Papers by Primada Qurrota Ayun

Interaksi: Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi
Huge numbers of social media users in Indonesia creates a phenomenon of beauty influencers. Seleb... more Huge numbers of social media users in Indonesia creates a phenomenon of beauty influencers. Selebgram or Instagram celebrities, starts to become a trend when artists wearing veils become a fashion icon for certain groups of communities. The influencers try to expose new identities which were considered old fashioned. However, this beauty influencer phenomenon also initiates hate speech trends. Nature of social media allows people to comment, spread information, and give opinions freely and anonymously, and even create the tendency to write misogynistic narratives. This research is a descriptive textual study using a narrative approach. Narrative in this connection refers to status updates on Instagram, narratives are understood as “small stories” that capture the whole variety of narrative activities that are not represented in the big or canonical narratives. The results of this study indicate that hate speech against female celebrities means that they receive negative judgments an...

KOMUNIKA: Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi
The use of gadgets in the pandemic era is unavoidable. Distance learning system makes children fr... more The use of gadgets in the pandemic era is unavoidable. Distance learning system makes children from an early age to the final-year age use gadgets and online media as a means of information and education. Unfortunately, the data shows that children are accidentally exposed to and susceptible to pornographic content in online media. This makes children need communication and parental assistance in accessing online media. This research was conducted in Semarang private school as a form of community dedication for parents who have an early child. The theory used in this study is the theory of family communication patterns and parental mediation theory. The research method used is mixed methods. The results of this study indicate that parents give their children access to gadgets by giving them screen time. Every respondent also felt concerned about pornographic content. They stated that there is a need for assistance when early childhood access gadgets. Communication in the form of con...

Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Social and Political Enquiries, ICISPE 2021, 14-15 September 2021, Semarang, Indonesia
Gisella Anastasia is an actress, singer, and host of various television programs. Gisel, that gir... more Gisella Anastasia is an actress, singer, and host of various television programs. Gisel, that girl's nickname, became popular when she won the runner-up position in Indonesia Idol Season Five (2008). Her name, which is already well-known in the spectacle industry, has made her has millions of followers on her Instagram account. The name Gisel grew in popularity with negative connotations at the end of 2020 because a 19-second video showing her having sex with a man was widely circulated on the internet. The purpose of this study is to describe and analyze hate speech on the Instagram account @gisel_la by Gisel's followers by linking their posts with a video case that contain scenes that are considered contrary to social norms. The method used in this research is a descriptive textual study with a narrative approach to examine various status updates and the comments that follow. Through this method, small stories can be found that are not represented in the grand narratives or canonicals. The findings of this research show that on her Instagram account, Gisel gets various attacks in the form of misogynistic narratives that are so aggressive, for example, she is labeled as a prostitute, she deserves to be imprisoned, her daughter will continue her immoral behavior, and various utterances that are explicitly identified as the sex scenes.

Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Social and Political Enquiries, ICISPE 2021, 14-15 September 2021, Semarang, Indonesia
Celebs-gram or celebrities on Instagram try to show a new identity by showing their daily life th... more Celebs-gram or celebrities on Instagram try to show a new identity by showing their daily life through their social media. Unfortunately, many female celebrities receive insinuation and hate speech from netizens in their posts. This cannot be separated from the women stigma regarding to their assessment to them through religion, social, and the value of politeness in society. One of them is the @rachelven account. Her decision to open the veil has made this celeb-gram close the comment column to be limited to his followers. This research is a descriptive textual study using a narrative approach. Narrative in this context refers to updated status on Instagram. Narratives are understood as "small stories" that capture the whole variety of narrative activities that are not represented in the big or canonical narratives. The results of this study indicate that hate speech against female celebrities means that those celebs-gram receive negative judgments and comments from netizens by using religious statements and social norms. The netizens provide comments by quoting verses from the scriptures, giving bad labels, and giving judgments for the celeb-gram's attitudes.

SOSFILKOM : Jurnal Sosial, Filsafat dan Komunikasi, 2020
Film merupakan salah satu media massa, fungsi dari media massa adalah menyampaikan informasi dan ... more Film merupakan salah satu media massa, fungsi dari media massa adalah menyampaikan informasi dan sebagai media pendidikan. Film anak, secara tidak langsung mampu menghadirkan sebuah representasi, penggambaran terhadap realitas melalui narasinya.. Film “Denias - Senandung di Atas Awan” dan “Di Timur Matahari”, merupakan film yang mencoba menggambarkan representasi Suku Papua. Teori yang digunakan di dalam penelitian ini adalah Materialist Film Theory by Siegfried Kraucauer dan Representation of Stuart Hall. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan naratif teks milik Murphet dan alur cerita milik Stanton. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Suku Papua direpresentasikan sebagai sosok masyarakat yang termarginalkan, minoritas, bersifat etnosentris, dan berbeda dengan suku yang lain di Indonesia. Namun, Alenia Picture berusaha menawarkan hadirnya sosok Suku Papua yang baru, yaitu suku yang terbuka, diperhatikan dan mendapatkan hak berupa pendidikan serta ...
Abstrak Adanya ketidakseimbangan hubungan sosial antara laki-laki dan perempuan adalah hasil dari... more Abstrak Adanya ketidakseimbangan hubungan sosial antara laki-laki dan perempuan adalah hasil dari strukturasi dalam sistem sosial yang membuat perempuan selalu menjadi objek dalam media massa. Film horor di Indobesia, menampilkan perempuan sebagai komoditas yang di tawarkan. Melalui pendekatan kritis, tulisan ini mencoba untuk melihat bagaimana film horor di Indonesia yang menunjukkan sensualitas dan tubuh perempuan adalah hasil dari tendensi ekonomi dan politik.

E3S Web of Conferences, 2018
Lately memes have been using as viral marketing for products in advertising or satire in politica... more Lately memes have been using as viral marketing for products in advertising or satire in political campaigns in Indonesia. In 2013 Richard Dawkins, the author of The Selfish Gene (1976), characterized that memes on the internet as a human creativity. The pictures in the meme are tailored to the user’s feelings and become the feeling of society. Meme cannot be said to be the ideal journalistic formula because most of them do not use the 5W + 1H journalism rule. Ironically though meme is not information that contains accuracy, relevance, and completeness of journalism, but at the same time it is in great demand even highly trusted, as they are easily accepted as information. While information that does not contain accuracy, often called hoax news. In Indonesia meme experiencing a surge in volume during the last 2014 presidential election; there are so many memes about Jokowi and Prabowo circulating on the Internet at the time, and later also many outstanding memes that contain the ima...
CHANNEL Jurnal Komunikasi, 2015
The Internet and teens are the two things are interrelated. Survey from the Ministry of Communica... more The Internet and teens are the two things are interrelated. Survey from the Ministry of Communications and Information in Indonesia showed that the largest internet usage is to access social media. In Indonesia, the phenomenon of young people in using social media is quite interesting to study. Teens build their self-identity to obtain the image they want and express private problem into a social media issues raised in this study. The theory used in this research is the Social Identity Theory, Symbolic Interaction and Media Ecology. This study is a qualitative study using phenomenological method. Results from this study showed that adolescents show identity vary in their social media and they express personal problems in social media, but in the form implied.
Papers by Primada Qurrota Ayun