Papers by Project Director MDPU
y,, JUNO 9 9 L. C.® l L 3 ri h,,I I I II I
EuropeAid/130215/C/SER/Multi. The study was conducted under the direction of
The problem of classifying an observation into one of two multi-variate normal populations with a... more The problem of classifying an observation into one of two multi-variate normal populations with a common covariance matrix might be called the classical classification problem. Fisher's linear discri-minant function [Fisher (1936)] serves as a criterion when samples are
A problem studied by Flanders (1975) is to minimize the function f(R) tr(SR+TR-1) over the set of... more A problem studied by Flanders (1975) is to minimize the function f(R) tr(SR+TR-1) over the set of positive definite matrices R, where S and T are positive semi~definite matrices9 Alternative proofs that may have some intrinsic interest are provided. The proofs explicitly yield the infimum of f(R). One proof is based on a convexity argument and the other on a sequence of reductions to a univariate problem. l. Introduction. Flanders (1975) studied a matrix problem that arose in electric circuit theory. Let w1,.•.,wm be complex column vectors of length n a~d consider the real-valued fUnction (l) f(R) + e e • + + •• • *-l + w R w,
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Panel studies are statistical studies in which two or more variables are observed for two or more... more Panel studies are statistical studies in which two or more variables are observed for two or more subjects at two or more waves or points in time. In most panel studies the number of variables and the number of waves is small but the number of observations at any given wave is
Theodore W. Anderson, Project Director

: Fixed-price contracts offer the promise of controlling costs but are less likely to succeed whe... more : Fixed-price contracts offer the promise of controlling costs but are less likely to succeed when there is uncertainty regarding requirements. While these broad principles are uncontroversial, disagreement rages regarding the practical question of how widely they should be used. This study tests a variety of hypotheses regarding what contract characteristics are associated with better performance under fixed-price contracts. Here, performance is measured across three dependent variables: (a) the Number of Offers Received for competed contracts, (b) whether the contract was terminated, and (c) the extent to which change-orders raised the contracts cost ceiling. The study team has created a Bayesian network, populated by completed, publicly reported DoD contracts from FY2007 to FY2013 to address this research question. The public purpose of this process also includes facilitating future acquisition research on a range of topics. To support future research, all analytical data and cod...
Two notions of cotlsist:etlCY ofitlvariant tests for theM.A;N0VA.testing problems are<examjned... more Two notions of cotlsist:etlCY ofitlvariant tests for theM.A;N0VA.testing problems are<¢<sample s~e C()tlsistetlcY.(theclassical notion} and parameter consistency, which requires that formed sample size, the power of the test approaches .one for any sequence of alternatives whose distance from the nun hypothesis approaches infinity. The Roy, Lawley-Hotelling, and likelihood ratio (s Wilks) tests are consistent in both senses.whereas the BartlettNanda-Pillai trace test, although sample size consistent, is not parameter consistent unless thesignificance levela or the errordegrees of freedom n is sufficiently large.
Canonical correlations, complex structure, maximal invariants, distribution of empirical canonica... more Canonical correlations, complex structure, maximal invariants, distribution of empirical canonical correlations with respect to complex structure ABSTRACT (Continue on reverae •Ide II neceeeary ""d Identify by block nuanber) Suppose a 2p-variate multivariate normal distribution is of the form a ]?-variate complex distribution. The set of such distributions is invariant with respect to a group of linear transformation s. The invariants of the set of all 2p-variate this group are obtained ru1d interpreted. sample invariants is found.
Asian Studies Association of Australia. Review, 1990

OneSAF is the next generation simulation system planned to equip the Army with an entity level si... more OneSAF is the next generation simulation system planned to equip the Army with an entity level simulation to span training and analysis uses. The Army intends to use the simulation across the Advanced Concepts and Requirements (ACR), Training, Exercises, and Military Operations (TEMO), and Research, Development, and Acquisition (RDA) domains. OneSAF will be an HLA compliant entity level simulation and will allow the simulation of individual battlefield components like soldiers, tanks, helicopters through aggregate units to the Brigade level. These units will be capable of operating in either a completely automated mode or under the control of a human role player. The Simulation Training and Instrumentation Command (STRICOM) as the materiel developer of OneSAF is employing a number of innovative development concepts in order to manage the complexity and risk associated with the project. This paper describes one of these innovative concepts, that of the STRICOM Integrated Development ...

International Journal of Scientific Research, 2012
The Self Help Groups (SHGs) is a viable alternative to achieve the objectives of rural developmen... more The Self Help Groups (SHGs) is a viable alternative to achieve the objectives of rural development and to get community participation in all rural development programmes. A study was conducted in three fisher- men coastal mandals of East Godavari district of Andhra Pradesh. The study was intended to highlight the socio-economic status alleviation in Poorest of the Poor families of these coastal mandals based on population status, housing, education, health, reducible expenditure, saving& bank finance, social risk management and benefits availed through Community based organizations i.e. SHG formations. The results indicate that after implementation of Indira Kranthi Patham project the homeless number has drastically fallen to 16.0% while the study found that literacy rate in adults was 32.89% and the school drop outs percentage indicate 24.0 % girl child more than boys. The study further significantly indicated that 97.0% were white card holders(Public Distribution System) while 3.0% were deprived due to allied/varied reasons likely new wed / separated from joint families.
Acknowledgments I would like to express my sineerest thanks to Professor Theodore W. Anderson for... more Acknowledgments I would like to express my sineerest thanks to Professor Theodore W. Anderson for his guidance in the preparation of this dissertation. His insight into this complicated and often frustrating topic was invaluable. I am especially grateful for his patience and for his understanding of difficulties which were beyond anyone&apos;s control. I would&apos;also like to thank Professors Ingram Olkin and Louis Gordon, who read the manuscript and made helpful suggestions. I thank my friends and family and especially my wife, Ruth Ann, for their patience and encouragement. Thanks also go to Mrs. Anna Corsaro, who typed the rough draft, and to Mrs. Mary Daughaday who so excellently prepared
Papers by Project Director MDPU