Le Dong Phuong
Dr. Phuong has spent the last 30 years looking at higher education issues!
Phone: +84+903293904
Address: Vietnam Institute of Education Sciences
106 Tran Hung Dao
Phone: +84+903293904
Address: Vietnam Institute of Education Sciences
106 Tran Hung Dao
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Papers by Le Dong Phuong
In Vietnam private education played an important role for a long time from the prehistoric period with educating activities in folklore. During the period of Chinese domination (111 BC to (938 AD) and the time of Feudal Independence (938-1884) the expansion of Buddhism and Confucianism in Viet Nam the education systems based on this ideology and religion began to come in the social life. These systems of education basically were private ones. During the time of French Colonialism (1884-1945) and after the country reunification in 1975, the public sector in education was dominated. Only after the Renovation (1986) in Viet Nam the non- public education is reopened and began to develop.
During less than 20 years (1998-2006), private education sector is developing strongly and contributing a lot to the national education. The statistical data and the survey conducted by the Project can show the achievement of this sector.
At present time the Vietnamese education policy makers intend to expand more the non-public sector in education considering its contributions and effectiveness. To facilitate this process it is recommended:
- Viet Nam should continue to improve the awareness of the society, to lay the philosophical base, to complete the legislative framework and the policies of non-public education, to make non-public education sector equal to the public one in the eyes of social communities and state managers
- The Vietnamese Government should provide more support for the non-public education sector in deferent aspects: land, funding from public budget for education, training of the staff and in international cooperation and so on.
Báo cáo đã đưa ra một số nhận xét và kiến nghị.
Bài viết này tập trung vào trình bày sự phát triển của giáo dục đại học Việt Nam qua các giai đoạn lịch sử. Đặc điểm của hệ thống giáo dục đại học được mô tả để phản ánh tính chất của nền giáo dục đại học trong mỗi thời kỳ. Thành tựu và khó khăn của giáo dục đại học trong những năm gần đây được phân tích từ yêu cầu của phát triển nền kinh tế và trong so sánh tương quan quốc tế để chỉ ra những hạn chế đối với giáo dục đại học Việt Nam hiện nay. Trên cơ sở đó bài viết đưa ra một số đề xuất ở tầm vĩ mô về phát triển giáo dục đại học.
This paper briefs the development of Vietnamese higher education in the past periods. The characteristics of the higher education system have been described in order to reflect the nature of the system in each period. This paper analyzes the achievements and the difficulties the Vietnamese higher education has to face now from the view of the national economy and in international comparison in order to point out the constraints of the system. Based on this analysis the paper outlines some macro-level policy options for the development of higher education in the coming years.
Đây là bài giảng đã được sử dụng tại HV Chính trị Quốc gia
The non-public institutions of higher education in Vietnam have a mixed characteristics, resulted from their ownership and styles of management imposed on them. After 13 years of development, they are still playing a peripheral role in the higher education landscape. The current unclear management system has also limited their freedom by intention. However they have made contributions to the system by extending choices for clients, increasing equity and efficacy in higher education. The new type of institutions has their own weaknesses and strengths, which shall be taken into account in designing of policies.
Experience from Japan, China, the Philippines, Thailand and USA shows that for-profit and non-profit character of private HEIs is a very complex issue. In the position of educational institutions, serving the education needs of people and development of the nation, the private universities and colleges should have non-profit character. But in the context of economic conditions of a poor country like Vietnam, where these institutions have to start off with very little financial and physical resources, with as good as none public funding for the training, research and service activities, these institutions should have ways to get benefits for both the institutions themselves and the investors. These additional benefits will help them to maintain and to develop further. In the short-run, some degree of for-profit nature will be good for the private HEIs in Vietnam, but in the longer term, there shall be legal measures to limit the degree of for-profit.
The lessons from privatization of public institutions in Thailand, where the real private institutions were put into shadow of privatized institutions, the experience of China in classification of private universities and colleges by their performance quality the experience of the Philippines in accreditation of higher education would be of great values for the administration of higher education in Vietnam. This is especially important when the public institutions are going to be privatized. A privatization of public institutions in Vietnam could create a two tier system of private HEIs, with the top one belonging to those new institutions with much endowment from the past ‘public’ character and the lower tier consists of ‘purely’ private institutions, without any support from the government.
