Papers by Priscila Chaverri
Mycologia, Jan 1, 2011
A new species of Trichoderma (teleomorph Hypocrea, Ascomycota, Sordariomycetes, Hypocreales, Hypo... more A new species of Trichoderma (teleomorph Hypocrea, Ascomycota, Sordariomycetes, Hypocreales, Hypocreaceae), T. amazonicum, endophytic on the living sapwood and leaves of Hevea spp. trees is described. Trichoderma amazonicum is distinguished from closely related species in the Harzianum clade (e.g. Hypocrea alni, H. brunneoviridis, H. epimyces, H. parepimyces, T. aggressivum, T. harzianum, T. pleuroticola and T. pleuroti) by morphological and ecological characteristics and phylogenetic analysis of three loci (ITS nrDNA, tef1 and rpb2). The closest relatives of this species are the facultatively fungicolous species T. pleuroticola and T. pleuroti.
Mycotaxon, Jan 1, 2010
The genus Perisporiopsis (Ascomycota, Dothideomycetes, Parodiopsidaceae) occurs on the underside ... more The genus Perisporiopsis (Ascomycota, Dothideomycetes, Parodiopsidaceae) occurs on the underside of decaying leaves, mostly in tropical regions. A new species of Perisporiopsis, P. lateritia, is described that can be distinguished from other species in the genus by a combination of teleomorph and anamorph characteristics, such as ascospore size, size and shape of microconidia and macroconidia of the Septoidium anamorph, and the plant host (Hevea). This species is known only from the Peruvian Amazon.
Mycologia, 2014
The objective of this study was to identify a group of unknown endophytic fungal isolates from th... more The objective of this study was to identify a group of unknown endophytic fungal isolates from the living sapwood of wild and planted Hevea (rubber tree) populations. Three novel lineages of Tolypocladium are described based on molecular and morphological data. Findings from this study open a window for novel hypotheses regarding the ecology and role of endophytes within plant communities as well as trait evolution and potential forces driving diversification of Cordyceps-like fungi. This study stresses the importance of integrating asexual and sexual fungal states for a more complete understanding of the natural history of this diverse group. In addition, it highlights the study of fungi in the sapwood of tropical trees as habitat for the discovery of novel fungal lineages and substrate associations.

Mycologia, Jan 8, 2015
Research on fungal endophytes has expanded dramatically in recent years, but little is known abou... more Research on fungal endophytes has expanded dramatically in recent years, but little is known about the diversity and ecological roles of endophytic basidiomycetes. Here we report the analysis of 310 basidiomycetous endophytes isolated from wild and planted populations of the rubber tree genus, Hevea. Species accumulation curves were nonasymptotic, as in the majority of endophyte surveys, indicating that more sampling is needed to recover the true diversity of the community. One hundred eighteen OTUs were delimited, representing nine orders of Basidiomycota (Agaricales, Atheliales, Auriculariales, Cantharellales, Hymenochaetales, Polyporales, Russulales, Septobasidiales, Tremellales). The diversity of basidiomycetous endophytes found inhabiting wild populations of Hevea was comparable to that present in plantations. However, when samples were segregated by tissue type, sapwood of wild populations was found to contain a higher number of species than sapwood of planted trees. Seventy-f...

Although Nectria is the type genus of Nectriaceae (Hypocreales, Sordariomycetes, Pezizomycotina, ... more Although Nectria is the type genus of Nectriaceae (Hypocreales, Sordariomycetes, Pezizomycotina, Ascomycota), the systematics of the teleomorphic and anamorphic state of Nectria sensu Rossman has not been studied in detail. The objectives of this study are to 1) provide a phylogenetic overview to determine if species of Nectria with Gyrostroma, Tubercularia, and Zythiostroma anamorphs form a monophyletic group; 2) define Nectria, segregate genera, and their species using morphologically informative characters of teleomorphic and anamorphic states; and 3) provide descriptions and illustrations of these genera and species. To accomplish these objectives, results of phylogenetic analyses of DNA sequence data from six loci (act, ITS, LSU, rpb1, tef1 and tub), were integrated with morphological characterisations of anamorphs and teleomorphs. Results from the phylogenetic analyses demonstrate that species previously regarded as the genus Nectria having Gyrostroma, Tubercularia, and Zythiostroma anamorphs belong in two major paraphyletic clades. The first major clade regarded as the genus Pleonectria contains 26 species with ascoconidia produced by ascospores in asci, perithecial walls having bright yellow scurf, and immersed or superficial pycnidial anamorphs (Zythiostroma = Gyrostroma). A lineage basal to the Pleonectria clade includes Nectria miltina having very small, aseptate ascospores, and trichoderma-like conidiophores and occurring on monocotyledonous plants. These characteristics are unusual in Pleonectria, thus we recognise the monotypic genus Allantonectria with Allantonectria miltina. The second major clade comprises the genus Nectria sensu stricto including the type species, N. cinnabarina, and 28 additional species. Within the genus Nectria, four subclades exist. One subclade includes species with sporodochial anamorphs and another with synnematous anamorphs. The other two paraphyletic subclades include species that produce abundant stromata in which the large perithecia are immersed, large ascospores, and peculiar anamorphs that form pycnidia or sporodochia either on their natural substrate or in culture. In this study the evolution of species, morphology, and ecology of the three genera, Allantonectria, Nectria, and Pleonectria, are discussed based on the phylogenetic analyses. In addition, descriptions, illustrations, and keys for identification are presented for the 56 species in Allantonectria, Nectria, and Pleonectria.
... Kerala, India, Kerala Forest Research Institute. 78 p.(KFRI Research Report no. 30). Nair, KS... more ... Kerala, India, Kerala Forest Research Institute. 78 p.(KFRI Research Report no. 30). Nair, KSS; Sudheendrakumar, VV; Varma, RV; Chacko, KC; Jayaraman, K. 1996. Effect of defoliation by Hyblaea puera and Eutectona machaeralis (Lepidoptera) on volume increment of teak. ...
Chemistry & Biodiversity, 2015

