Papers by Pier Luigi Novi Inverardi

arXiv (Cornell University), 2023
We summarize significant classical results on (in)determinacy of measures in terms of their finit... more We summarize significant classical results on (in)determinacy of measures in terms of their finite positive integer order moments. Well-known is the role of the smallest eigenvalues of Hankel matrices, starting from Hamburger's results a century ago and ending with the great progress made only in recent times by C. Berg and collaborators. We describe here known results containing necessary and sufficient conditions for moment (in)determinacy in both Hamburger and Stieltjes moment problems. In our exposition we follow an approach different from that commonly used. There are novelties well complementing the existing theory. Among them are: (a) to emphasize on the geometric interpretation of the indeterminacy conditions; (b) exploit fine properties of the eigenvalues of perturbed symmetric matrices allowing to derive new lower bounds for the smallest eigenvalues of Hankel matrices; these bounds are used for concluding indeterminacy; (c) provide new arguments to confirm classical results; (d) give new numerical illustrations involving commonly used probability distributions.
Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, Oct 28, 2022
Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics
Humanistic Management and Sustainable Tourism, 2021
Sinergie Italian Journal of Management, 2011
The first part of the paper presents the principal contributions to the literature regarding tour... more The first part of the paper presents the principal contributions to the literature regarding tourist consumer behaviour, specifically noting fundamental phases during which tourists define their needs and translate them into purchased vacations. The paper then outlines the results of the research project conducted in the Dolomite region, where 5.000 online questionnaires were administered during the summer 2001 season and the winter 2001/2002 season. The research focused on an analysis of behavioural models and decision-making profiles of tourists who choose the Dolomites as a holiday destination. After an analysis of the data, we compare the model that emerged from this project with others that have been put forth in the literature. Some guidelines are then suggested to improve the image of the Dolomites as a tourist destination.
Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2003, 2003
Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2004, 2004
... Please update your bookmarks. Progetto di ricerca del gruppo e-Tourism. ... Abstract: Risulta... more ... Please update your bookmarks. Progetto di ricerca del gruppo e-Tourism. ... Abstract: Risultati del Terzo anno - Area di ricerca 2 Analisi dell'organizzazione dell'offerta turistica e ruolo delle ICT nello sviluppo delle relazioni tra attori e con il mercato. Date: 2004-11. ...

Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, 2003
ABSTRACT The present paper is motivated by the work of Kozachenko and Leonenko (Kozachenko, L. F.... more ABSTRACT The present paper is motivated by the work of Kozachenko and Leonenko (Kozachenko, L. F., Leonenko, N. N. (1987). On statistical estimation of entropy of random vector. Problems Infor. Transmiss. 23:9–16) where a new estimator of entropy is proposed. Here we reformulate it in terms of spacings of order m and we compare the mean square error (MSE) of the reformulated estimator with those of three alternative competitors, introduced in literature by Vasicek (Vasicek, O. (1976). A test of normality based on sample entropy. J. Roy. Stat. Soc., Ser. B 38:254–256), and more recently by van Es (van Es, B. (1992). Estimating functionals related to a density by class of statistics based on spacing. Scand. J. Statist. 19:61–72) and Correa (Correa, J. C. (1995). A new estimator of entropy. Commun. Statist.—TheoryMeth. 24:2439–2449), respectively.
Una metodologia per lo studio del comportamento del turista, 2006
Electronic Journal of Applied Statistical Analysis, 2020
The paper investigates the use of a finite mixture model with an additional uniform density fo... more The paper investigates the use of a finite mixture model with an additional uniform density for outlier detection and robust estimation. The main contribution of this paper lies in the analysis of the properties of the improper component and the introduction of a modified EM algorithm which, beyond providing the maximum likelihood estimates of the mixture parameters, endogenously provides a numerical value for the density of the uniform distribution used for the improper component. The mixing proportion of outliers may be known or unknown. Applications to robust estimation and outlier detection will be discussed with particular attention to the normal mixture case.
In recent years the scientific community has focused on the study of tourist destinations from a ... more In recent years the scientific community has focused on the study of tourist destinations from a strategic-managerial perspective. Questions remain, however, regarding who can manage the destination as a system and facilitate coordination among local operators. In the light of a research conducted in the Dolomites (an Italian alpine region) this paper seeks to define some possible strategies for destination marketing by Regional Tourist Boards (RTBs) with a view to identifying the characteristics associated with an integrated tourist destination.
Mathematics, 2020
A characterizing property of Zenga (1984) inequality curve is exploited in order to develop an es... more A characterizing property of Zenga (1984) inequality curve is exploited in order to develop an estimator for the extreme value index of a distribution with regularly varying tail. The approach proposed here has a nice graphical interpretation which provides a powerful method for the analysis of the tail of a distribution. The properties of the proposed estimation strategy are analysed theoretically and by means of simulations. The usefulness of the method will be tested also on real data sets.
The Journal of Operational Risk, 2013
AIP Conference Proceedings, 2006

Questo studio prende l'avvio da un'iniziativa di ricerca il cui obiettivo consisteva nell... more Questo studio prende l'avvio da un'iniziativa di ricerca il cui obiettivo consisteva nella costruzione di un indice sintetico di dipendenza dell'anziano dalla struttura in cui � ospitato, veloce da calcolare e a basso costo. La variabile fondamentale usata nell'analisi � la quantit� di tempo giornaliero dedicato dall'Operatore Socio Assistenziale al singolo ospite della Casa di Riposo, scomposta in dieci attivit� elementari e rilevate per fasce orarie. Dalle osservazioni campionarie si � proceduto a stimare un modello di ANOVA che � risultato avere una percentuale di adattamento di oltre il 90 per cento. Il conseguente indicatore di iso-dipendenza proposto, oltre alla semplicit� di calcolo, ha il vantaggio di poter essere impiegato a diversi livelli di dettaglio territoriale permettendo la comparazione di pi� Case di Riposo o di diverse sotto-strutture componenti la medesima unit� (reparti, piani ecc) rispetto alla composizione della dipendenza.
Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2006
Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2005
The economic literature has clearly shown the potential of the introduction of the ICTs in the ma... more The economic literature has clearly shown the potential of the introduction of the ICTs in the management of the firms, starting from the seminal research of the MIT in the Ninetines. The question is if small tourist businesses have used correctly and widely the new technologies, gaining competitive advantages and improving their market results. The paper presents the results of a field research on this topic, managed by the eTourism Research Group in the territory of the Alps, where the tourist offering is based on small-or micro-businesses. The analysis allows to identify both positive and negative results, highlighting some lacks in the use of the Web by the SMTEs and suggesting some areas of improvement.
Questo studio prende l'avvio da un'iniziativa di ricerca il cui obiettivo consisteva nell... more Questo studio prende l'avvio da un'iniziativa di ricerca il cui obiettivo consisteva nella costruzione di un indice sintetico di dipendenza dell'anziano dalla struttura in cui è ospitato, veloce da calcolare e a basso costo. La variabile fondamentale usata nell'analisi è la quantità di tempo giornaliero dedicato dall'Operatore Socio Assistenziale al singolo ospite della Casa di Riposo, scomposta in dieci attività
ABSTRACT The objectives of this paper are to provide a schema of classification for business on t... more ABSTRACT The objectives of this paper are to provide a schema of classification for business on the web – named BM*Web - based on some parameters which are considered to have structural value and to validate it against a significant data set. Interesting results emerge from the statistical analysis, both in terms of original correspondences, and in terms of trend expectations which have then been borne out by actual developments in the online business world. These are particularly evident in the case of community-based businesses.
Papers by Pier Luigi Novi Inverardi