Continuing the development in the past decades, higher education in Vietnam will grow in the years to come. The total enrolment in higher education could be up to 4 million in 2015. It is possible that the system of higher education will become a mass system. In this trend the public policies will have strong impacts on the private institutions. More liberal policies will lead to a faster growth in private sector, giving the students more choices, and relieving the public budget from a significant burden. The higher education system will also become more balanced between public and private. This is very important in consideration of increasing public expenditure for quality improvement in public HEIs. Liberalization of higher education policies also initiates other qualitative improvements in the private sector of higher education.
In Vietnam private education played an important role for a long time from the prehistoric period with educating activities in folklore. During the period of Chinese domination (111 BC to (938 AD) and the time of Feudal Independence (938-1884) the expansion of Buddhism and Confucianism in Viet Nam the education systems based on this ideology and religion began to come in the social life. These systems of education basically were private ones. During the time of French Colonialism (1884-1945) and after the country reunification in 1975, the public sector in education was dominated. Only after the Renovation (1986) in Viet Nam the non- public education is reopened and began to develop.
During less than 20 years (1998-2006), private education sector is developing strongly and contributing a lot to the national education. The statistical data and the survey conducted by the Project can show the achievement of this sector.
At present time the Vietnamese education policy makers intend to expand more the non-public sector in education considering its contributions and effectiveness. To facilitate this process it is recommended:
- Viet Nam should continue to improve the awareness of the society, to lay the philosophical base, to complete the legislative framework and the policies of non-public education, to make non-public education sector equal to the public one in the eyes of social communities and state managers
- The Vietnamese Government should provide more support for the non-public education sector in deferent aspects: land, funding from public budget for education, training of the staff and in international cooperation and so on.
Báo cáo đã đưa ra một số nhận xét và kiến nghị.
Bài viết này tập trung vào trình bày sự phát triển của giáo dục đại học Việt Nam qua các giai đoạn lịch sử. Đặc điểm của hệ thống giáo dục đại học được mô tả để phản ánh tính chất của nền giáo dục đại học trong mỗi thời kỳ. Thành tựu và khó khăn của giáo dục đại học trong những năm gần đây được phân tích từ yêu cầu của phát triển nền kinh tế và trong so sánh tương quan quốc tế để chỉ ra những hạn chế đối với giáo dục đại học Việt Nam hiện nay. Trên cơ sở đó bài viết đưa ra một số đề xuất ở tầm vĩ mô về phát triển giáo dục đại học.
This paper briefs the development of Vietnamese higher education in the past periods. The characteristics of the higher education system have been described in order to reflect the nature of the system in each period. This paper analyzes the achievements and the difficulties the Vietnamese higher education has to face now from the view of the national economy and in international comparison in order to point out the constraints of the system. Based on this analysis the paper outlines some macro-level policy options for the development of higher education in the coming years.
Đây là bài giảng đã được sử dụng tại HV Chính trị Quốc gia
The non-public institutions of higher education in Vietnam have a mixed characteristics, resulted from their ownership and styles of management imposed on them. After 13 years of development, they are still playing a peripheral role in the higher education landscape. The current unclear management system has also limited their freedom by intention. However they have made contributions to the system by extending choices for clients, increasing equity and efficacy in higher education. The new type of institutions has their own weaknesses and strengths, which shall be taken into account in designing of policies.
Experience from Japan, China, the Philippines, Thailand and USA shows that for-profit and non-profit character of private HEIs is a very complex issue. In the position of educational institutions, serving the education needs of people and development of the nation, the private universities and colleges should have non-profit character. But in the context of economic conditions of a poor country like Vietnam, where these institutions have to start off with very little financial and physical resources, with as good as none public funding for the training, research and service activities, these institutions should have ways to get benefits for both the institutions themselves and the investors. These additional benefits will help them to maintain and to develop further. In the short-run, some degree of for-profit nature will be good for the private HEIs in Vietnam, but in the longer term, there shall be legal measures to limit the degree of for-profit.
