Papers by Polyxeni Stylianou, PhD, CT

Theory and Research in Social Education, Nov 11, 2020
The purpose of this article is to analyze elementary school teachers' perceptions and affective e... more The purpose of this article is to analyze elementary school teachers' perceptions and affective experiences of an in-service training on death education taught by the first author over three years at the Cyprus Pedagogical Institute. The teacher training focused on how to teach about issues of death, loss, and grief at the elementary school. The article examines what drives teachers to participate in the training and describes their concerns and dilemmas of engaging with issues of death, loss, and grief in their teaching. The study, which is based on an action research methodology, also explores teachers' reflections on their pedagogical efforts to design and implement a lesson plan in which issues of death, loss, and grief are included. The analysis addresses a gap in teacher professional development in social studies education engaging with issues of death, loss, and grief and discusses implications for teaching and teacher education.

Jahrbuch für Tod und Gesellschaft, 2023
As empirical research in the field of death education is still rather limited, this paper aims to... more As empirical research in the field of death education is still rather limited, this paper aims to explore some of the complexities of implementing a unit plan on loss and grief in a Year 3 classroom in Cyprus. This research is based on an Action Research study that includes the design, implementation and evaluation of a unit plan which serves death education’s objectives and goals. In particular, the research and pedagogical intervention uses children’s literature to introduce death issues to young children. The findings highlight some pedagogical, curricular, and social challenges of integrating the concepts of loss and grief in the elementary school curriculum. They also contribute to a better understanding of the broader value of formulating a pedagogy of loss and grief that provides opportunities for young children to study the meaning of grief and the practices that support those who grieve. The paper concludes by discussing the pedagogical and research implications for
death education in elementary schools.

Theory & Research in Social Education
ABSTRACT The purpose of this article is to analyze elementary school teachers’ perceptions and af... more ABSTRACT The purpose of this article is to analyze elementary school teachers’ perceptions and affective experiences of an in-service training on death education taught by the first author over three years at the Cyprus Pedagogical Institute. The teacher training focused on how to teach about issues of death, loss, and grief at the elementary school. The article examines what drives teachers to participate in the training and describes their concerns and dilemmas of engaging with issues of death, loss, and grief in their teaching. The study, which is based on an action research methodology, also explores teachers’ reflections on their pedagogical efforts to design and implement a lesson plan in which issues of death, loss, and grief are included. The analysis addresses a gap in teacher professional development in social studies education engaging with issues of death, loss, and grief and discusses implications for teaching and teacher education.

Educational Action Research
ABSTRACT As educational interventions that integrate death issues in the school curriculum are ra... more ABSTRACT As educational interventions that integrate death issues in the school curriculum are rarely designed, implemented and evaluated, our action research (AR) project aimed at investigating the complexities of integrating the concepts of loss and grief in the primary school curriculum of Cyprus. The purpose of this paper is to identify and analyze convergences and divergences between AR and lesson study (LS), as they emerged in our project. We particularly focus on the ways that AR served to legitimate ethically and politically those aspects of the project that constituted the experimentation of lesson plans on loss and grief. The AR and LS elements of our project functioned differently and served different purposes, and we speculate that this is not irrelevant to the controversial aspects of the lesson plans’ topic, namely loss and grief. The paper argues that it may be strategically important, for ethical and political reasons, to both demarcate and associate AR and LS, navigating between them, particularly if a controversial issue is involved.

Omega, 2018
This article presents an action research study that explores how a fifth-grade classroom of 10- t... more This article presents an action research study that explores how a fifth-grade classroom of 10- to 11-year-old children in Cyprus perceive the concepts of grief and grieving, after an educational intervention provided space for discussing such issues. It also explores the impact that the intervention program had on children's emotions while exploring these concepts and illustrates how it affected their behavior. The findings suggest that the intervention had a constructive impact on children's understandings of grief and grieving along two important dimensions. First, the intervention helped children better define emotional responses to loss (grief). Second, children seemed to overcome their anxiety while talking about grief and grieving and were able to share relevant personal experiences. The study has important implications for curriculum development, pedagogical practice, and teacher training on death education.
Death studies, Jan 4, 2018
This article investigates children's views on providing peer support to bereaved children. Th... more This article investigates children's views on providing peer support to bereaved children. The data (pre- and postinterviews and written documents) come from an action research study of a teacher-researcher and her 16 children aged 10-11 years old. Analysis of the data shows children's ideas on supporting a bereaved child and how this support should be provided, taking into consideration various factors such as the relationship with the bereaved and the role of memories. The paper emphasizes that children should have structured opportunities across the whole-school curriculum to learn how loss affects people's lives to support themselves and others.

