Porag Kalita
Phone: 9435229831
Address: Department of Automobile Engineering,
c/o Ward No. 3, Majgaon,
Titabor, Jorhat, Assam, India
Address: Department of Automobile Engineering,
c/o Ward No. 3, Majgaon,
Titabor, Jorhat, Assam, India
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Papers by Porag Kalita
A report of planning commission, entitled, “India vision 2020’’, that the percentage of CO2 in the atmosphere will go up by over 22% by 2020, as a result CO and CO2 respectively, effect in human blood. Similarly, the percentage of SO2 will more than double by then, as a result SO2 effect in human eye, nose etc., due to the rapid growth of industries, may reduce the green house gas.
Automobile is a major source of contribution to air pollution, i.e. CO2, CO, NOx & SPM etc, and which is impact on climate.
H2O and CO2 Some H2O and Some CO2
(Complete Combustion) Some CO and Some HC
(In- complete combustion)
Method of ignition in petrol engine air fuel mixture mixed and compressed in the combustion chamber as a result power development ,During the combustion process , when exhaust emission goes to air than , than Hydrogen mixed with Oxygen (O2) produce H2O and Carbon mixed with Oxygen produced CO, CO2 respectively. If the combustion is not perfect, contain Hydrocarbon, Carbon monoxide and Sulphur dioxide are left, as a result pollute the atmosphere.
The great economic growth in India in the past three decades results in an enormous increase in energy demand as well as greenhouse gas emission. India as one of the largest economy and became the top ten position emitter of CO2 , in the world decade ago. India becomes the major contribution for the global warming. Green House Gas: It is consists of Carbon dioxide (CO2) and Methane: 25% of Sun energy reflected back to the Space, 25% absorbed by atmosphere , 5% immediately effect the earth, 45% heats of the earth. Etc.
This paper describes, to corresponding engine and vehicle side technologies and measures for an average reduction of CO2 to protect the Green House Gas.
Key Word: Climate Change, Carbon dioxide, Green house gas.
A report of planning commission, entitled, “India vision 2020’’, that the percentage of CO2 in the atmosphere will go up by over 22% by 2020, as a result CO and CO2 respectively, effect in human blood. Similarly, the percentage of SO2 will more than double by then, as a result SO2 effect in human eye, nose etc., due to the rapid growth of industries, may reduce the green house gas.
Automobile is a major source of contribution to air pollution, i.e. CO2, CO, NOx & SPM etc, and which is impact on climate.
H2O and CO2 Some H2O and Some CO2
(Complete Combustion) Some CO and Some HC
(In- complete combustion)
Method of ignition in petrol engine air fuel mixture mixed and compressed in the combustion chamber as a result power development ,During the combustion process , when exhaust emission goes to air than , than Hydrogen mixed with Oxygen (O2) produce H2O and Carbon mixed with Oxygen produced CO, CO2 respectively. If the combustion is not perfect, contain Hydrocarbon, Carbon monoxide and Sulphur dioxide are left, as a result pollute the atmosphere.
The great economic growth in India in the past three decades results in an enormous increase in energy demand as well as greenhouse gas emission. India as one of the largest economy and became the top ten position emitter of CO2 , in the world decade ago. India becomes the major contribution for the global warming. Green House Gas: It is consists of Carbon dioxide (CO2) and Methane: 25% of Sun energy reflected back to the Space, 25% absorbed by atmosphere , 5% immediately effect the earth, 45% heats of the earth. Etc.
This paper describes, to corresponding engine and vehicle side technologies and measures for an average reduction of CO2 to protect the Green House Gas.
Key Word: Climate Change, Carbon dioxide, Green house gas.
Communication is the transfer of information and understanding from one person to another person. It is a way of reaching others with idea, facts, thoughts, feelings and values.
As we all know, no organization can exist without a communication system. If there is no communication the people do not know what other doing. We may say that communication is investable part of an organization, special reference to the rural development.
The diagonal communication is the fourth channel in an organizational hierarchy.
From the above, it is perceived that the word “Communication” has the features of interaction, interchange, sharing and commonness.
Key word: Diagonal Communication; Grapevine; Multifarious way; two way communication.
To satisfy customers is not an easy job. For this the production Manager is concerned with the way in which methodology is used. The new product development process consists by: Idea generation, screening, Business analysis, Development, Test marketing & commercialization.
Key Word: Customers, Decision Making, introductory stage, Product Management decline stage,
Quality and Reliability terms are often used in relation to each other in reference to product or service. Though, both the terms seems to have independent meaning, but are interdependent while using these terms in reference to product or service. So, we must consider both the terms carefully so as to provide an integrated and total view of all aspects which form Quality Consciousness, at all stages (conception, design, manufacturing, marketing etc.) in the life cycle of a product.
The modern concept of Quality Assurance (QA) is normally used to achieve a balance of all the three aspects- 1) Quality, 2) Reliability and 3) Maintainability etc.
For the competitive environment, Quality Assurance (QA) has gained wide importance in industry and is generally being introduced and experimental in educational institutions. However, educational system can’t be treated as industry. But, there are similarities with respect to their sub-components. Each of these viewed, as a system consists of input, process, management, resource, output and feedback. Vocational Educational institution system is complex, as it involves human being as input and output from the system. Students are input and customer too.
Therefore, Organization Culture it is important in promoting of TQM, because it is consist by Teachers feel free to contribute ideas and their involvement in problem solving and decision making.
Leadership is responsible for promoting commitment in an educational institution special reference of vocational education towards skill development. Leadership is not autocracy or democracy. The various management experts become a ‘situation’ leader by coordinating with staff about what kind of leadership they need through a diagnostic process of analyzing their students need
Key Words: Quality, Quality Assurance, Reliability, Maintainability, Leadership
Advertising, though impersonal in character, could create promotional influence in persuading prospects to become customers. The American Marketing Association has defined Advertising as, “any paid form of non-personal presentation and promotion of goods, services or ideas by an identined sponsor”.
For the tourism industry development, an advertisement copy contains various elements as headline, sub-headlines, slogans, illustration, body of the copy and identification. However, advertising is consisting by two ways, i.e. Social and product. For the social advertising, the culture is always emphasized and hence it is not true advertising and for the product advertising , culture does not emphasized , therefore, it is true advertising and it’s called Billboard i. e. universal truth.