The lessons from privatization of public institutions in Thailand, where the real private institutions were put into shadow of privatized institutions, the experience of China in classification of private universities and colleges by their performance quality the experience of the Philippines in accreditation of higher education would be of great values for the administration of higher education in Vietnam. This is especially important when the public institutions are going to be privatized. A privatization of public institutions in Vietnam could create a two tier system of private HEIs, with the top one belonging to those new institutions with much endowment from the past ‘public’ character and the lower tier consists of ‘purely’ private institutions, without any support from the government.
Continuing the development in the past decades, higher education in Vietnam will grow in the years to come. The total enrolment in higher education could be up to 4 million in 2015. It is possible that the system of higher education will become a mass system. In this trend the public policies will have strong impacts on the private institutions. More liberal policies will lead to a faster growth in private sector, giving the students more choices, and relieving the public budget from a significant burden. The higher education system will also become more balanced between public and private. This is very important in consideration of increasing public expenditure for quality improvement in public HEIs. Liberalization of higher education policies also initiates other qualitative improvements in the private sector of higher education.
The teacher training in the timebetween 1945-1954 was intended to quickly fill in the gap of tecahing personall in the new national education system. The design was simple in order to gather all the learned population to involve in the literacy and basic education. At the end of this period there was some efforts to prepare the teacher trainers in the new time.
In the period between 1954-1975 the teacher training was helping to standardize the education in school and meet the challenges of the education reform. The curriculum was redisigned to meet the need for qualified teachers.
From 1975 up to date the improvement of education in schools and in the teacher training institutions have lead to major upgrades in teacher training. Regulations have been enacted to stnadradize the training of teachers for different school levels. More and more institutions are involved in the training of school teachers towards higher qualification standards. Teachers are not just provided with the initial training but also in-service training as well as further qualification opportunities to enhance their professional knowledge and skills.
The paper also describes briefly the current teacher training system with the rerquirements for various teaching positions in the school system, in cluding teacher for primary schools, lower secondary schools and uppers ecndary schools. The general picture is that primary teacher trainees are prepared to be class teachers, taking care of all subjects in the curriculum while secondary teachers are specualized in a subjects or group of related subjects.
In the last part this paper discusses some of the major issues facing the teacher training system in Vietbnam taking into account the new school reform is being prepared for 2015. One of these is the responsivenerss to curriculum changes when the teacher training programs are often designed not in the pace with the school curriculum which causes a gap between teacher training and schools’ reality. I the coming years this shall be changed, teacher training should be adjusted in advance so that when the new school curriculum is introduced there are already teachers who are capable to handle the new curriculum.
The ability of teacher training institutions to provide the adequate number of teachers for schools is also discussed. The current employment system of school teachers often caused imbalances between supply and demand in school. In the future the system shall be adjusted at macro level with good forecasts so that public resources are not wasted and tehre shall be option to involve more people with degrees to join the school teaching personal.
The organization of teacher training institutions, including the practice (attached) schools and discrepancies in provsions of school practice to teachers trainees have been looked at. The author proposed to change the way the practical part of teaxcher training being provided so that all eacher trainees will have more chances to experience the schools’ reality. The attached parctice schools shall be widened as a testbed for new innovation in teaching.
The question about broad-based or in-depth specialization training is one of the main concern in the current system. This papper proposed to enhance the pedagogical contents for secondary teacher trainees, helping them to work with the new young generations who are more able to abosorb new knowledge. Future primary teachers could be specialized in groups of suvjects instead of being class teachers.
Teacher student’s research is also in need of change. Teacher trainees shall have more skills in conducting educational research. Teacher training programs at bachelor level shall balance between the roles of ‘teachers’ and ‘subject experts’.
bài dịch từ nguyên bản tiếng Anh "Behind the world’s best students is a soul-crushing, billion-dollar private education industry"
Homeschooling in internatiopnal perspectives and recomendations for Vietnam.
This lesson introduced trainees into advanced techniques to be used in the career education process at lower and upper secondary levels). The lesson has taken into account the specific conditions of the boarding schools for ethnic minority students.
This lesson provides guidelines for some career education activities suited to the conditions of the boarding schools (for both lower and upper secondary education).
Đây có thể nói là một cuốn cẩm nang rấ quý đối với các giáo viên làm nhiệm vụ hướng nghiệp và học sinh trong nhà trường phổ thông, các trung tâm giáo dục thường xuyên cũng như những người quan tâm.