Εθνική Επιτροπή Βιοηθικής Κύπρου, 2021
Το να συζητά κανείς την απώλεια και το πένθος, τόσο
ως έννοιες όσο και ως εμπειρία, εξακολουθεί ... more Το να συζητά κανείς την απώλεια και το πένθος, τόσο
ως έννοιες όσο και ως εμπειρία, εξακολουθεί να αποτελεί ταμπού
στις δυτικές κοινωνίες. Η εμπλοκή των παιδιών σε έναν τέτοιο
διάλογο δημιουργεί μια πρόσθετη δυσκολία κυρίως για τους
ενήλικες, οι οποίοι, θέλοντας να προστατέψουν τα παιδιά από τον
πόνο, συχνά τα κρατούν μακριά από σχετικές συζητήσεις. Ακόμα
και όταν η απώλεια αφορά άμεσα το παιδί, αρκετές φορές
παραγνωρίζεται η ανάγκη του για ενημέρωση και
συναισθηματική στήριξη κι έτσι οι πληροφορίες στις οποίες
εκτίθεται είναι ελλιπείς ή και ψευδείς. Η ευαισθητοποίηση και η
ενημέρωση γύρω από το πένθος των παιδιών, αλλά και η
αναγκαιότητα για μια ανοικτή και ειλικρινή συζήτηση με τα
παιδιά που πενθούν είναι τα σημεία στα οποία εστιάζει το παρόν
άρθρο. Η συζήτηση της απώλειας και του πένθους με παιδιά
μπορεί όχι μόνο να επιτευχθεί, αλλά και να συντελέσει τόσο στην
καλλιέργεια εμπιστοσύνης ανάμεσα σε παιδιά και ενήλικες όσο
και στη στήριξη των παιδιών στη διεργασία του πένθους τους.
Http Dx Doi Org 10 1080 02702710590910584, Jul 17, 2012
This study examined the hypotheses that (a) the relationship between listening and reading compre... more This study examined the hypotheses that (a) the relationship between listening and reading comprehension becomes stronger after decoding mastery;(b) the difference between listening and reading decreases with increasing grade level; and (c) similar patterns of relationship and difference are obtained with narrative and expository texts. The sample included 612 students in Grades 2, 4, 6, and 8. Students read and listened to two narratives and two expository texts and completed corresponding comprehension tests that were in ...
Reading Psychology, Mar 4, 2004
This study examined the hypotheses that (a) the relationship between listening and reading compre... more This study examined the hypotheses that (a) the relationship between listening and reading comprehension becomes stronger after decoding mastery;(b) the difference between listening and reading decreases with increasing grade level; and (c) similar patterns of relationship and difference are obtained with narrative and expository texts. The sample included 612 students in Grades 2, 4, 6, and 8. Students read and listened to two narratives and two expository texts and completed corresponding comprehension tests that were in ...

ΣΥΜ-ΒΟΛΗ, 2021
This article attempts to discuss the way Year 3 students from Cyprus perceive the impact of Covid... more This article attempts to discuss the way Year 3 students from Cyprus perceive the impact of Covid-19 pandemic on their education during the school year 2020-2021. The data presented comes mostly from the field notes of a teacher i.e. the author, after a discussion she conducted with her class on how the coronavirus crisis affected their education and generally their school life. Even though the data is very limited and there is an element of subjectivity in the analysis, the author underlines the need to have the pupils’ voice heart in exploring the pandemic effect on education. Pupils in this class emphasize the change caused by the
pandemic in their everyday life at school, putting extra emphasis on the loss of contact with their classmates. The author discusses how pupils process this loss and highlights the recognition of the value and importance of the present moment and of the bonding to one another as the main impact of covid-19 pandemic in our continuing education.