Headline should be short and sweet to arrest the attention of the reader for tourist. Informative Headline is effective as they are designed to attract the attention of the readers who are in hurry. Sub Headline, these are subordinate captions that simply expand the headline thought. Slogan is very single word or a group of words regularly used by advertiser to impress upon the readers a basic idea.
The advertiser must have a working knowledge towards Tourism Development of the various types that may be used and can request the printer to give him a Type Specimen Book so that appropriate types may be selected and indicated. Topography is the art of printing. Types must be so selected as to secure the attention of the reader and should be legible and easily readable. By the proper use of types, the advertisement can be made to look more interesting.
Kew word: Advertisement Copy, Sub- Headline, Slogan,
Blow by means, “Leakage of gases from the engine cylinder into the crank-case because of unsatisfactory action of the position rings”.
An engine is a prime mover with the help of which heat energy obtained from the fuel, is converted into mechanical energy. Internal Combustion Engine (I.C.) that engine which combustion takes place outside the engine. Piston means that the reciprocating part of the engine is directly moved by the exploding fuel air mixture. However, petrol supplied to the engine should be completely vaporized before actual combustion and it is possible when it is broken up to a fine spray, i.e. atomized and atomization process takes place normally in the inlet manifold. The complete combustion of fuel requires 15 parts by weight of air to mix with 1 part by weight of petrol is called air fuel ratio.
Piston rings are made of a high grade of cast iron, centrifugal cast and precision ground. Piston blow-by occurs when the cylinder wears down owing to high temperature. The rings are not able to seal both the compression and combustion pressure. Such a leakage past the piston to combustion chamber is known as piston blow-by. Oil and gases get past the piston.
Education plays a vital role in bringing out a change in society. It changes the behavior and attitude of the people in the society. Without education , the individual is not qualified for group life. So, education is preparing the individuals to fetch knowledge and life experience through learning and share the same that is needed for group life. For the competitive environment of the present educational system towards 10+2 Level, Total Quality Management (TQM) has gained wide importance and is generally being introduce and experimental in educational institutions.
TQM means, “ A management approach to an organization centered on quality, based on the participation of all its members and aiming at long-term success through student satisfaction and benefits to the members of the educational institutions and to Society”.
Many teachers in educational institutions think that TQM is achieving set standard. But it is not so. TQM involves managing the process of change. Generally teachers are not welcome change and prefer not to change. The most important change taking place onside an effective TQM process is the changing behavior of students. For a comprehensive approach of TQM for vocational education & training (VET), the Seven S’s approach is important to be considered. The Seven S’s approach describe clearly the organizational change process with respect to Total quality Management. The seven S’s relate to:
1. Strategy, 5. Skills,
2. Structures, 6. Style,
3. Systems, 7. Shared Value etc.
4. Staff,
In economic terms, “Globalization” means increasing integration with the World economy. It means developing an outward market orientation rather than the inward looking policy of depending solely on domestic markets.
Now a days technological aspect play a significant role in all activities for changing their economic, social, Political and Cultural statue of human being especially for Women development. Technologies are implemented in agriculture activities for the purpose of cultivation pf high yielding corps, to increase production, productivity of the lands for improving the standard of living of the people.
At present, the Govt. of Assam has implemented various technological training programmes to rural women to achieving a competitive edge through people. Everyone has accepted the preparation of readymade garments as a suitable technology. Women are more acquainted to this technology than man is. The trend for using readymade garments for such business is increasing alarmingly and the younger generation is very much fond of the same-
1) Readymade garments business has the feature of attracting fashion lovers.
2) Time factor, which induce, motivate the person to go for readymade garments.
3) Readymade garments are cheaper the cloths. Etc.
In general, these technologies, which increase the employment opportunity, improve the quality of life of the rural women due to globalization impact, and do we have a choice to make empowerment of women.
A machine can do the work of fifty ordinary workers. However, it cannot do the work of even one extraordinary worker. Therefore, it is evident that the object of an organization will be achieved only by the human resource. For that to happen facilitation of the employees to work is essential. In today’s context, one of the most powerful facilitating tools is the concept of Empowerment.
The definition of Empowerment, “Empowerment is a feeling on the part of the employee that one controls the work environment by taking the decision”.
This paper, discussion on technology development means the opt technology/innovative modes which may have a bearing on the income generation of rural women.
Production management alternatively referred to as manufacturing management, is required for transforming raw materials and partly, fabricated materials into finished products. Production management does not imply management of productive process alone, but it covers all those activities which go into the making of production.
Decision making means, “That thinking process which leads logically in the recognition of specific wants and hence to the determination to attain these wants by use of selected means, that actual use of selected means is the characteristics differentiating decision making from decision implementation”. The decision making consists of perception, conception, investigation, deliberation, selection and promulgation etc.
For the production planning, the basic fundamentals involved in production, which is depending mainly , standard continuous type manufacturing plants such as those producing rayon cement, paper etc.; standardized repetitive type of manufacturing plants such as automobiles , air craft etc, ; and non- standard job-shop type of plant which produces parts for various engineering industries.
Therefore, entrepreneurship development as SMEs i.e. automobiles industry, the reliability and maintainability is depending on Quality Assurance (QA). Because, the modern concept of Quality Assurance is normally used to achieve a balance of three aspects i.e. Quality, Reliability and Maintainability etc. Normally, reliability and maintainability go tighter and both concern over the life of the system because the required is to be maintained. It is always possible to trade off reliability against maintainability with minimum loss of use as the optimizing factor. This concept is covered on board basis in the modern concept of Total Quality Circle. TQC is a group of activity, it can’t do individual. Its calls team work.
Key word: Decision making production planning; production Process; Reliability and Maintainability; Total Quality Circle (TQC), Total Quality Management (TQM).
Due to the globalization impact, now days, everybody talks to resource mobilization in India and therefore, in terms of hard infrastructure development by road transport industries are providing satisfactory among the people and wining public confidence. In India, large road transports organizations have computerized in different areas of their operational to get better and faster information for the management control and reduce cost and to take care in volume of date. Therefore, Truck History Card is an important factor that affects the performance of Truck/Drivers, towards faster information as well reduces the road accidents. However, paper works in road transport is very high and it is very difficult to keep records of accomplishment of all important factors.
The Efficient road transports as well as individual mobility along with buses are necessary in an economic cycle of production, distribution and consumption. Common application areas by computer in road transports industries are: Statement of Consignment Notes (Sales), Statement of Lorry wise challan (purchase), Costing Statement, Party wise business statement, Outstanding Statement, Other MIS and misc reports etc.
