Papers by Christophe Providence
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Nov 27, 2015
Nelson SYLVESTRE, Professeur, Direction des études post-graduées, Université d'Etat d'Haïti (UEH)... more Nelson SYLVESTRE, Professeur, Direction des études post-graduées, Université d'Etat d'Haïti (UEH), Rapporteur. Denis MARTOUZET, Professeur des universités, maison des sciences de l'homme (
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Jul 19, 2019
La notion de territoire dans les politiques publiquesErreur ! Signet non défini. iii Les finances... more La notion de territoire dans les politiques publiquesErreur ! Signet non défini. iii Les finances publiques et les choix de politiques publiques dans les PMA………………………………………………………….Erreur ! Signet non défini.
Cette communication est mise à disposition selon les termes de la Licence Creative Commons Attrib... more Cette communication est mise à disposition selon les termes de la Licence Creative Commons Attribution-Pas d'Utilisation Commerciale 4.0 International.
La notion de territoire dans les politiques publiquesErreur ! Signet non défini. iii Les finances... more La notion de territoire dans les politiques publiquesErreur ! Signet non défini. iii Les finances publiques et les choix de politiques publiques dans les PMA………………………………………………………….Erreur ! Signet non défini.
Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe - HAL - SHS, 2018

Depuis la chute du régime des Duvalier en 1986, Haïti se veut un État démocratique dans lequel le... more Depuis la chute du régime des Duvalier en 1986, Haïti se veut un État démocratique dans lequel les pratiques du développement territorial insistent sur l’implication et la participation des acteurs locaux. Les principes de la décentralisation sont alors proclamés impliquant une volonté de l’État haïtien de transférer des compétences et des moyens aux collectivités territoriales, dans le cadre de services publics de proximité. Deux phénomènes allaient marquer la société haïtienne à partir de cette date. Le premier est l’ouverture du pays aux échanges commerciaux (à l’échelle internationale) et le second revoie à la prolifération des ONG et de petits projets locaux dits de développement. Ces deux phénomènes traduisent, dans un sens large, la mise en projet du territoire haïtien à partir de ce que l’on appelle « le système aide-projet international ».Cette thèse poursuit deux grands objectifs conduisant à deux modèles différents, mais interreliés. Le premier objectif est de s’interroge...

The concept of territorial innovation, which evokes the transformation of relations between local... more The concept of territorial innovation, which evokes the transformation of relations between local actors and physical amenities for the development of a territory, is essential in the reflection on the tourist attraction. To analyze a territorial innovation is to present the socio-cultural, economic and geographical resources that are mobilized by an individual or collective actors. This text maintains that territorial innovation is part of a very broad process of networking tourism operators and their projects with a view to creating a pole of competitiveness. As a result, we resume that there exists a functional proximity which allows the leader in the necessary space in which to perform effective innovative work emotional buffer zones which will enable him to maintain the ability to see clearly and make rational. After discussing approaches to the development of territoriality tourism, we throw the theoretical foundations of the notion of territorial innovation, linked to that of...

Scholedge International Journal of Management & Development, 2019
This aim of this study is to explore the development assistance system and its multiple challenge... more This aim of this study is to explore the development assistance system and its multiple challenges in the global economy: an obstacle for assisted countries. Development aid is one of the instruments of international cooperation whose primary objective is to facilitate trade in the context of globalization. It deserves to be approached systemically to understand the different monetary and human flows and to build networks of actors developing reciprocal interdependencies. For example, development aid to poor countries can be broken down into four main variants: “budget assistance,” “technical assistance,” “project assistance” and “emergency assistance.” According to the authors, development aid must be analyzed in relation to the overall socio-economic and political context (on the donor country side) and local (in the assisted country), acting on the networking links developed by the actors involved. It is thus asserted in the asymmetry of the power relations between the players in...

The aim of this qualitative study was to understand the perplexity of “Tabula rasa” on structural... more The aim of this qualitative study was to understand the perplexity of “Tabula rasa” on structural changes in Haiti. Tabula rasa thus implies that individual human beings are born “blank” (with no built-in mental content) and that their identity is defined entirely by their experiences and sensory perceptions of the outside world. In general terms, the contention that we start life literally “from scratch” can be said to imply a one-sided emphasis on empiricism over idealism. This study uses the theory of Lockean and the model of Leontief’s model of 1968. This study revealed that tabula rasa has been used with an emotional view for years in Haiti with no success. We maintain in this paper that the change of the system of Territorial Planning (Tabula Rasa technique), long-awaited by the Haitian population, requires new mechanisms of financing of public actions. The logic of budget allocation in relation to established priorities requires clearly defined budgetary principles to promote...

The aim of this qualitative study was to understand the perplexity of “Tabula rasa” on structural... more The aim of this qualitative study was to understand the perplexity of “Tabula rasa” on structural changes in Haiti. Tabula rasa thus implies that individual human beings are born “blank” (with no built-in mental content), and that their identity is defined entirely by their experiences and sensory perceptions of the outside world. In general terms, the contention that we start life literally “from scratch” can be said to imply a one-sided emphasis on empiricism over idealism. This study uses the theory of Lockean and the model of Leontief’s model of 1968. This study revealed that tabula rasa has been used with an emotion view for years in Haiti with no success. We maintain in this paper that the change of system of Territorial Planning (Tabula Rasa technique), long awaited by the Haitian population, requires new mechanisms of financing of public actions. The logic of budget allocation in relation to established priorities requires clearly defined budgetary principles to promote the ...
Papers by Christophe Providence