Papers by Prof. Dr. Musa ATAR

DergiPark (Istanbul University), Dec 15, 2017
Tosya is rapidly moving towards branding in Turkey in the field of panel doors. At the same time,... more Tosya is rapidly moving towards branding in Turkey in the field of panel doors. At the same time, the newly established organize industrial zone and the Tosya gate are prominent to become locomotives in the gate area of the region and Turkey. The doors produced in Tosya are exported to many foreign countries besides Turkey. The door is a moving building element that covers the inside and outside of the building and at the same time allows entry and exit between these spaces. The door is one of the most important furniture elements we use in everyday life. Materials used in panel door production; Wood material, glue, surface treatment (paint, varnish etc.) and coating material. As a method, Applied construction and used machines are examined. In the study, materials and methods used in the production of Tosya panel doors will be examined and it will be emphasized how companies in door sector should follow the path. As a result; It is observed that in the door operators operating in Tosya, besides the institutionalization, the competitive power, the product diversity, the increase of imports and the use of technological machines are observed.

Materials Science: An Indian Journal, 2016
The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of impregnation with Boron compounds (Borax ... more The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of impregnation with Boron compounds (Borax (Bx), Boric acid (Ba), Bx+Ba (wt:wt 50:50%)), Imersol-Aqua (Ia) and Timbercare-Aqua (Ta) on the screw (S) withdrawal strength of some solid wood materials. For this aim, Oriental beech (Fagus orientalis Lipsky), European oak (Quercus petrea Liebl.) and Scotch pine (Pinus sylvestris Lipsky) wood samples were prepared according to TS EN 13446 and impregnated with Boron compounds, Imersol-Aqua and Timbercare-Aqua according to ASTM D 1413, TS 344, TS 345 and directions of the manufacturer. After the impregnation process the screw withdrawal strength was measured according to TS EN 13446. Consequently, among the wood types, withdrawal strength was found to be the highest in European oak (4.049 Nmm-2) and the lowest in Scotch pine (2.583 As for the screw diameter, the withdrawal strength was obtained the highest in S1 (3.5 mm) (3.564 and the lowest in S2 (4 mm) (3.480 Considering the interaction of wood types, impregnation chemicals and screw diameters, the withdrawal strength were obtained in European oak + Bx + S1 (4.481 whereas the lowest was in Scotch pine + Ta + S1 (2.369 In consequence, it was seen that the impregnation process increased the screw withdrawal strength. It can be said that, in the applications, the pieces that are impregnated with Bx and connected with S1 at the surface shall display the highest strength.
In this Paper, at first Pigment Red 3 was synthesized and then treated chemically. The treated pi... more In this Paper, at first Pigment Red 3 was synthesized and then treated chemically. The treated pigment Showed very good dispersibility and dispersion stability in aqueous media surface chemistry and shape of the pigment were affected by chemical treatments. A ...

DergiPark (Istanbul University), Dec 1, 1998
This study was designed to determine the effect of impregnation with some chemicals on the densit... more This study was designed to determine the effect of impregnation with some chemicals on the density of wooden materials. For this reason, experimentals were prepared from Scotch pine and Oriental beech woods and impregnated with polyethylene glycole (PEG-400), ammonium per sulphate (AS), vacsol (V), and also water-repellent (WR), such as stryne, methylemetacrylate and isocynate according to ASTM-D 1413-76 It was found that, after impragnation process oriental beech wood dried in air was the most dense material when it is individually used with styrene and MMA, whereas Scotch pine wood was the most dense when it is used with water-repellent (WR) materials and with as secondary processed. The most density material at dry stuation at Oriental beech is obtained when processed with boric acid+borax+ styrene, izocynate and at Scotch pine is obtained with PEG-400+ boric acid +borax and izocynate.

