Papers by Petar Vodenicharov

Historia Slavorum Occidentis, Dec 31, 2022
In 1991, Bulgaria adopted the Law on Civil and Political Rehabilitation of Persons Repressed unde... more In 1991, Bulgaria adopted the Law on Civil and Political Rehabilitation of Persons Repressed under Communism. The law came into force only in 1993 and continued until 1996. The article critically analyses the law and points out its undemocratic character in relation to the Pomaks, victims of the violant assimilation, the so called "revival" process. The Ordinance to the Law puts the victims in the position of seeking proof of innocence from the same repressive authorities that persecuted and killed them. The approved, but mostly rejected Decisions of the Municipal, District and Central Commissions, are analyzed and kept in the State Archive -Blagoevgrad (SAB) and Central State Archive -Sofia (CSA). The article traces the tendency of the Commissions to reject applications for rehabilitation of Pomaks, affected by the worst cases of murder and imprisonment during the name change.

Communist general Mircho Spssov and rise of lawlessness. Psychoanalysis, language and history, 2024
Using the linguistic turn in psychoanalysis (J. Lakan, J. Kristeva), the author analyzed the unpu... more Using the linguistic turn in psychoanalysis (J. Lakan, J. Kristeva), the author analyzed the unpublished autobiographical memories of State Security General Mircho Spasov, a mass murderer responsible for the eitsblishing of communist concentration camps. His memories are compared with his personnel file in the State Security. The lack of a father, the suicidal mother who abandoned him, the alienation from kinship, religious and institutional symbolic networks lead to a rethinking of the punishing in a rewarding social situation with the help of communist anti-language, conspiratorial publicity and the grandiose utopia for an all-powerful, self-sufficient, phallic "Mother Communist Party". Sado-masochic pre-Oedipal regression is associated with early narcissistic trauma and the problem of the Other-eroticizing the power over Others and the power of the Others. The analysis is supported by the similar biographical profiles of the Head of State Todor Zhivkov, a friend of Mircho Spasov, and his colleague from the State Security-the terrorist Mitka Grubcheva.
Balkanistic forum, Jan 10, 2022
The object of the study is the biographical trajectories of a "new" social grou... more The object of the study is the biographical trajectories of a "new" social group of women - the one of the professional translators, which appeared in Russia in the early 1860s. For the "new" women, the right to intellectual labor is an important duty, not only out of economic but also out of moral reasons, as an acceptable framework for women's freedom. The article examines in parallel the life trajectories of the leaders of the women's movement, who set the beginning of their civic organization of translators, or "Artel", as they call it.
Балканистичен Форум, 2011
Балканистичен Форум, 2010
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Mar 22, 2021
EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Petar Vodenicharov РЕДАКЦИОННА КОЛЕГИЯ проф. Михаел Митерауер проф. Карл Казер пр... more EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Petar Vodenicharov РЕДАКЦИОННА КОЛЕГИЯ проф. Михаел Митерауер проф. Карл Казер проф. Мария Тодорова проф. Надя Данова проф. Любинка Търговчевич проф. Елена Сюпюр проф. Евелина Келбечева доц. д-р Елена Тачева доц. д-р Илия Недин доц. д-р Кристина Попова доц. д-р Маринела Младенова проф. д-р Стилян Стоянов д-р Клаудия-Флорентина Добре д-р Милена Ангелова д-р Милен Малаков д-р Нурие Муратова
Балканистичен Форум, 2010
Balkanistic forum, May 30, 2020
The author follows the different stages of the formation of the Azerbaijan nation from the second... more The author follows the different stages of the formation of the Azerbaijan nation from the second half of the 19th century till the Second world war. From the sociolinguistic point of view the processes of language planning and policy during the different stages – pan-Islamism, pan – Turkism and Azerbaijanism, have been analysed. Special attention has been payed to the European influences on the culture and alphabet choice in Azerbaijan. The processes of cultural and language engineering in USSR during the time of building pseudo –nations defined by Stalin with the ambivalent notion „socialist in content and national in form„ has been analysed with special emphasis on the reasons for changing alphabets – Arabic, Latin, Cyrillic, and again Latin.

