Papers by Pierre Simoneau
Linear regression models and neural networks for the

Etude des effets de saturation sur un miroir a conjugaison de phase optique et phenomenes de diff... more Etude des effets de saturation sur un miroir a conjugaison de phase optique et phenomenes de diffraction d'ordre eleve sur un reseau induit optiquement. Ces etudes d'optique non lineaire ont ete effectuees en milieu gazeux resonnant. L'usage de faisceaux incidents saturants affecte notamment les formes de raie des resonances obtenues, ainsi a l'efficacite du processus. Quoique la technique classique pour obtenir un systeme a conjugaison de phase soit le melange degenere a quatre ondes ou toutes les frequences d'irradiation sont egales (holographie en temps reel), des variantes sont possibles, qui utilisent le melange non degenere a quatre ondes (plusieurs frequences incidentes) multiresonnant. Des phenomenes induits par des coherences a deux photons ont ainsi pu etre observes, qui laissent presager la possibilite d'obtenir de fortes efficacites, grâce a un mecanisme de compensation entre effet Stark et effet Doppler. -Observation d'une oscillation conjugu...

While meteorological numerical models extend upward to the mesopause, mesospheric observations ar... more While meteorological numerical models extend upward to the mesopause, mesospheric observations are required for leading simulations and numerical weather forecasts and climate projections. This work reviews some of the challenges about temperature observation requirements and the limiting factors of the actual measurements associated with atmospheric tides. A new strategy is described here using the limb scattering technique based on previous experiments in space. Such observations can be placed on board cube-satellites. Technical issues are the large dynamic range (4 magnitudes) required for the measurements, the accuracy of the limb pointing and the level of stray light. The technique described here will expect accuracy of 1-2 K with a vertical resolution of 1-2 km. A constellation of 100 platforms could provide temperature observations with space (100 km) and time resolution (3 hours) recommended by the World Organization Meteorology, while tidal issues could be resolved with a m...
Since 2010 Onera works on the characterization of the nightglow radiation for night-vision applic... more Since 2010 Onera works on the characterization of the nightglow radiation for night-vision applications in moonless conditions. This radiation is mainly due to the deexcitation of hydroxyl molecules in the upper atmosphere (~87km). It is present in the visible range and reaches its maximum value in the short wavelength infrared bands between 1.4 and 1.8μm (Meinel bands). Although few energy reaches the ground, this radiation is emitted over the whole sky and therefore may be an interesting additional light source for night vision systems in moonless or cloudy sky conditions. Moreover, observation of the nocturnal sky in the short wave infrared band gives access to dynamic processes studies, these processes perturbing emission of radiation. In this paper, we present works carried out at Onera about observation and modelling of nightglow radiation.

We are interested in the infrared radiative modelling of wind-roughened Gaussian sea for surface ... more We are interested in the infrared radiative modelling of wind-roughened Gaussian sea for surface length from one meter to several kilometers. For the considered spectral bandwidth, the relations beween geometrical optics and global optical properties are already known for centered Gaussian sea surface. In our case, for resolutions under sea correlation length, processes have non-zero mean value and literature's expressions are incomplete. Thus, we extend them to account for any surface length. Hiding and shadowing are included. Only single reflections are treated. The numerical method requires the mean vector-valued and covariance matrix of slopes processes for any resolution. To estimate those parameters, a new two-scale method is introduced, combining statistical approach with geometrical surface generation: the "variable step method". Finally, illustrations show our ability to produce good quality ocean scenes in various contextual conditions.

The mesospheric nightglow in the infrared region corresponds to the emission lines photochemicall... more The mesospheric nightglow in the infrared region corresponds to the emission lines photochemically produced by OH radicals, O 2 and atomic oxygen. We develop a model with the intention to reproduce the climatology of the OH nightglow and perform comparisons with observational data. 25 species and more than 80 reactions are used describing most of the atmospheric chemical processes but also the photolysis of a few molecules. The different excited vibrational levels of OH are taken into consideration, as well as the excited state of O 2 . A broad wavelength range with various widths allows an accurate expression of the photolysis coefficients. The first step is to validate a 0D photochemical model with most of the kinetic reactions updated. Sensitivity tests are performed to appreciate the importance of specific reactions. We also observe the nightglow response to density variations. A spectrum of the OH nightglow is developed using the concentrations calculated and is exploited to es...
Proceedings of SPIE- …, 2009
The SE-WORKBENCH workshop, also called CHORALE (French acceptation for simulated Optronic Acoust... more The SE-WORKBENCH workshop, also called CHORALE (French acceptation for simulated Optronic Acoustic Radar battlefield) is used by the French DGA (MoD) and several other Defense organizations and companies all around the World to perform multi-sensors simulations. ...
Proceedings of …, 2003
In this paper we present MATISSE 1.1 a new background scene generator, whose goal is to compute s... more In this paper we present MATISSE 1.1 a new background scene generator, whose goal is to compute spectral or integrated radiance images of natural background, as well as the transmission of a hot gas signature.The spectral bandwidth for this version of the code is from 750 to ...

Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate
A mesospheric model of the airglow emission is developed to recover the night variations observed... more A mesospheric model of the airglow emission is developed to recover the night variations observed at ground level. The model is based on a 1D vertical photochemical model, including the photodissociation and heating processes. The spectral radiation is calculated at high altitude and propagated through the atmosphere to the ground. We also include short scale vertical dynamic such as turbulences and the molecular diffusion. Simulations reveal realistic emissions when compared with space observations. In addition, we estimate the impact of changes associated with parameterized atmospheric tides. The comparison with observations is performed over high altitude and ground level. We confront the model outputs at high altitude with satellite observations (SABER and GOMOS) and the simulations propagated at ground level are compared to local measurements campaigns performed in France and India. Biases between observed and simulated radiances and volume emission rates are suspected to be du...

Advances in Space Research
In the frame of the European H2020 project ARISE, a short wave infrared (SWIR) InGaAs camera has ... more In the frame of the European H2020 project ARISE, a short wave infrared (SWIR) InGaAs camera has been operated at the Haute-Provence Observatory, during a night that corresponds to the peak of Geminid meteor shower to investigate infrasound associated with meteor arrivals. This camera allows continuous observations during clear-sky nighttime of the OH airglow layer centered at 87 km. These observations were collocated with Rayleigh lidar measurements providing vertical temperature profiles from the lower stratosphere to the altitude of the OH layer around the mesopause. Spectral analysis of OH images did not allow to detect infrasound associated with meteor trails, however it reveals a peak corresponding to infrasound signals in the frequency band of those produced by ocean swell. Infrasound wave activity observed from ground-based microbarometers as well as the OH camera, appear to be modified with the presence of a temperature inversion described by Rayleigh lidar. Indeed, there is a difference in energy related to infrasonic activity between the first part of the night during the temperature inversion and after the inversion.

Proceedings of the 18th Conference on Proceedings of the 18th Iasted International Conference Modelling and Simulation, May 30, 2007
We are interested in the infrared radiative modelling of wind-roughened Gaussian sea for surface ... more We are interested in the infrared radiative modelling of wind-roughened Gaussian sea for surface length from one meter to several kilometers. For the considered spectral bandwidth, the relations beween geometrical optics and global optical properties are already known for centered Gaussian sea surface. In our case, for resolutions under sea correlation length, processes have non-zero mean value and literature's expressions are incomplete. Thus, we extend them to account for any surface length. Hiding and shadowing are included. Only single reflections are treated. The numerical method requires the mean vectorvalued and covariance matrix of slopes processes for any resolution. To estimate those parameters, a new two-scale method is introduced, combining statistical approach with geometrical surface generation : the "variable step method". Finally, illustrations show our ability to produce good quality ocean scenes in various contextual conditions.
Proceedings of Spie the International Society For Optical Engineering, Oct 1, 2010
MATISSE which acronym means Advanced Modeling of the Earth for Environment and Scenes Simulation ... more MATISSE which acronym means Advanced Modeling of the Earth for Environment and Scenes Simulation is an infrared background scene generator developed by Onera since the mid 1990'. MATISSE main goal is to compute radiance images of natural backgrounds and ...
One knows that in three-level saturation spectroscopy the signal is generally related both to a p... more One knows that in three-level saturation spectroscopy the signal is generally related both to a population change process, induced by the saturating beam, and to a coherent process-two-photon or Raman coherence-induced by the simultaneous interaction of the saturating and probe fields. If the saturating beam couples two unpopulated states (transparent transition), a signal is still observable which originates solely from the coherent process. Such a situation is quite attractive as the signal does not saturate when increasing the saturating beam intensity. Indeed, the Doppler effect and the ae Stark shift partially compensate.
Remote Sensing of the Ocean, Sea Ice, and Large Water Regions 2008, 2008
An analytical sea surface optical properties model in the infrared band is described. It allows t... more An analytical sea surface optical properties model in the infrared band is described. It allows the introduction of multiresolution in the simulated field-of-view answering the need in computed images including any observational configurations. It is valid for fully-developed seas, includes shadowing and hiding functions but not breaking and foam nor multiple reflections. For the model validation purposes, the MIRAMER field campaign took place in the Mediterranean sea during May 2008, both ground-based and on board an oceanographic ship. Radiometric datasets along with the associated environmental measurements have been collected in various environmental and observation conditions. First campaign results are presented in this paper.
Infrared Technology and Applications XXXVIII, 2012
Infrared Imaging Systems: Design, Analysis, Modeling, and Testing XXII, 2011
MATISSE (Advanced Modeling of the Earth for Environment and Scenes Simulation) is an infrared bac... more MATISSE (Advanced Modeling of the Earth for Environment and Scenes Simulation) is an infrared background scene generator developed for computing natural background spectral radiance images. The code also provides atmospheric radiatives quantities along lines of sight. Spectral bandwidth ranges from 0.4 to 14 mum. Natural backgrounds include atmosphere, sea, land and high and low altitude clouds. The new version MATISSE-v2.0,

