Papers by Prof. (Dr.) Jayeshkumar Pitroda

International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science (IRJMETS), e-ISSN: 2582-5208, 2021
At different stages in a construction project the use of mobile devices is continuously increasin... more At different stages in a construction project the use of mobile devices is continuously increasing at an alarming rate. To make strategic decisions in a timely manner it is evidently important to have accurate information available at time in the construction industry which ultimately leads to the success of the project. Efficient and successful ways to use mobile equipment for construction workers are demonstrated in construction industry. Mobile devices are becoming more apparent because they have the potential to boost connectivity and efficiency. Mobile devices such as laptops and mobile phones are constantly used by building sites in countries such as the United States. To make building data models available on the mobile device, accessible for workplace use, many major construction management companies such as Autodesk are working on it. In this qualitative research, various research carried out by different authors has been reviewed and it is identified how people are using mobile devices on construction sites. These devices show that in a host of ways they make it possible for site workers to be increasingly successful.
Journal of Construction and Building Materials Engineering, 2021
In this paper, the stabilization of clay (C) with hydraulic lime (L), steel slag (SS), and rice h... more In this paper, the stabilization of clay (C) with hydraulic lime (L), steel slag (SS), and rice husk ash (RHA) are being presented. The study has been done on geotechnical properties, shearing strength, swelling pressure, and soil consolidation characteristics with and without stabilization. The ideal blend is discovered to be in extent of 46% C + 30% SS + 10% L + 14% RHA. The treated soil shows unconfined compressive strength 640% increases at 3 days of cured samples. The treated soil shows improvement in soaked California bearing ratio (CBR) 590% increases at 3 days of soaked samples. The results of swelling pressure indicate 93% decrease in the optimum mix sample. The capability of stabilizing materials for subgrade pavement is analyze in this study.

International Conference on Women in Science & Technology: Creating Sustainable Career (ICWSTCSC2018) at BVM Engineering College, Vallabh Vidyanagar, Gujarat Paper ID: ICWSTCSC2018_237, Corpus ID: 214586938, 2018
The quick acquisition of building information modeling (BIM) in the architecture, engineering, co... more The quick acquisition of building information modeling (BIM) in the architecture, engineering, construction, and operations (AECO) industry in recent years has effected in large distinctions in the level of BIM application and adoption among organizations. AECO stakeholders, including designers, owners, and general contractors, don't have a benchmark method for them to perceive their own execution and know how to renovate themselves. A cloud-based BIM performance benchmarking application, BIM Cloud Score (BIMCS), has been offered to collect BIM execution (performance) data from BIM users over the nation in order to permit them to match their BIM performance with the effects gathered from their industry peers. This research aims to improve and authenticate a preliminary list of metrics that are appropriate for the proposed BIM benchmarking application. A survey was operated in the AECO industry and involved BIM architects (authors) and contractors (users) to authenticate the offered preliminary list of metrics. The replies from the survey were utilized for initializing the metric weights for the benchmarking method. In addition, an investigation of the differences in opinion between different groups of respondents indicated that out of 26 variables used, the perceived significance of 6 variables was statistically various between BIM authors and BIM users. This outcome shows that the surveyed architects and contractors were in contract with the significance level for most of the variables offered including model economy, model usefulness, and model productivity. Future adjustments of the metric weights might be required in the application based on the different intended purposes for the BIM models."

Nowadays, the age of development materials is decreasing the standard resources which developed a... more Nowadays, the age of development materials is decreasing the standard resources which developed a need to find the new capable and useful materials for the improvement work. This paper exhibits the water absorption and sorptivity of sustainable mortar made with Used Foundry Sand (UFS) and Hypo Sludge. Utilized foundry sand generated from metal giving industry. Hypo sludge generated from paper fabricating industry. Use of used foundry sand and paper waste in mortar can be the best course for the utilization of waste in development movement. Used foundry sand is supplanted with the normal sand and Hypo sludge supplanted with cement. The cube of mortar is seen at 7 and 28 days. An average 96 mortar shapes were made and tested at 7 and 28 days of five mortar mix i.e. A (0%), A1 (25%), A2 (50%), A3 (75%), A4 (100%) of used foundry sand was replaced by weight of natural sand and then optimum replacement was taken based on the compressive strength. With the 25% used foundry sand three mortars mixes i.e. B1 (10%), B2 (20%), B3 (30%) of Hypo sludge was replaced by weight of cement. The results exhibited that union of the utilized foundry sand and hypo sludge regards diminish water absorption and sorptivity quality with the age (28 days) in the examination with the consistent standard mortar. In the wake of extending the measure of utilized foundry sand and hypo sludge in a mortar, the water absorption and sorptivity quality show relentless abatement.

