Journal Papers by Pier Renato TRINCHERINI

Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 2020
In this article, we study the provenance of the lead contained in 22 objects found in the excavat... more In this article, we study the provenance of the lead contained in 22 objects found in the excavations conducted since 1998 on the ancient site of Ilduro (Cabrera de Mar, Barcelona), located in the northeast of the Iberian Peninsula. A selection of 12 bronze coins and 10 lead objects recovered from households, workshops, and the public baths of the town were examined by means of Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometry (TIMS) to document the lead supply and trade networks between, on the one hand, the indigenous peoples known in the classical sources as the Laeetani and, on the other, the Roman provincial administration and the societates that controlled the natural resources, their exploitation, and distribution during the Late Republic (second-first centuries B.C.E.). There is no doubt about Rome's dependence on the considerable output of the lead and silver from Hispanic mines during this period; however, very little is known on how these mines supplied and affected the lives of the local communities in Hispania over the course of time. This study helps to cover this gap in the existing literature. The results show how all the coins have lead isotope ratios with homogeneous values compatible with an origin in the Spanish mining district of Cartagena-Mazarrón. The isotopic composition of the 10 lead objects is not homogeneous, and it is possible to identify three distinct clusters. The samples in cluster 3, which include all the artifacts from the bath complex, can also be attributed to the mining districts of Cartagena-Mazarrón, demonstrating that a single mining district supplied the lead required for these two specific initiatives: minting and the construction of the baths. However, the provenance of the lead in the remaining samples (workshops and households) remains unresolved and in some cases might be a consequence of remelting or the direct mixing of leads with different origins. The data from Ilduro points towards the existence of different lead supply patterns in the settlement: directly from the mining exploitations for the public enterprises in contrast to the recycling and mixing practices detected in households and workshops.
Papers by Pier Renato TRINCHERINI

Atmospheric Environment, 2006
The potential of the voltammetry method was examined for the determination of heavy metals in amb... more The potential of the voltammetry method was examined for the determination of heavy metals in ambient air particulate matter (PM 10) on quartz filter. Cd, Pb, Cu, Zn, As were determined by anodic stripping voltammetry while adsorptive stripping voltammetry was used for the analysis of Ni. The method detection limit of these metals were 9.3, 0.1, 0.8, 0.3, 0.4, 0.1 ng m À3 for Zn, Cd, Pb, Cu, Ni and As, respectively. In addition, the analysis of a Certified Reference Material NIST 1648, yielded recoveries between 92% and 103%. Consequently, both the detection limit and recovery of the voltammetric method satisfy the requirements of the European Standard for the analyses of heavy metals in PM 10 (EN 14902). A comparison of the inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) and voltammetry method on the NIST 1648 and PM 10 filters showed the differences between them remained well within the level of uncertainty on the NIST 1648 requested by European Directives for heavy metals (25% for Pb and 40% for As, Cd and Ni, respectively). In addition to its compliance with legislations, the voltammetry method benefits from low investment cost and the potential of complete automation. As such, one may expect voltammetry to provide a reliable alternative to the European laboratories in charge of ambient air monitoring at the time when the European Directives require to measure heavy metals in PM 10 on a regularly basis.
European Food Research and Technology, 2016
Today, food traceability needs to develop suitable “robust” analytical methods, in terms of the p... more Today, food traceability needs to develop suitable “robust” analytical methods, in terms of the precision and of the reliability of results, which can support modern legislative tools, aimed at guaranteeing food authenticity and origin and trying to avoid possible frauds. This review paper highlights the most recent results obtained with the use of the 87Sr/86Sr isotopic ratio technique, when applied to the traceability of the origin of different foods for human consumption, such as vegetables, beverages, dairy products, and meat and fish products. The instrumental techniques, with the relative methodologies and the quality of the final results, will be examined and commented.
Food Chemistry, 2014
Thermal Ionisation Mass Spectrometry (TIMS) was applied to discriminate a total of 118 tomato sam... more Thermal Ionisation Mass Spectrometry (TIMS) was applied to discriminate a total of 118 tomato samples (berries, ''passata'', tinned tomatoes, sauce, double and triple concentrate) coming from two different countries. The TIMS technique gave significantly different results for the 87 Sr/ 86 Sr ratios and d‰ values between Chinese and Italian tomato samples, irrespective of the treatment type. This technique proved to be a ''robust'' method, suitable for a precise discrimination of the two geographical origins. TIMS was able, within the Italian samples, to discriminate different geographical production areas, by virtue of different 87 Sr/ 86 Sr ratios and d‰ values. This technique could be employed in the field of food safety and quality, as a profitable tool for authenticating tomato geographical origin.
Coin finds in Pompeii are characterised by a large amount of specimens from Ebusus e Massalia and... more Coin finds in Pompeii are characterised by a large amount of specimens from Ebusus e Massalia and by Campanian coins that imitate the types of those foreign productions. Using mass spectrometry it was possible to get information useful to understand in a better way the differences between original issue and imitations; furthermore this study highlighted socio-economic reasons: on one hand, the arrival of a great deal of Ebusitan and Massalian coins in the ancient city, on the other, the need to mint imitation coins in ager vesuvianus. Data about the supply of different metals used to obtain alloys were identified and -also thanks to historical reflection- it can be considered important to discover connections between Ebusitan coinage and the people that introduced those foreign specimens and the Campanian imitations
Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 2021
Lead isotope compositions were determined for 18 metal objects from the archaeological site of Sa... more Lead isotope compositions were determined for 18 metal objects from the archaeological site of Sant’Imbenia, NW Sardinia, dating to the end of the ninth century BCE onwards. The provenance of some objects is unambiguously traced to SW Sardinia; other objects could derive either from central Sardinia or the Iberian coastal ranges. The variety of the provenances attests to a wide trade network that spanned the entire island of Sardinia and extended to the Iberian sites.