MATISSE which acronym means Advanced Modeling of the Earth for Environment and Scenes Simulation ... more MATISSE which acronym means Advanced Modeling of the Earth for Environment and Scenes Simulation is an infrared background scene generator developed by Onera since the mid 1990'. MATISSE main goal is to compute radiance images of natural backgrounds and radiative quantities such as local illumination, spectral transmission, and spectral radiance along lines of sight. The new version MATISSE-v2.0 has been completed during the first quarter of 2010 and the public version is going to be released in few weeks. This latest version uses a multi resolution spatial scheme in order to treat the natural backgrounds with spatial footprint from kilometre sizes (satellite viewing) down to metric sizes. Up to now, this spatial scheme has been used in order to generate infrared images of sea surface. The new sea surface model (water waves and surface optical properties) has been partially validated by using a specific Mediterranean campaign. MATISSE-v2.0 is also accompanied with a new set of G...

Infrared Imaging Systems: Design, Analysis, Modeling, and Testing XX, 2009
The SE-WORKBENCH workshop, also called CHORALE (French acceptation for "simulated Optronic Acoust... more The SE-WORKBENCH workshop, also called CHORALE (French acceptation for "simulated Optronic Acoustic Radar battlefield") is used by the French DGA (MoD) and several other Defense organizations and companies all around the World to perform multi-sensors simulations. CHORALE enables the user to create virtual and realistic multi spectral 3D scenes that may contain several types of target, and then generate the physical signal received by a sensor, typically an IR sensor. The SE-WORKBENCH can be used either as a collection of software modules through dedicated GUIs or as an API made of a large number of specialized toolkits. The SE-WORKBENCH is made of several functional block: one for geometrically and physically modeling the terrain and the targets, one for building the simulation scenario and one for rendering the synthetic environment, both in real and non real time. Among the modules that the modeling block is composed of, SE-ATMOSPHERE is used to simulate the atmospheric conditions of a Synthetic Environment and then to integrate the impact of these conditions on a scene. This software product generates an exploitable physical atmosphere by the SE WORKBENCH tools generating spectral images. It relies on several external radiative transfer models such as MODTRAN V4.2 in the current version. MATISSE [4,5] is a background scene generator developed for the computation of natural background spectral radiance images and useful atmospheric radiative quantities (radiance and transmission along a line of sight, local illumination, solar irradiance …). Backgrounds include atmosphere, low and high altitude clouds, sea and land. A particular characteristic of the code is its ability to take into account atmospheric spatial variability (temperatures, mixing ratio, etc) along each line of sight. An Application Programming Interface (API) is included to facilitate its use in conjunction with external codes. MATISSE is currently considered as a new external radiative transfer model to be integrated in SE-ATMOSPHERE as a complement to MODTRAN. Compared to the latter which is used as a whole MATISSE can be used step by step and modularly as an API: this can avoid to pre compute large atmospheric parameters tables as it is done currently with MODTRAN. The use of MATISSE will also enable a real coupling between the ray tracing process of the SE-WORKBENCH and the radiative transfer model of MATISSE. This will lead to the improvement of the link between a general atmospheric model and a specific 3D terrain. The paper will demonstrate the advantages for the SE WORKEBNCH of using MATISSE as a new atmospheric code, but also for computing the radiative properties of the sea surface.
Papers by Pierre Simoneau