Mycologia, Jan 6, 2015
Trichoderma harzianum is known as a cosmopolitan, ubiquitous species associated with a wide varie... more Trichoderma harzianum is known as a cosmopolitan, ubiquitous species associated with a wide variety of substrates. It is possibly the most commonly used name in agricultural applications involving Trichoderma, including biological control of plant diseases. While various studies have suggested that T. harzianum is a species complex, only a few cryptic species are named. In the present study the taxonomy of the T. harzianum species complex is revised to include at least 14 species. Previously named species included in the complex are T. guizhouense, T. harzianum, and T. inhamatum. Two new combinations are proposed, T. lentiforme and T. lixii. Nine species are described as new, T. afarasin, T. afroharzianum, T. atrobrunneum, T. camerunense, T. endophyticum, T. neotropicale, T. pyramidale, T. rifaii and T. simmonsii. We isolated Trichoderma cultures from four commercial biocontrol products reported to contain T. harzianum. None of the biocontrol strains were identified as T. harzianum ...

Tropical Plant Pathology, 2015
Endophytic strains of Trichoderma species can be used as an alternative to chemicals to control v... more Endophytic strains of Trichoderma species can be used as an alternative to chemicals to control vascular streak dieback (VSD) disease of cacao. Of 21 Trichoderma isolated from Theobroma cacao (cacao) in Indonesia, 19 were identified as Trichoderma asperellum. Four isolates of this species (ART-4, ART-5, ART-6 and ART-8) were reintroduced into young cocoa seedlings by root inoculation and after 4 weeks all were recovered from roots and stems, while ART-4 and ART-5 were recovered from leaves as well. Spraying seedlings pre-inoculated with T. asperellum ART-4, ART-5 and ART-6 with mycelium of the VSD pathogen Ceratobasidium theobromae resulted in no apparent VSD symptoms on the leaves. Those seedlings pre-inoculated with ART-8 showed 8.9 % incidence of VSD symptoms on the leaves when compared to a 20.4 % incidence of VSD on positive control leaves, 12 weeks after inoculation. The same isolates were also reintroduced into 3-month-old cocoa seedlings via the connecting site following shoot grafting, and after 12 weeks all isolates were recovered from stem and leaves. Seedlings grafted with buds infected by VSD and treated by ART-4 showed no VSD symptoms on their leaves 12 weeks after grafting and inoculation. However, those treated with ART-5, ART-6 and ART-8 showed 33.3 %, 50.0 % and 56.0 % incidence of VSD symptoms on their leaves, respectively, compared to an 88.9 % incidence of VSD on positive control leaves. Therefore, the study results demonstrates for the first time the potential of T. asperellum isolates to control VSD disease on cacao.

Mycologia, Jan 23, 2015
The genus Cosmospora includes nectrioid fungi that grow on polypores and xylariaceous fungi. The ... more The genus Cosmospora includes nectrioid fungi that grow on polypores and xylariaceous fungi. The collections growing on xylariaceous fungi have been identified recently as Cosmospora viliuscula. In this paper the phylogeny and taxonomy of C. viliuscula are investigated. A phylogeny was generated with maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference methods applied to a three-partition dataset (ITS, 28S, MCM7-RPB1-TUB2). Based on these results, we demonstrate that Cosmospora viliuscula represents a diverse species complex comprising more than 10 species. Seven new species are described, including three single-strain lineages, and the sexual states of C. arxii and C. khandalensis are described for the first time. The sexual states of these fungi tend to have a high degree of morphological homoplasy, making it difficult to differentiate among them based on morphological characters alone. However, the apparent host specificity of species in this complex aide in the diagnosis of these fungi. In...

Mycologia, Jan 8, 2015
Research on fungal endophytes has expanded dramatically in recent years, but little is known abou... more Research on fungal endophytes has expanded dramatically in recent years, but little is known about the diversity and ecological roles of endophytic basidiomycetes. Here we report the analysis of 310 basidiomycetous endophytes isolated from wild and planted populations of the rubber tree genus, Hevea. Species accumulation curves were nonasymptotic, as in the majority of endophyte surveys, indicating that more sampling is needed to recover the true diversity of the community. One hundred eighteen OTUs were delimited, representing nine orders of Basidiomycota (Agaricales, Atheliales, Auriculariales, Cantharellales, Hymenochaetales, Polyporales, Russulales, Septobasidiales, Tremellales). The diversity of basidiomycetous endophytes found inhabiting wild populations of Hevea was comparable to that present in plantations. However, when samples were segregated by tissue type, sapwood of wild populations was found to contain a higher number of species than sapwood of planted trees. Seventy-f...
The present taxonomic revision deals with Neotropical species of three entomopathogenic genera th... more The present taxonomic revision deals with Neotropical species of three entomopathogenic genera that were once included in Hypocrella sl: Hypocrella s. str. (anamorph Aschersonia), Moelleriella (anamorph aschersonia-like), and Samuelsia gen. nov (a.
Papers by Priscila Chaverri