Arxiv preprint physics/ …, 2006
Mots-clés Comacchio, épave, lingots, plomb, isotopes du plomb, Carthago Noua, époque romaine, Esp... more Mots-clés Comacchio, épave, lingots, plomb, isotopes du plomb, Carthago Noua, époque romaine, Espagne, mines, production, commerce Comacchio, pecio, lingotes, plomo, isotopos del plomo, Carthago Noua, época romana, España, minas, pruducción, comercio. Résumés Jusqu'ici, le provenance des 102 lingots de plomb découverts en 1981 dans une épave à Comacchio (Ferrara, Italie), dans le delta du Pô, était incertaine et faisait l'objet d'hypothèses diverses. Récemment, la signature isotopique du plomb de vingt de ces lingots, représentatifs de l'ensemble du lot, a été déterminée au laboratoire du JRC de la Commission Européenne, à Ispra (Italie). L'examen des résultats de ces analyses suggère avec une très forte probabilité les mines de Carthagène-Mazarrón ou celles de la Sierra Almagrera, dans le sud-est de l'Espagne, comme lieu d'origine de ces lingots. La lecture ici proposée des timbres imprimés sur les lingots semble renforcer la première de ces deux provenances possibles, puisqu'on croit pouvoir identifier, entre autres noms, ceux de familles minières de Carthago Noua connues dans la première moitié du I er siècle avant J.-C.. Un autre timbre renferme le nom d'Agrippa, vraisemblablement le gendre d'Auguste. Le terminus ante quem des lingots serait alors 12 avant J.-C. et leur date se situerait entre-19 et-12. Le rôle des différents personnages mentionnés par les timbres est examiné dans une optique commerciale. Enfin on tente d'expliquer la présence de ce lot de lingots dans l'Adriatique-nord et de reconstituer l'itinéraire qu'ils ont suivi.
Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 2021

