Papers by Phelipe Gomes de Barros
Medicina, cirurgia, farmácia, 1959

Cadernos Saúde Coletiva, Dec 1, 2014
Introdução: A forma extrapulmonar da tuberculose é aquela em que há comprometimento de outros órg... more Introdução: A forma extrapulmonar da tuberculose é aquela em que há comprometimento de outros órgãos diferentes do pulmão. Objetivo: Identificar o perfil dos casos de tuberculose extrapulmonar notificados no município de Campina Grande (PB) no período de 2001 a 2010. Método: Trata-se de um estudo retrospectivo, transversal com abordagem quantitativa. Os dados foram submetidos ao cálculo de frequências absolutas e relativas, incidências e aplicação do teste χ 2 para associação. Resultados: A incidência média foi de 5,3/100.000 habitantes. O perfil evidenciou sexo masculino (52,8%), idade entre 20 e 39 anos (48,4%), raça branca (44,4%) e com ensino fundamental incompleto (39,3%), houve forte associação entre indicação ao Tratamento Supervisionado e as variáveis escolaridade, realização do teste anti-HIV e presença de AIDS, sendo o acometimento pleural e ganglionar periférico os de maior prevalência entre os casos. Conclusão: Conhecer o perfil e as características clínico-epidemiológicas da tuberculose extrapulmonar se faz importante, pois pode auxiliar os serviços de saúde na identificação e acompanhamento da população com maior vulnerabilidade para o adoecimento. Tendo em vista a gravidade das lesões e possível evolução ao óbito, esta deve ser diagnosticada e tratada o mais brevemente possível.

Introdução: A tuberculose é considerada uma das principais doenças infecciosas o que pode ser com... more Introdução: A tuberculose é considerada uma das principais doenças infecciosas o que pode ser comprovado através dos indicadores de incidência, morbidade e letalidade e é reconhecidamente associada às inequidades e ás condições sociais. O itinerário terapêutico dos pacientes com tuberculose é mediado por elementos de vulnerabilidade e é um importante instrumento no campo da saúde coletiva para a identificação de pontos críticos no acesso dos pacientes ao diagnóstico e tratamento adequados. Objetivo: Analisar o Itinerário Terapêutico de pacientes com diagnóstico de tuberculose, internados no Hospital Otávio de Freitas, Recife-PE. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo transversal com abordagem quanti-qualitativa, em que foram realizadas entrevistas com pacientes internados, no período de maio de 2018 a junho de 2020, As entrevistas foram submetidas à análise de conteúdo e à luz do conceito de vulnerabilidade, em suas dimensões: individual, programática e social. Resultados: Foram entrevistad...

Revista de Enfermagem UFPE on line, Nov 30, 2015
Objective: to investigate the main coping strategies used by students who were attending the unde... more Objective: to investigate the main coping strategies used by students who were attending the undergraduate nursing course's first and last periods at a private university in Natal City/RN. Method: a quantitative research developed from a sample of 153 (71,2%) students who were enrolled in the first period and 62 (28,8%) who were in the last semester. For data collection was used a form for stress detection and stress agents and Lazarus and Folkman form to coping strategies. Data were subjected to absolute and relative frequency calculations. Results: the main used coping strategies were those based on clearance, escape or avoidance to the stressor agent. Conclusion: there is a psychological support needy by the institutional educational, in order to mitigate the graduation stress effects arising from the nursing course. Descriptors: Nursing Students; Stress; Mental Health. RESUMO Objetivo: investigar as principais estratégias de coping utilizadas pelos alunos que estavam cursando o primeiro e último períodos do curso de graduação em enfermagem em uma universidade privada da cidade de Natal/RN. Método: pesquisa quantitativa desenvolvida a partir de uma amostra composta por 153 (71,2%) alunos que estavam cursando o primeiro período e 62 (28,8%) do último semestre. Para coleta das informações utilizou-se um formulário para detecção de estresse e agentes estressores e o formulário de Lazarus e Folkman para estratégias de coping. Os dados foram submetidos a cálculos de frequência absoluta e relativa. Resultados: as principais estratégias de coping utilizadas foram aquelas que se baseiam no afastamento, fuga ou esquiva, frente ao agente estressor. Conclusão: existe a necessidade de suporte psicológico por parte da instituição de ensino, de modo a amenizar os efeitos do estresse advindo da graduação no curso de Enfermagem. Descritores: Estudantes de Enfermagem; Estresse; Saúde Mental.

