Papers by Prabhukumar Sellamuthu

International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, 2019
Sustainability of the natural fibers and its composite had created the curiosity among researcher... more Sustainability of the natural fibers and its composite had created the curiosity among researchers around the globe. Owing to their improved mechanical and thermal properties, natural fiber based materials are replacing the synthetic fibers in most of the automobile, packing industries, sports equipment and semi-structural applications. In this research, the tensile properties of hybrid composite made up of Kenaf and areca fibers in six different stacking sequences with constant 10 weight percentage of wood dust as filler material is studied. Unsaturated polyester resin is used as the matrix. The specimens are prepared by using hand lay-up technique. The prepared specimens are tested for tensile properties as per ASTM Standard and compared with stacking sequence one (S1).The test results revealed that stacking sequence six (S6) of the specimen which has Kenaf fiber as top and bottom layers has about 155% increase in tensile strength.
Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies, Jul 5, 2021

Alloyed Ductile iron, austenitized at 840 • C for 30 min in a special sealed austempering furnace... more Alloyed Ductile iron, austenitized at 840 • C for 30 min in a special sealed austempering furnace, was austempered for 30 min in molten salt mixture at 4 trial temperatures of 300 • C, 320 • C, 340 • C and 360 • C. Tensile strength, yield strength, percentage elongation and impact energy were evaluated for the as-cast and austempered samples. Microstructures were investigated using microscopy, coupled with analyzing software and a scanning electron microscopy. The specific wear of samples was tested using pin-on-disc wear testing machine. X-ray diffraction was performed to calculate the amount of retained austenite present in the ausferrite matrix. As-cast microstructure consists of ferrite and pearlite, whereas austempered ductile iron (ADI) contains a mixture of acicular ferrite and carbon enriched austenite, called "ausferrite". Hardness and strength decreased, whereas ductility and impact strength improved with an increase in the austempering temperature. XRD analysis revealed that the increase in austempering temperature increased the retained austenite content. A decrease in wear resistance with austempering temperature was observed. Modified Quality Index (MQI) values were envisaged, incorporating tensile strength, elongation and wear resistance. MQI for samples austempered at 340 • C and 360 • C showed a better combination of properties. About an 8% reduction in energy consumption was gained when the heat treatment parameters were optimized.

Materials & Design, 2013
ABSTRACT In the development of experimental alloys having sufficient material to do a standard te... more ABSTRACT In the development of experimental alloys having sufficient material to do a standard tensile test procedure is not always possible. Thus in this work, we have evaluated the ability of the shear punch test to predict the strength and ductility of materials in place of the tensile test. This correlation study was carried out experimentally using six different alloys, and validated using finite element modelling. Both the experimental and modelling data confirmed that the yield point and ultimate tensile stress can be accurately elucidated from the shear punch data. However, the punch displacement at failure was found to be a function of both the ductility of the material and its work hardening rate. Although corrections were developed using the FE simulations which satisfactorily predicted tensile ductility from to the simulated shear punch displacement, back extrapolation of the tensile ductility from experimentally measured shear punch tests were not possible. It was concluded that the shear punch test suitable for determining the strength of a material, but not able to be used to infer the equivalent tensile ductility due to both experimental error in determining the point of failure as well as the interdependence of the punch displacement on multiple material properties.

