Papers by Prof. Chitta Ranjan Deb

Nagaland is a state of North Eastern region of India and a part of Indo-Myanmar biodiversity hots... more Nagaland is a state of North Eastern region of India and a part of Indo-Myanmar biodiversity hotspot. The state is very rich in flora and fauna due to favorable agro-climatic condition. Tribes of Nagaland have been using various plants to treat different kind of diseases including diabetes. Since herbal drugs have lesser or no side effect, plant based herbal drugs are very popular in the state. This communication intended to review of the past researches in the state on use of different plant and plant parts for treating/controlling diabetes. Systematic review of literatures reveals that till date a total of 47 plants belonging to 29 families are used as anti-diabetic by different tribes in the state. Though, these plants/parts are being used for anti-diabetic ethnomedicinal purpose, there is no or very limited information available on characterization of anti-diabetic potential active molecules/compounds from these plants, thus warrants isolation and identification of anti-diabetic...
Pleione, Apr 30, 2024
The state of Nagaland is blessed with rich culture, unique communities, and traditional knowledge... more The state of Nagaland is blessed with rich culture, unique communities, and traditional knowledge and is a part Indo-Burma Biodiversity Hotspots region in India. Wild legumes have an integral role in different aspects of livelihood of Nagas as medicines, agro-forestry, customs and traditions and food. This paper performed a literature survey on different ethno-traditional knowledge (ETK) of wild legumes and their uses by the Naga ethnic communities. A total of 31 wild legumes were recorded along with their corresponding references, out of which 30 had medicinal values and six are consumed as vegetables. This study is an attempt to make a comprehensive ethnobotanical report on valuable wild legumes which can be contributed in developing potential drugs in the future.

Pleione, Dec 31, 2023
Orchidaceae, one of the prominent angiosperm families, is widely recognized for their ornamental ... more Orchidaceae, one of the prominent angiosperm families, is widely recognized for their ornamental appeal. Uses of its many species are recorded in many ancient medicinal transcripts. Ethnomedicinal uses of orchids with cultural significances have been documented; though the field remains highly unexplored. Northeast India is blessed with 973 species of orchids; however many species are either unexplored or highly exploited. Researches on medicinal orchids on its molecular characterization, phytochemical analysis, and in vitro propagation have made advancement over the last decades. The present review focuses on the scientific researches carried out on orchid species from this region. It encompasses 115 orchid species, along with corresponding references. Additionally, the paper delves into the current threat status, and the strategies employed for in-situ conservation of orchids within the region.
Open Journal of Forestry, 2023
The state of Nagaland is located in a region known to be a micro-centre of Musa evolution. The pr... more The state of Nagaland is located in a region known to be a micro-centre of Musa evolution. The prevailing agro-climatic conditions are known to support various members of the genus. This study documents 12 species, which is an ideal representation of the rich diversity of this genus in an area of 16,579 sq. km. The various species were classified using morphological descriptors based on INIBAP, 1996 following the subsequent collection of the live specimen. The various species documented have been found to exist in single populations or in association with other species and their distribution depends on the varying altitudinal profile as well as the agro-climatic and topographical condition of the environment.

Applied Biological Research, 2012
Malaxis acuminata is a therapeutically important terrestrial orchid. Due to various anthropogenic... more Malaxis acuminata is a therapeutically important terrestrial orchid. Due to various anthropogenic activities and over-collection for medicinal purposes the species is under threat in its natural habitat. A successful attempt was made to propagate this species using nodal segments from axenic source as alternative explants. Invocation of meristematic loci from the cultured nodal segments initiated within three weeks of culture on MS medium fortified with sucrose (3%, w/v), NAA and BA (3 μM each in combination). Under this condition as many as 18 shoot buds developed. The resultant shoot buds converted into plantlets with well developed roots on MS medium supplemented with sucrose (3%), NAA and BA (3 μM each in combination) where average plant height and number of leaves, shoots and roots were 2.4 cm, 4.5, 18.0 and 4.0, respectively. The hardened regenerates were transferred to community potting mix prepared by mixing charcoal pieces, chopped forest litter, coconut husk, sand and black soil in equal proportion. About 75% of transplants survived after 2 months of transfer.
South African Journal of Botany, May 1, 2022

