Papers by Philippe Schweizer

Le rythme de production de données ne cesse de croître, conduisant à l'augmentation de besoin... more Le rythme de production de données ne cesse de croître, conduisant à l'augmentation de besoins de stockage et de transmission efficaces. En effet, la consommation de ces informations est préférentiellement faite sur des terminaux mobiles utilisant des connections facturées à l'utilisateur et ne disposant que de capacités de stockage réduites. Les réseaux de neurones avec deep learning ont récemment dépassé les taux de compression de techniques algorithmiques pour du texte. Nous pensons qu'ils peuvent aussi challenger significativement les méthodes classiques pour des données tant sonores que visuelles (images et vidéos). Pour obtenir la compression physiologique la plus pointue, c'est-à-dire celle obtenant le meilleur taux de compression car s'approchant au mieux de la spécificité de la perception humaine, nous proposons d'utiliser une représentation neutrosophique de l'information pour tout le cycle de compression-décompression. Une telle représentation consiste pour chaque information élémentaire à lui adjoindre un nombre neutrosophique simple qui informe le réseau de neurones sur ses caracté- ristiques relativement à la compression au cours de ce traitement. Un tel nombre neutrosophique est en fait un triplet (t,i,f) représentant ici son appartenance aux trois composantes constitutives d'une information en compression ; 1° t = la partie signifiante à préserver, 2° i = la partie redondante ou le bruit à éliminer dans la compression et 3° f = les artefacts en cours de production dans le processus de compression (à compenser). La complexité de la perception humaine et les niches subtiles de ses défauts que l'on cherche à exploiter nécessite une cartographie détaillée et complexe qu'un réseau de neurones peut produire mieux que toute autre solution algorithmique, et les réseaux avec deep lear- ning ont prouvé leur capacité à produire une surface frontière détaillée dans les classificateurs.

Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Mar 26, 2020
Beyond the predominant paradigm of an essentially rational human cognition, based on the classica... more Beyond the predominant paradigm of an essentially rational human cognition, based on the classical binary logic, we want to propose some reflections that are organized around the intuition that the representations we have of the world are weighted with appreciations, for example affective ones. resulting from our integration into a social environment. We see these connotations as essentially ternary in nature, depending on the concepts underlying neutrosophy: either positive, negative or neutral. This form of representation would then influence the very nature of the cognitive process, which in complex real-world situations, has to deal with problems of a combinatorial nature leading to a number of cases too large for our abilities. Forced to proceed by shortcuts on the basis of heuristics, cognition would use these assessments of the representations it manipulates to decide whether partial solutions are attractive for solving the problem or on the contrary are judged negative and are then quickly rejected. There is still the case of a neutral weighting that allows processing to continue. Thus a neutrosophical conception of our representations of the world explains how our cognition functions in its treatment of combinatorial problems in the form of producing processing accelerating heuristics, both in terms of partial solutions selection and processing optimization.
These Ecole polytechnique federale de Lausanne EPFL, n° 746 (1988) Reference doi:10.5075/epfl-the... more These Ecole polytechnique federale de Lausanne EPFL, n° 746 (1988) Reference doi:10.5075/epfl-thesis-746Print copy in library catalog Record created on 2005-03-16, modified on 2016-08-08

Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Aug 19, 2020
Neutrosophy began as a branch of philosophy that considered neutrality in addition to the positiv... more Neutrosophy began as a branch of philosophy that considered neutrality in addition to the positive and negative. It consists of the addition consideration of a neutral state to complement the binary approach of true or false. Its creator quickly extended it to the field of mathematics and it was gradually applied to all fields of science. Here, we present a reverse approach that highlights the importance of neutrality in all fields of study and application, citing some revealing examples. Furthermore, we explain that this importance of neutrality is intrinsic to all sciences because it is based on natural foundations. Indeed, neutrality is a forming part first of all of the human conception of things, of our way of thinking, of cognition in general but also of living things, matter and even particles. In addition to these most real-world physical concrete aspects, neutrality is inherent to mathematics, to logic first of all, but also to probabilities and statistics where neutrality which simply results from a large number of objects, the universe. Thus neutrosophy is well adapted to the majority of applied problems because its modeling is inspired by reality and that it allows, in particular, to deal with the component of uncertainty and indeterminacy that the real world comprises intrinsically.

Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Feb 23, 2020
We would like to show the small distance in neutropsophy applications in sciences and humanities,... more We would like to show the small distance in neutropsophy applications in sciences and humanities, has both finally consider as a terminal user a human. The pace of data production continues to grow, leading to increased needs for efficient storage and transmission. Indeed, the consumption of this information is preferably made on mobile terminals using connections invoiced to the user and having only reduced storage capacities. Deep learning neural networks have recently exceeded the compression rates of algorithmic techniques for text. We believe that they can also significantly challenge classical methods for both audio and visual data (images and videos). To obtain the best physiological compression, i.e. the highest compression ratio because it comes closest to the specificity of human perception, we propose using a neutrosophical representation of the information for the entire compression-decompression cycle. Such a representation consists for each elementary information to add to it a simple neutrosophical number which informs the neural network about its characteristics relative to compression during this treatment. Such a neutrosophical number is in fact a triplet (t,i,f) representing here the belonging of the element to the three constituent components of information in compression; 1° t = the true significant part to be preserved, 2° i = the inderterminated redundant part or noise to be eliminated in compression and 3° f = the false artifacts being produced in the compression process (to be compensated). The complexity of human perception and the subtle niches of its defects that one seeks to exploit requires a detailed and complex mapping that a neural network can produce better than any other algorithmic solution, and networks with deep learning have proven their ability to produce a detailed boundary surface in classifiers.

Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Mar 17, 2020
Uncertainty is inherent to the real world: everything is only probable, precision like in measure... more Uncertainty is inherent to the real world: everything is only probable, precision like in measurements is finite, noise is everywhere... Also, science is based on a modeling of reality that can only be approximate. Therefore we postulate that uncertainty should be considered in our models, and for making this more easy we propose a simple operational conceptualization of uncertainty. Starting from the simple model of associating a probability p to a statement supposed to be true our proposed modeling bridges the gap towards the most complex representation proposed by neutrosophy as a triplet of probabilities. The neutrosophic representation consists in using a triplet of probabilities (t,i,f) instead of just a single probability. In this triplet, t represents the probability of the statement to be true, and f it's the probability to be false. The specific point of neutrosophy it that the probability i represents the probability of the statement to be uncertain, imprecise, or neutral among other significations according to the application. Our proposed representation uses only 2 probabilities instead of 3, and it can be easily translated into the neutrosophic representation. By being simpler we renounce to some power of representing the uncertain but we encourage the modeling of uncertainty (instead of ignoring it) by making this simpler. Briefly said, the prepare the path towards using neutrosophy. Our proposed representation of uncertainty consist, for a statement, not only to add its probability to be true p, but also a second probability pp to model the confidence we have in the first probability p. This second parameter pp represents the plausibility of p, therefore the opposite of its uncertainty. This is the confidence given to the value of p, in short pp is the probability of p (hence the name pp), This is simple to understand, and that allows calculations of combined events using classical probability such as based on the concepts of mean and variance. The stringent advantage of our modeling by the couple (p,pp) is that experts can be easily interrogated to provide their expertise by asking them simply the chance they give to an event a occur (this is p) and the confidence they have in that prediction (which is pp). We give also a formula to transform from our model to the neutrosophic representation. Finally, a short discussion on the entropy as a measure of uncertainty is done.
Operational Research in Engineering Sciences: Theory and Applications, Dec 15, 2022

Beyond the predominant paradigm of an essentially rational human cognition, based on the classica... more Beyond the predominant paradigm of an essentially rational human cognition, based on the classical binary logic, we want to propose some reflections that are organized around the intuition that the representations we have of the world are weighted with appreciations, for example affective ones. resulting from our integration into a social environment. We see these connotations as essentially ternary in nature, depending on the concepts underlying neutrosophy: either positive, negative or neutral. This form of representation would then influence the very nature of the cognitive process, which in complex real-world situations, has to deal with problems of a combinatorial nature leading to a number of cases too large for our abilities. Forced to proceed by shortcuts on the basis of heuristics, cognition would use these assessments of the representations it manipulates to decide whether partial solutions are attractive for solving the problem or on the contrary are judged negative and are then quickly rejected. There is still the case of a neutral weighting that allows processing to continue. Thus a neutrosophical conception of our representations of the world explains how our cognition functions in its treatment of combinatorial problems in the form of producing processing accelerating heuristics, both in terms of partial solutions selection and processing optimization.

Does violence need someone else to be practiced? No, the human being can be violent towards himse... more Does violence need someone else to be practiced? No, the human being can be violent towards himself, consciously, intentionally. However, in animals, violence against oneself is rare, if not nonexistent, except through a cerebral disorder. Then where lies the difference between animal and human on this subject; perhaps in the consciousness of being, the consciousness of self-reflexivity. So, this self-violence would be the conscious violence of a being conscious of his existence, therefore conscious of the possibility of inflicting suffering on beings. Self-violence would then be the result of the duplication allowed by the conscience, both executioner and victim, executioner inflicting violence on a victim, himself. This leads to the existence of the executioner-victim couple, moreover in this case of a consenting victim. Bourdieu said that violence is everywhere (Landry 2006), but he says in social practice, finally perhaps his everywhere also includes also the self of the self against himself. This violence against oneself can lead to massacre, to total annihilation, that is, to death by suicide. On the other (minimal) extreme of its gradation, violence can also be applied against something, for example to destroy it. Perhaps even without much conscience sometimes, when the baby discovers its non-identity with the world, by the actions he can have on the non-being, going as far as to damage,
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 1992

