Pradipta Ann
Address: Magetan, Jawa Timur, Indonesia
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Papers by Pradipta Ann
STKIP class of mathematics education students at STKIP Pamane Talino in the Field Geometry course. The result from students of STKIP Pamane Talino in the Geometry Field course is (1) high-ability students capable of proving images into mathematical language and making symbols, making and providing good information about understanding and parts of points, lines and fields, can provide information about two possibilities of right triangles by using special angles, both relations between special angles that can, provide information and about information about its parts, can represent circular tangents and information about their parts, able to express circle resolution with right, and perceive relationships between properties and between figures (2) Students with moderate abilities cannot provide information about points, lines, and fields properly. The parts of the point, line, and field are not yet clear symbols, the information given about right triangles is not yet complete and the mathematical relations described are still incomplete about special angles, do not describe the circle of information, information about resolutions and their parts are conveyed with details, mathematical representation is still wrong, can use their own language when expressed again about circle resolution, and
see figures as collections of properties (3) students with low ability cannot provide information about points, lines and fields and students are not able to symbolize points, lines and fields, and recognize figures by appearance alone, often by comparing them to a known prototype
STKIP class of mathematics education students at STKIP Pamane Talino in the Field Geometry course. The result from students of STKIP Pamane Talino in the Geometry Field course is (1) high-ability students capable of proving images into mathematical language and making symbols, making and providing good information about understanding and parts of points, lines and fields, can provide information about two possibilities of right triangles by using special angles, both relations between special angles that can, provide information and about information about its parts, can represent circular tangents and information about their parts, able to express circle resolution with right, and perceive relationships between properties and between figures (2) Students with moderate abilities cannot provide information about points, lines, and fields properly. The parts of the point, line, and field are not yet clear symbols, the information given about right triangles is not yet complete and the mathematical relations described are still incomplete about special angles, do not describe the circle of information, information about resolutions and their parts are conveyed with details, mathematical representation is still wrong, can use their own language when expressed again about circle resolution, and
see figures as collections of properties (3) students with low ability cannot provide information about points, lines and fields and students are not able to symbolize points, lines and fields, and recognize figures by appearance alone, often by comparing them to a known prototype