PARIPEX – Indian Journal of Research, (PIJR), Volume: 1, Issue: 12, December 2012, ISSN - 2250-1991, PP: 62-64, 2012
In India, large quantities of fly ash being generated, as most of our energy demand is met throug... more In India, large quantities of fly ash being generated, as most of our energy demand is met through coal based thermal power station. The fly ash generation is expected to grow further as coal would continue to remain major source of energy at least for next 25 years. The fly ash which is a resource material, if not manage well, may pose environmental challenges. At the same time worldwide agricultural footprint is fast growing, with vast agricultural land cultivation and active expansion of the agrobased industries. The resulting large quantities of agricultural wastes, unfortunately, are not always well managed or utilized. These wastes can be recycled, such as by retrieving fibres from disposed leaves and fruits bunches, and then incorporate in brick making. The natural fibres were sourced from coconut fibre, human hair fibre, pineapple fibre, oil pam fibre added within the range. This review describes change in the physical properties such as weight, density etc. and mechanical properties like compressive strength of fly ash bricks and clay bricks made by adding different natural fibres.
PARIPEX - Indian Journal of Research, Volume : 1, Issue : 5, May 2012, ISSN - 2250-1991, PP: 81-82, 2012
The world of the construction sector is being changed by new technologies, new materials, new bui... more The world of the construction sector is being changed by new technologies, new materials, new building typologies, new concerns and opportunities. The construction sector has been slow to embrace nanotechnology, but nanotech innovations have an enormous impact on building design and construction. Nanotechnology represents a major opportunity for the construction sector to develop new products, substantially increase quality, and open new markets. In this paper the performance of Cellular Lightweight Concrete by addition of Nano-silica has been studied through measurement of compressive Strength. The experimental results show that the durability of the concrete mixed with the nano particles were better than that of a plain concrete.

Nowadays, the age of development materials is decreasing the standard resources which developed a... more Nowadays, the age of development materials is decreasing the standard resources which developed a need to find the new capable and useful materials for the improvement work. This paper exhibits the water absorption and sorptivity of sustainable mortar made with Used Foundry Sand (UFS) and Hypo Sludge. Utilized foundry sand generated from metal giving industry. Hypo sludge generated from paper fabricating industry. Use of used foundry sand and paper waste in mortar can be the best course for the utilization of waste in development movement. Used foundry sand is supplanted with the normal sand and Hypo sludge supplanted with cement. The cube of mortar is seen at 7 and 28 days. An average 96 mortar shapes were made and tested at 7 and 28 days of five mortar mix i.e. A (0%), A1 (25%), A2 (50%), A3 (75%), A4 (100%) of used foundry sand was replaced by weight of natural sand and then optimum replacement was taken based on the compressive strength. With the 25% used foundry sand three mortars mixes i.e. B1 (10%), B2 (20%), B3 (30%) of Hypo sludge was replaced by weight of cement. The results exhibited that union of the utilized foundry sand and hypo sludge regards diminish water absorption and sorptivity quality with the age (28 days) in the examination with the consistent standard mortar. In the wake of extending the measure of utilized foundry sand and hypo sludge in a mortar, the water absorption and sorptivity quality show relentless abatement.

International Journal of Scientific Research, Feb 1, 2013
Population scenario comes towards India by means of increasing industries. The fruitful efforts o... more Population scenario comes towards India by means of increasing industries. The fruitful efforts of industries lead to develop India. As the industries increases also the waste coming from them at the end of product. At the end of survey result coming that the amount of the approximately 250 to 300 million tonnes of industrial wastes are being produced every year by chemical and agricultural process in India. It is very essential to dispose these wastes safely without affecting health of human being, environment, fertile land, sources of water bodies, etc. These wastes have number of impurities which adversely affect the strength, durability, and other properties of building materials based on them. Paper producing industries produce a large amount of solid waste. For achieving high quality paper, the fibers which are used a limited number of times till they reach their weak stage. Many companies burn their sludge in incinerators which leads towards air pollution. So the paper presents the management of the wastes coming from paper industries.