However, as per study, it was found that it is widely accepted that 90% of the information required for driving is visual and that natural changes, mainly related to aging, might affect driving ability. The biggest question today is, while the driver is going to brake applied, this force is increasing by 8 times of as per horse power. A rough comparison between the horse power developed by the engine and the horse power controlled by the brakes
Writers on transportation have forecast the future based on the continuation of presently existing and visible trends in technology, organization and physical management.
Key words: Hard infrastructure, Road Accidents, TOS, Truck History Card, Vehicle Ledger, Fuel Consumption, Vehicle Weight and Horse Power, vehicle Ledger, Intelligent vehicles and intelligent highway (IVHS).
The goal towards development of research activities are to teach students what in the chemistry curriculum while encouraging them to relate the knowledge to their daily lives and the following primary objectives:
# Through logical thinking, discussion, research and conclusions and motivate students to group scientific concepts and facts.
# imparts knowledge of students in the form of scientific concepts and facts facilitate their understanding and explanation loosed on scientific methods such as observation and experiments, etc.
The over and above, development of research activities towards chemical education, this could be achieved by equipping class rooms with the internet, laptops and others electronics tools and need of teachers could be encouraged.
OBD-II tests all sensors, actuators (valves), switches and wiring for proper connectivity and checks the inputs and outputs of each device are within allowed range of valves in automobiles. We know that sensor is consisting by three parts, i.e. Sensor; a Single Processor and a display Device etc.
Single processor may converts the physical quantity such as temperature, pressure, vacuum, RPM, air flow and electrical signal etc. A Single processor performs to increase power level, reliability and accuracy. The display device converts the signal from signal processor into a readable quantity.
Oxygen sensor is an electronic device used to measure the oxygen content in exhaust gases , which is known as lambda sensor and there are two types of Exhaust Gas Oxygen ( EGO) sensors and both based on the use of oxides of materials.
Key Words: Actuators, Display device, heat exchange, Monitoring temperature, Sensors, Single processor etc.
“The Winner says, ‘It may be difficult but it’s Possible’
“The Loser says, ‘It may be possible but it’s too difficult”
The Japanese Quality Guru, Taguchi beautifully describe the definition of Quality, “Bad Quality” as “Loss of Society”. According to him, a supplier who consistently provides bad quality and services by “Worst”, than a thief.
TQM involves on an affective decision making, effecting problem solving and integration of quality planning. TQM is not a set of rules or procedure. It is more in the nature of a culture or philosophy visible throughout the organization.
For the competitive environment, TQM has gained wide importance in industry and is generally being introduced and experimental in educational sectors.
However, educational system can’t treat as industry but, there are similarities with respect to their sub-components. Each of these viewed as a system consists of input, process, management, resource, output and feedback. Educational institutions system is complex as it involves human beings as input to and output from the system. Students are input and customer too.
Therefore, organization culture which is importance to promoting of TQM, because it is consist by teacher feel free to contribute ideas and their involvement in problem solving and decision making.
Awareness k A Control
The Japanese quality Guru Taguchi beautifully describe about the definition of quality – “bad quality” as “loss of society”. According to him, a supplier who consistently provides bad quality goods and services is “wrong” than a thief.
The new economic policies of the Govt of India aimed at globalization represent a Copernican Revolution in economic thinking in this country. Therefore, Total Quality Leadership is a strategic approach to producing best students from the educational institutions.
Leadership means, “Process of influencing group activities towards the accomplishment of goals in a given situation”. From this definition says:
1. Leadership is a relationship between two or more.
2. Leadership does not grow in a vacuum.
3. Leadership is function of a leader, etc.
Brainstorming is an effective technique to help a quality improvement team identify a problem and come up with solutions. 1930s , brainstorming makes use of lateral or right brain thinking .It is a way of getting a large numbers of ideas form a group of people in a short time. It has three basic types: To identify problems, Sort out causes from effects, and Come up with creative solutions, etc, and it has three basic types:
# To identify problems,
# Sort out causes from effects,
# Come up with creative solutions, etc.
Key word: Brainstorming, Data allocation , Effective Technique, TQM, TQC,
For the competitive environment, Total Quality Management (TQM) has gained wide importance in industry and is generally being introduced and experimental in vocational education in (10+2) Level. However, educational system can’t be treated as industry. But, there are similarities with respect to their sub-components. Each of these viewed, as a system consists of input, process, management, resource, output and feedback. Educational institution system is complex, as it involves human being as input and output from the system. Students are input and customer too.
Total Quality Circle (TQC) is a group of activity and can’t be done by individuals. It calls team work. TQC is not miracle drug; its properties are more like those of China herb medicine. Quality Circle means, “ It is a small group of teachers in the same work area or doing similar type of work who voluntarily meet regularly for about to identify , analyses and resolve work related problems, not only improve quality of education and total performance of educational institution”.
Key word: Total Quality Management (TQM, Total Quality Circle (TQC, Quality Assurance,
A report of planning commission, entitled, “India vision 2020’’, that the percentage of CO2 in the atmosphere will go up by over 22% by 2020, as a result CO and CO2 respectively, effect in human blood. Similarly, the percentage of SO2 will more than double by then, as a result SO2 effect in human eye, nose etc., due to the rapid growth of industries, may reduce the green house gas.
Automobile is a major source of contribution to air pollution, i.e. CO2, CO, NOx & SPM etc, and which is impact on climate.
H2O and CO2 Some H2O and Some CO2
(Complete Combustion) Some CO and Some HC
(In- complete combustion)
Method of ignition in petrol engine air fuel mixture mixed and compressed in the combustion chamber as a result power development ,During the combustion process , when exhaust emission goes to air than , than Hydrogen mixed with Oxygen (O2) produce H2O and Carbon mixed with Oxygen produced CO, CO2 respectively. If the combustion is not perfect, contain Hydrocarbon, Carbon monoxide and Sulphur dioxide are left, as a result pollute the atmosphere.
The great economic growth in India in the past three decades results in an enormous increase in energy demand as well as greenhouse gas emission. India as one of the largest economy and became the top ten position emitter of CO2 , in the world decade ago. India becomes the major contribution for the global warming. Green House Gas: It is consists of Carbon dioxide (CO2) and Methane: 25% of Sun energy reflected back to the Space, 25% absorbed by atmosphere , 5% immediately effect the earth, 45% heats of the earth. Etc.