African Journal of Biotechnology, Apr 11, 2011
This study examined the impacts of varnishing after impregnation with boron compounds on combusti... more This study examined the impacts of varnishing after impregnation with boron compounds on combustion properties of oriental beech. The test samples prepared from oriental beech (Fagus orientalis Lipsky) wood were impregnated according to ASTM D 1413-76-99 with boric acid (Ba) or borax (Bx) using a vacuum technique. After impregnation, one of six varnishes (cellulosic (Cv), synthetic (Sn), polyurethane (Pu), water-based (Wb), acrylic (Ac) or acid-hardening (Ah) was applied in accordance with ASTM D 3023 coated surfaces. After treating, varnishing and conditioning, the combustion properties of samples were determined according to ASTM E 160-50. Combustion temperatures for Bx and Wb were highest when testing without flame source combustion (WFSC), while Ba and Pu exhibited the lowest temperature when testing for flame source combustion (FSC). For the combination of combustion type, impregnation material and varnish type, combustion temperature was the highest for WFSC + boric acid + water-based varnish, but the lowest for WFSC + boric acid + synthetic varnish. As a result, the tested varnishes showed an increasing impact, but boron compounds (Ba and Bx) showed a decreasing impact on the combustion properties of beech. In conclusion, for usage areas having a high risk of fire, impregnation of wood material with boron compounds before varnishing will decrease combustion temperature and provide some degree of security.

Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, Aug 25, 1999
A¤aç türlerinin koku, renk, desen vb. yap›sal karakteristikleri farkl›d›r. A¤açtan kesilen parçal... more A¤aç türlerinin koku, renk, desen vb. yap›sal karakteristikleri farkl›d›r. A¤açtan kesilen parçalar veya kaplamalar a¤ac›n do¤al yap›s› nedeniyle birbirlerine benzemezler biri di¤erinden daha koyu olabilece¤i gibi daha da aç›k olabilir (1). A¤aç malzemede görülen renk bozulmalar› genellikle iki sebebe ba¤l›d›r. Bunlardan birincisi; canl› a¤açta mekanik yaralanma, dallar›n kurumas›, hastal›k, vb. nedenlerle oluflan renklenmelerdir (2). ‹kincisi ise kesilen a¤açlarda görülen oksidasyon, tanenli a¤açlar›n metallerle temas› halinde oluflan renklenmeler ile bakterilerin neden oldu¤u renklenmelerdir. Bu tür renklenmeler a¤aç malzeme kalitesinin düflmesine neden olur (3). Ahflap mobilyada renk, en az ölçü ve form kadar önemlidir. Ahflap mobilyan›n renginin iç dekorasyonda kullan›lan hal›, perde, vb. tekstil ile duvar, tavan ve taban kaplamalar›yla uyumlu olmas› istenir. Naturel halde iken ahflab›n rengi ço¤u zaman bu tür bir ihtiyaca cevap vermedi¤i için ahflap mobilyalar›n rengini açmak veya boyamak gerekebilir (4). Renk açma, a¤ac›n yap›s›nda bulunan renk pigmentlerinin çeflitli kimyasallarla ve yöntemlerle etkisiz hale getirilmesi ifllemidir (5). Mobilyada üstyüzey ifllemlerinden önce yap›lan renk açma iflleminin amaçlar›n› afla¤›daki flekilde özetlemek mümkündür (6).-Aç›ktan-koyuya do¤ru istenilen mükemmel renklere ulaflmak mümkün olabilece¤i gibi a¤ac›n damar yap›s›n›