The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is a well-known multi-criteria decision making method that h... more The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is a well-known multi-criteria decision making method that has been applied to solve problems in diverse areas. This method was developed by Dr. Thomas L. Saaty in 1970s as a tool to help with solving technical and managerial problems. During the past decade, the construction industry in India witnessed remarkable growth, in which the readymixed concrete (RMC) industry can claim to be a proud partner. Historically speaking, India missed the benefits of RMC technology for decades. It was only in the early nineties that the industry was born, but really commenced from the second half of the nineties. During the past few years, housing and infrastructure have remained the major expansion area. Faster speed and improved quality of concrete have been the two major demands of these sectors. Ready-mixed concrete was the right solution for this and it was heartening to see that the RMC industry responded positively to these demands. The result was the rapid growth of the RMC industry. The industry, which was initially confined to metropolitan cities, later spread to the two-tier and three-tier cities, vindicating the fact that RMC was a right solution for different markets. The growth of the RMC industry brought in its wake certain challenges, chief amongst which was about the quality of concrete supplied by RMC plants.

International Journal of Scientific Research, Mar 1, 2013
The construction industries are labour intensive, project based and slow to adopt emerging techno... more The construction industries are labour intensive, project based and slow to adopt emerging technologies. Construction industries is not only one of the most dangerous worldwide, but also prone to low productivity and cost over runs due to shortages of skilled labour , unexpected site conditions ,design changes, communication problems, and unsuitability of construction means and techniques. Construction automation is emerged to overcome these problems. Construction automation has the potential to capitalize on increasing quality expectations from customers, tighter safety regulations, and greater attention to computerized project control. Now a day, many construction operations have incorporated automated equipment, methods into their regular practices. In this paper, provides an overview of construction automation and focus on the contribution in construction from robotics.

The VIKOR (the Serbian name is 'Vlse Kriterijumska Optimizacija Kompromisno Resenje' which means ... more The VIKOR (the Serbian name is 'Vlse Kriterijumska Optimizacija Kompromisno Resenje' which means multi-criteria optimization (MCO) and compromise solution) method was mainly established by Zeleny (2002) and later advocated by Opricovic and Tzeng (2004; 2007). Concrete is the most widely used composite construction material. Ready mixed concrete can enhance the speed of construction and improve the quality of concrete components. The enormous advances in concrete technology now make it possible to obtain Ready Mixed Concrete with high strengths. The constituent materials of Ready Mixed Concrete (RMC), especially the fine aggregate, play a very important role for imparting better properties of concrete in its fresh and hardened state. Quality of construction is the most important aspect under consideration in the construction sector. Factory manufactured items always play a vital role in the quality of products. Ready Mixed Concrete is a major part of any concrete construction project. It is a convenient and efficient tool for building. The concrete is delivered to the site mixed and ready to be cast which saves time and money.

Indian Journal of Applied Research, 2013
Pozzocrete (P40, P60 and P100) a processed quality assured fly ash, investigated for its use as a... more Pozzocrete (P40, P60 and P100) a processed quality assured fly ash, investigated for its use as a partial replacement for cement in cement mortar (1:3). The utilization of Pozzocrete (P40, P60 and P100) as cement replacement material in mortar or as additive in cement introduces many benefits from economical, technical and environmental points of view. This paper presents the results of the cement mortar of mix proportion 1:3 in which cement is partially replaced with Pozzocrete (P40, P60 and P100) as 0%, 10%, 30% and 50% by weight of cement. Four set of mixture proportions were made. First were control mix (without Pozzocrete (P40, P60 and P100) with regional fine aggregate (sand)) and the other mixes contained Pozzocrete (P40, P60 and P100) obtained from DIRK India Private Limited, nashik, Maharashtra state. The compressive strength has been obtained with partial replacement of Pozzocrete (P40, P60 and P100) with cement. Test results indicate the decreases in the strength properties of mortar with Pozzocrete (P40, P60 and P100) for early strength at 7 days as partial replacement with the cement in the cement mortar 1:3. So it can be used in non-structural elements with the low range compressive strength where early strength is not required and low cost temporary structure is prepared.

