Papers by Pradeep shindhe

International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine, Jan 7, 2023
Anorectal abscesses are one of the potentially debilitating diseases among them perianal abscess ... more Anorectal abscesses are one of the potentially debilitating diseases among them perianal abscess and ischiorectal abscess are common. Lateral spread of the ischiorectal abscess through the conjoint tendon leads to a horseshoe abscess. Surgical treatment is incision and drainage. Complications include sepsis, faecal incontinence, and fistula in ano. Kshara sutra is proved effective for fistula in ano, which helps in preventing recurrence. Here we report a case of ischiorectal abscess with horseshoe connection came with swelling and pain over the right perianal region. The condition was diagnosed as guda vidradi (perianal abscess) as per Ayurveda classics, and Bhedana karma is considered as primary treatment. Considering the recurrence and chronicity, kshara sutra ligation was planned after Bhedana karma. The case was completely cured with minimal follow-ups. Post-operative wounds healed with minimal scar formation. Adoption of the treatment has given successful results in the management of ischiorectal abscess with horseshoe connection.
Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine

Annals of ayurvedic medicine, 2021
Background - Post thrombotic syndrome (PTS) is a complication of deep vein thrombosis (DVT) with ... more Background - Post thrombotic syndrome (PTS) is a complication of deep vein thrombosis (DVT) with limited treatment options.Venous ulceration is the ultimate and most severe presentation of PTS, although not all symptoms and signs are irreversible once PTS is diagnosed, this diagnosis is deemed permanent. Treatment options are limited therefore emphasis is placed on its prevention. Objective Management of the Post thrombotic syndrome associated with chronic ulcer by Ayurvedic approach Materials and MethodsHere we report a case of non-healing ulcer on left foot associated with pain, itching, swelling and blackish discoloration on left lower leg since 2 years.The case was diagnosed and treated as PTS complicated with venous ulcer. In Ayurvedathese clinical features are co-related with GambhirVatarakta and treatment principles include Raktamokshana Virechana, Basti. The case was treated with Jaloukavacharana (Leech therapy), Virechana (Purgation) and Vrana Chikitsa (Shodhana and Ropana). Results Clinical improvements were seen in parameters like pain, swelling, itching and wound. The time taken for complete healing of the ulcer was two months. Conclusion - The adopted Ayurvedic treatment has given promising results in the management of PTS associated with chronic venous ulcer.

Background: Leech therapy is a point of attraction in the medical as well as in the scientific wo... more Background: Leech therapy is a point of attraction in the medical as well as in the scientific world due to its various outstanding properties, while studying the Ayurveda and scientific literature one can find difference, i.e., discarding after single use as per modern literature, but in Ayurveda, it can be reused after 7 days of leech therapy. Studies of such kind were not carried or published in any scientific journals, so ethical approval and developing scientific methods for validating the study were necessary, so a pilot study began with ethical clearance. Objective: The objective of the study was to evaluate the bacterial and fungal count of leech saliva and blood emesis before and after leech therapy using disc diffusion method. Materials and Methods: Leeches were collected from the normal habitat from Mangalore region possessing the same weight and morphological characteristics as that of the Nirvisha Jalouka as mentioned in classics (Shanku-mukhi). The selected leeches were stored in well water having nonchlorinated with minimum bacterial load. The well water was selected from three geographical regions of Belagavi city, and among them, one sample was selected having minimal bacterial load. Ten patients with infectious skin diseases who were indicated for Jalaukavacharana (Vidradhi, Dushta-vrana) were selected. The experimental leech saliva was tested for total bacterial count (TBC) and total fungal count (TFC) before and on 8th day of application, along with venous blood of the patient and blood vomitus of leech after application was tested for TBC and TFC. Statistical analysis was done based on TFC and TBC before and after application. Results: TBC and TFC of leech saliva at 8th day and before application were similar which indicates the leech gut has destroyed the bacteria or inhibited the growth of bacteria. Conclusion: TBC and TFC help to produce evidence that after application of leech and proper vomiting will not allow the growth of bacteria. Hence, safely, it can be reused after 7 days.