This paper describes, to corresponding engine and vehicle side technologies and measures for an average reduction of CO2 to protect the Green House Gas.
Key Word: Climate Change, Carbon dioxide, Green house gas.
A report of planning commission, entitled, “India vision 2020’’, that the percentage of CO2 in the atmosphere will go up by over 22% by 2020, as a result CO and CO2 respectively, effect in human blood. Similarly, the percentage of SO2 will more than double by then, as a result SO2 effect in human eye, nose etc., due to the rapid growth of industries, may reduce the green house gas.
Automobile is a major source of contribution to air pollution, i.e. CO2, CO, NOx & SPM etc, and which is impact on climate.
H2O and CO2 Some H2O and Some CO2
(Complete Combustion) Some CO and Some HC
(In- complete combustion)
Method of ignition in petrol engine air fuel mixture mixed and compressed in the combustion chamber as a result power development ,During the combustion process , when exhaust emission goes to air than , than Hydrogen mixed with Oxygen (O2) produce H2O and Carbon mixed with Oxygen produced CO, CO2 respectively. If the combustion is not perfect, contain Hydrocarbon, Carbon monoxide and Sulphur dioxide are left, as a result pollute the atmosphere.
The great economic growth in India in the past three decades results in an enormous increase in energy demand as well as greenhouse gas emission. India as one of the largest economy and became the top ten position emitter of CO2 , in the world decade ago. India becomes the major contribution for the global warming. Green House Gas: It is consists of Carbon dioxide (CO2) and Methane: 25% of Sun energy reflected back to the Space, 25% absorbed by atmosphere , 5% immediately effect the earth, 45% heats of the earth. Etc.
This paper describes, to corresponding engine and vehicle side technologies and measures for an average reduction of CO2 to protect the Green House Gas.
Key Word: Climate Change, Carbon dioxide, Green house gas.
Communication is the transfer of information and understanding from one person to another person. It is a way of reaching others with idea, facts, thoughts, feelings and values.
As we all know, no organization can exist without a communication system. If there is no communication the people do not know what other doing. We may say that communication is investable part of an organization, special reference to the rural development.
The diagonal communication is the fourth channel in an organizational hierarchy.
From the above, it is perceived that the word “Communication” has the features of interaction, interchange, sharing and commonness.
Key word: Diagonal Communication; Grapevine; Multifarious way; two way communication.
To satisfy customers is not an easy job. For this the production Manager is concerned with the way in which methodology is used. The new product development process consists by: Idea generation, screening, Business analysis, Development, Test marketing & commercialization.
Key Word: Customers, Decision Making, introductory stage, Product Management decline stage,
Quality and Reliability terms are often used in relation to each other in reference to product or service. Though, both the terms seems to have independent meaning, but are interdependent while using these terms in reference to product or service. So, we must consider both the terms carefully so as to provide an integrated and total view of all aspects which form Quality Consciousness, at all stages (conception, design, manufacturing, marketing etc.) in the life cycle of a product.
The modern concept of Quality Assurance (QA) is normally used to achieve a balance of all the three aspects- 1) Quality, 2) Reliability and 3) Maintainability etc.
For the competitive environment, Quality Assurance (QA) has gained wide importance in industry and is generally being introduced and experimental in educational institutions. However, educational system can’t be treated as industry. But, there are similarities with respect to their sub-components. Each of these viewed, as a system consists of input, process, management, resource, output and feedback. Vocational Educational institution system is complex, as it involves human being as input and output from the system. Students are input and customer too.
Therefore, Organization Culture it is important in promoting of TQM, because it is consist by Teachers feel free to contribute ideas and their involvement in problem solving and decision making.
Leadership is responsible for promoting commitment in an educational institution special reference of vocational education towards skill development. Leadership is not autocracy or democracy. The various management experts become a ‘situation’ leader by coordinating with staff about what kind of leadership they need through a diagnostic process of analyzing their students need
Key Words: Quality, Quality Assurance, Reliability, Maintainability, Leadership
Advertising, though impersonal in character, could create promotional influence in persuading prospects to become customers. The American Marketing Association has defined Advertising as, “any paid form of non-personal presentation and promotion of goods, services or ideas by an identined sponsor”.
For the tourism industry development, an advertisement copy contains various elements as headline, sub-headlines, slogans, illustration, body of the copy and identification. However, advertising is consisting by two ways, i.e. Social and product. For the social advertising, the culture is always emphasized and hence it is not true advertising and for the product advertising , culture does not emphasized , therefore, it is true advertising and it’s called Billboard i. e. universal truth.
Headline should be short and sweet to arrest the attention of the reader for tourist. Informative Headline is effective as they are designed to attract the attention of the readers who are in hurry. Sub Headline, these are subordinate captions that simply expand the headline thought. Slogan is very single word or a group of words regularly used by advertiser to impress upon the readers a basic idea.
The advertiser must have a working knowledge towards Tourism Development of the various types that may be used and can request the printer to give him a Type Specimen Book so that appropriate types may be selected and indicated. Topography is the art of printing. Types must be so selected as to secure the attention of the reader and should be legible and easily readable. By the proper use of types, the advertisement can be made to look more interesting.
Kew word: Advertisement Copy, Sub- Headline, Slogan,
Blow by means, “Leakage of gases from the engine cylinder into the crank-case because of unsatisfactory action of the position rings”.
An engine is a prime mover with the help of which heat energy obtained from the fuel, is converted into mechanical energy. Internal Combustion Engine (I.C.) that engine which combustion takes place outside the engine. Piston means that the reciprocating part of the engine is directly moved by the exploding fuel air mixture. However, petrol supplied to the engine should be completely vaporized before actual combustion and it is possible when it is broken up to a fine spray, i.e. atomized and atomization process takes place normally in the inlet manifold. The complete combustion of fuel requires 15 parts by weight of air to mix with 1 part by weight of petrol is called air fuel ratio.
Piston rings are made of a high grade of cast iron, centrifugal cast and precision ground. Piston blow-by occurs when the cylinder wears down owing to high temperature. The rings are not able to seal both the compression and combustion pressure. Such a leakage past the piston to combustion chamber is known as piston blow-by. Oil and gases get past the piston.
Education plays a vital role in bringing out a change in society. It changes the behavior and attitude of the people in the society. Without education , the individual is not qualified for group life. So, education is preparing the individuals to fetch knowledge and life experience through learning and share the same that is needed for group life. For the competitive environment of the present educational system towards 10+2 Level, Total Quality Management (TQM) has gained wide importance and is generally being introduce and experimental in educational institutions.
