Papers by Perdana Pangestu

KOMUNIKA: Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi
The Indonesia Chinese Muslim Association (Persatuan Islam Tionghoa Indonesia /PITI) is an organiz... more The Indonesia Chinese Muslim Association (Persatuan Islam Tionghoa Indonesia /PITI) is an organization that has a unique role and phenomenon in Indonesia. The PITI phenomenon is related to the integration and role of the Chinese ethnic group in the realm of Islam in Indonesia. As a religious organization, PITI aims to integrate Chinese groups in Indonesia on an internal religious and ethnic basis. It is due to the long and complex history of the role of ethnic Chinese in Indonesian society, which includes various religious beliefs and beliefs. This article discusses the revitalization of the Da'wah of Chinese Muslims by PITI. PITI is considered an embryo that reinforces the existence of ethnic Chinese in the social arena, especially in establishing relations with natives. PITI should be able to maximize this role to convey opinions and ideas through cadres and utilize existing resources. The author uses a qualitative model by prioritizing the paradigm of social preaching. The an...
AT-TABSYIR: Jurnal Komunikasi Penyiaran Islam

HUMANISMA : Journal of Gender Studies
Sexual harassment and violence seems to be a taboo subject and its resolution has not been holist... more Sexual harassment and violence seems to be a taboo subject and its resolution has not been holistically understood in our society. The fame of the case that never stops surfacing in the public eye, forms a collective massive agitation to crush the naughty sexual paradigm. The author is interested in examining how the construction of movements and counter-narratives are formed in realizing fundamental freedom and understanding related to sexual harassment. The author uses a descriptive qualitative approach using secondary data from literature. The description of the study will be obtained through optimizing the formulation of the topic interpretation surrounding the issue of sexual harassment. The elaboration of interpretation and data that was carried out was then analyzed through Kuntowijoyo's Social Prophetic theoretical lines. This research concludes that the various forms of agitation that are exposed are exposures in building humanization and liberation values for all peopl...
Ushuluddin International Conference (USICON), Nov 30, 2020

One of the nusantara scholars with famous work inscriptions is Nawawi alBantani. These works are ... more One of the nusantara scholars with famous work inscriptions is Nawawi alBantani. These works are recorded in a multidisciplinary scope, one of which is Qami 'al-Tughyan. The significance of this research lies in the influence of environmental factors of Nawawi in the nusantara which have an influence on the style of writing, especially in the field of hadith. This study aims to reveal the facts of causality with the orientation of the literature analysis surrounding Nawawi's notes in compiling the Qami' alTughyan. The author will take an inductive qualitative approach by conducting a literature review through related literatures, derived from the object variables in the first ten sections (syu'bah) of the book Qami 'alTughyan. Then, the data will be explored in order to produce comprehensive and optimal research results. This research proves that the work recording model used by Nawawi is a causal representation of the situation in the nusantara, especially with ...

Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi, 2021
Hadis preaching is now meeting new challenges in its succession of implementation, one of which i... more Hadis preaching is now meeting new challenges in its succession of implementation, one of which is its touch with courage-based social media. Apart from optimizing the propagation material that is disseminated, it has also become an interesting topic in discussions of the development of modern dakwah. In this case, content framing (framing) is deemed appropriate to package the dakwah content offered to the people in order to have authority on social media. However, the question that can be offered is how can the theoretical application of the framing concept work on da'wah content on social media? Departing from this formula, the author will elaborate the dakwah paradigm through content from several accounts on Instagram, based on the hadith as the preaching material. The author provides segmentation of the @hadispedia and @pusatkajianhadis accounts as research objects using the theoretical synergy of Robert N. Entman's framing. This research is built on qualitative methods ...

Realitas masyarakat urban dengan heterogenitas tinggi memunculkan probalititas polemik horizontal... more Realitas masyarakat urban dengan heterogenitas tinggi memunculkan probalititas polemik horizontal yang beragam, seperti topik mengenai terusiknya ruang privasi individu. Representasi fenomena tersebut tercermin pada salah satu aktivitas tradisi komunitas muslim, yakni membangunkan sahur pada bulan Ramadan. Pergeseran nilai substansial yang terjadi dalam habituasi ini, yang awalnya sarat dengan nilai kultural menjadi cenderung serampangan, akibat penggunaan pengeras suara ( loudspeaker ), khususnya di masjid secara berlebihan. Topik menarik ini memancing Penulis untuk mengulik bagaimana akseptasi regulasi pengeras suara masjid oleh Bimas Islam Kemenag RI di masyarakat perkotaan terhadap pelaksanaan tradisi bangun sahur Ramadan. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan analisis kualitatif dengan orientasi kajian literatur. Penulis akan mengeksplorasi fenomena terkait eksistensi budaya bangun sahur dari masa ke masa, yang dikoneksikan dengan realitas multikultural masyarakat perkotaan. Tulisan ...

The emergence of various negative religious prototypes and labels has become an increasingly prob... more The emergence of various negative religious prototypes and labels has become an increasingly problematic tempest in Indonesia. Especially in Islam, dedicating meaning to a particular topic and model of the diversity of groups has recently been public hot discussions. The presence of social media creates a constellation of national narratives that have various contents. In this case, the researcher will formulate how the interactions that occur in society, especially on social media, are related to the verdict in the form of symbols addressed to certain religious models. The researcher starts with terms such as “Islam Radikal” and “Islam Arogan” which are specifically used by Permadi Arya in showing his reaction to the public on religious opinions on social media. This study uses a qualitative approach by collecting Permadi Arya’s digital record data on social media as the primary source of the analysis. The data analysis was carried out by conducting collaborative topics on the mode...
Papers by Perdana Pangestu