Indian journal of health sciences, 2015
Background: Classical texts explain the Agnikarma in detail for the management and eradication of... more Background: Classical texts explain the Agnikarma in detail for the management and eradication of various ailments with the limitation to understand its application and standardized methodology for each ailment. Ganglions are the most common cystic swellings, especially found in dorsum aspect of wrist which is well known for recurrence. Hence, to avoid the complications of surgery and to reduce the social burden of the patient, an effort is made to establish and modify the Agnikarma methodology in ganglion. Methods: 30 patients fulfilling the inclusion criteria of ganglion were randomly selected and divided into Group 1 and Group 2 comprising of 15 patients each. Clinical sign and symptoms were given suitable grades according to their severity and assessed based on relief after treatment. The results showing P value < 0.05 were considered as statistically significant in this study. Results: After the treatment by Agnikarma on post-operative first day there was no change in pain, size of swelling was significantly resolved by 100% and tenderness was significantly increased. Complete relief (100%) was found in pain, size of swelling and tenderness on post-operative Seventh day. On first month size of swelling was increased by 28%. Pain was significantly reduced after three months by 92% and size of swelling was increased by 43%. Interpretation and Conclusion: Recurrence was seen in the patients treated with Agnikarma but there was significantly reduction in the size after three months This technique avoids the scar mark to the cosmetic area compared with conventional ganglionectomy Hence, this technique can be still modified for minimal invasive technique.

Indian journal of health sciences, 2015
The occurrence of stony material in the anal fistulous tract is a very rare clinical presentation... more The occurrence of stony material in the anal fistulous tract is a very rare clinical presentation; till today there are only three evident citation in pubmed indexed journals. Anal fistula (bhagandhara) is a chronic inflammatory tubular structure connecting the anorectal canal with peri-anal skin. A 66-year-old male patient presented with complaints of persistent pain in the perianal region and soiling of the undergarments with stool and constipation since 2 years. The case was diagnosed as posterior low anal fistula by per rectal digital, proctoscopic, and by fistulogram. It can be correlated to agantuja/unmargi bhagandhara . In the present case, stasis and infection might the reasons for the formation of stony hard material. Patient was successfully treated by the excision of whole tract with the unusual stone under local anesthesia. The presence of stony hard material in the fistulous tract is a very rare presentation and was successfully managed.
Indian Journal of Ancient Medicine and Yoga, 2017
Indian Journal of Ancient Medicine and Yoga, 2017
Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine

International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine
Background: Delayed bone healing or non-union of fractures owns high rate of complications, morbi... more Background: Delayed bone healing or non-union of fractures owns high rate of complications, morbidity and mortality. It possesses enormous burden to both patients and healthcare system. Till now there is no proven molecule which could enhance the process of bone healing. Hence, time tested Lakshagrishtiksheeradi churna, an Ayurvedic formulation is explored for its efficacy in the management of Avrana Kanda Bhagna. Objective: To Evaluate Bone healing efficacy of Lakshagrishtiksheeradi churna in Avrana Kanda Bhagna. Methods: Total 30 patients meeting the inclusion criteria of Avrana Kanda Bhagna, with age group 14-50 years participated in the study. They were randomly divided into two groups. Group A received Lakshagrishtiksheeradi churna 6 grams and group B Tab Calcium 500 mg +VitD3 respectively twice a day for 30days. Assessments were done through various variables like Pain, Tenderness, Swelling and Bone callus index. Follow up visit was on 30th day and 45th day. Results: Study sho...
Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine
Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine

Annals of Ayurvedic Medicine, 2018
Foot ulcer is a known complication of Diabetes and 10% of all hospital admissions for diabetes (D... more Foot ulcer is a known complication of Diabetes and 10% of all hospital admissions for diabetes (DM) are primarily for foot care . In DM the normal steps of wound healing are obliterated and hence the inflammatory phase is prolonged causing chronic non healing status .Vimlapana (softening by kneading with fingers) is one among shashtiupakrama (60treatment procedures) explained by Sushruta for the management of Vrana (ulcer). Here we report a case of diabetic foot ulcer in a 49 years male having a left foot heel wound with serous discharge and foul smell since 6 months. The case was treated through out patient care with oral medication and Vimplapana with Jatyaditaila followed by regular dressing for one month. A 1.5 month procedure resulted in complete wound healing with normal scar formation and restored ability to walk. Vimlapana with Jatyaditaila in the case resulted in enhancing wound healing in diabetes which otherwise is not so common.