Drvna Industrija, Mar 25, 2023
In this study, phenol-formaldehyde (PF) resin has been modified with titanium dioxide nanoparticl... more In this study, phenol-formaldehyde (PF) resin has been modified with titanium dioxide nanoparticles (nano-TiO2) at a varying ratio from 0.05 wt.% to 1.5 wt.% to enhance the thermal properties and combustion performance of the resins. The effect of the nano-TiO2 modification on the properties (chemical or thermal) of the resins was determined by Fourier to transform infrared (FT-IR) and thermal analysis (TGA) techniques. In addition, the combustion performance of laminated veneer lumber (LVL) samples bonded with the PF resin modified with nano-TiO2 was tested. The result of the FT-IR analysis indicated that the modified PF resins had match peaks to the reference PF resin. These similarities of the peaks supported that the modified PF resins were successfully synthesise with phenol, formaldehyde, and nano-TiO2. The PF resins modified by nano-TiO2 demonstrated better thermal stability than the reference resin. The nano-TiO2 modified PF resin exhibited a favourable influence on the combustion characteristics of LVL. In consequence, PF resin modified with nano-TiO2 could be used as a combustion retardant adhesive in the wood industry.
DergiPark (Istanbul University), May 1, 1999
Two types of bituminous coating, bitumen and coal tar pitch, were investigated using cathodic del... more Two types of bituminous coating, bitumen and coal tar pitch, were investigated using cathodic delamination and adhesion measurements. The bituminous coatings were applied on shot blasted steel with 100 µm thickness and then were subjected to cathodic delamination and wet adhesion tests during immersion in %3.5 NaCl w/w solution. The wet adhesion test results showed good agreement with cathodic delamination resistance. It could be indicate that the mechanism of cation diffusion to the interface in cathodic delamination process is similar to immersion condition without applied voltage. The mechanism of cation diffusion for bitumen based coating was through the intact coating and for coal tar pitch based coating was through defects in coating. The results showed that the cathodic delamination process is a criterion for estimating of the wet adhesion failure during immersion time.
An effective way of reducing the gap between preventive performance of toxic chromate-based compo... more An effective way of reducing the gap between preventive performance of toxic chromate-based compounds and their traditional replacements (zinc phosphate) is using the new generation of phosphate based anti-corrosion pigments. These compounds are product of modified ...

Journal of Applied Polymer Science, Oct 5, 2009
This study was performed to determine the impact of impregnation with boron compounds on the surf... more This study was performed to determine the impact of impregnation with boron compounds on the surface hardness and abrasion resistance of some varnished woods. For this purpose, test specimens prepared from Oriental beech, White oak, Scotch pine, and Uludag fir, which met the requirements of ASTM D 358, were impregnated according to ASTM D 1413-99 with boric acid (Ba), borax (Bx), and boric acid þ borax (BaþBx) by the vacuum technique. After impregnation, the surfaces are coated with synthetic (Sn), water-borne (Wb) and acid hardening (Ah) varnishes in accordance with ASTM D 3023. the surface hardness of specimens after the varnishing process was determined in accordance with ASTM D 4366. The abrasion resistance of specimens after the varnishing process was determined in accordance with TS 4755. According to the wood type, impregnation material and varnish type, the surface hardness was the highest for Oriental beech impregnated with borax þ boric acid and acid hardening varnish and the lowest for Uludag fir impregnated with borax þ boric acid and synthetic varnish. According to the wood type, impregnation material and varnish type, the abrasion resistance was the highest for Oriental beech impregnated with borax þ boric acid and acid hardening varnish and the lowest for Scotch pine impregnated with borax þ boric acid and synthetic varnish. Those results should be taken into account for applications like parquet, flooring etc., where the surface hardness and abrasion resistance values are very important. V

Anadolu Orman Araştırmaları Dergisi
Bu çalışmada, ağaç işleri endüstrisinde yaygın bir şekilde kullanılan ve Türkiye coğrafyasında ye... more Bu çalışmada, ağaç işleri endüstrisinde yaygın bir şekilde kullanılan ve Türkiye coğrafyasında yeterince yetişmesi nedeniyle sarıçam (Pinus sylvestris L.), Doğu kayını (Fagus orientalis L.) ve sapsız meşe (Quercus petrea L.) odunları kullanılarak, kurutma ve iklimlendirme parametrelerinin ahşabın bazı fiziksel ve mekanik özelliklerine ve ahşap konstrüksiyon uygulamalarına etkisi araştırılmıştır. Deney örneklerinin hazırlanmasında kullanılan üç ahşap türünden kaba ölçülerdeki yeterli miktarda taslak parçalar ısıl işlem fırınında 100°C lik sıcaklıkta ve ritmik buhar püskürtmeli fırın ortamında 360 saat süre ile kurutulmuştur. Kurutulmuş üç odun türü taslak parçalardan 1260 adet deney örneği ilgili standartlara göre hazırlanmış ve araştırma yönteminde bildirildiği gibi kullanılmıştır. Deney örnekleri tümü sırasıyla 20°C/%65 iklim şartında (iklimlendirme odasında) 168 saat (bir hafta) bekletilip, örneklerin üçte birisine testler uygulanmıştır. Kalan örneklerin tamamı ardışık (münavebeli...
Dowels, 6, 8 and 10 mm diameters were bonded with PVAc adhesive on Medium Density Fiberboard (M... more Dowels, 6, 8 and 10 mm diameters were bonded with PVAc adhesive on Medium Density Fiberboard (MDF). Edges were covered with 5, 8 and 12 mm beech wood materials, drilled 25 mm depth. Tensile strength measurments were made on the samples. The highest tensile strength value was given as 6 mm dowel and MDF covered with 8 mm thickness beech wood material (2.294 N/mm 2 ), the lowest value was obtained with 10 mm dowel and with unprocessed MDF (1.314 N/mm 2