Le rythme de production de données ne cesse de croître, conduisant à l'augmentation de besoin... more Le rythme de production de données ne cesse de croître, conduisant à l'augmentation de besoins de stockage et de transmission efficaces. En effet, la consommation de ces informations est préférentiellement faite sur des terminaux mobiles utilisant des connections facturées à l'utilisateur et ne disposant que de capacités de stockage réduites. Les réseaux de neurones avec deep learning ont récemment dépassé les taux de compression de techniques algorithmiques pour du texte. Nous pensons qu'ils peuvent aussi challenger significativement les méthodes classiques pour des données tant sonores que visuelles (images et vidéos). Pour obtenir la compression physiologique la plus pointue, c'est-à-dire celle obtenant le meilleur taux de compression car s'approchant au mieux de la spécificité de la perception humaine, nous proposons d'utiliser une représentation neutrosophique de l'information pour tout le cycle de compression-décompression. Une telle représentation ...
Operational Research in Engineering Sciences: Theory and Applications, Dec 15, 2022

Here we will go beyond the variety of violence to show its unity, common points and continuities.... more Here we will go beyond the variety of violence to show its unity, common points and continuities. For although there are multiple forms of violence, they are interrelated: they define a continuum from trivial to extreme violence. Violence against oneself, things, living things such as plants and animals, other nations, the other, one’s fellow human beings, therefore the violence of society against its members, which returns to self-violence. Another continuum is its spiral development, with violence generating violence and pushing it to grow. Violence can also be learned, we progress ever further in violence: in gangs, in armies, in society... Everyone is capable of violence, sometimes to a good advantage as in self-defence. Here it resides in necessity, that of survival, but in general it is impunity that allows and encourages it. In closed, totalitarian, universes: family, work, hospital, army, state... The proximity and distance between the perpetrator and the victim defines yet ...

Neutrosophy began as a branch of philosophy that considered neutrality in addition to the positiv... more Neutrosophy began as a branch of philosophy that considered neutrality in addition to the positive and negative. It consists of the addition consideration of a neutral state to complement the binary approach of true or false. Its creator quickly extended it to the field of mathematics and it was gradually applied to all fields of science. Here, we present a reverse approach that highlights the importance of neutrality in all fields of study and application, citing some revealing examples. Furthermore, we explain that this importance of neutrality is intrinsic to all sciences because it is based on natural foundations. Indeed, neutrality is a forming part first of all of the human conception of things, of our way of thinking, of cognition in general but also of living things, matter and even particles. In addition to these most real-world physical concrete aspects, neutrality is inherent to mathematics, to logic first of all, but also to probabilities and statistics where neutrality ...

Microprocessors and Microsystems, 1989
Multitransputer graphics subsystem J D Nicoud and Ph Schweizer show how a parallel software appro... more Multitransputer graphics subsystem J D Nicoud and Ph Schweizer show how a parallel software approach can be applied to build a transputer-based graphics workstation Most recent graphics workstations implement graphics accelerators based on dedicated VLSI chips. The paper proposes a modular architecture using transputers and flexible software routines. A set of transputers with a crossbar connection scheme prepares the drawing. Another set using video RAMS controls a high-resolution co/our monitor, each transputer handling a strip on the screen and a co/our. Performance using straightforward c routines is 900 trapezoids per second per transputer. The flexible architecture allows the number of transputers to be adapted to the performance required. microprocessors transputers graphics parallel processing A new graphics workstation architecture is presented here along with a complete hardware description of the realized prototype. In the complex world of threedimensional (3D) graphics, an alternative to dedicated hardwired accelerators consists of parallelized viewing software running on a distributed computing network'. This parallel software approach can be complemented by dedicated hardware in the form of coarse-grain computing nodes such as the lnmos T800 transpute?. A softwarebased architecture running on simple generic hardware reduces development costs and time, leads to much greater flexibility and facilitates updates and improvements. The proposed architecture is modular, and can be used for a full range of workstations running the same software. In this project, parallelism has been introduced into the viewing pipeline down to the screen. To avoid the bottleneck of accessing the bit map, the screen is split into horizontal strips. Each part of the distributed bit map is a video RAM board controlled by a transputer. The four communication links of each transputer are used to receive the bit maps of objects computed usinga'farm'of transputers. The hardware implementation of the 'processor farm'
There is a method to estimate the curvature of a selected, lying in particular in the direction o... more There is a method to estimate the curvature of a selected, lying in particular in the direction of travel in front of a vehicle path section, the course of the path is stored in the form of bases in a digital map proposed in which the curvature of the selected paths section is determined from the points. see DOLLAR A Advantageous embodiments of a curvature estimation prior due to a circular approximation or spline interpolation or -approximation the actual travel history due to the support points.
Papers by Philippe Schweizer