Indian Journal of Health Sciences, 2015
Background: Classical texts explain the Agnikarma in detail for the management and eradication of... more Background: Classical texts explain the Agnikarma in detail for the management and eradication of various ailments with the limitation to understand its application and standardized methodology for each ailment. Ganglions are the most common cystic swellings, especially found in dorsum aspect of wrist which is well known for recurrence. Hence, to avoid the complications of surgery and to reduce the social burden of the patient, an effort is made to establish and modify the Agnikarma methodology in ganglion. Methods: 30 patients fulfilling the inclusion criteria of ganglion were randomly selected and divided into Group 1 and Group 2 comprising of 15 patients each. Clinical sign and symptoms were given suitable grades according to their severity and assessed based on relief after treatment. The results showing P value < 0.05 were considered as statistically significant in this study. Results: After the treatment by Agnikarma on post-operative first day there was no change in pain, size of swelling was significantly resolved by 100% and tenderness was significantly increased. Complete relief (100%) was found in pain, size of swelling and tenderness on post-operative Seventh day. On first month size of swelling was increased by 28%. Pain was significantly reduced after three months by 92% and size of swelling was increased by 43%. Interpretation and Conclusion: Recurrence was seen in the patients treated with Agnikarma but there was significantly reduction in the size after three months This technique avoids the scar mark to the cosmetic area compared with conventional ganglionectomy Hence, this technique can be still modified for minimal invasive technique.
Journal of Indian system of medicine, Oct 1, 2017

Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine, 2020
Administration of intramuscular, intraarterial or subcutaneous injection of particular drugs ends... more Administration of intramuscular, intraarterial or subcutaneous injection of particular drugs ends up into a rare entity known as Nicolau syndrome (NS). The viscous nature of these drugs sometimes triggers acute vasospasm and even arterial embolism. There is no consensus on treatment of NS so far. Phasic treatments depend on the extent of the necrotic lesion and ranges from medication to surgical debridement. Here we report a case of 60 year female known case of Knee Osteoarthritis who was dependent on Diclofenac injection IM for relief of pain. She presented with complaints of fever with chills, rigors, discoloration of skin at the gluteal region right side, later turned into necrosis of skin and adipose tissue, pus formation and associated with loss of appetite, dryness of mouth, pedal oedema. The case was diagnosed as NS according to contemporary science and Kotha (Gangrene) as per Ayurveda. The case was treated successfully with Chedana karma (Surgical debridement) followed by Vr...

Annals of Ayurvedic Medicine, 2021
Background - Post thrombotic syndrome (PTS) is a complication of deep vein thrombosis (DVT) with ... more Background - Post thrombotic syndrome (PTS) is a complication of deep vein thrombosis (DVT) with limited treatment options.Venous ulceration is the ultimate and most severe presentation of PTS, although not all symptoms and signs are irreversible once PTS is diagnosed, this diagnosis is deemed permanent. Treatment options are limited therefore emphasis is placed on its prevention. Objective Management of the Post thrombotic syndrome associated with chronic ulcer by Ayurvedic approach Materials and MethodsHere we report a case of non-healing ulcer on left foot associated with pain, itching, swelling and blackish discoloration on left lower leg since 2 years.The case was diagnosed and treated as PTS complicated with venous ulcer. In Ayurvedathese clinical features are co-related with GambhirVatarakta and treatment principles include Raktamokshana Virechana, Basti. The case was treated with Jaloukavacharana (Leech therapy), Virechana (Purgation) and Vrana Chikitsa (Shodhana and Ropa...
AYU (An international quarterly journal of research in Ayurveda), 2017

Background: Leech therapy is a point of attraction in the medical as well as in the scientific wo... more Background: Leech therapy is a point of attraction in the medical as well as in the scientific world due to its various outstanding properties, while studying the Ayurveda and scientific literature one can find difference, i.e., discarding after single use as per modern literature, but in Ayurveda, it can be reused after 7 days of leech therapy. Studies of such kind were not carried or published in any scientific journals, so ethical approval and developing scientific methods for validating the study were necessary, so a pilot study began with ethical clearance. Objective: The objective of the study was to evaluate the bacterial and fungal count of leech saliva and blood emesis before and after leech therapy using disc diffusion method. Materials and Methods: Leeches were collected from the normal habitat from Mangalore region possessing the same weight and morphological characteristics as that of the Nirvisha Jalouka as mentioned in classics (Shanku-mukhi). The selected leeches wer...
Papers by Pradeep shindhe