Papers by Maciej Perkowski
Brill | Nijhoff eBooks, Jun 17, 2022
Studia Iuridica Lublinensia, Mar 28, 2024
Implikacje zastosowania trybu in-house przy zamówieniach publicznych z udziałem regionalnych fund... more Implikacje zastosowania trybu in-house przy zamówieniach publicznych z udziałem regionalnych funduszy rozwoju

Eastern European Journal of Transnational Relations, 2023
The purpose of this paper is to consider the standard of impartiality promoted by the European Co... more The purpose of this paper is to consider the standard of impartiality promoted by the European Commission regarding the implementation of European Union funds and expressed in particular in identifying and excluding conflicts of interest in terms of the issue of its adequacy at the level of regional programmes in Poland. We attempted to answer the horizontal question of whether and what legal problems are raised by potential inadequacy in this respect and how they can be constructively counteracted. In our study we primarily used the dogmatic-legal method. The findings of our research show that in some situations, the "zealous" implementation of EU standards of impartiality may result in unexpected legal issues, such as in the situation related to the declarations of members of voivodeship boards who are managing authorities of regional programmes. The value of the study lies in its critical and at the same time constructive approach towards the issue of counteracting a possible conflict of interest through declarations of interest by members of voivodeship boards (as the managing institution of the regional programmes financed with EU funds) during the period of the real start of implementation of EU funds by Polish regions in the financial perspective 2021-27.

Przegląd Prawa Rolnego, Dec 26, 2023
Concepts of healthy food and healthy eating in European Union policy and law Le nozioni di cibo s... more Concepts of healthy food and healthy eating in European Union policy and law Le nozioni di cibo sano e alimentazione sana nella politica e nel diritto dell'Unione europea The aim of this study was to determine how the concepts of healthy food and healthy eating are used in EU policy documents and whether there emerges a coherent understanding of these concepts from them. In pursuing this aim, the authors attempted to define both concepts, by referring to policy document and relevant EU legislation. Among other things, they concluded that under EU law, the use of the title concepts should in practice be regarded as health claims. The absence of nutrient profiles results in an inconsistency between what food companies may refer to as healthy food or healthy eating under EU law and the common understanding of these terms derived from EU policy documents.

International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Trace elements and metals play critical roles in the normal functioning of the central nervous sy... more Trace elements and metals play critical roles in the normal functioning of the central nervous system (CNS), and their dysregulation has been implicated in neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and Parkinson’s disease (PD). In a healthy CNS, zinc, copper, iron, and manganese play vital roles as enzyme cofactors, supporting neurotransmission, cellular metabolism, and antioxidant defense. Imbalances in these trace elements can lead to oxidative stress, protein aggregation, and mitochondrial dysfunction, thereby contributing to neurodegeneration. In AD, copper and zinc imbalances are associated with amyloid-beta and tau pathology, impacting cognitive function. PD involves the disruption of iron and manganese levels, leading to oxidative damage and neuronal loss. Toxic metals, like lead and cadmium, impair synaptic transmission and exacerbate neuroinflammation, impacting CNS health. The role of aluminum in AD neurofibrillary tangle formation has also been noted. U...
In recent years, an alarming trend in the rising incidence of non-communicable diseases has led t... more In recent years, an alarming trend in the rising incidence of non-communicable diseases has led to increased interest in the issue of so-called "healthy food". Despite the enormity of food regulation, the concept of "healthy food" is not framed in any legal framework, and the public's understanding of it is uneven. So what is "healthy food" according to the public? This report contains the results of a survey aimed at answering this question. The survey consisted of two parts - on the one hand, a representative sample of 1,041 people was surveyed, and on the other hand, 100 food entrepreneurs were surveyed. The obtained results of the survey provide the research team with a starting point for further interdisciplinary research (legal sciences, chemical sciences, medical sciences) in the "healthy food" problem area.
Krytyka Prawa
The aim of the article is to provide an overview of the international and EU law framework concer... more The aim of the article is to provide an overview of the international and EU law framework concerning the relation between the research and teaching. The analysis of internal regulations of selected European states is provided for a broader vision and comparative perspective. Such an overview constitutes the initial ground for further research and evaluation of the applicable law and its implementation. The article constitutes a summary of the initial phase of the research project dedicated to the impact of the legal research on legal education based on the projects funded by the Polish National Science Centre.