TQM means, “ A management approach to an organization centered on quality, based on the participation of all its members and aiming at long-term success through student satisfaction and benefits to the members of the educational institutions and to Society”.
Many teachers in educational institutions think that TQM is achieving set standard. But it is not so. TQM involves managing the process of change. Generally teachers are not welcome change and prefer not to change. The most important change taking place onside an effective TQM process is the changing behavior of students. For a comprehensive approach of TQM for vocational education & training (VET), the Seven S’s approach is important to be considered. The Seven S’s approach describe clearly the organizational change process with respect to Total quality Management. The seven S’s relate to:
1. Strategy, 5. Skills,
2. Structures, 6. Style,
3. Systems, 7. Shared Value etc.
4. Staff,
In economic terms, “Globalization” means increasing integration with the World economy. It means developing an outward market orientation rather than the inward looking policy of depending solely on domestic markets.
Now a days technological aspect play a significant role in all activities for changing their economic, social, Political and Cultural statue of human being especially for Women development. Technologies are implemented in agriculture activities for the purpose of cultivation pf high yielding corps, to increase production, productivity of the lands for improving the standard of living of the people.
At present, the Govt. of Assam has implemented various technological training programmes to rural women to achieving a competitive edge through people. Everyone has accepted the preparation of readymade garments as a suitable technology. Women are more acquainted to this technology than man is. The trend for using readymade garments for such business is increasing alarmingly and the younger generation is very much fond of the same-
1) Readymade garments business has the feature of attracting fashion lovers.
2) Time factor, which induce, motivate the person to go for readymade garments.
3) Readymade garments are cheaper the cloths. Etc.
In general, these technologies, which increase the employment opportunity, improve the quality of life of the rural women due to globalization impact, and do we have a choice to make empowerment of women.
A machine can do the work of fifty ordinary workers. However, it cannot do the work of even one extraordinary worker. Therefore, it is evident that the object of an organization will be achieved only by the human resource. For that to happen facilitation of the employees to work is essential. In today’s context, one of the most powerful facilitating tools is the concept of Empowerment.
The definition of Empowerment, “Empowerment is a feeling on the part of the employee that one controls the work environment by taking the decision”.
This paper, discussion on technology development means the opt technology/innovative modes which may have a bearing on the income generation of rural women.
Production management alternatively referred to as manufacturing management, is required for transforming raw materials and partly, fabricated materials into finished products. Production management does not imply management of productive process alone, but it covers all those activities which go into the making of production.
Decision making means, “That thinking process which leads logically in the recognition of specific wants and hence to the determination to attain these wants by use of selected means, that actual use of selected means is the characteristics differentiating decision making from decision implementation”. The decision making consists of perception, conception, investigation, deliberation, selection and promulgation etc.
For the production planning, the basic fundamentals involved in production, which is depending mainly , standard continuous type manufacturing plants such as those producing rayon cement, paper etc.; standardized repetitive type of manufacturing plants such as automobiles , air craft etc, ; and non- standard job-shop type of plant which produces parts for various engineering industries.
Therefore, entrepreneurship development as SMEs i.e. automobiles industry, the reliability and maintainability is depending on Quality Assurance (QA). Because, the modern concept of Quality Assurance is normally used to achieve a balance of three aspects i.e. Quality, Reliability and Maintainability etc. Normally, reliability and maintainability go tighter and both concern over the life of the system because the required is to be maintained. It is always possible to trade off reliability against maintainability with minimum loss of use as the optimizing factor. This concept is covered on board basis in the modern concept of Total Quality Circle. TQC is a group of activity, it can’t do individual. Its calls team work.
Key word: Decision making production planning; production Process; Reliability and Maintainability; Total Quality Circle (TQC), Total Quality Management (TQM).
Due to the globalization impact, now days, everybody talks to resource mobilization in India and therefore, in terms of hard infrastructure development by road transport industries are providing satisfactory among the people and wining public confidence. In India, large road transports organizations have computerized in different areas of their operational to get better and faster information for the management control and reduce cost and to take care in volume of date. Therefore, Truck History Card is an important factor that affects the performance of Truck/Drivers, towards faster information as well reduces the road accidents. However, paper works in road transport is very high and it is very difficult to keep records of accomplishment of all important factors.
The Efficient road transports as well as individual mobility along with buses are necessary in an economic cycle of production, distribution and consumption. Common application areas by computer in road transports industries are: Statement of Consignment Notes (Sales), Statement of Lorry wise challan (purchase), Costing Statement, Party wise business statement, Outstanding Statement, Other MIS and misc reports etc.
However, as per study, it was found that it is widely accepted that 90% of the information required for driving is visual and that natural changes, mainly related to aging, might affect driving ability. The biggest question today is, while the driver is going to brake applied, this force is increasing by 8 times of as per horse power. A rough comparison between the horse power developed by the engine and the horse power controlled by the brakes
Writers on transportation have forecast the future based on the continuation of presently existing and visible trends in technology, organization and physical management.
Key words: Hard infrastructure, Road Accidents, TOS, Truck History Card, Vehicle Ledger, Fuel Consumption, Vehicle Weight and Horse Power, vehicle Ledger, Intelligent vehicles and intelligent highway (IVHS).
The goal towards development of research activities are to teach students what in the chemistry curriculum while encouraging them to relate the knowledge to their daily lives and the following primary objectives:
# Through logical thinking, discussion, research and conclusions and motivate students to group scientific concepts and facts.
# imparts knowledge of students in the form of scientific concepts and facts facilitate their understanding and explanation loosed on scientific methods such as observation and experiments, etc.
The over and above, development of research activities towards chemical education, this could be achieved by equipping class rooms with the internet, laptops and others electronics tools and need of teachers could be encouraged.
OBD-II tests all sensors, actuators (valves), switches and wiring for proper connectivity and checks the inputs and outputs of each device are within allowed range of valves in automobiles. We know that sensor is consisting by three parts, i.e. Sensor; a Single Processor and a display Device etc.
Single processor may converts the physical quantity such as temperature, pressure, vacuum, RPM, air flow and electrical signal etc. A Single processor performs to increase power level, reliability and accuracy. The display device converts the signal from signal processor into a readable quantity.
Oxygen sensor is an electronic device used to measure the oxygen content in exhaust gases , which is known as lambda sensor and there are two types of Exhaust Gas Oxygen ( EGO) sensors and both based on the use of oxides of materials.