This research follows the variations in calcium and 14 trace metal concentrations in mussel shell... more This research follows the variations in calcium and 14 trace metal concentrations in mussel shells (Unio pictorum) from two lakes with different trophic levels, Lake Levico and Lake Caldonazzo (Northern Italy) from 1934 to 2001. During this period, the concentration of 11 trace metals increased and that of 3 decreased in the shells from Lake Levico, while the shells from Lake Caldonazzo showed an increase in the concentration of 6 metals, a decrease in 6 and no variation in 2. In both the lakes the concentration increases were far greater than the concentration decreases. In 1934 as well as in 2001 the metal concentrations in the shells from Lake Levico were higher than those from Lake Caldonazzo, although the concentrations of the most abundant metals in the filtered water of the latter lake were higher than those found in the water from Lake Levico. This apparent anomaly, also observed in an earlier study on the same species in 12 lakes, seems to be the combined effect of several ...

Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences
In this article, we study the provenance of the lead contained in 22 objects found in the excavat... more In this article, we study the provenance of the lead contained in 22 objects found in the excavations conducted since 1998 on the ancient site of Ilduro (Cabrera de Mar, Barcelona), located in the northeast of the Iberian Peninsula. A selection of 12 bronze coins and 10 lead objects recovered from households, workshops, and the public baths of the town were examined by means of Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometry (TIMS) to document the lead supply and trade networks between, on the one hand, the indigenous peoples known in the classical sources as the Laeetani and, on the other, the Roman provincial administration and the societates that controlled the natural resources, their exploitation, and distribution during the Late Republic (second-first centuries B.C.E.). There is no doubt about Rome's dependence on the considerable output of the lead and silver from Hispanic mines during this period; however, very little is known on how these mines supplied and affected the lives of the local communities in Hispania over the course of time. This study helps to cover this gap in the existing literature. The results show how all the coins have lead isotope ratios with homogeneous values compatible with an origin in the Spanish mining district of Cartagena-Mazarrón. The isotopic composition of the 10 lead objects is not homogeneous, and it is possible to identify three distinct clusters. The samples in cluster 3, which include all the artifacts from the bath complex, can also be attributed to the mining districts of Cartagena-Mazarrón, demonstrating that a single mining district supplied the lead required for these two specific initiatives: minting and the construction of the baths. However, the provenance of the lead in the remaining samples (workshops and households) remains unresolved and in some cases might be a consequence of remelting or the direct mixing of leads with different origins. The data from Ilduro points towards the existence of different lead supply patterns in the settlement: directly from the mining exploitations for the public enterprises in contrast to the recycling and mixing practices detected in households and workshops.

Journal of Limnology, 2005
This research follows the variations in calcium and 14 trace metal concentrations in mussel shell... more This research follows the variations in calcium and 14 trace metal concentrations in mussel shells (Unio pictorum) from two lakes with different trophic levels, Lake Levico and Lake Caldonazzo (Northern Italy) from 1934 to 2001. During this period, the concentration of 11 trace metals increased and that of 3 decreased in the shells from Lake Levico, while the shells from Lake Caldonazzo showed an increase in the concentration of 6 metals, a decrease in 6 and no variation in 2. In both the lakes the concentration increases were far greater than the concentration decreases. In 1934 as well as in 2001 the metal concentrations in the shells from Lake Levico were higher than those from Lake Caldonazzo, although the concentrations of the most abundant metals in the filtered water of the latter lake were higher than those found in the water from Lake Levico. This apparent anomaly, also observed in an earlier study on the same species in 12 lakes, seems to be the combined effect of several causes (e.g. trophic level of the environment, metal concentration in the food), among which metal speciation in the water is probably one of the most important.