Applied Biological Research, 2010
In vitro regenerative competence of foliar explants of Coelogyne suaveolens was tested on MS medi... more In vitro regenerative competence of foliar explants of Coelogyne suaveolens was tested on MS medium containing 3% sucrose, 0.1% activated charcoal (AC), and 6 μM NAA + 9 μMBA wherein ~73% cultures responded positively. About 75% cultured leaf segments of T. latifolia responded positively and formed as many as 5 shoot buds within 5 weeks on MS medium containing 3% sucrose, 0.1% AC, and 3 μM IAA + 6 μMBA. The shoot buds developed from leaf segments of C. suaveolens differentiated into rooted plantlets on ½MS medium containing 3% sucrose, 0.1% AC, and 6 μM NAA + 9 μMBA. In T. latifolia a similar response was registered on MS medium containing 2% sucrose, 0.1% AC and 3 μM NAA + 9 μMBA. The regenerated plants were hardened suitably before transferring to community potting mix where they registered 75–80% survival in the potting mix after two months of transfer.
European Journal of Biotechnology and Bioscience, Sep 1, 2015
Mass propagation is important for mass production of both wild species under threat and also for ... more Mass propagation is important for mass production of both wild species under threat and also for domesticated crops. Paris polyphylla Smith var. polyphylla, a vulnerable medicinal plant of North East, India can be macropropagated through rhizome cuttings/ splitting and group rhizome fragmentation. Preparation of raised soil bed and application of appropriate procedures in planting the cut and fragmented plant parts was followed. The mean obtained in three years of study: For sprouted shoot buds from cut rhizomes mean was found to be 49.33% while in group rhizome fragmentation it was 75%.
South African Journal of Botany, Nov 1, 2022

American Journal of Plant Sciences, May 11, 2017
Advancement in field of GIS and Information Technology has taken conservation works and strategie... more Advancement in field of GIS and Information Technology has taken conservation works and strategies a step further as most conservation works are now dependent on these technologies. The present study explores the prediction ability of MAXENT using a very low sample size by applying jackknife analysis over a well defined smaller region and using only climate data. Vanda bicolor is a horticulture important orchid grown in certain patches of North Eastern region of India and the species considered to be "Vulnerable". Present study reports a distribution prediction model using different geo-climatic parameters for a small area. Model validation by ground truthing gives a significant successful result which clearly defines the ability of MAXENT prediction model to give high success rate (71%) with low training samples. Use of the low sample size over a larger area results in unstable models however application of these samples in smaller radius around the occurrence points could provide good working models.
International journal of pharma and bio sciences, 2010

The embryogenic cultures were obtained from mature zygotic embryos (79.6%) and apical dome sectio... more The embryogenic cultures were obtained from mature zygotic embryos (79.6%) and apical dome sections (92.6%) (pretreated with 0.4% activated charcoal at 4 o C for 24 hrs) on mMS and ½DCR media, respectively containing 5 mg l-1 2,4-D, NAA in combination along with 1 mg l-1 BAP, while, from secondary needles (88.6%) it was on MS medium containing 3 mg l-1 each of 2,4-D and NAA in conjunction with 1 mg l-1 BAP. Using 150-200 mg embryogenic tissues per 15 ml medium at 120 rpm raised embryogenic suspension cultures. But the embryogenic cultures from apical dome sections were cold treated at 4 o C for 24 hrs before transferring to suspension culture. The cultures were subcultured at 6-7 days interval and were diluted at 1:4 ratio. The embryonal suspensor masses developed from the resulting elongated single cells within 3-4 passages in respective basal medium with 1/10 th growth regulators of initiation medium. The proembryonal head formed in growth regulators free medium at 100 rpm. The embryonal head formed in basal medium containing 4% sucrose and 4 mg l-1 ABA in combination.

Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology, Jul 1, 2009
Dendrobium primulinum is an important epiphytic orchid. A successful protocol for mass multiplica... more Dendrobium primulinum is an important epiphytic orchid. A successful protocol for mass multiplication and early in vitro flowering was developed. Immature embryos of 4 week after pollination exhibited about 96% germination within 30 days of culture on MS medium containing sucrose (3%) (w/v), NAA and BA (6 and 9 μM) in combination. Protocorm-like bodies (PLBs) formed from the germinating seeds on the germination medium. Rooted plantlets were formed within 2-3 wk on MS medium containing sucrose (3%), NAA and BA (3 and 12 μM in combination) where about 29 shoot/buds produced per cycle of 4 wk interval. The well rooted plantlets produced 4-5 floral buds per spike when they were maintained on MS medium containing sucrose (3%), fresh apple juice (10%) (v/v) for four wk followed by on MS medium freed of apple juice but enriched with NAA and BA (3 and 12 μM respectively). The hardened plantlets were transferred to community potting mix where the about 80% transplants survived after two months of transfer.
Biotechnology(faisalabad), Dec 15, 2009
Journal of Nanjing Medical University, Jan 30, 2016
Hsp90 is a major protein involved in the stabilization of various proteins in cancer cells. The p... more Hsp90 is a major protein involved in the stabilization of various proteins in cancer cells. The present investigation focused on the molecular docking simulation studies of flavanols as inhibitors of Hsp90 at the high affinity adenosine triphosphate (ATP) binding site and analyzed absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion and toxicity (ADME-toxicity). The molecular docking analysis revealed that the flavanols showed competitive inhibition with ATP molecule at the active site and enhanced pharmacological parameters.
Journal of Experimental Biology and Agricultural Sciences, Apr 25, 2018
Indigenous Wild Edible Fruits (IWEF) plays a vital role in the daily life of the rural people as ... more Indigenous Wild Edible Fruits (IWEF) plays a vital role in the daily life of the rural people as they provide sustainable resources. The present study aimed at the documentation of IWEF's of three districts of Nagaland, India viz., Kohima, Phek and Tuensang and assessment of market acceptability. A total of 47 IWEF's belonging to 29 family and 39 genera were collected and identified. Market survey was carried out to check the market acceptability of the collected IWEF's in these three districts of Nagaland. Rhus. semialata, T. chebula, S. pinnata, D. indica, E. officinalis, F. semicordata, E. floribundus, J. regia, M. esculenta, P. pershia are some fruits that are common used by the local inhabitants and some of these fruits are also used to treat different diseases through traditional methods.

American Journal of Plant Sciences, May 11, 2017
Barberry has played a prominent role in herbal healing for more than 2500 years. Most of the berb... more Barberry has played a prominent role in herbal healing for more than 2500 years. Most of the berberis species have medicinal uses because of the presence of alkaloid "berberine" an isoquinoline alkaloid. The root and inner bark are also used for yellow dyeing of clothes. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the seed dormancy, effect of stratification, light conditions and planting bed quality on seed germination of berberis manipurana seeds. A set of freshly processed seeds were sowed in three light conditions i.e., normal light (~5000 lux), poly house ca. 50% shade (~2500 lux) and poly house ca. 75% shade (~1250 lux). In the laboratory, half of the collected seeds were packed in plastic bags, labeled and stored at 4°c (stratification treatment); another half was stored at room temperature of 25˚C. Stratified seeds from both the conditions (4˚C and 25˚C) were sowed in the seed bed at 15 days interval till 120 th day (0-120 days) to check the viability and germination behaviors. Highest germination rate was observed from seeds stored at 4˚C, which registered 82.5% (1.5) germination in the poly-bags against 70% (2.5) from seeds stored at 25˚C. While 69% (2.0) and 56% (1.5) seeds germinated in the seeds beds from seeds stratified at 4˚C and 25˚C respectively.

Applied Biological Research, 2013
Malaxis acuminata is a terrestrial orchid whose rhizome is medicinally important. The dried pseud... more Malaxis acuminata is a terrestrial orchid whose rhizome is medicinally important. The dried pseudobulbs are used in preparation of ‘Ayurvedic drug’ ‘Chyawanparash’, an energetic herbal tonic and to cure tuberculosis. Due to various anthropogenic activities and excessive extraction for medicinal purposes, the species is under constant threat in its natural habitats. A successful attempt was made to propagate this species using foliar explants from axenic source as alternative explants. The meristemetic loci invoked from the cultured leaf explants within 4–5 weeks of culture on MS medium fortified with sucrose (3%, w/v) and NAA (311M) + BA (311M). The foliar explants were cultured in different orientations, and optimum response was recorded with the explants cultured horizontally on culture medium in comparison to up side up and reverse orientations. Under this condition, as many as 26 shoot buds developed. The resultant shoot buds converted into plantlets with well developed roots on MS medium supplemented with sucrose (3%) and NAA + BA (311M each) with average plant height, number of leaves and number of shoots 2.4 cm, 4.5, 18.0, respectively. The hardened regenerates when transferred to community potting mix [prepared by mixing charcoal pieces, chopped forest litters, coconut husk, sand and black soil at 1:1 ratio] showed about 75% survival of transplants after two months.
Papers by Prof. Chitta Ranjan Deb