W ostatnich latach niepokojący trend w zakresie wzrostu liczby występowania przypadków chorób nie... more W ostatnich latach niepokojący trend w zakresie wzrostu liczby występowania przypadków chorób niezakaźnych sprawił, że zwiększyło się zainteresowanie kwestią tzw. „zdrowej żywności”. Pomimo ogromu regulacji dotyczących żywności, pojęcie „zdrowej żywności” nie jest ujęte w żadne ramy prawne, a jego rozumienie przez społeczeństwo jest niejednolite. Czym zatem jest według społeczeństwa „zdrowa żywność”? Niniejszy raport zawiera wyniki badania ankietowego, którego celem było uzyskanie odpowiedzi na to pytanie. Badanie ankietowe składało się z dwóch części – z jednej strony przeprowadzono badanie na reprezentatywnej grupie 1041 osób, a z drugiej strony przebadano 100 przedsiębiorców z branży żywnościowej. Uzyskane wyniki badania ankietowego stanowią dla zespołu badawczego punkt wyjścia do dalszych badań interdyscyplinarnych (nauki prawne, nauki chemiczne, nauki medyczne) w obszarze problemowym „zdrowej żywności”.

Dried mushrooms might be a source of mineral components, which are indispensable for human health... more Dried mushrooms might be a source of mineral components, which are indispensable for human health. The aim of this study was to determine the contents of calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), iron (Fe), zinc (Zn), copper (Cu), manganese (Mn), and selenium (Se) in dried wild-grown mushrooms (Boletus edulis and Xerocomus badius) available for sale, and to evaluate these mushrooms’ contribution to the daily reference intake of the studied bioelements. The concentrations of mineral components in the mushroom samples were determined by the flame method (Ca, Mg, Fe, Zn, Cu, Mn) and the electrothermal (Se) atomic absorption spectrometry method. The mean Ca, Mg, Fe, Zn, Cu, Mn (in mg/kg), and Se concentrations (in µg/kg) in B. edulis were 82.1, 964.1, 233.4, 97.9, 25.3, 22.1, and 6501.6, respectively, whereas in X. badius: 67.5, 1060.2, 87.8, 197.2, 33.9, 19.8, and 282.4, respectively. We have shown that dried B. edulis can be considered a source of Se. In the case of the other microelements, the t...
Białostockie Studia Prawnicze, 2012
Białostockie Studia Prawnicze, 2012

Polish Yearbook of Environmental Law, 2011
Act on PPP of 19 December 2008, which entered into force on 28 February 2009, repealing the enfor... more Act on PPP of 19 December 2008, which entered into force on 28 February 2009, repealing the enforcement package associated with the previous law. e new law contains references to the European funds. It also introduces an appropriate link to environmental protection. e other issue today is facing enormous challenges, such as e ective climate protection. It seems that the PPP may be used in the area. e opinions of consulted local authorities give an optimistic perspective, especially in regard to development of power industry and thermal economy (according to surveys). e progressive de cit in public nances, which unfortunately displays as a continuing trend, additionally makes the expansion of privatization' of public tasks safe for public interest and acceptable to the public more likely to occur. e newest practice indicates progression in the eld. For these reasons, it is worth introducing the reader interested in environmental protection to basic information on public-private partnership.

Przegląd Prawa Ochrony Środowiska, 2012
Od momentu powstania z IDLO współpracowało ponad 20 000 prawników ze 175 krajów. Rozwija się świa... more Od momentu powstania z IDLO współpracowało ponad 20 000 prawników ze 175 krajów. Rozwija się światowa sieć organizacji, na którą składa się 47 niezależnych stowarzyszeń i dyżury około 2 500 ekspertów. Dzięki temu IDLO umożliwia korzystanie ze specjalistycznej wiedzy z całego świata na całym świecie. Organizacja skupia doświadczonych prawników -ekspertów w takich dziedzinach jak: prawa człowieka, ochrona zdrowia, handel międzynarodowy, własność intelektualna, prawo ochrony środowiska i zrównoważony rozwój, który jest jednym z priorytetów IDLO. Jego promowanie i zabezpieczanie w krajach rozwijających się oraz państwach w okresie transformacji gospodarczej odbywa się głównie poprzez działania prawne w zakresie: zmian klimatu, zielonej gospodarki i zrównoważonego zarządzania zasobami. Organizacja w zakresie swej działalności oferuje rządom i organizacjom społeczeństwa obywatelskiego profesjonalne wsparcie, wiedzę prawną, zasoby oraz narzędzia. Wykonuje badania a także organizuje kampa-
Białostockie Studia Prawnicze, 2012
Maciej Perkowski - doktor habilitowany, prof. UwB. Kierownik Zakladu Prawa Miedzynarodowego Publi... more Maciej Perkowski - doktor habilitowany, prof. UwB. Kierownik Zakladu Prawa Miedzynarodowego Publicznego na Wydziale Prawa Uniwersytetu w Bialymstoku
Maciej Perkowski - doktor habilitowany, prof. UwB. Kierownik Zakladu Prawa Miedzynarodowego Publi... more Maciej Perkowski - doktor habilitowany, prof. UwB. Kierownik Zakladu Prawa Miedzynarodowego Publicznego na Wydziale Prawa Uniwersytetu w Bialymstoku
Papers by Maciej Perkowski