Key Words: Actuators, Display device, heat exchange, Monitoring temperature, Sensors, Single processor etc.
“The Winner says, ‘It may be difficult but it’s Possible’
“The Loser says, ‘It may be possible but it’s too difficult”
The Japanese Quality Guru, Taguchi beautifully describe the definition of Quality, “Bad Quality” as “Loss of Society”. According to him, a supplier who consistently provides bad quality and services by “Worst”, than a thief.
TQM involves on an affective decision making, effecting problem solving and integration of quality planning. TQM is not a set of rules or procedure. It is more in the nature of a culture or philosophy visible throughout the organization.
For the competitive environment, TQM has gained wide importance in industry and is generally being introduced and experimental in educational sectors.
However, educational system can’t treat as industry but, there are similarities with respect to their sub-components. Each of these viewed as a system consists of input, process, management, resource, output and feedback. Educational institutions system is complex as it involves human beings as input to and output from the system. Students are input and customer too.
Therefore, organization culture which is importance to promoting of TQM, because it is consist by teacher feel free to contribute ideas and their involvement in problem solving and decision making.
Awareness k A Control
The Japanese quality Guru Taguchi beautifully describe about the definition of quality – “bad quality” as “loss of society”. According to him, a supplier who consistently provides bad quality goods and services is “wrong” than a thief.
The new economic policies of the Govt of India aimed at globalization represent a Copernican Revolution in economic thinking in this country. Therefore, Total Quality Leadership is a strategic approach to producing best students from the educational institutions.
Leadership means, “Process of influencing group activities towards the accomplishment of goals in a given situation”. From this definition says:
1. Leadership is a relationship between two or more.
2. Leadership does not grow in a vacuum.
3. Leadership is function of a leader, etc.
Brainstorming is an effective technique to help a quality improvement team identify a problem and come up with solutions. 1930s , brainstorming makes use of lateral or right brain thinking .It is a way of getting a large numbers of ideas form a group of people in a short time. It has three basic types: To identify problems, Sort out causes from effects, and Come up with creative solutions, etc, and it has three basic types:
# To identify problems,
# Sort out causes from effects,
# Come up with creative solutions, etc.
Key word: Brainstorming, Data allocation , Effective Technique, TQM, TQC,
For the competitive environment, Total Quality Management (TQM) has gained wide importance in industry and is generally being introduced and experimental in vocational education in (10+2) Level. However, educational system can’t be treated as industry. But, there are similarities with respect to their sub-components. Each of these viewed, as a system consists of input, process, management, resource, output and feedback. Educational institution system is complex, as it involves human being as input and output from the system. Students are input and customer too.
Total Quality Circle (TQC) is a group of activity and can’t be done by individuals. It calls team work. TQC is not miracle drug; its properties are more like those of China herb medicine. Quality Circle means, “ It is a small group of teachers in the same work area or doing similar type of work who voluntarily meet regularly for about to identify , analyses and resolve work related problems, not only improve quality of education and total performance of educational institution”.
Key word: Total Quality Management (TQM, Total Quality Circle (TQC, Quality Assurance,
ISO 14041, is an environmental management system under the ISO 14001 guideline and it is consisting by 17 areas addressed. But, ISO-14041, this is a system is an adequate method where exported function are affected. The means of exported function that generated in the product life cycle investigated by utilize in another product life cycle. Sub-division and allocation based on physical, casual relationships are adequate; other approaches to the allocation problems are adequate any where the effects on the LICI (Life Cycle Inventory Analysis) results are small. The ISO procedure should be revised to take into account the type of information that is provided by the difference methods.
For example, in 1996 , few companies in USA was implemented EMSs to increase profitability and to reduce exposure to environment Protection Agency , USA by penalties as well as environmental regulations on hazardous waste disposal at both the local and national level become more stringent, facing companies to switch from and filling hazardous waste to treating and recycling it .
Waste management is as complicated as it serious. It is complicated because things that benefit us cause much pollution. For example, Industries provide jobs to people and produced goods that people want and industries discharge much of the toxic material that pollutes air and water, as a result, kill plant and animal and nutrients in the waste kill off waterways by encouraging the super growth of algae, when the algae die, all the oxygen in the water is used up by the bacteria that break them down. . This process is called eutrophication- the addition of excessive, abnormal amounts of nutrients and leads to the death of plant and animal life from lack of oxygen.
Therefore, sewage treatment plants from industries are problems will be solved by application of Environment Management System (EMSs)- ISO 14001. For Example, Ford Motor Co. at Michigan truck –facility reduces water consumption by about 3.8 millions (1 million-gallon day).
Education plays a vital role in bringing out a change in society. It changes the behavior and attitude of the people in the society. Without education , the individual is not qualified for group life. So, education is preparing the individuals to fetch knowledge and life experience through learning and share the same that is needed for group life. For the competitive environment of the present educational system towards 10+2 Level, Total Quality Management (TQM) has gained wide importance and is generally being introduce and experimental in educational institutions.
TQM means, “ A management approach to an organization centered on quality, based on the participation of all its members and aiming at long-term success through student satisfaction and benefits to the members of the educational institutions and to Society”.
Many teachers in educational institutions think that TQM is achieving set standard. But it is not so. TQM involves managing the process of change. Generally teachers are not welcome change and prefer not to change. The most important change taking place onside an effective TQM process is the changing behavior of students. For a comprehensive approach of TQM for vocational education & training (VET), the Seven S’s approach is important to be considered. The Seven S’s approach describe clearly the organizational change process with respect to Total quality Management. The seven S’s relate to:
1. Strategy, 5. Skills,
2. Structures, 6. Style,
3. Systems, 7. Shared Value etc.
4. Staff,
Vocational Education plays a vital role in bringing out a change in society. It changes the behavior and attitude of the people in the society. We know that without education, the individual is not qualified for group life. So, education is preparing the individuals to fetch knowledge and life experience through learning and share the same that is needed for group life. For the competitive environment of the present vocational educational system towards 10+2 Level, Total Quality Management (TQM) has gained wide importance and is generally being introduce and experimental in educational institutions.
TQM means, “A management approach to an organization centered on quality, based on the participation of all its members and aiming at long-term success through student satisfaction and benefits to the members of the educational institutions and to Society”.
