Papers by Prashant Prashant

IP innovative publication pvt. ltd, 2019
Introduction: Diabetes mellitus (DM) is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disea... more Introduction: Diabetes mellitus (DM) is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and mortality. Impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) and impaired fasting glucose (IFG) are well characterized prediabetes conditions and about half of those proceed with the development of type 2 diabetes. During the pre-diabetic state, the risk of a CVD is modestly increased. The aim of present study is to evaluate serum Homocysteine (Hyc) level in prediabetes and type 2 diabetes patients and find the association between Hyc and other variables. Materials and Methods: This cross sectional descriptive study was conducted on 450 participants. Out of this 150 were type 2 diabetic patients, 150 prediabetes and 150 controls. Homocystine and biochemical parameters were measured. Results: Homocysteine is a sulfur-containing amino acid formed during the metabolism of methionine consider as a an early detection marker in cardiovascular disease elevated in prediabetes patients, type 2 diabet...
Eprint Arxiv Quant Ph 0511158, Nov 1, 2005
This paper discusses the important primitives of superposition and entanglement in QIP from physi... more This paper discusses the important primitives of superposition and entanglement in QIP from physics of spin-1/2 particles. System of spin-1/2 particles present a logical and conceptual candidate to understand Quantum Computing. A pedagogical approach to abstract quantum information processing is considered in more concrete physical terms here.
Aps Meeting Abstracts, Mar 1, 2007

International Journal of Computer Applications, Apr 18, 2013
Recommender systems are smart and intelligent systems that often seem to know users more than use... more Recommender systems are smart and intelligent systems that often seem to know users more than users know themselves. Recommender system helps customers by recommending products they will probably like or purchase based on their purchasing, searching, browsing history and also the other similar customer's history. Their aim is to provide efficient personalized solution in Ecommerce domain that would benefit both buyer and seller. In this paper, authors proposed a neural network based approach called Associative Memory Model (AMM) to recommend items to users and also explain Incremental AMM for dynamic dataset. Experiments are carried out to observe the performance of the proposed algorithm and compare results with the existing traditional collaborative filtering algorithm .The property of AMM is that they are able to solve the pattern completion problem. This property can be used to build an efficient recommender system for E-commerce website that can produce more accurate and quick results than the others.
International Journal of Theoretical Physics
In this work, we show that 'splitting of quantum information' [6] is an impossible task f... more In this work, we show that 'splitting of quantum information' [6] is an impossible task from three different but consistent principles of unitarity of Quantum Mechanics, no-signalling condition and non increase of entanglement under Local Operation and Classical Communication. Comment: 9 pages, Presented in Quantum Computing Back Action in IIT Kanpur (2006). Accepted in International Journal of Theoretical Physics
In this letter we establish the impossibility of existence of self replicating machine in the qua... more In this letter we establish the impossibility of existence of self replicating machine in the quantum world. We establish this result by three different but consistent approaches of linearity of quantum mechanics, no signalling condition and conservation of entanglement under local unitary operations.
International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 2007
It is known that if one could clone an arbitrary quantum state one could send signal faster than ... more It is known that if one could clone an arbitrary quantum state one could send signal faster than the speed of light. However it remains interesting to see that if one can perfectly self replicate an arbitrary quantum state, does it violate the no signaling principle? Here we see that perfect self replication would also lead to superluminal signaling.
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Papers by Prashant Prashant