Journal of Limnology, 2007
Samples of Unio pictorum mancus collected monthly from spring 2003 to summer 2004 in the meso-oli... more Samples of Unio pictorum mancus collected monthly from spring 2003 to summer 2004 in the meso-oligotrophic Lake Maggiore and the eutrophic Lake Candia were compared to evaluate the influence of lake trophic conditions on mussel populations. Shell form, maximum age (8 years) and percentage of organic matter in the shell and soft tissues were similar in both lakes. However, comparisons between same size classes revealed that mussels from Lake Maggiore were generally older, their shells heavier and their soft tissues lighter than those from Lake Candia. Recruitment occurred in both populations in June-July. The frequency distributions of adult mussels (>30 mm) and their soft tissues and shell biomasses in all size classes (range = 2 mm) were normal, but the curves of the mussels from Lake Candia were flat in comparison to those of mussels from Lake Maggiore. The median body size of Lake Maggiore mussels was 58 mm, while that of the Lake Candia population was 72 mm. During the study period the population density of each lake was fairly constant, whereas the population structure, and consequently the biomass, showed seasonal variations. The greatest differences were found between population density and shell and tissue biomass of the two populations, which were respectively in Lake Candia. These values testify to the phenotypical plasticity of Unio pictorum mancus in relation to environmental characteristics, without excluding a possible genetic influence as a result of geographical isolation and the respective selection mechanisms. The influence exerted by the lake trophic level and by the physical environment on some population characteristics is discussed.

Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences
In this article, we study the provenance of the lead contained in 22 objects found in the excavat... more In this article, we study the provenance of the lead contained in 22 objects found in the excavations conducted since 1998 on the ancient site of Ilduro (Cabrera de Mar, Barcelona), located in the northeast of the Iberian Peninsula. A selection of 12 bronze coins and 10 lead objects recovered from households, workshops, and the public baths of the town were examined by means of Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometry (TIMS) to document the lead supply and trade networks between, on the one hand, the indigenous peoples known in the classical sources as the Laeetani and, on the other, the Roman provincial administration and the societates that controlled the natural resources, their exploitation, and distribution during the Late Republic (second-first centuries B.C.E.). There is no doubt about Rome's dependence on the considerable output of the lead and silver from Hispanic mines during this period; however, very little is known on how these mines supplied and affected the lives of the local communities in Hispania over the course of time. This study helps to cover this gap in the existing literature. The results show how all the coins have lead isotope ratios with homogeneous values compatible with an origin in the Spanish mining district of Cartagena-Mazarrón. The isotopic composition of the 10 lead objects is not homogeneous, and it is possible to identify three distinct clusters. The samples in cluster 3, which include all the artifacts from the bath complex, can also be attributed to the mining districts of Cartagena-Mazarrón, demonstrating that a single mining district supplied the lead required for these two specific initiatives: minting and the construction of the baths. However, the provenance of the lead in the remaining samples (workshops and households) remains unresolved and in some cases might be a consequence of remelting or the direct mixing of leads with different origins. The data from Ilduro points towards the existence of different lead supply patterns in the settlement: directly from the mining exploitations for the public enterprises in contrast to the recycling and mixing practices detected in households and workshops.

Journal of Limnology, 2005
This research follows the variations in calcium and 14 trace metal concentrations in mussel shell... more This research follows the variations in calcium and 14 trace metal concentrations in mussel shells (Unio pictorum) from two lakes with different trophic levels, Lake Levico and Lake Caldonazzo (Northern Italy) from 1934 to 2001. During this period, the concentration of 11 trace metals increased and that of 3 decreased in the shells from Lake Levico, while the shells from Lake Caldonazzo showed an increase in the concentration of 6 metals, a decrease in 6 and no variation in 2. In both the lakes the concentration increases were far greater than the concentration decreases. In 1934 as well as in 2001 the metal concentrations in the shells from Lake Levico were higher than those from Lake Caldonazzo, although the concentrations of the most abundant metals in the filtered water of the latter lake were higher than those found in the water from Lake Levico. This apparent anomaly, also observed in an earlier study on the same species in 12 lakes, seems to be the combined effect of several causes (e.g. trophic level of the environment, metal concentration in the food), among which metal speciation in the water is probably one of the most important.