steel research international, 2013
ABSTRACT In the present study, copper-bearing low carbon steels were produced by direct strip cas... more ABSTRACT In the present study, copper-bearing low carbon steels were produced by direct strip casting (DSC) method on a pilot scale. The effects of copper on mechanical, microstructural, and recrystallization behavior were investigated. As-cast microstructure mainly consists of polygonal ferrite and Widmanstatten ferrite. The increase in Cu increases the amount of Widmanstatten ferrite and induces the formation of bainite in the as-cast condition. It was found that copper increases strength and hardness by solid solution strengthening, grain refinement, and precipitation hardening and the increment is significant above 1% Cu in as-cast condition. Six different compositions were selected for recrystallization study. All the samples were cold rolled to 70% reduction and annealed at three different temperatures, 600, 650, and 700 C for various times. Recrystallization responses were strongly dependent on initial microstructure and Cu content and the effect is dramatic between 1 and 2% Cu. Recrystallization time and temperature were found to be increased with increase in copper content.
ISIJ International, 2013
A strip casting simulation of the iron-based specialty alloy known as Fecral (or Kanthal) has bee... more A strip casting simulation of the iron-based specialty alloy known as Fecral (or Kanthal) has been carried out. The alloys tested were found to be easily castable and show good surface quality. Increasing the melt superheat increased the nucleation density and heat flux, leading to a refined ferrite grain size. Although changing the gas atmosphere during casting was observed to modify the measured heat flux, this did not correlate to any change in the nucleation density. The cast strips were able to be rolled without cracking, and showed mechanical properties similar to those found in comparable alloys after conventional thermo-mechanical processing.
Journal of Natural Fibers, 2020
Hybrid laminates made using natural fibers have been finding applications in diverse fields such ... more Hybrid laminates made using natural fibers have been finding applications in diverse fields such as automotive parts, building structures and sports goods. These laminates incorporate the benefits ...
The effects of copper on as-cast structure, recrystallization and precipitation kinetics of strip... more The effects of copper on as-cast structure, recrystallization and precipitation kinetics of strip cast low carbon steel were investigated. As-cast microstructure mainly consists of polygonal ferrite and Widmanstatten ferrite. Recrystallization responses were strongly dependent on initial microstructure and Cu content. Precipitation strengthening was observed in high copper content alloys.

International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology
The main aim of this article deals with the wear behavior of mechanically alloyed 17-Cr oxide dis... more The main aim of this article deals with the wear behavior of mechanically alloyed 17-Cr oxide dispersion strengthened (ODS) Ferritic steel consolidated through Vacuum Hot Pressing (VHP) at temperature level of 1170 °C under pressure level of 60 MPa with 60 minutes as holding time and with rate of cooling of 50 ˚C /min and a vacuum level of 10-3 torr. The persuade of wear process parameters were investigated based on the load applied, sliding velocity and sliding distance at a temperature of 350°C on dry sliding track of 17-Cr Ferritic oxide dispersion strengthened steel (Fe-17Cr-0.35Y2O3 -1.5ZrO2 -4Al (%wt). Wear test was conducted in a dry atmosphere using a pinon-disc wear testing machine. Wear behavior of 17-Cr Ferritic ODS steel was analyzed by using Taguchi approach. To examine the process parameter during high temperature wear rate analysis of variance and signal to noise ratios were used. During the wear analysis sliding distance was found to be influential parameters of wear...

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
In this article, the effect of two variables namely nickel content and austempering heat treatmen... more In this article, the effect of two variables namely nickel content and austempering heat treatment temperature on mechanical and microstructural properties of ADI were investigated. Four Nickel content levels of 0.0, 0.6, 0.8 and 1% and three austempering temperatures of 320, 340 and 360°C were selected. Prior to austempering, all the samples were austenitized for 30 min at 840°C. The microstructure of austempered alloys mainly consisted of a mixture of needle like acicular ferrite and carbon stabilized austenitic matrix. The increase in Ni content improved the strength and hardness and it reached its peak at 0.8%. The microstructures also became finer with increase in Ni content as confirmed by Impact energy and elongation. Nodularity was found to be above 90% for all alloys at all austempering temperatures. However, the nodule counts increased with increase in Ni content up to 0.8% and then dropped. XRD analysis was done to estimate the retained austenite content present in the ausferrite matrix and it was concluded that for any given Nickel content level, the retained austenite content increases with austempering temperature. Nickel of 0.8% was found to be optimum for all austempering temperatures.
Materials Today: Proceedings
Materials Today: Proceedings
Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing
The present article investigates the fabrication of oxide dispersion strengthened (ODS) ferritic ... more The present article investigates the fabrication of oxide dispersion strengthened (ODS) ferritic stainless steel (FSS). Three different ODS alloys with three different Al contents were fabricated, where the presence of Al-based oxides play a crucial role in determining the size of the oxide particles. Due to Ostwald ripening, the samples with Al show coarser oxide particles compared to the alloy without Al, which hampers the density of the fabricated samples and, hence, have reduced hardness levels. The present results suggest that the composition of the oxide present in ODS plays a crucial role in determining the properties of these samples.
Materials Today: Proceedings
Materials Research Express
Papers by Prabhukumar Sellamuthu