Papers by Bernardo Providência

Affective and Pleasurable Design
The year 2020 was marked by the Covid-19 pandemic, where in addition to the whole situation of th... more The year 2020 was marked by the Covid-19 pandemic, where in addition to the whole situation of the danger of the virus, it had several emotional and social impacts. As a result of this scenario, in some places – such as Brazil – higher education classes have migrated to remote spaces. It is worth to notice that the educational sector is an important sector for the market and for society, and one of its metrics for strategic decisions is the understanding of student satisfaction. In turn, emotional design aims to understand the human being from an affective perspective, beyond functional issues. In view of this, this study aims to analyze the fluctuations of students' moods in the educational context, throughout the 2020 pandemic year, in the face of various milestones of the academic cycle, through the self-report tool BRUMS (Brunel Mood Scale) from the perspective of the emotional design. In total, there were 6 data collection moments, in two educational cycles, between April a...

Affective and Pleasurable Design
In future autonomous cars, users, free from the primary task of driving, will have time and space... more In future autonomous cars, users, free from the primary task of driving, will have time and space to engage in other activities while traveling, such as reading a book, working on a laptop or watching a movie. Although the option for these activities are one of the great advantages of autonomous cars, this will also likely increase motion sickness (MS) inside the car. MS affects numerous individuals, and it occurs when the information received through the eyes differs from what is perceived by the body and the inner ear. Plus, MS can have an impact on the emotional component of the individuals experiencing it, making the experience of traveling in autonomous cars uncomfortable and difficult. Emotional design studies focus on the emotional response of individuals to a product or service. These studies typically employ self-report scales as assessment tools, such as SAM (Self-Assessment Manikin) and PrEmo (Product Emotion Measurement instrument). We present the first study measuring e...

Neuroergonomics and Cognitive Engineering
fNIRS is a functional neuroimaging technology that measures activations according to the oxygenat... more fNIRS is a functional neuroimaging technology that measures activations according to the oxygenation and deoxygenation of neural activities. A technique still little used within design, but that can contribute in neurodesign and affective, for example. Although emotions are universal, their way of perceiving and feeling is individual. The emotion design has some gaps, namely the lack of mastery of techniques and knowledge of human responses to emotions. In total, 44 articles were analyzed in a non-systematic way, with the aim to find the advantages and disadvantage of using fNIRS. As conclusion, it was possible to perceive that the fNIRS is a promising neuroimaging technique with 20 advantages points and 13 disadvantages points. The stimuli can be sensorial, cognitive and motor, handled in laboratory, in social environments or in real situations. fNIRS is already used in studies of emotions and can help to investigate the brain activations in the face of emotion processing and the a...
Este trabalho tem o apoio financeiro do Projeto Lab2PT‐ Laboratorio de Paisagens, Patrimonio e Te... more Este trabalho tem o apoio financeiro do Projeto Lab2PT‐ Laboratorio de Paisagens, Patrimonio e Territorio ‐ AUR/04509 e da FCT atraves de fundos nacionais e quando aplicavel do cofinanciamento do FEDER, no âmbito dos novos acordos de parceria PT2020 e COMPETE 2020 – POCI‐01‐0145‐FEDER‐007528

No âmbito do segundo ano curricular da Licenciatura em Design de Produto da Universidade do Minho... more No âmbito do segundo ano curricular da Licenciatura em Design de Produto da Universidade do Minho, foram realizados dois exercicios projetuais em que a luz assumiu um papel relevante. No primeiro caso a iluminacao esta diretamente relacionada com o programa funcional da proposta e funciona como elemento potenciador da morfologia do objeto. Deste exercicio resultaram luminarias feitas em cartao, associadas a determinados contextos e perfis de utilizacao. No segundo caso explora-se a relacao e os efeitos da luz sobre diversos materiais e as imagens que resultam desse registo. Para alem de contribuir para a compreensao de propriedades expressivas dos materiais, pretende servir de suporte a reflexao sobre os atributos das superficies percetiveis dos objetos, estimulando a curiosidade dos estudantes para novas descobertas. Este artigo apresenta e discute alguns resultados destes exercicios, refletindo sobre o uso da luz como materia de projeto. No final observa-se que, enquanto tema e ob...