INTRODUCTION: The extra-pulmonary form of tuberculosis is the one in which there is a compromisin... more INTRODUCTION: The extra-pulmonary form of tuberculosis is the one in which there is a compromising of other organs different from the lung.OBJECTIVE: To identify the profile of the cases of extra-pulmonary tuberculosis notified in the municipality of Campina Grande (PB), Brazil, from 2001 to 2010.METHOD: It is a retrospective, transversal study with quantitative approach. The data were submitted to the calculation of absolute and relative frequencies, incidences and application of χ2 test for association.RESULTS: The average incidence was of 5.3/100,000 inhabitants. The profile evidenced male (52,8%), age between 20 and 39 years old (48.4%), white race (44.4%) and with incomplete high school (39,3%), there was a strong association between indication to the Supervised Treatment and the variables schooling, accomplishment anti-VIH and presence of AIDS, the pleural and ganglionic peripheral attack the most prevalent among the cases.CONCLUSION: To know the profile and the clinical-epide...
Fatores Associados à Saúde Mental em Gestantes de Alto Risco: Níveis de ansiedade e padrão de autoestima, 2021

International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 2020
The present study aims to correlate social and obstetric factors with Beck anxiety inventory in h... more The present study aims to correlate social and obstetric factors with Beck anxiety inventory in high-risk pregnant women. This is a field research, a cross-sectional study of quantitative descriptive approach. The sample consisted of 112 pregnant women met in high-risk services in a maternity hospital in the city of Recife-PE, Brazil. Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI), and sociodemographic and obstetric questionnaires were used. The data were analyzed descriptively and inferentially. There was need to use univariate Poisson regression model and two multivariate models, one for each dependent variable. The independent variables were selected if they presented p <0.20 (significant at 20%) in univariate regressions, being presented as tables. The adjustment of univariate and multivariate Poisson regressions with the variables selected in the bivariate study with p <0.20 for the proportion of patients with the presence of anxiety, emphasizing that, of the 6 variables included in the model, only religion was significant at 5% and, the values and intervals for the ratios between prevalence allow estimating that: the probability of a patient in the population selected to have anxiety is higher if the patient has no religion in relation to Catholics. There is need to develop strategies for prevention, diagnosis and treatment of anxiety disorder in pregnant women, since its development can affect the health of women and babies irreversibly, both psychologically and physically. Relaxation techniques can be stimulated as a way to improve the physical and mental condition of pregnant women, seeking a better quality of life and healthy evolution of pregnancy.

Journal of Nursing Ufpe Online, 2015
Objective: to investigate the main coping strategies used by students who were attending the unde... more Objective: to investigate the main coping strategies used by students who were attending the undergraduate nursing course’s first and last periods at a private university in Natal City/RN. Method: a quantitative research developed from a sample of 153 (71,2%) students who were enrolled in the first period and 62 (28,8%) who were in the last semester. For data collection was used a form for stress detection and stress agents and Lazarus and Folkman form to coping strategies. Data were subjected to absolute and relative frequency calculations. Results: the main used coping strategies were those based on clearance, escape or avoidance to the stressor agent. Conclusion: there is a psychological support needy by the institutional educational, in order to mitigate the graduation stress effects arising from the nursing course. Descriptors: Nursing Students; Stress; Mental Health. RESUMO Objetivo: investigar as principais estratégias de coping utilizadas pelos alunos que estavam cursando o ...

Nursing (São Paulo), 2020
Objetivo: Verificar na literatura científica a atuação dos profissionais de saúde acerca do proc... more Objetivo: Verificar na literatura científica a atuação dos profissionais de saúde acerca do processo de humanização no centro obstétrico. Método: Trata-se de um estudo bibliográfico, tipo revisão sistemática. Realizou-se a busca por artigos; publicados nos últimos cinco anos (2014 a 2019); nos idiomas português, inglês e espanhol; disponíveis na íntegra. Foram consultadas as seguintes plataformas de dados: BDENF, MEDLINE, LILACS e SciELO. Resultado: Inicialmente foram encontrados 174; contudo, após a leitura permaneceram apenas os que atendiam aos critérios para inclusão e exclusão descritos na metodologia, totalizando 10 estudos. Conclusão: Observou-se a imprescindibilidade de reformar as práticas diárias, consolidar a adoção de práticas firmadas em fundamentos científicos impulsionando os profissionais e a sociedade civil a assegurar as gestantes um atendimento de saúde com igualdade e remediabilidade; e livre de violência obstétrica.