The purpose of this article is to analyze elementary school teachers’
perceptions and affective ... more The purpose of this article is to analyze elementary school teachers’
perceptions and affective experiences of an in-service training on
death education taught by the first author over three years at the
Cyprus Pedagogical Institute. The teacher training focused on how to
teach about issues of death, loss, and grief at the elementary school.
The article examines what drives teachers to participate in the training
and describes their concerns and dilemmas of engaging with issues of
death, loss, and grief in their teaching. The study, which is based on an
action research methodology, also explores teachers’ reflections on
their pedagogical efforts to design and implement a lesson plan in
which issues of death, loss, and grief are included. The analysis
addresses a gap in teacher professional development in social studies
education engaging with issues of death, loss, and grief and discusses
implications for teaching and teacher education.
Ψυχική Υγεία Παιδιού και Εφήβου Τόμος Β (242-256). Εκδόσεις Αρμός. , 2020
Το βίωμα μιας σημαντικής απώλειας στην παιδική ηλικία, πιθανόν, να έχει βραχυπρόθεσμες και μακροπ... more Το βίωμα μιας σημαντικής απώλειας στην παιδική ηλικία, πιθανόν, να έχει βραχυπρόθεσμες και μακροπρόθεσμες επιπτώσεις στην ψυχική υγεία των παιδιών. Το παρόν κεφάλαιο στοχεύει σε μια σύνοψη των γνώσεων που χρειάζεται να κατέχουν οι ενήλικες για το πένθος των παιδιών, μιας και, συχνά, αγωνιώντας να τα προστατέψουν από τον πόνο, δεν αναγνωρίζουν την ανάγκη τους για συναισθηματική στήριξη, και παραγκωνίζουν την προσωπική θέληση των παιδιών. Η έμφαση δίνεται στην αναγκαιότητα για ανοικτή και ειλικρινή συζήτηση με τα παιδιά που πενθούν, έχοντας πάντα κατά νου την ιδιοσυγκρασία του κάθε παιδιού.

Reading Psychology, 2005
This study examined the hypotheses that (a) the relationship between listeningand reading compreh... more This study examined the hypotheses that (a) the relationship between listeningand reading comprehension becomes stronger after decoding mastery; (b) the dif-ference between listening and reading decreases with increasing grade level; and(c) similar patterns of relationship and difference are obtained with narrativeand expository texts. The sample included 612 students in Grades 2, 4, 6, and8. Students read and listened to two narratives and two expository texts andcompleted corresponding comprehension tests that were in the form of sentenceverification tasks. The findings confirmed the first two hypotheses but not thethird one. In the case of expository text, the relationship between listening andreading comprehension was weaker than the corresponding one with narrativetext, and performance levels were comparable across all elementary grades. More-over, reading comprehension levels were higher than listening comprehension levelsin Grade 8, regardless of text type. The implications of these findings with respectto the dominant unitary process model and the assessment and instruction of oraland written language comprehension are discussed.

Aseducationalinterventionsthatintegratedeathissuesintheschool curriculum are rarely designed, imp... more Aseducationalinterventionsthatintegratedeathissuesintheschool curriculum are rarely designed, implemented and evaluated, our action research (AR) project aimed at investigating the complexities of integrating the concepts of loss and grief in the primary school curriculum of Cyprus. The purpose of this paper is to identify and analyzeconvergencesanddivergencesbetweenARandlessonstudy (LS), as they emerged in our project. We particularly focus on the ways that AR served to legitimate ethically and politically those aspectsoftheprojectthatconstitutedtheexperimentation oflesson plans on loss and grief. The AR and LS elements of our project functioned differently and served different purposes, and we speculate that this is not irrelevant to the controversial aspects of the lesson plans’ topic, namely loss and grief. The paper argues that it may be strategically important, for ethical and political reasons, to both demarcate and associate AR and LS, navigating between them, particularly if a controversial issue is involved.