Journal of Limnology, 2007
Samples of Unio pictorum mancus collected monthly from spring 2003 to summer 2004 in the meso-oli... more Samples of Unio pictorum mancus collected monthly from spring 2003 to summer 2004 in the meso-oligotrophic Lake Maggiore and the eutrophic Lake Candia were compared to evaluate the influence of lake trophic conditions on mussel populations. Shell form, maximum age (8 years) and percentage of organic matter in the shell and soft tissues were similar in both lakes. However, comparisons between same size classes revealed that mussels from Lake Maggiore were generally older, their shells heavier and their soft tissues lighter than those from Lake Candia. Recruitment occurred in both populations in June-July. The frequency distributions of adult mussels (>30 mm) and their soft tissues and shell biomasses in all size classes (range = 2 mm) were normal, but the curves of the mussels from Lake Candia were flat in comparison to those of mussels from Lake Maggiore. The median body size of Lake Maggiore mussels was 58 mm, while that of the Lake Candia population was 72 mm. During the study period the population density of each lake was fairly constant, whereas the population structure, and consequently the biomass, showed seasonal variations. The greatest differences were found between population density and shell and tissue biomass of the two populations, which were respectively in Lake Candia. These values testify to the phenotypical plasticity of Unio pictorum mancus in relation to environmental characteristics, without excluding a possible genetic influence as a result of geographical isolation and the respective selection mechanisms. The influence exerted by the lake trophic level and by the physical environment on some population characteristics is discussed.

Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences
In this article, we study the provenance of the lead contained in 22 objects found in the excavat... more In this article, we study the provenance of the lead contained in 22 objects found in the excavations conducted since 1998 on the ancient site of Ilduro (Cabrera de Mar, Barcelona), located in the northeast of the Iberian Peninsula. A selection of 12 bronze coins and 10 lead objects recovered from households, workshops, and the public baths of the town were examined by means of Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometry (TIMS) to document the lead supply and trade networks between, on the one hand, the indigenous peoples known in the classical sources as the Laeetani and, on the other, the Roman provincial administration and the societates that controlled the natural resources, their exploitation, and distribution during the Late Republic (second-first centuries B.C.E.). There is no doubt about Rome's dependence on the considerable output of the lead and silver from Hispanic mines during this period; however, very little is known on how these mines supplied and affected the lives of the local communities in Hispania over the course of time. This study helps to cover this gap in the existing literature. The results show how all the coins have lead isotope ratios with homogeneous values compatible with an origin in the Spanish mining district of Cartagena-Mazarrón. The isotopic composition of the 10 lead objects is not homogeneous, and it is possible to identify three distinct clusters. The samples in cluster 3, which include all the artifacts from the bath complex, can also be attributed to the mining districts of Cartagena-Mazarrón, demonstrating that a single mining district supplied the lead required for these two specific initiatives: minting and the construction of the baths. However, the provenance of the lead in the remaining samples (workshops and households) remains unresolved and in some cases might be a consequence of remelting or the direct mixing of leads with different origins. The data from Ilduro points towards the existence of different lead supply patterns in the settlement: directly from the mining exploitations for the public enterprises in contrast to the recycling and mixing practices detected in households and workshops.

Journal of Limnology, 2005
This research follows the variations in calcium and 14 trace metal concentrations in mussel shell... more This research follows the variations in calcium and 14 trace metal concentrations in mussel shells (Unio pictorum) from two lakes with different trophic levels, Lake Levico and Lake Caldonazzo (Northern Italy) from 1934 to 2001. During this period, the concentration of 11 trace metals increased and that of 3 decreased in the shells from Lake Levico, while the shells from Lake Caldonazzo showed an increase in the concentration of 6 metals, a decrease in 6 and no variation in 2. In both the lakes the concentration increases were far greater than the concentration decreases. In 1934 as well as in 2001 the metal concentrations in the shells from Lake Levico were higher than those from Lake Caldonazzo, although the concentrations of the most abundant metals in the filtered water of the latter lake were higher than those found in the water from Lake Levico. This apparent anomaly, also observed in an earlier study on the same species in 12 lakes, seems to be the combined effect of several causes (e.g. trophic level of the environment, metal concentration in the food), among which metal speciation in the water is probably one of the most important.
Journal Papers by Pier Renato TRINCHERINI
Papers by Pier Renato TRINCHERINI