Ezikov svât, May 1, 2021
The paper is provoked by the rejection and falsification of the messages of the Istanbul Conventi... more The paper is provoked by the rejection and falsification of the messages of the Istanbul Convention in Bulgaria and other post-communist countries which caused a wave of homophobia. The author tries to prove that neither in the communist period nor in the post-communist period a real emancipation of women was achieved, the theme of homosexuality was a taboo (in the communist period), over-presented in the first decade of the transition and later stigmatize by the rise of the populist nationalistic discourse. During the communist period, the so called "Unions of the fighters against fascism" turned into the male clientelistic networks granted with many privileges and marginalizing female antifascists. The critical discourse analysis of the press (1976) reveals male dominance and silencing of women playing mostly a decorative role. After the democratic changes the same male actors (nomenclature and former state security officers) benefited from the privatization, but the so called "mugs" (wrestlers) presented the new masculinity in the media: women were extremely sexualized and the new femininity was presented by the prostitutes and the girls in the entertaining industry, the professional women were rarely mentioned. The second part of the paper is a gender analysis of the lexical and grammatical system of the Bulgarian language. The analysis of the dominating metaphors reveals the means of male dominance in the everyday speech. Although the Slav languages have morphemes to denote women's professions the media discourse prefers the male forms as more prestigious. The definite article and the plural forms serve to emphasise the male forms and to provide their euphony.
Balkanistic forum, Nov 1, 2020
Using the method of the critical discourse analysis and the insights of George Orwell „1984“ the ... more Using the method of the critical discourse analysis and the insights of George Orwell „1984“ the author aims at analysing the propaganda mechanisms (production distribution and perception) of the totalitarian press in the 1950-s. The socio-political context of the press and the new relations between orality and literacy because of the domination of the new elite (mainly of village origin and with low education) have been outlined. The text analysis discovers the duality of the themes, the centralized and passive sources of the texts, new genres and the new imagery explained by some psychoanalytical concepts. The structure of the newspeak changed considerably with logoside and intensive production of neologisms, especially abbreviations, abundance of euphemisms and doublethinks which aim at closing the thought in vicious circles.
... in the 1960s and 1970s1 Abstract The article researches changes in gender identities during t... more ... in the 1960s and 1970s1 Abstract The article researches changes in gender identities during the period of na-tional communism in the ... many pre-modern mentalities, producing a strain of nationalism close to tribalism and gender relations best de-scribed as state patriarchy. ...

Ezikov svât, Oct 20, 2022
The article is part of a larger study of documents related to one of the communist regime's bigge... more The article is part of a larger study of documents related to one of the communist regime's biggest crimesthe massacre without trial and the conviction of local elites (25-30 000 people) in a particularly sadistic way. The study is based on David Ovadia's documentary "Levanevsky" dedicated to a participant in the Partisan Fighters' Movement, convicted not only for political but also for criminal offences and who led the sadistic murders of innocent civilians after the communist coup. The questions I want to answer to are: what are the reasons for the moral relativism of the author who tries to justify Levanevsky as a legendary hero. How long can anti-fascist rhetoric legitimize any crimes regardless of their scale and cruelty; what are the biographical psychoanalytical causes of communist sadism? The psychoanalytical analysis (linguistic turn in psychoanalysis) reveals a recurring biographical schemea despotic mother and an uninteriorized fatherly authority, which is not compensated by the symbolic networks of kinship, religion, school, army, profession. The involvement of criminals in the partisan movement compromises the anti-fascist movementan atmosphere of fear, power battles, arbitrary killings and robberies was brought about. Reconstracting the life trajectory of Levanevski who was used and misused by the communists (killed without court and sentence after the communists took power) we could consider him as a representative of the peasant anarchism rather than the conscious antifascist struggle. Statistic data about the social and educational status of the Bulgarian partisan fighters (1941-1944) are also provided.

Protestant denominations in Bulgaria and the communist new speak, 2024
With the method of critical discourse analysis, the author explores the language and ideologies o... more With the method of critical discourse analysis, the author explores the language and ideologies of the communist State Security regarding the Protestant denominations in Bulgaria. The study is based on archival documents of the State Security, memoirs of Christian pastors and studies of the repression of Protestant churches. Parallels are drawn with the peculiarities of Orwell's totalitarian newspeak and Klemperer's Third Reich language. The main features of the communist newspeak are outlined-a fanatical and exalted language, a language-a spell that dehumanizes, pathologizes and represses the class Enemy, just as the Nazi language condemns and destroys the racial Enemy. In addition to cruel, the communist language shares shears also other features of totalitarian newspeak: a monochrome black and white language that demonizes the Enemy and favors Power, falsification of history, doublethinks numb critical thinking in vicious circles. These peculiarities determine the cunning of the State Security discourse, which allows ignoring the Constitution and the laws in their apparent observance.

“I am not waiting for money. I just want vindication and a basic apology”. Policies of “rehabilitation” of the Pomaks from Blagoevgrad region after the fall of the communist regim, 2023
In 1991, Bulgaria adopted the Law on Civil and Political Rehabilitation of Persons Repressed unde... more In 1991, Bulgaria adopted the Law on Civil and Political Rehabilitation of Persons Repressed under Communism. The law came into force only in 1993 and continued until 1996. The article critically analyses the law and points out its undemocratic character in relation to the Pomaks, victims of the violant assimilation, the so called "revival" process. The Ordinance to the Law puts the victims in the position of seeking proof of innocence from the same repressive authorities that persecuted and killed them. The approved, but mostly rejected Decisions of the Municipal, District and Central Commissions, are analyzed and kept in the State Archive-Blagoevgrad (SAB) and Central State Archive-Sofia (CSA). The article traces the tendency of the Commissions to reject applications for rehabilitation of Pomaks, affected by the worst cases of murder and imprisonment during the name change.
"В името на народа". Магията на мемоарите на активните борци против фашизма и капитализма, 2001
The author search the psychoanalytical reasons for communist terrorism.
The life trajectory of s... more The author search the psychoanalytical reasons for communist terrorism.
The life trajectory of so called 'active fighters against fascism' - Mitka Grabcheva is followed=
Жените и мъжете в миналото, 2002
Учебни материали за курсове по джендър проучвания на Балканите.
Papers by Petar Vodenicharov
The life trajectory of so called 'active fighters against fascism' - Mitka Grabcheva is followed=
The life trajectory of so called 'active fighters against fascism' - Mitka Grabcheva is followed=