Papers by Philippe Malaurent
Simulation of the microclimate in an archaeological cave (Lascaux, France)
Proceeding of Proceedings of CHT-15. 6th International Symposium on ADVANCES IN COMPUTATIONAL HEAT TRANSFER , May 25-29, 2015, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, USA, 2015
Hydrochemical and Hydrodynamic Behavior of the Epikarst at the Lascaux Cave (Montignac, France)
Advances in Karst Science, 2017
Decomposition of CO2 Signal in Lascaux Cave
Advances in Karst Science, 2017
3D geostatistical modeling of Lascaux hill from ERT data
Engineering Geology, 2016
Etude de l'environnement microclimatique d'un mur témoin choisi dans l'enceinte territoriale de la cathédrale St-Gatien Tours (France) = Microclimatic conditions and environmental study of a test wall selected inside the space of St. Gatien Cathedral Tours (France)
Geophysical methods enable in a non-invasive way to detect the underground environment of the dec... more Geophysical methods enable in a non-invasive way to detect the underground environment of the decorated cave. Associated with the analysis of the effective rainfall (groundwater recharge) in this site and the flow in the cave, the Electrical Resistivity Tomography monitoring using a pole-dipole array has identified a zone which probably stores water in relation with the cave.
Efficience des methodologies geoscientifiques indirectes dans la caracterisation des desordres structurels d'un monument monolithique souterrain et mesures conservatoires associees
Studies in Conservation, 1997
... D'UN MONUMENT MONOLITHIQUE SOUTERRAIN ET MESURES CONSERVATOIRES ASSOCIEES Jean Vouve, Ph... more ... D'UN MONUMENT MONOLITHIQUE SOUTERRAIN ET MESURES CONSERVATOIRES ASSOCIEES Jean Vouve, Philippe Malaurent et FrederiqueVouve Resume-Les travaux de consolidation entrepris au 17ee siecle pour ...
Caractérisation physique et environnementale d'un sanctuaire préhistorique sous-marin, semi-noyé et orné préalablement à l'élaboration d'une démarche conservatoire. Cas de la grotte Cosquer, France
Comptes Rendus De L Academie Des Sciences Serie 2 Sciences De La Terre Et Des Planetes, 1996
Effect of diurnal and seasonal temperature variation on Cussac cave ventilation using co2 assessment
Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 2016
Essai sur les perspectives d'analyse insolite du champ graphique pariétal à travers l'effet « miroir » de l'eau identifiée dans la grotte Chauvet
Bulletin De La Societe Prehistorique De L Ariege, 2000

Apport de l'analyse colorimétrique à propos de la caractérisation in situ des peintures préhistoriques dans une démarche conservatoire: cas de la grotte Chauvet (Ardèche, France)Contribution of in situ colorimetric determination for the characterisation of the prehistorical paintings before the e...
Comptes Rendus De L Academie Des Sciences Serie 2 Sciences De La Terre Et Des Planetes, Nov 1, 2000
In situ colorimetric determination is a useful quantitative and non-destructive contribution for ... more In situ colorimetric determination is a useful quantitative and non-destructive contribution for the characterisation of organic and mineral pigments. It is in accordance with regard to the administrative instructions, which privilege the maximal conservation to secure the integrity of art discovered recently in this extraordinary prehistorical sanctuary. This determination connected with technical statements of archaeologists, help us to understand that many red hand paintings drawn with the palm of the right hand of a man and of a woman or adolescent, were made from one unique paint pot and the mode of retouch of black charcoal drawings.
Modélisation des écoulements et transferts de masse et de chaleur à Lascaux: apports à la gestion microclimatique du site

Contribution of numerical modelling of environmental parameters to the conservation of prehistoric cave paintings: the example of Lascaux Cave
Conservation and Management of Archaeological Sites, 2006
ABSTRACT This study of Lascaux Cave consisted of simulating the evolution of changes in the level... more ABSTRACT This study of Lascaux Cave consisted of simulating the evolution of changes in the levels of temperature and humidity both in the air and in the rock. By choosing different models (one-dimensional, three-dimensional, etc.), it was possible to calculate the required variables (temperature, moisture levels, speeds, etc.) at all points inside the cave, to locate zones of high water vapour concentration and to understand the nature of the airflow. The simulations described here provide the first general data on the airflow within the cave and its hygrothermic behaviour. The temperature fields result from natural convection phenomena, which are influenced by the climate outside the cave. From the point of view of air dynamics, we can observe the presence of an overall airflow that starts in the Machine Room (containing the air conditioning system installed in 1958), runs along the ground to the end of each of the branches of the cave, and returns along the cave vault to its starting point. This slow-moving phenomenon suggests the possibility of passive control of the ambient air from the Machine Room. There are localized risk areas where condensation of water vapour can occur, resulting in rapid deterioration of the limestone. Several of these areas are therefore monitored using condensation indicators placed on the cave walls or by visual observation of painted areas. The higher air speeds detected in some areas of the cave result in decay of the prehistoric paintings. The numerical modelling results, confirmed by observations and measurements in situ, should be taken into consideration when managing the conditions within the cave.
Lascaux et les changements climatiques
L Archeologue Archeologie Nouvelle, 2007
In Situ Revue Des Patrimoines, Aug 3, 2010
Apport de la modélisation numérique à la compréhension de l'état des parois de grottes préhistoriques. Premiers résultats à lascaux
Prehistoire Art Et Societes Bulletin De La Societe Prehistorique De L Ariege, 2005
Lascaux : Histoire d'un difficile sauvetage
Archeologia, 1997

Investigation of groundwater behavior in response to oceanic tide and hydrodynamic assessment of coastal aquifers
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2016
This study was based, firstly, on observations and analysis of water table level variations in th... more This study was based, firstly, on observations and analysis of water table level variations in the Plio-Quaternary and Hauterivian aquifers, Oualidia (Morocco), and secondly, on comparing this behavior to oceanic tidal variations. Recordings were made in the well located at 1318 m from the coast, where the two aquifers are in direct contact. This investigation was subdivided into two periods of 4 months each. Results showed a tidal influence on water table level within the well during semi-diurnal and monthly periods. Water table fluctuation periods were equal to 12 h 25 min identical to oceanic tide propagation period, while time lag between water levels was equal to 3 h 24 min. Moreover, results allowed aquifer diffusivity calculation through a confined aquifer model, which was equal to 6.20 m(2) s(-1) calculated from average value of water amplitude and to 40.6 m(2) s(-1) calculated from average value of time lag. In addition, tidal wave amplitude attenuation occurred exponentially with distance from ocean, which disappeared completely after 2000 m from coast.
Etude des transferts de masse et de chaleur dans la grotte de Lascaux: le suivi climatique et le simulateur
Karstologia, 2007
Papers by Philippe Malaurent