Produzido no âmbito do Projecto Empreendedorismo Social em Portugal: as políticas, as organizaçõe... more Produzido no âmbito do Projecto Empreendedorismo Social em Portugal: as políticas, as organizações e as práticas de educação/formação (PTDC/CS-SOC/100186/2008) coordenado pelo Instituto de Sociologia da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto (ISFLUP), em parceria com a A3S -Associação para o Empreendedorismo Social e a Sustentabilidade do Terceiro Setor e o Centro de Estudos sobre a Mudança Socioeconómica e o Território (DINAMIA'CET) do ISCTE-IUL. Financiamento COMPETE/QREN/EU Porto, 2014 FICHA TÉCNICA ÉS SOCIAL Guião pedagógico do documentário 1 O guião pedagógico 2 O documentário ÉS SOCIAL Sinopse do filme 3 Proposta de exploração pedagógica do documentário Capitulo 1 | Olhares sobre Empreendedorismo Social Tema 1 -O que é o terceiro setor Tema 2 -Que valores distinguem o terceiro setor Tema 3 -Unidos pela missão Tema 4 -O que é o Empreendedorismo Social Capítulo 2 | Agir para transformar Tema 1 -Desenvolvimento local Tema 2 -As pessoas estão primeiro Tema 3 -A noção de coletivo Tema 4 -O que significa inovar Capítulo 3 | Gerir pela missão social Tema 1 -Inclusão pelo trabalho Tema 2 -Gestão das organizações do terceiro setor Tema 3 -Cultura organizacional Tema 4 -Sustentabilidade económica das organizações do terceiro setor Recursos pedagógicos SUMÁRIO Capítulo 3 | Gerir pela missão social O capítulo 3 exemplifica modelos de gestão, numa perspetiva de inovação organizacional.

Материалы журнала доступны на сайте (articles and issues available at): RU ... more Материалы журнала доступны на сайте (articles and issues available at): RU Песенное искусство М. Омуркановой в контексте современных форм сохранения традиционной музыки Абетекова А. Б. Аннотация. Цель исследования-обоснование актуальности и педагогической ценности творчества М. Омуркановой в качестве музыкального учебно-методического материала. В статье представлены основные результаты экспериментального проекта «Кыргыз кайрык». Проект включает в себя воркшопы по освоению традиционной музыки через песенное искусство М. Омуркановой, интерактивные встречи с носителями и коллективное музицирование. Научная новизна исследования состоит в том, что материалы традиционной вокальной музыки впервые использовались в качестве учебного пособия для изучения музыкантами разных специальностей основ традиционной музыки. В результате показано, что проект, охвативший более 50 музыкантов за три года, продемонстрировал свою эффективность в вопросах интеграции образцов традиционной музыки в образовательный процесс кыргызских музыкантов.

Kansei Engineering emerged in the 1950s as a product development technology through intangible pe... more Kansei Engineering emerged in the 1950s as a product development technology through intangible perceptions, such as the user's feelings about a good or service. It is a methodology that seeks to embody the feeling in a physical design, or even service improvements, through various and different practical approaches. In the published material it is possible to notice an evolution and a growth of the practices adopted from the use of the word Kansei to the use of mathematical modeling or virtual reality. This article aims to concatenate the types of approaches under the bias of several authors in the field. Thus, this work aimed to analyze the origin of Kansei engineering and its different types of methods used. The article brings together, from a bibliographic analysis work, a total of eight different types of methods. A comparison is made between the methods and their characteristics, as well as the particularities of each type.
Este trabalho foi desenvolvido no âmbito dos Projetos UID/ CTM/00264/2020 do 2C2T – Centro de Cie... more Este trabalho foi desenvolvido no âmbito dos Projetos UID/ CTM/00264/2020 do 2C2T – Centro de Ciencia e Tecnologia Textil, e UIDB/04509/2020 do Lab2PT – Laboratorio de Paisagens, Patrimonio e Paisagens, financiado por Verbas Nacionais atraves da FCT/MCTES.

Design e Tecnologia, 2021
Muito tem-se falado sobre como atender necessidades de usuários e satisfazê-los (em um espectro m... more Muito tem-se falado sobre como atender necessidades de usuários e satisfazê-los (em um espectro mais amplo), ante a tamanha distribuição tecnológica, em um mundo altamente conectado e competitivo. De forma não equânime a tal fato, os estudos ainda não apontam a uma direção segura e eficiente de qual o melhor caminho a seguir. Em design, a hedonomia vem tomando forma como um tema emergente que busca o prazer do usuário nos artefatos. Ela aparece como um caminho para o estudo de formas de como promover satisfação ou prazer no relacionamento ou interação com a tecnologia. Neste espectro, o presente artigo se debruça sobre uma análise dos sentimentos de grupos distintos de usuários para o maior entendimento da hedonomia na presença da funcionalidade, da usabilidade, da segurança e da experiência prazerosa diante de serviços, no caso mais específico com alunos de graduação do ensino superior. Foram abordados três grupos distintos (ligados a áreas de Humanas, Saúde e Ciências Exatas) tota...

