Papers by Popescu Mihaela

Composite materials are specifically designed to respond to particular requirements in terms of m... more Composite materials are specifically designed to respond to particular requirements in terms of mechanical strength and stiffness, corrosion resistance, resistance to chemical agents, low weight, dimensional stability, resistance to shock, wear properties, insulating and aesthetic, features which recommends this materials to be used in top fields of engineering (aeronautic, biomedical, etc). These advanced materials present also an economic benefit, having a low weight together with high strength at high temperatures. Realization of these composites materials and joining them shows a high degree of complexity by combining aspects of material properties, functional needs, and a practical multifunctional development. The paper presents experimental data by joining with CMT process (Cold Metal Transfer) of metal matrix composites (aluminum) reinforced with steel mesh S235JR. The microscopic analyzes performed with optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy presented not weldin...
ANNALS OF THE ORADEA UNIVERSITY. Fascicle of Management and Technological Engineering., 2010
An overview is made of issues related to the noxes emitted during the welding processes and possi... more An overview is made of issues related to the noxes emitted during the welding processes and possible variants to avoid the exposure of welders. Local evacuation (exhaustion) when welding is the most recommended method. The decision to use one system or another one is justified. Case studies presented (rotating exhaust hoods, flexible exhaust arms, rigid metal tube arms, telescopic exhaust arms, exhaust arms for rail channels, exhaust cranes, high-vacuum extraction and filter unit, ducting systems for the high-vacuum extraction and filtration unit)give explicit details to justify options [1-7].
ANNALS OF THE ORADEA UNIVERSITY. Fascicle of Management and Technological Engineering., 2010
Summary: Undercapitalization and undercrediting of the national economy in the period of transiti... more Summary: Undercapitalization and undercrediting of the national economy in the period of transition to the market economy necessarily requires the strengthening of the role of credit as a genuine factor of growth and increase of the productive capitals. The financing of the ...
Papers by Popescu Mihaela