Papers by Claude Perrottet
The Journal of Global Development and Peace Spring 2009
The Journal of Global Development and Peace for the spring of 2009. This issue contains articles ... more The Journal of Global Development and Peace for the spring of 2009. This issue contains articles by Dr. Perrottet on Immanuel Kant's Perpetual Peace: The New World Order of Critical Philosophy, Jessada Salathong on Education for Sustainable Development and Human Security, Dr. Benjamin on From Collective to Human Security: Development and Peace in the 21st Century, Dr. Zhu on China's New Diplomacy Since the Mid-1990s: Rationale, Reactions, and Significance, Dr. Rubenstein On Shame, Rage, and the Middle Eastern Conflict, and Dr. Ward's review of the book "Reconciliation: Islam, Democracy, and the West"
Au-delà du criticisme kantien
Satisfaction du personnel infirmier dans le travail hospitalier avec les malades âgés: étude comparative entre un service général et un service gériatrique
Medecine Et Hygiene, 1983
Une methode standardisee a ete mise au point pour permettre aux soignants infirmiers de rendre co... more Une methode standardisee a ete mise au point pour permettre aux soignants infirmiers de rendre compte de leur experience subjective dans un certain nombre de domaines de soins aux malades âges
The Journal of Global Development and Peace Spring 2010, 2009
The Journal of Global Development and Peace for the spring of 2010. This issue contains articles ... more The Journal of Global Development and Peace for the spring of 2010. This issue contains articles by Dr. Zhu on China's New Diplomacy Towards Southeast Asia: Motivations, Strategies, and Implications, Dr. Wei on From Mao Back to Confucius: China's Approaches to Development and Peace, Eduardo Daniel Oviedo on the New International Role of China and its Relations with Argentina in Times of Crisis, Alex Kuzminov on Maybe We Should Look at Other Countries, Dr. Ward on Israel and Palestine - Looking ahead Twenty Five Years a Symposium Report, Dr. Rubenstein on Changing Demographics and the Middle East, Dr. Zhu on China's Global Hunt for Oil, and Dr. Rubenstein on "Will the President be able to resolve the Middle East crisis.
Au-delà du criticisme kantien : la méthode critique-intuitive dans la première philosophie de la religion de Paul Tillich
Estudos de Religião, 2016
The 1957 Harvard encounter between Paul Tillich and Zen master Shin'ichi Hisamatsu contains a wea... more The 1957 Harvard encounter between Paul Tillich and Zen master Shin'ichi Hisamatsu contains a wealth of information on the overlap and discrepancies between the two systems of thought, both individually and in regard to the larger East-West dialogue. This paper was written with the intent to mine the somewhat chaotic content of this historical document for elements leading to a systematic philosophical and theological investigation of underlying themes. In particular, it takes into account insights from Tillich's early German period to highlight the profound difference in his approach to the notion of paradox when compared to that of Zen Buddhism, a tradition he admired but was never fully able to penetrate.
Kant's 200-year-old essay is considered in light of its enduring impact on peace studies, the... more Kant's 200-year-old essay is considered in light of its enduring impact on peace studies, the creation of the United Nations, and the implementation of a new world order based on lasting peace. Through a detailed analysis of its content and the cross-examination of various sources, it is suggested that the reputation of Perpetual Peace is not undeserved: while stressing the importance of fundamental principles applied to world affairs, it also provides realistic steps towards conflict resolution. Most importantly, the present study attempts to show how Kant's view of religion's role in human life, based on his critical philosophy, serves as the underlying catalyst of his apparently secular considerations.
Laval théologique et philosophique, 2000
Résumé Découvert récemment, le premier cours de Paul Tillich sur la philosophie de la religion (B... more Résumé Découvert récemment, le premier cours de Paul Tillich sur la philosophie de la religion (Berlin, 1920) montre à quel point la philosophie critique de Kant fut une influence déterminante sur la genèse de la pensée tillichienne. Tillich applique la méthode critique de manière ingénieuse pour définir la fonction religieuse. Il voit également dans la notion kantienne de l’inconditionné l’amorce d’une saisie intuitive de la nature irréductiblement irrationnelle de la religion. Pour Tillich, ce noyau mystique du rationalisme kantien mène tout droit au mysterium tremendum et fascinans de la phénoménologie religieuse de Rudolf Otto. Mais Tillich va plus loin en affirmant que notre orientation fondamentale vers l’inconditionné constitue le vrai point de départ du religieux, même lorsque cela se fait sous un déguisement profane.
Papers by Claude Perrottet