Mugla Journal of Science and Technology, 2016
In this study, the effects of the wood's combustion properties on the combustion duration are inv... more In this study, the effects of the wood's combustion properties on the combustion duration are investigated towards the protection of the wood samples from the effects of outdoor by using various impregnation and high-level processes. For that purpose, in accordance with the given principles on the standard of combustion test ASTM-E 160-50 test samples from cedar (Cedrus libani A.Rich.) and spruce (Picea orientalis L.) are impregnated with tanalith-E and wolmanit-CB impregnation materials then water based and synthetic outdoor varnishes are applied as a high level process, afterwards seasonal effects on outdoor conditions are analysed. According to the obtained findings, first failure time for spruce wood samples the peak is 457 seconds in winter and the minimum is 257 seconds in fall, for cedar wood samples the top time is 479 seconds and the minimum time is 326 seconds in winter samples. In all combustion durations, top time at spruce wood samples is 2105 seconds at control examples and minimum time is 1143 seconds in summer samples. For cedar wood samples the top time confirmed is 2707 seconds in fall samples and minimum time is 1338 seconds in summer examples
ÖZET Ağaç malzeme emprenye sektörü günümüzde oldukça önemli bir konuma gelmiştir. Emprenye işlemi... more ÖZET Ağaç malzeme emprenye sektörü günümüzde oldukça önemli bir konuma gelmiştir. Emprenye işlemine tabi tutulmuş ahşap telefon ve elektrik direklerine olan talep sektörü oluşturmaya başlamış, daha sonra talebin değişmesi ve farklılaşması sonucu sektör gelişmiştir. Sektörün büyümesi dış ticareti de geliştirmiştir. Bu çalışma ağaç malzeme emprenye sektörünün dış ticaretteki yerini ve önemini belirtmek amacı ile yapılmıştır. Bu maksatla Türkiye'de faaliyet gösteren farklı yapılardaki A ve B gurubu işletmelere anket ...
gazi university journal of science, 2005
... Ağaç malzemeler, Ankara'daki kereste işletmelerinden tamamen tesadüfi metotla temin ... more ... Ağaç malzemeler, Ankara'daki kereste işletmelerinden tamamen tesadüfi metotla temin edilmiş ve seçiminde kerestenin kusursuz olmasına, liflerinin düzgün, ardaksız, reaksiyon odunu bulunmayan, mantar ve böcek zararlarına uğramamış olmasına özen gösterilmiştir. ...
Construction and Building Materials, Jul 1, 2008
The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of impregnation with Imersol-Aqua on the com... more The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of impregnation with Imersol-Aqua on the compression strength of some solid wood materials. For this aim, Oriental beech (Fagus orientalis Lipsky), European oak (Quercus petrea Liebl.), Scotch pine (Pinus sylvestris Lipsky), Uludag fir (Abies Bornmülleriana Mattf.), Oriental spruce (Picea orientalis Lipsky) and Lombardy poplar (Populus nigra Lipsky) wood samples were
Papers by Prof. Dr. Musa ATAR