International Journal of Scientific Research, Feb 1, 2013
As concrete usually has been produced by using high quality fly ash and without fly ash (standard... more As concrete usually has been produced by using high quality fly ash and without fly ash (standard concrete). By using high quality fly ash constituents, increase drastically the initial cost of concrete. The objectives of this research work were to intend to study the possibility of producing low cost concrete. To verify the impact of carbon content on fly ash on the strength and durability of concrete. For this purpose it was decided to enhance the 'as received' fly ash by eliminating particles coarser than 75μm, thus reducing the carbon content by 50%. It was also observed that the carbon content did have little impact on the strength and durability of concrete. Applications of fly ash, which is technically, sound, environmentally safe for sustainable development. Use of fly ash in various engineering applications can solve the problem of disposal of fly ash and other purposes. The major constituents of most of the fly ashes are Silica (SiO2), alumina (Al2O3), ferric oxide (Fe2O3) and calcium oxide (CaO). The other minor constituent of the fly ash are MgO, Na2O, K2O, SO3, MnO, TiO2 and unburnt carbon. This paper is study on low quality fly ash as an opportunity for sustainable and economical concrete for a new millennium.

The world of the construction sector is being changed by new technologies, new materials, new bui... more The world of the construction sector is being changed by new technologies, new materials, new building typologies, new concerns and opportunities. The construction sector has been slow to embrace nanotechnology, but nanotech innovations have an enormous impact on building design and construction. Nanotechnology represents a major opportunity for the construction sector to develop new products, substantially increase quality, and open new markets. In this paper the performance of Cellular Lightweight Concrete by addition of Nano-silica has been studied through measurement of compressive Strength. The experimental results show that the durability of the concrete mixed with the nano particles were better than that of a plain concrete. ABSTRACT I. Introduction Nanotechnology is a recently developed, major enabling tool, already well established in several sectors of science, which is expanding rapidly into applied sciences, technology and engineering. It leads to development of advanced characterization and eventual prediction and control of properties of materials at a sub-micron level. Applications of Nanotechnology are expected to lead to better, cleaner, cheaper, faster and smarter products. In addition, much more effective use of basic resources and development of environmentally sustainable production processes are predicted.

This experimental investigation on strength of concrete and optimum percentage of the partial rep... more This experimental investigation on strength of concrete and optimum percentage of the partial replacement by preparing a mix M20 grade was designed as per Indian Standard method and the same was used to prepare the test samples. The design mix proportion used were Conventional Concrete, 10%, 20%, 30%, 40% replacement of cement by industrial waste like fly ash and hypo sludge.In the test performed,the optimum compressive stress obtained by utilizing paper waste was at 30% replacement. At the place where strength is not of more importance or rather structure is for temporary basis then design mix proportion up to 40% replacement can also be utilized.Test also point towards developing low cost concrete by varying design mix proportion from 10%replacement to 40%replacement. The compared values of cost show gradual decrement in total cost of per cubic meter concrete. The difference in costfrom normal concrete to partially replaced concrete is about Rs.850/-.When government implement the projects for temporary shelters for who those affected by natural disaster, this material can be used for economic feasibility.To investigate the utilization of Hypo Sludge and fly ash as Supplementary Cementitious Materials (SCM) and influence of these hypo sludge and fly ash on the Strength of concretes made with different Cement replacement levels and compare with ordinary concrete. Investigate low cost concrete by using hypo sludge and fly ash as SCM and compare the cost of each per meter cube.
A huge quantity of fly ash is generated daily in 82 major thermal power stations of India. The sa... more A huge quantity of fly ash is generated daily in 82 major thermal power stations of India. The safe disposal of this fly ash is the major environmental and socioeconomic problem. Conventional method of Rigid Pavement construction requires various natural resources like metal stone, sand, murum, cement, etc. and hence causes ecological degradation and imbalance. The cement is a costly ingredient in such construction. The use of fly ash in rigid pavement construction as cement replacement by 10-30% will save such resources and hence reduces the resultant concrete without any loss in strength. So, use of fly ash in concrete solves the disposal problem and automatically reduces the construction cost. If fly ash is utilized on large scale for rigid pavement construction, harmonized environment and sustainable ecology and economic development of the road infrastructure, can be possible.