OMEGA Journal of Death and Dying, 2018
This article presents an action research study that explores how a fifth-grade classroom of 10- t... more This article presents an action research study that explores how a fifth-grade classroom of 10- to 11-year-old children in Cyprus perceive the concepts of grief and grieving, after an educational intervention provided space for discussing such issues. It also explores the impact that the intervention program had on children’s emotions while exploring these concepts and illustrates how it affected their behavior. The findings suggest that the intervention had a constructive impact on children’s understandings of grief and grieving along two important dimensions. First, the intervention helped children better define emotional responses to loss (grief). Second, children seemed to overcome their anxiety while talking about grief and grieving and were able to share relevant personal experiences. The study has important implications for curriculum development, pedagogical practice, and teacher training on death education.
Death Studies, 2018
This article investigates children’s views on providing peer support to bereaved children. The da... more This article investigates children’s views on providing peer support to bereaved children. The data (pre- and postinterviews and written documents) come from an action research study of a teacher–researcher and her 16 children aged 10–11 years old. Analysis of the data shows children’s ideas on supporting a bereaved child and how this support should be provided, taking into consideration various factors such as the relationship with the bereaved and the role of memories. The paper emphasizes that children should have structured opportunities across the whole-school curriculum to learn how loss affects people’s lives to support themselves and others.
Ηλεκτρονικό Περιοδικό Συμβολή - Symbol-e, 2017
The author discusses the meaning and the importance of memory through personal wandering and ref... more The author discusses the meaning and the importance of memory through personal wandering and reflection. The primary objective of the article is to address the concept of memory and its two components: collective memory and personal memories of the important Other. Collective memory emerges as a theme through the emotions and thoughts that were generated by the author's visit to the German military
cemetery in Maleme, Crete. With regard to personal memories, emphasis is given to the importance of sustaining the bonds with the diseased, the meaning of “thick relations” and the recollection of emotions as consolation to bereaved people. Finally, a more cautious approach to collective memory and therefore history is recommended, as well as the importance of conditions on which personal memories should be
Δελτίο Παιδαγωγικού Ινστιτούτου, 2019
Σκοπός της παρούσας μελέτης ήταν να διερευνήσει τις προκλήσεις που οι εκπαιδευτικοί έχουν να αντι... more Σκοπός της παρούσας μελέτης ήταν να διερευνήσει τις προκλήσεις που οι εκπαιδευτικοί έχουν να αντιμετωπίσουν πραγματώνοντας μαθήματα που εντάσσουν τις έννοιες της απώλειας και του πένθους στις συζητήσεις με παιδιά στο σχολικό πλαίσιο. Παράλληλα, επιδιωκόμενους στόχους αποτέλεσαν η καταγραφή των αποτελεσμάτων μετά από την εφαρμογή προτεινόμενων συναφών μαθημάτων, η βελτίωση των μαθημάτων αυτών, καθώς και οι εισηγήσεις για την όσο το δυνατό καλύτερη παιδαγωγική προσέγγιση των εννοιών. Τα αποτελέσματα προέκυψαν μετά από την εφαρμογή έρευνας δράσης και τα διλήμματα των εκπαιδευτικών πλαισιώθηκαν σε δύο κατηγορίες: διλήμματα αποσιώπησης και διλήμματα σιωπής. Στο παρόν άρθρο γίνεται αναφορά στα συνεπακόλουθα των αποτελεσμάτων σε ό,τι αφορά στις προϋποθέσεις σχεδιασμού, αλλά και πραγμάτωσης, συναφών μαθημάτων στο σχολικό πλαίσιο.
Δελτίο Παιδαγωγικού Ινστιτούτου, 2017
Η ένταξη των εννοιών της απώλειας και του πένθους στην εκπαίδευση των παιδιών φέρει το στίγμα του... more Η ένταξη των εννοιών της απώλειας και του πένθους στην εκπαίδευση των παιδιών φέρει το στίγμα του ταμπού του θανάτου και, επομένως, η ευαισθητοποίηση στο θέμα αυτό κρίνεται σκόπιμη. Στο παρόν άρθρο επιχειρείται προσέγγιση των προοπτικών της ένταξης των εννοιών αυτών στις συζητήσεις με τα παιδιά, μέσα από γνωστικά αντικείμενα του Αναλυτικού Προγράμματος της Δημοτικής Εκπαίδευσης της Κύπρου. Παρουσιάζεται, επίσης, συνοπτικά η δράση του Παιδαγωγικού Ινστιτούτου Κύπρου για ενίσχυση του ρόλου των εκπαιδευτικών μέσω της επαγγελματικής μάθησης γύρω από συναφή θέματα.
Papers by Polyxeni Stylianou, PhD, CT
death education in elementary schools.
ως έννοιες όσο και ως εμπειρία, εξακολουθεί να αποτελεί ταμπού
στις δυτικές κοινωνίες. Η εμπλοκή των παιδιών σε έναν τέτοιο
διάλογο δημιουργεί μια πρόσθετη δυσκολία κυρίως για τους
ενήλικες, οι οποίοι, θέλοντας να προστατέψουν τα παιδιά από τον
πόνο, συχνά τα κρατούν μακριά από σχετικές συζητήσεις. Ακόμα