International Archives of Medicine, 2016
Background: For the control of tuberculosis (TB), it must be adopted specific measures in areas o... more Background: For the control of tuberculosis (TB), it must be adopted specific measures in areas of high transmission. Thus, it was aimed to identify the spatial pattern of new tuberculosis cases in Juazeiro do Norte-CE/Brazil, from 2001 to 2012. Methods and Findings: It is a hybrid design, ecological study and temporal trend. The new cases reported with TB were included as subjects of research. It was outlined the socio demographic profile; the spatial analysis of cases was made through the Kernel technique and the nearest neighbor method with simulation. Among 914 new TB cases, there was a predominance of males (56.0%), aged between 20 to 39 years (42.0%), with incomplete elementary school (43.2%), pulmonary clinical form (89.1%). 79.1% of patients achieved a cure and 5.3% abandoned the treatment. In the studied period, it was identified homogeneous spatial distribution and non-random pattern, with the highest concentration of cases in the southern region of the city. Conclusion: The identification of spatial pattern becomes relevant, in order that it can contribute to the strengthening of the TB control by providing information that optimizes activities such as: active search, health education, notification of new cases and supervising the treatment performed by health professionals.

Revista Brasileira de Epidemiologia, 2007
Estudo retrospectivo de perfil dos casos de TBMR do Espírito Santo, entre 2000 e 2004. Identifico... more Estudo retrospectivo de perfil dos casos de TBMR do Espírito Santo, entre 2000 e 2004. Identificou-se 61 pacientes com TBMR, sendo a amostra composta por 57 casos, que tiveram seus prontuários revisados para obtenção das variáveis estudadas. Estimou-se como prevalência para a TBMR combinada 0,87% (0,66 - 1,13; IC95%). O teste anti-HIV foi feito em 78,9% dos casos, sendo 11,1% positivos. Investigando co-morbidades, destacaram-se etilismo e tabagismo. Encontrou-se 11 casos de resistência primária (RI) e 46 de resistência adquirida (RA), com média de 2,3 ± 1,3 tratamentos anteriores. Em 35,1% dos casos houve relato de contato prévio conhecido com doente de tuberculose, enquanto em 67,9% não houve ou nega-se ter havido. Dez pacientes (17,5%) foram tratados com o esquema de 1ª linha, 18 (31,6%) com o de 2ª linha e 27 (47,4%) com o de 3ª linha. Dezoito (31,6%) tiveram tratamento auto-administrado, e 39 (68,4%) supervisionado. Quanto ao desfecho, houve cura em 33 casos (71,7%), abandono em...

Introduction: Tuberculosis is considered one of the main infectious diseases, which can be proven... more Introduction: Tuberculosis is considered one of the main infectious diseases, which can be proven through the indicators of incidence, morbidity and lethality and is recognized as associated with inequities and social conditions. The therapeutic itinerary of tuberculosis patients is mediated by elements of vulnerability and is an important instrument in the field of collective health for the identification of critical points in patients' access to appropriate diagnosis and treatment. Objective: To analyze the Therapeutic Itinerary of patients diagnosed with tuberculosis, hospitalized at the Hospital Otávio de Freitas, Recife-PE. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study with a quantitativequalitative approach, in which interviews were conducted with hospitalized patients, from May 2018 to June 2020, The interviews were submitted to content analysis and in the light of the concept of vulnerability, in its dimensions: individual, programmatic and social. Results: Twenty-five patients were interviewed. The majority were male (17: 68.0%), had low schooling (9: 36.0%), were brown (13: 52.0%), with low family income (13: 52%), using, after the onset of symptomatology, the Emergency Care Units (17: 68.0%). The vast majority of patients had pulmonary involvement (23: 72.0%) and had the main cause of hospitalization, the presence of hemoptysis (21: 84.0%). Two analytical categories emerged from the interviews: Health-Disease Process and Therapeutic Itinerary. Vulnerability elements related to inequities that evidence the social determination of tuberculosis were found in the patients' itineraries. Regarding individual vulnerability, it was found that living conditions slowed the demand for health services, and difficulty in accessing were some of the predominant elements; in the social dimension, there was limited family support for some patients, in addition to the search for non-professional health care and drug use; and, in the programmatic dimension, the diagnostic error was verified, delay for the definitive diagnosis and for the beginning of treatment, as well as professional unpreparedness in the management of tuberculosis. Conclusions: The access to the diagnosis and treatment of tuberculosis by the interviewees was impaired by elements of vulnerability. Thus, it is necessary to strengthen the Unified Health System in order to guarantee integrality, equity and universality, thus minimizing inequities from an unequal society and marked by serious political problems, social and economic organization.
Papers by Phelipe Gomes de Barros