Building and construction industries are one of the major industries around the world. In which C... more Building and construction industries are one of the major industries around the world. In which Construction industry is a labour intensive. It is conducted in dangerous situations. So, the importance of construction robotics has grown rapidly. Applications and activities of robotics and automation in construction industry started in the early 90s aiming to optimize equipment operations, improve safety, enhance perception of workspace and furthermore, ensure quality environment for building occupants. Construction automation is a broadly defined planning and technical endeavor that includes in distinct areas .It is the development of programmable (i.e., robotic) hardware for the execution of construction work tasks; significant progress has been achieved in equipment navigation systems. It is also the development of computer-based tools for efficient and optimal planning, design, construction, and execution for construction. The main goal of this paper is to convince building designers and managers to incorporate robotic systems when managing modern buildings. This paper studies recent applications for robots and automation in the construction industry and sets opportunities and challenges through a new framework for better planning and control of construction equipment operation. In this paper, Studying recent applications and projects for using robots and automation in the construction industry, Setting opportunities and rapidly and also provides a new tool for addressing large-scale and complicated field problems.
Marble waste is generally a high polluting waste due to both its high alkaline nature, and its ma... more Marble waste is generally a high polluting waste due to both its high alkaline nature, and its manufacturing processing techniques, which impose a health threat to the surrounding. The quarries and processing plants are littered with large amounts of waste products deriving from extraction, sawing, polishing. At present, no significant activities are in place to recover and reuse the ultrafine CaCO3 dust combined in waste slurries of marble processing plants. It can be helpful to considering these calcareous particles as primary or secondary raw materials for use in other production. The main objective of this paper is to study the production process of the marble and during the production process how much waste is generated during the production process.

fly ash and hypo sludge is obtained as waste product from the thermal and paper industries. Inves... more fly ash and hypo sludge is obtained as waste product from the thermal and paper industries. Investigations were carried out to explore the possibility of using fly ash and hypo sludge as a replacement of cement in concrete mixtures. This paper presents the results of study undertaken to investigate the feasibility of using fly ash and hypo sludge as cement in concrete. The effects of replacing cement by fly ash and hypo sludge on the flexural strength of beams (500 mm*100 mm*100 mm) are evaluated in this study. Two test groups were constituted with the replacement percentages of 0%, 10%, 20%and 30%.The results showed the effect of fly ash and hypo sludge on concrete beams has a considerable amount of increaseof the flexural strength characteristics. To investigate the utilization of Hypo Sludge as Supplementary Cementitious Materials (SCM) and influence of these hypo sludge on the Strength on concretes made with different Cement replacement levels and also compare with fly ash concrete and ordinary concrete.
Papers by Prof. (Dr.) Jayeshkumar Pitroda
carried out to evaluate properties at 28 and 56 days. Also cost compared to the control mixes of M25 grade.
In this book the feasibility of industrial by-products i.e.; Marble Powder are studied. Marble Powder are used to produce a concrete. A grade chosen for the investigation were M20 Standard Concrete and Marble Powder Replace with Cement Concrete. The study includes casting of Marble Powder concrete and conventional concrete specimens and tested for their compressive strength, Water Absorption test and Durability at age of 7, 14, 28, 56 days respectively. Hence, Cement is replaced by Marble Powder in different proportion which are 0%, 5%, 6.5%, 8%, 9.5% and 10% accordingly in Marble Powder Concrete and its feasibility study is to be carried out.
A multi-facetted research approach was adopted. Initially, a literature review on materials management process in the construction project was conducted. This was followed by case studies involving four construction projects in order to investigate current practice in materials management to establish key problem areas and elements of good practice. The case studies also explored the requirements for integrating materials management and resource modelling in project management systems. The case study findings underpinned by literature results were used to develop a real-time framework for integrating RFID-based materials tracking and resource modelling.
It is concluded that the framework developed in this thesis can improve materials management on construction projects, particularly with regard to material tracking and integrating materials utilisation with the resource modelling subsystem in project management applications. Adoption of the approaches suggested in the thesis will enable the construction industry to improve the real time management of materials on sites, and hence improve project performance.