και όταν η απώλεια αφορά άμεσα το παιδί, αρκετές φορές
παραγνωρίζεται η ανάγκη του για ενημέρωση και
συναισθηματική στήριξη κι έτσι οι πληροφορίες στις οποίες
εκτίθεται είναι ελλιπείς ή και ψευδείς. Η ευαισθητοποίηση και η
ενημέρωση γύρω από το πένθος των παιδιών, αλλά και η
αναγκαιότητα για μια ανοικτή και ειλικρινή συζήτηση με τα
παιδιά που πενθούν είναι τα σημεία στα οποία εστιάζει το παρόν
άρθρο. Η συζήτηση της απώλειας και του πένθους με παιδιά
μπορεί όχι μόνο να επιτευχθεί, αλλά και να συντελέσει τόσο στην
καλλιέργεια εμπιστοσύνης ανάμεσα σε παιδιά και ενήλικες όσο
και στη στήριξη των παιδιών στη διεργασία του πένθους τους.
pandemic in their everyday life at school, putting extra emphasis on the loss of contact with their classmates. The author discusses how pupils process this loss and highlights the recognition of the value and importance of the present moment and of the bonding to one another as the main impact of covid-19 pandemic in our continuing education.
perceptions and affective experiences of an in-service training on
death education taught by the first author over three years at the
Cyprus Pedagogical Institute. The teacher training focused on how to
teach about issues of death, loss, and grief at the elementary school.
The article examines what drives teachers to participate in the training
and describes their concerns and dilemmas of engaging with issues of
death, loss, and grief in their teaching. The study, which is based on an
action research methodology, also explores teachers’ reflections on
their pedagogical efforts to design and implement a lesson plan in
which issues of death, loss, and grief are included. The analysis
addresses a gap in teacher professional development in social studies
education engaging with issues of death, loss, and grief and discusses
implications for teaching and teacher education.
cemetery in Maleme, Crete. With regard to personal memories, emphasis is given to the importance of sustaining the bonds with the diseased, the meaning of “thick relations” and the recollection of emotions as consolation to bereaved people. Finally, a more cautious approach to collective memory and therefore history is recommended, as well as the importance of conditions on which personal memories should be
death education in elementary schools.
ως έννοιες όσο και ως εμπειρία, εξακολουθεί να αποτελεί ταμπού
στις δυτικές κοινωνίες. Η εμπλοκή των παιδιών σε έναν τέτοιο
διάλογο δημιουργεί μια πρόσθετη δυσκολία κυρίως για τους
ενήλικες, οι οποίοι, θέλοντας να προστατέψουν τα παιδιά από τον
πόνο, συχνά τα κρατούν μακριά από σχετικές συζητήσεις. Ακόμα
και όταν η απώλεια αφορά άμεσα το παιδί, αρκετές φορές
παραγνωρίζεται η ανάγκη του για ενημέρωση και
συναισθηματική στήριξη κι έτσι οι πληροφορίες στις οποίες
εκτίθεται είναι ελλιπείς ή και ψευδείς. Η ευαισθητοποίηση και η
ενημέρωση γύρω από το πένθος των παιδιών, αλλά και η
αναγκαιότητα για μια ανοικτή και ειλικρινή συζήτηση με τα
παιδιά που πενθούν είναι τα σημεία στα οποία εστιάζει το παρόν
άρθρο. Η συζήτηση της απώλειας και του πένθους με παιδιά
μπορεί όχι μόνο να επιτευχθεί, αλλά και να συντελέσει τόσο στην
καλλιέργεια εμπιστοσύνης ανάμεσα σε παιδιά και ενήλικες όσο
και στη στήριξη των παιδιών στη διεργασία του πένθους τους.
pandemic in their everyday life at school, putting extra emphasis on the loss of contact with their classmates. The author discusses how pupils process this loss and highlights the recognition of the value and importance of the present moment and of the bonding to one another as the main impact of covid-19 pandemic in our continuing education.
perceptions and affective experiences of an in-service training on
death education taught by the first author over three years at the
Cyprus Pedagogical Institute. The teacher training focused on how to
teach about issues of death, loss, and grief at the elementary school.
The article examines what drives teachers to participate in the training
and describes their concerns and dilemmas of engaging with issues of
death, loss, and grief in their teaching. The study, which is based on an
action research methodology, also explores teachers’ reflections on
their pedagogical efforts to design and implement a lesson plan in
which issues of death, loss, and grief are included. The analysis
addresses a gap in teacher professional development in social studies
education engaging with issues of death, loss, and grief and discusses
implications for teaching and teacher education.
cemetery in Maleme, Crete. With regard to personal memories, emphasis is given to the importance of sustaining the bonds with the diseased, the meaning of “thick relations” and the recollection of emotions as consolation to bereaved people. Finally, a more cautious approach to collective memory and therefore history is recommended, as well as the importance of conditions on which personal memories should be