Papers by Prof S Padmakumar YPC

International Journal of Physiotherapy, 2016
Background: Asthma is growing problem in India and throughout the world. Breathing exercises are ... more Background: Asthma is growing problem in India and throughout the world. Breathing exercises are commonly incorporated in overall pulmonary rehabilitation program of patients with bronchial asthma. However there is a lack of awareness regarding following a specific exercise prescription which is based on individual's requirements. Physiotherapist can help in designing an exercise prescription specific to an individual possibly to achieve more control over bronchial asthma. Methods: Thirty patients both male and female aged between 20 and 40 years diagnosed with bronchial asthma by the physician were assigned in two groups. Group-1 patients were given diaphragmatic breathing exercises and group-2 patients were given pursed-lip expiration exercises. Both groups received selected intervention for 6 weeks, 5 days in a week, 2 times in a day, and 20 minutes per session. Pre and post-test measures of forced expiratory flow rate were taken by peak expiratory flow meter and chest expansion was measured by inch tape. Data were analysed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 17.0 software. The analysis was performed by using students paired t-test. Results: The study shows statistically significant improvement in diaphragmatic breathing exercise group when compared to pursed-lip expiration exercise group. The value of chest expansion has shown 2.04 % improvement in group 1 and 1.01 % in group 2 whereas peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR) showed 16.9 % improvement in group 1 and 2.27 % in group 2. Conclusion: Diaphragmatic breathing exercises play a vital role in rehabilitation of asthmatic patients to gain functional improvement and independence.

Background: Ergonomics is the scientific study of human work. The objective of ergonomics is to o... more Background: Ergonomics is the scientific study of human work. The objective of ergonomics is to obtain an effective match between the user and work station to improve working efficiency, health, safety, comfort and easiness to use. Ergonomics is a relatively new concept in India yet to be considered an essential component of most enterprises. Objectives: To assess the Computer usage and Knowledge of Ergonomics among Information Technology professionals working in Karnataka, India. Materials and Methods: In this Cross-sectional study, 154 Information Technology with at least 1 year of experience were recruited using convenience sampling technique. After obtaining Informed consent, Data regarding Personal characteristics, Computer Usage and Knowledgeof Ergonomics were collected by face to face interview method using a valid, reliable and pretested Questionnaire. The Ergonomic awareness section of the Questionnaire composed of 35 items related to Knowledge about Musculoskeletal disorders and its risk factors, Working Postures, Seating, Keyboard/Mouse, Monitor, Table and Accessories and finally Rest breaks and Exercises. Results: Majority of the subjects are unaware of Cumulative Trauma Disorders (7%-Correct responses), Goals of Ergonomics (25%-Correct responses), Sign & Symptoms (35%-Correct responses) & Risk factors (30%-Correct responses) of MSDs. With respect to Working Postures, Majority were unaware of Healthy Postures related to Elbow (25%-Correct responses) and Feet (47%-Correct responses). Majority of the subjects are aware of Correct Position (87%-Correct responses) & Distance (90%-Correct responses) of Monitor Placement. 52% of the subjects are unaware of the Use and Placement of Document holder and 61% of the subjects are unaware of Mini breaks. Conclusion: This study highlighted the awareness of ergonomics among Information Technology professionals and emphasize the need for ergonomic training programme to promote the awareness about Musculoskeletal disorders and the healthy postures.
Papers by Prof S Padmakumar YPC