Papers by Nevenka Podgornik
CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research - Zenodo, Jun 1, 2020
Revija Perfectus AC je interdisciplinarna znanstvena revija, ki turizma, odprtih inovacij, Vsebin... more Revija Perfectus AC je interdisciplinarna znanstvena revija, ki turizma, odprtih inovacij, Vsebina ni omejena zgolj na navedene tematske sklope, ampak prispevke, ki obravnavajo nove in aktualne teme in predstavljajo znanstvene in uporabo v praksi. Vsled tega objavljamo tudi tematske Zato vas vabimo, Pogostost izhajanja Revija Perfectus AC izhaja enkrat letno. Tematske revije pa izhajajo po potrebi.

CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research - Zenodo, Sep 1, 2022
The article deals with the topic of energy psychology, which is not yet well researched and allow... more The article deals with the topic of energy psychology, which is not yet well researched and allows for the possibility of further study and scientific substantiation. It shows the use of one of the methods of energy psychology, the technique of emotional relaxation-EFT, in psychotherapy in terms of combining and complementing to achieve more effective results. The outline of theoretical starting points complements the attempt to scientifically substantiate the method on the basis of several relevant studies and works that show the effective use of the method in psychotherapy. In conclusion, the article presents a case study, an illustration of the use of the EFT method in combination with the psychotherapy approach on a specific case from practice. In conclusion of the article, in addition to a summary of the contents, a conclusion is given dealing with the feasibility of further research in this field.
Socialna pedagogika, 2011
CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research - Zenodo, Jun 1, 2021
Povzetek: lavca, osvetljuje vidike, cilje in namene, ki jih supervizija zasleduje in dosega tako ... more Povzetek: lavca, osvetljuje vidike, cilje in namene, ki jih supervizija zasleduje in dosega tako glede posameznika kot tudi za kolektiv. Poklici pomo i sodijo v skupino, za anje strokovne kompetentnosti in avtonomnosti, razumevanje strokovnega delavca z usmerjanjem v samoreflektiranje in samostojno iskanje re itev, porabnika in doprinosa k stroki.
In the context of the anthropology of health, in this article depression is discussed as the most... more In the context of the anthropology of health, in this article depression is discussed as the most common form of the manifestation of women's psychological crises. The outline of the history of such crises indicates that we should search for commonalities between depression and hysteria in the comprehension and understanding of the phenomenon as well as in the reinforcement of the unequal relation between the genders and stigmatisation. The classic feminist theoretical starting points for the understanding of women's social status in this article are completed by the analysis of ethnographic material that illustrates and confirms the theoretical statements about the androcentric construction of the modern Slovenian social space and the relations in it.
Innovative Issues and Approaches in Social Sciences, 2012
In this article we study the concept of social exclusion from a point of view of social inequalit... more In this article we study the concept of social exclusion from a point of view of social inequality that surpass the dimension of the material capital "to have" and that focus on the dimension of social capital, which is the position of individuals in society, their habitus. In other words, this is what determines the opportunities and possibilities of individuals for their integration, belonging, connection, acceptance, realization and social upward mobility. We understand and present the concept of social exclusion like the consequence of a small income, poverty, unemployment, lack of social security, isolation and anomie. In this article, we present the social and political responsibility for the phenomenon of social exclusion and its influence on the children's educational and psychosocial achievements.
Innovative Issues and Approaches in Social Sciences, 2012
The social exclusion of Romani in Slovenia is complicated and multidimensional. The Romani are a ... more The social exclusion of Romani in Slovenia is complicated and multidimensional. The Romani are a marginalized social group, their social position is distinctly inferior to the majority of the population, as in the material sphere as with education, the profession and the employment opportunities. Because of their low socio-economic and ethnic status, the Romani do not attain the same possibilities of integration in the educational system. In Slovenia, like in the other states of the EU, the problems with the lower education level are present with the immigrants too. The article exposes the educational and the employment opportunities for Romani and the immigrants in Slovenia.
Papers by Nevenka Podgornik