Papers by Philip Yampolsky
Asian Music , 2022
These are the audio examples that go with my article "Poetic text and melodic text: text-setting ... more These are the audio examples that go with my article "Poetic text and melodic text: text-setting in two song traditions of Timor," published in Asian Music 53 (1): 80-126, Winter/Spring 2022. To hear the audio you need to download the PowerPoint file, some 74 MB. You won't get the audio if you just open it as a PDF. / On 16 Sept 2022 I deleted this file and uploaded it again in order to correct what I thought was an error in the posted version. Turned out I had already corrected the error, so the exercise was unnecessary. This is the same file as before.
Sonic Modernities in the Malay World, 2000
Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde / Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia, 1995
... The key elements in the New Order's strategy for advancing national culture are: dev... more ... The key elements in the New Order's strategy for advancing national culture are: developing (membina)22 regional culture, promoting the use of the national language, stimulating creativity, and promoting symbols - such as those of national struggle - that can be a focus of ...
Indonesia, 1989
... Am I like that bird over there yang dijual orang for sale hingga sesukamu kau lakukan itu so ... more ... Am I like that bird over there yang dijual orang for sale hingga sesukamu kau lakukan itu so you can do what you like to me kau sakiti aku and hurt me * A Kalaulah memang kita berpisah If we really break up itu bukan suratan it won't be Fate that caused it ...
Yearbook for Traditional Music, 2000
Yearbook for Traditional Music, 2000
This is a report to ONGD Cives Mundi (Soria, Spain) as part of its project “Cultura y medio-ambie... more This is a report to ONGD Cives Mundi (Soria, Spain) as part of its project “Cultura y medio-ambiente: Puesta en valor del patrimonio inmaterial en espacios protegidos de Timor Oriental.” The report was written in November 2012 and is based on fieldwork conducted in Timor-Leste in July–August 2011 and September–November 2012. The present text incorporates some revisions made after submission of the original report. A Spanish translation of the original version of this report is posted on the Cives Mundi website.
Books by Philip Yampolsky

Timor Runguranga, Jul 15, 2016
Timor Rungaranga is an epic photobook, taking you on an unforgettable journey through the wild, w... more Timor Rungaranga is an epic photobook, taking you on an unforgettable journey through the wild, wild east of Timor-Leste. An uncut diamond at the edge of the world, the country’s surreal and sublime nature is explored through a striking and vast collection of visual essays.
David Palazón’s curious nature and unique sense of humour bring us close into the hearts and lives of Timorese people, capturing the fleeting, incidental moments of those he met on his journey through this young nation. A country of unparalleled beauty, yet unrivalled contradictions, where old traditions collide with new modern worlds, and the sacred meets the profane.
8 years in the making, this photobook is the first of-its-kind coming out from the youngest nation in Asia. It also features carefully selected contributions by leading authors, artists, and photographers, giving further depth to this outstanding visual exploration of this young nation. An unconventional gem of a photobook, and a must-have for anyone interested in Timor-Leste. Miss it at your peril!
Papers by Philip Yampolsky
Books by Philip Yampolsky
David Palazón’s curious nature and unique sense of humour bring us close into the hearts and lives of Timorese people, capturing the fleeting, incidental moments of those he met on his journey through this young nation. A country of unparalleled beauty, yet unrivalled contradictions, where old traditions collide with new modern worlds, and the sacred meets the profane.
8 years in the making, this photobook is the first of-its-kind coming out from the youngest nation in Asia. It also features carefully selected contributions by leading authors, artists, and photographers, giving further depth to this outstanding visual exploration of this young nation. An unconventional gem of a photobook, and a must-have for anyone interested in Timor-Leste. Miss it at your peril!
David Palazón’s curious nature and unique sense of humour bring us close into the hearts and lives of Timorese people, capturing the fleeting, incidental moments of those he met on his journey through this young nation. A country of unparalleled beauty, yet unrivalled contradictions, where old traditions collide with new modern worlds, and the sacred meets the profane.
8 years in the making, this photobook is the first of-its-kind coming out from the youngest nation in Asia. It also features carefully selected contributions by leading authors, artists, and photographers, giving further depth to this outstanding visual exploration of this young nation. An unconventional gem of a photobook, and a must-have for anyone interested in Timor-Leste. Miss it at your peril!