Peter Horvath
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Papers by Peter Horvath
southwestern Slovakia with an emphasis on the Komjatice-Kňazova jama site. The obtained results were confronted
with each other, a series of different types of analyses were also applied to the researched material, especially to clarify
the issue of the relationship of lower settlements to upland localities, oppids. The obtained and presented archaeobotanical findings indicate certain different trends in crop popularity depending on regions or chronological degrees.
When comparing the examined set of planting species from the sample from Komjatice-Kňazova jama with the findings from other settlements, it can be stated that they represent a typical composition with not significantly difference
from other sites. Also, the current findings do not indicate that the inhabitants living in fortified, highland localities
have different or food strategies other than those living in lowland unfortified settlements.
situated in the north-western part of the village
of Palárikovo, at the location of previous
village of Dolné Križovany or Dolný Keresztúr.
The first findings on the site are date back
to 1969, when the first archaeological site inspection
took place. A rescue excavations was
started in 1970 and was led by B. Benadik from
the SAS Institute of Archaeology. In cooperation
with E. Rejholec (technician), 32 graves
were excavated and documented during the
first stage of excavation. In following seasons
between the years 1971–1974, the number of
graves rose by another 63. The excavated area
was 1 ha in total, all the graves were dated to
the Middle La Tène period (LT B1–C). Only
eight of all the excavated graves contained
standard military equipment (sword, shield,
and spear). One of them was grave No. 6.
The finds (especially the iron items) were not
well preserved and some of them, probably
due to the poor state of their preservation after
discovery, are missing at the present time
(sword). We were able to create an “ideal 3D
reconstruction” of this warrior grave. We have
processed and successfully recreated twelve
items. Then we distributed them within the
grave-pit space in a way they could have been
laid during the burial ritual. All reconstructed
elements have different degree of realism, due
to variations in their documentation and also
due to conditions of preservation.
excavated a part of the middle-laténe settlement with seven semi-grounded huts. Results
and the material from this excavation have not been processed, yet. Except archaeological
findings (mainly pottery), a vast number of animal bones have been found which have
been processed by V. Rajtová. Botanical material has also been documented on clay daubs
as imprints, but mainly from a single sample, which was taken from interior from one of
the huts. The results from archeobotanical and archeozoological analysis with combination
of 3D visualization, has been used to create ideal reconstruction of one of the huts
with its possible economical hinterland.
is examined. The La Tène settlement was excavated in late 1980s. The decoration
and ornamental motifs used on the pottery were analysed. Hand-made and wheel-turned
pottery were examined separately. The greatest typological variability of ornament was found
on the wheel-turned pottery. Incised technique dominated, mainly vertical combed decoration,
while less represented was relief and stamped ornament. Significant is the presence of
the so-called twig motif, while in one case a stamped decoration in the form of reversed letter
“C” also occured.
southwestern Slovakia with an emphasis on the Komjatice-Kňazova jama site. The obtained results were confronted
with each other, a series of different types of analyses were also applied to the researched material, especially to clarify
the issue of the relationship of lower settlements to upland localities, oppids. The obtained and presented archaeobotanical findings indicate certain different trends in crop popularity depending on regions or chronological degrees.
When comparing the examined set of planting species from the sample from Komjatice-Kňazova jama with the findings from other settlements, it can be stated that they represent a typical composition with not significantly difference
from other sites. Also, the current findings do not indicate that the inhabitants living in fortified, highland localities
have different or food strategies other than those living in lowland unfortified settlements.
situated in the north-western part of the village
of Palárikovo, at the location of previous
village of Dolné Križovany or Dolný Keresztúr.
The first findings on the site are date back
to 1969, when the first archaeological site inspection
took place. A rescue excavations was
started in 1970 and was led by B. Benadik from
the SAS Institute of Archaeology. In cooperation
with E. Rejholec (technician), 32 graves
were excavated and documented during the
first stage of excavation. In following seasons
between the years 1971–1974, the number of
graves rose by another 63. The excavated area
was 1 ha in total, all the graves were dated to
the Middle La Tène period (LT B1–C). Only
eight of all the excavated graves contained
standard military equipment (sword, shield,
and spear). One of them was grave No. 6.
The finds (especially the iron items) were not
well preserved and some of them, probably
due to the poor state of their preservation after
discovery, are missing at the present time
(sword). We were able to create an “ideal 3D
reconstruction” of this warrior grave. We have
processed and successfully recreated twelve
items. Then we distributed them within the
grave-pit space in a way they could have been
laid during the burial ritual. All reconstructed
elements have different degree of realism, due
to variations in their documentation and also
due to conditions of preservation.
excavated a part of the middle-laténe settlement with seven semi-grounded huts. Results
and the material from this excavation have not been processed, yet. Except archaeological
findings (mainly pottery), a vast number of animal bones have been found which have
been processed by V. Rajtová. Botanical material has also been documented on clay daubs
as imprints, but mainly from a single sample, which was taken from interior from one of
the huts. The results from archeobotanical and archeozoological analysis with combination
of 3D visualization, has been used to create ideal reconstruction of one of the huts
with its possible economical hinterland.
is examined. The La Tène settlement was excavated in late 1980s. The decoration
and ornamental motifs used on the pottery were analysed. Hand-made and wheel-turned
pottery were examined separately. The greatest typological variability of ornament was found
on the wheel-turned pottery. Incised technique dominated, mainly vertical combed decoration,
while less represented was relief and stamped ornament. Significant is the presence of
the so-called twig motif, while in one case a stamped decoration in the form of reversed letter
“C” also occured.