sampling technique using cluster random sampling. The instruments used a questionnaire of social skills developed by Tapia-Gutierrez & Delgado (2015) and a test instrument of multiple choice and essay for conceptual understanding and concept application. The data were analyzed using Multivariate Analysis Of Variance. Based on the results of the research, all significance values 0.00<0.05. The result shows that a significant difference in both strategies PBCL & CL towards either conceptual understanding or concept application exists. In addition, a significant difference in social skills towards either conceptual understanding or concept application appears. The interaction effect between those strategies and social skills towards conceptual understanding and concept application was found.
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknologi Pendidikan Universitas Negeri Malang 2015
Papers by Punaji Manajemen