Springer Series in Design and Innovation, 2021
The Attrakdiff method assists in understanding the holistic quality perception, through four dime... more The Attrakdiff method assists in understanding the holistic quality perception, through four dimensions. In the year 2020 many things changed with the SARS-COV-2 pandemic, among so many changes at the end of March 2020, in the city of Recife, classes were suspended and returned only in remote mode. Aiming to deepen the Attrakdiff method, two groups of students were invited voluntarily to participate in the survey, answering about their perceptions over the course of nine months. The first group being accompanied in the first semester of 2020: April, start of the remote classes, and June—end of the academic semester. And the second group was accompanied in four moments in the second semester: September, at the end of academic enrollments; October, a little before the first week of academic tests; November, in the period between tests; and December, at the end of the semester. We had 143 valid questionnaires, subdivided in: 28 students in Abril, 17 in June, 18 in September, 33 in Octo...

The perceived quality is subjective and based on a number of factors, including the user’s own ex... more The perceived quality is subjective and based on a number of factors, including the user’s own experience. In turn, higher education has become a service industry with divergences in short-term (commercial) or medium/ long-term (pedagogical) actions. Thus, an analysis of perceived quality was made using the Attrakdiff method with 282 students from the humanities, exact and health areas (97 of them in production engineering), 81 former students of production engineering and 47 professors, all from the same institution higher education, located in Recife, Brazil. We sought to analyze whether there was a divergence of perceptions. The analysis was performed using the Description of word pairs and the Diagram of Average Values. At the end of the research, in a comparative analysis, it was possible to perceive that teachers and alumni are the ones that have the best perceived quality of the service and the students are the most rigorous. However, in general, everyone has a perceived posi...

This PHD is about design as a tool of interaction based in information systems, allowing not only... more This PHD is about design as a tool of interaction based in information systems, allowing not only to understand the relationship of design with the user, as also, based on User Centered Design, to create a methodology that solves real problems derived from its personal needs. In the case study, the work was based on People with Special Needs, which by their limitations spend much of their day sitting and consequently end up suffering from pressure ulcers. From the research methodology resulted an approach that in a first stage relates psychophysical data acquisition and processing derived from information systems, in an approximation to semiotics. In a second stage an application has been developed in LabView for the integration and processing of data relating to acquisition of user data and data regarding the characteristics of materials and prototyping processes. The result is a file that can be interpreted by CAD systems. The third and final phase, based on the interpretation of ...

Advances in Design and Digital Communication, 2020
The coronavirus pandemic brought the world to a halt and its impact on the fashion industry was s... more The coronavirus pandemic brought the world to a halt and its impact on the fashion industry was significant. Moreover, consumer behavior and media consumption habits changed due to social distancing measures and as a consequence, the importance of digital channels was highlighted. Brands were forced to rethink their strategies and address consumers’ needs. This paper presents an overview of the subject by examining how fashion brands adapted the communication strategies in the digital space to reach their audiences in a meaningful way. Furthermore, it delves into the consumer shifts and into the role of digital channels, to understand how they might shape the future. The findings of the study suggest that during the crisis, fashion brands focused on people’s well-being and published content aimed to inspire, motivate, and entertain. Furthermore, it reports technology as a path for innovation for its contribution to improving online shopping experiences. A reflection on the theme als...

This work is part of the project “23 Design Methodology”, which describes the design process appl... more This work is part of the project “23 Design Methodology”, which describes the design process applied to creating two-dimensional polygonal artefacts for the construction of three-dimensional forms to support scenographic spaces and presents a design method applied to the educational activity. If, on the one hand, the design process and the design of the artefact are related. On the other hand, to justify its normative position regarding the design process, a design methodology was used that considered the versatility of the projected artefact. Several polygonal forms were explored as an enhancement of the research process. After obtaining the artefact’s final design, a workshop was prepared for students of the product design degree at the University of Minho. In this sense, the students, based on the presented work methodology, idealized and prepared a scenographic space for the show “Piano Caos”, organized by the Educational Service – Casa da Musica. The project developed by the st...

This article discusses methodologies based on EEG - electroencephalography, applied to ED - emoti... more This article discusses methodologies based on EEG - electroencephalography, applied to ED - emotional design and consequently, to the relationship between the user and the product. The objective is to understand whether, based on the brain response, it is possible to identify the individual’s emotional factors when interacting with the products. The process by which users enjoy experiences when interacting with products is the result of a context of use, fundamental for companies as well as for designers in the design and development of more positive new products. In this way, it is crucial to approach different areas of design and engineering on multidisciplinary teams. EEG technology and ED are approached, based on practical cases as well as the evaluations of experiments carried out in the Psychological Neuroscience laboratory that validate the application of these concepts. Through this, it is expected that the contribution of the EEG and the self-report tools, will validate Wel...
Lab2PT - Laboratorio de Paisagens, Patrimonio e Territorio - AUR/04509 e da FCT atraves de fundos... more Lab2PT - Laboratorio de Paisagens, Patrimonio e Territorio - AUR/04509 e da FCT atraves de fundos nacionais e quando aplicavel do cofinanciamento do FEDER, no âmbito dos novos acordos de parceria PT2020 e COMPETE 2020 – POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007528
Papers by Bernardo Providência