For a comprehensive approach of TQM for vocational education & training (VET), the Seven S’s approach is important to be considered. The Seven S’s approach describes clearly the organizational change process with respect to Total quality Management. The seven S’s relate to:
1. Strategy, 5. Skills,
2. Structures, 6. Style,
3. Systems, 7. Shared Value etc.
Key words: vocational education, resource mobilization, efficiency and Process
Due to the globalization impact, now days, everybody talks to resource mobilization in India and therefore, in terms of hard infrastructure development by road transport industries are providing satisfactory among the people and wining public confidence. In India, large road transports organizations have computerized in different areas of their operational to get better and faster information for the management control and reduce cost and to take care in volume of date. Therefore, Truck History Card is an important factor that affects the performance of Truck/Drivers, towards faster information as well reduces the road accidents. However, paper works in road transport is very high and it is very difficult to keep records of accomplishment of all important factors.
The Efficient road transports as well as individual mobility along with buses are necessary in an economic cycle of production, distribution and consumption. Common application areas by computer in road transports industries are: Statement of Consignment Notes (Sales), Statement of Lorry wise challan (purchase), Costing Statement, Party wise business statement, Outstanding Statement, Other MIS and misc reports etc.
However, as per study, it was found that it is widely accepted that 90% of the information required for driving is visual and that natural changes, mainly related to aging, might affect driving ability. The biggest question today is, while the driver is going to brake applied, this force is increasing by 8 times of as per horse power. A rough comparison between the horse power developed by the engine and the horse power controlled by the brakes
Writers on transportation have forecast the future based on the continuation of presently existing and visible trends in technology, organization and physical management.
Key words: Hard infrastructure, Road Accidents, TOS, Truck History Card, Vehicle Ledger, Fuel Consumption, Vehicle Weight and Horse Power, vehicle Ledger, Intelligent vehicles and intelligent highway (IVHS).
We know that Ethanol as a gasoline blend has helped to reduce dependence on oil import and harmful vehicular emission. Due to the globalization impact as well as controlling the automobile exhaust emission, the automobile companies are introducing Multi Point Fuel Injector (MPFI) and Gasoline Direct Injection (GDI) respectively. However, introducing ethanol as alternative automobile fuel (E10, E85), the proper mixture ethanol and air mixture (for oxygenate compound), need of Carburetor for the function of the I C Engine combustion process.
Because, it is of utmost necessity that ethanol (20% ethanol and 80% petrol) supplied to the engine should be completely vaporized before actual combustion. This is possible only when it is broken up into a fine spray, i.e. atomized. The process of atomization takes place normally in the inlet manifold. Carburetion process consists of vaporizing ethanol; mixing thoroughly with air and distributing the ethanol-air mixture evenly into the cylinder.
Key words: Atomization of fuel, Air Ethanol Ratio, Engine Design, Oxygenate compound, Temperature Venturi.
Paper Title: “OBD-II and Oxygen Sensor: Review the Emissions related power- Train
Performance in I.C. Engine”
DR. PORAG KALITA, Ph.D. (Auto. Engg.)
HEAD - Automobile Engineering Department,
Vocational Education (+2),
M R S Higher Secondary School, Govt. of Assam.
Titabor, Jorhat, ASSAM, INDIA.
Email:[email protected]
Paper No. ABS –ED-100 (m) 9435229831
1. Abstract:
Increased awareness regarding the adverse effects of pollutants from automobile exhaust gases has been the main driving force for implementation of more and more stringent legislation on automobile exhaust emissions in many Countries. On Board Diagnostic (OBD), regulations in the USA for light and medium duty vehicles (I. C. Engines) are introducing to implement the air quality standard. California and the Federal Government used a driving cycle to certify 1966 and newer models which referred to as either California Cycle or the Federal Test Procedure (FTP).
The California Air Resource Board (CARB) and the objective to reduce hydrocarbon (HC) emission caused by malfunction of the vehicles emission control systems adopted the California code of Regulations (CCR) known as OBD – II.
The diagnosis is based on the oxygen sensor response time that is the amount of time to complete a switch from rich to lean or lean to rich transition that gives the ability to control the engine at stochiometric Air Fuel ratio. Typical values of lean mean voltage and rich mean voltage are 300 to 600 mill volts respectively. For post-cat O2 sensor, in particular, voltage level checks and heater systems checked and done and the failure thresholds for the post O2 sensor, diagnostic must not be set at a point beyond the failure limit where the catalyst diagnostic is affected.
Enable Oxygen Sensor, this function checks for any condition that should inhibit the oxygen sensor diagnostic. The inputs to enable oxygen sensor are: Intrusive fuel control active state EGR map control state, fault active state, air fuel control and systems voltage. Performance O2 Response Tests: Perform O2 response tests consists of the following function:
Perform Oxy 1 – bank – 1 fast response test,
Monitor Oxy 1 – bank – 1 response,
Calculate Oxy 1 – bank – 1 response,
Perform Oxy 1 – bank – 1 slow response test.
Key Words: Oxygen Sensor, Pre-catalyst sensors, Stochiometric Air Fuel ratio, Secondary
Sensor ,Volumetric Efficiency.
OBD-II tests all sensors, actuators (valves), switches and wiring for proper connectivity and checks the inputs and outputs of each device are within allowed range of valves in automobiles. We know that sensor is consisting by three parts, i.e. Sensor; a Single Processor and a display Device etc.
Single processor may converts the physical quantity such as temperature, pressure, vacuum, RPM, air flow and electrical signal etc. A Single processor performs to increase power level, reliability and accuracy. The display device converts the signal from signal processor into a readable quantity. Oxygen sensor is an electronic device used to measure the oxygen content in exhaust gases , which is known as lambda sensor and there are two types of Exhaust Gas Oxygen ( EGO) sensors and both based on the use of oxides of materials.
Key Words: Actuators, Display device, heat exchange, Monitoring temperature, Sensors, Single processor etc.
ISO 14041, is an environmental management system under the ISO 14001 guideline and it is consisting by 17 areas addressed. But, ISO-14041, this is a system is an adequate method where exported function are affected. The means of exported function that generated in the product life cycle investigated by utilize in another product life cycle. Sub-division and allocation based on physical, casual relationships are adequate; other approaches to the allocation problems are adequate any where the effects on the LICI (Life Cycle Inventory Analysis) results are small. The ISO procedure should be revised to take into account the type of information that is provided by the difference methods.
For example, in 1996 , few companies in USA was implemented EMSs to increase profitability and to reduce exposure to environment Protection Agency , USA by penalties as well as environmental regulations on hazardous waste disposal at both the local and national level become more stringent, facing companies to switch from and filling hazardous waste to treating and recycling it .
Waste management is as complicated as it serious. It is complicated because things that benefit us cause much pollution. For example, Industries provide jobs to people and produced goods that people want and industries discharge much of the toxic material that pollutes air and water, as a result, kill plant and animal and nutrients in the waste kill off waterways by encouraging the super growth of algae, when the algae die, all the oxygen in the water is used up by the bacteria that break them down. . This process is called eutrophication- the addition of excessive, abnormal amounts of nutrients and leads to the death of plant and animal life from lack of oxygen.
Therefore, sewage treatment plants from industries are problems will be solved by application of Environment Management System (EMSs)- ISO 14001. For Example, Ford Motor Co. at Michigan truck –facility reduces water consumption by about 3.8 millions (1 million-gallon day).
For the competitive environment, Total Quality management in Vocational/Technological Institutions is generally being introduced. However, educational system can’t be treated as industry and there are similarities will respect to their sub-components and systems consist of an input, process, management, resources, output and feedback. For the educational institution the system is complex, as it involves human beings as input to and output from the system and students are input and customer too.
The importance of human resource in any organization especially the teacher to the educational sector in developing and even developed nations cannot be overemphasized. The teacher is the most important factor of production of skillful human beings.
College of education programme is that aspect of vocational and technical education which is aimed of preparing individuals to acquire practical skills, basics and scientific knowledge and attitude required as technicians. In order to achieve this broad philosophy:
[1] Teachers develop their ability, wisdom and creativity by using their brain.
[2]Teachers educate themselves by sharing experienced.
[3] Teachers do not work in isolation but act as a them.
[4] Display Human capabilities fully.
[5] It promotes job involvement and participation etc
Lack of relationship between vocational/technical college curriculum and the industry; that the co-operation between industries as the technical education institutions has started growing tremendously in recent times. It should be recalled that one of the functions of the industrial Training fund is to relate the technical institution curricula to what the activities in the industries are through the student’s industrial work experience scheme.
Keywords: Human resource, Total Quality Management , Vocational Education
Malaria is known as the disease of “high fever”. It is caused by the infection known as malari Par parasite, which is transmitted from a person suffering from malaria to another healthy person by Anopheles mosquito. The infection occurs following a bite of an infected female anopheles mosquito, Which contains malaria parasites in its salivary glands and the infected person may suffer from Malaria Within 14-21 days. One malaria patient cases through anopheles mosquitoes.
Due to its wide distribution, especially in rural areas of the NE Region, malaria is one of the important factors responsible for slow rate of agricultural, industrial and economic growth in this reason. Before our Independence, a pre-DDT era, malaria was rampant in every part of India. The economic losses due to man-days last to malaria were estimated to be about Rs.10 billion per year in 1935. According to an estimation made by the Govt. of India in 1953, there was and annual incidence of 75 million cases of malaria, resulting in 8 lakh deaths per year , in the early fifties.
Soon after the Second World War, the well known insecticide DDT was introduce in public health service for the control of malaria.
Pilot project in different parts of rural Indian showed highly successful results of the application of DDT. This opened a new chapter in the field of malaria. This paper would be discussed, use of Biocides in Malaria control and however, they should not be used for level control in portable water.
In economic terms, “Globalization” means increasing integration with the World economy. It means developing an outward market orientation rather than the inward looking policy of depending solely on domestic markets.
Now a days technological aspect play a significant role in all activities for changing their economic, social, Political and Cultural statue of human being especially for Women development. Technologies are implemented in agriculture activities for the purpose of cultivation pf high yielding corps, to increase production, productivity of the lands for improving the standard of living of the people.
At present, the Govt. of Assam has implemented various technological training programmes to rural women to achieving a competitive edge through people. Everyone has accepted the preparation of readymade garments as a suitable technology. Women are more acquainted to this technology than man is. The trend for using readymade garments for such business is increasing alarmingly and the younger generation is very much fond of the same-
1.1. Readymade garments business has the feature of attracting fashion lovers.
1.2. Time factor, which induce, motivate the person to go for readymade garments.
1.3. Readymade garments are cheaper the cloths. Etc.
In general, these technologies, which increase the employment opportunity, improve the quality of life of the rural women due to globalization impact, and do we have a choice to make empowerment of women.
A machine can do the work of fifty ordinary workers. However, it cannot do the work of even one extraordinary worker. Therefore, it is evident that the object of an organization will be achieved only by the human resource. For that to happen facilitation of the employees to work is essential. In today’s context, one of the most powerful facilitating tools is the concept of Empowerment.
The definition of Empowerment, “Empowerment is a feeling on the part of the employee that one controls the work environment by taking the decision”.
This paper, discussion on technology development means the opt technology/innovative modes which may have a bearing on the income generation of rural women.
Key word: Empowerment of Women, Readymade garments, Technological Aspect
In India, large road transports organizations have computerized in different areas of their operational to get better and faster information for the management control and reduce cost and to take care in volume of date. Therefore, Truck History Card is an important factor that affects the performance of Truck/Drivers, towards faster information as well reduces the road accidents. However, paper works in road transport is very high and it is very difficult to keep records of accomplishment of all important factors.
The Efficient road transports as well as individual mobility along with buses are necessary in an economic cycle of production, distribution and consumption. Common application areas by computer in road transports industries are: Statement of Consignment Notes (Sales), Statement of Lorry wise challan (purchase), Costing Statement, Party wise business statement, Outstanding Statement, Other MIS and misc reports etc.
However, as per study, it was found that it is widely accepted that 90% of the information required for driving is visual and that natural changes, mainly related to aging, might affect driving ability. The biggest question today is, while the driver is going to brake applied, this force is increasing by 8 times of as per horse power. A rough comparison between the horse power developed by the engine and the horse power controlled by the brakes. Writers on transportation have forecast the future based on the continuation of presently existing and visible trends in technology, organization and physical management.
Key words: Hard infrastructure, Road Accidents, TOS, Truck History Card, Vehicle Ledger, Fuel Consumption, Vehicle Weight and Horse Power, vehicle Ledger, Intelligent vehicles and intelligent highway (IVHS).
Key Words: Crank angle Idle Air Control Valve, Malfunctions Indicator Light (MIL), Mass Air Flow (MAF) sensor. Power- train, Tractive Resistance, UBHC Emission.