In order to assess the genetic relationships and diversity among common buckwheat from Western Ba... more In order to assess the genetic relationships and diversity among common buckwheat from Western Balkans, three varieties produced under the names 'Ĉebelica', 'Darja' and 'Goluba' were evaluated with a set of 10 SSR and 32 morphological markers. Eight of ten primer pairs used managed to amplify SSR alleles, in average 7 alleles per locus. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) revealed that only 2.6% of the total diversity was attributed to the differences among 'Darja' and 'Goluba'. The largest percentage of variance between varieties was detected among 'Goluba' and 'Ĉebelica' (f CT = 0.136; p < 0.001). Factorial correspondence analysis also revealed a clear differentiation between these two varieties. Results of hierarchical clustering based on morphological data of the three analyzed common buckwheat varieties were not in a complete accordance with the 792
There is a need for classifying and conserving local apple cultivars from two main regions in Bos... more There is a need for classifying and conserving local apple cultivars from two main regions in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). Consequently, 71 local apple accessions (31 from Sarajevo and 40 from eastern Bosnia) were evaluated with a set of 10 simple sequence repeats (SSRs). These accessions were compared with 37 reference cultivars (24 traditional B&H and 13 international cultivars maintained at the ex situ collection Srebrenik) to determine synonyms, homonyms, and possible introgression of foreign genotypes into the local apple germplasm. Using 10 primer pairs of microsatellites, we were able to amplify 135 alleles for the 71 local apple accessions. Detection of more than two different alleles per locus was observed for 34 accessions. Fourteen different homonyms and 12 synonyms were identified among all the apple cultivars analyzed. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) revealed a significant genetic differentiation between most of the groups analyzed but not between accessions fro...
Twenty-one grapevine varieties grown all over Greece and belonging to ‘Mavroudia’ group were ampe... more Twenty-one grapevine varieties grown all over Greece and belonging to ‘Mavroudia’ group were ampelographically described and genotyped by AFLP molecular analysis in order to discriminate the varieties, synonyms, homonyms and variations of the group. In most cases, the molecular findings confirmed the results of the ampelographic description. In general, and despite the high degree of genetic similarity between certain pairs of the studied cultivars, the group of ‘Mavroudia’ was characterized as being heterogeneous. From the studied cultivars, ‘Kountoura mavri’, ‘Mavro Spetson’ and ‘Pappoudes’ showed very high degree of genetic similarity, sustaining the hypothesis that the last two are clones of the first. Grapevine cultivar ‘Pappoudes’ was for the first time ampelographically described and identified as being closely related to ‘Kountoura mavri’. High degree of genetic similarity was observed between cultivars ‘Gaidouricha’ and ‘Agiomavritiko’, suggesting that they probably origina...
Soybean cultivation holds great potential for a sustainable agriculture in Europe, but adaptation... more Soybean cultivation holds great potential for a sustainable agriculture in Europe, but adaptation remains a central issue. In this large mega-environment (MEV) study, 75 European cultivars from five early maturity groups (MGs 000-II) were evaluated for maturity-related traits at 22 locations in 10 countries across Europe. Clustering of the locations based on phenotypic similarity revealed six MEVs in latitudinal direction and suggested several more. Analysis of maturity identified several groups of cultivars with phenotypic similarity that are optimally adapted to the different growing regions in Europe. We identified several haplotypes for the allelic variants at the E1, E2, E3 and E4 genes, with each E haplotype comprising cultivars from different MGs. Cultivars with the same E haplotype can exhibit different flowering and maturity characteristics, suggesting that the genetic control of these traits is more complex and that adaptation involves additional genetic pathways, for exam...
ABSTRACT Study of Grapevine leafroll-associated virus 2 (GLRaV-2) distribution was conducted on 1... more ABSTRACT Study of Grapevine leafroll-associated virus 2 (GLRaV-2) distribution was conducted on 13 Croatian autochthonous grapevine cultivars or cultivars which are supposed to be autochthonous included in clonal selection: Babica, Babi , Glavinuša, Grk, Ljutun, Maraština, Mladinka, Nin uša, Plavina, Plavac mali, Pošip, Vlaška and Vugava. All of them are grown in the southern part of Croatian coastal region (Dalmatia). Sampling was done during autumn 2007, and only a few samples of cultivar Babi were also collected during 2008. All samples were tested for the presence of GLRaV-2 using DAS-ELISA test. Out of 1100 tested grapevine accessions, the presence of GLRaV-2 was determined in 45 samples (4.1%). No virus was detected in seven grapevine varieties (Grk, Ljutun, Mladenka, Nin uša, Plavina, Pošip, Vlaška). Minimal infection rate was determined in the cultivar Vugava (0.8%) while the most infected cultivar was Babi in which out of 98 analyzed grapevine accessions 33 (33.7%) were positive. All virus-positive tested vines contained mixed infections of several viruses and no vine was infected by GLRaV-2 only. In 14 different, randomly selected grapevine accessions the presence of GLRaV-2 was also confirmed by RT-PCR using the GLR2CP1/GLR2CP2 primer pair. RT-PCR products from four different grapevine accessions were sequenced. Sequences of gene segment coding for the viral coat protein revealed between 97.9% and 99.6% similarity on the nucleotide level, with absolute similarity on amino-acid level. Sixteen grapevine accessions were selected for transmission to herbaceous host Nicotiana benthamiana, but GLRaV-2 was not successfully transmitted to this host. To our knowledge this is the first report of GLRaV-2 in Croatia.
Agriculturae Conspectus Scientificus, Jun 23, 2011
Th e codling moth Cydia pomonella (CM) (Linnaeus) is a key pest in pome fruit production with a p... more Th e codling moth Cydia pomonella (CM) (Linnaeus) is a key pest in pome fruit production with a preference for apple. Th e pest is very adaptable to diff erent climatic conditions and is known for developing resistance to several chemical groups of insecticides. Because of these reasons, the populations of codling moth are differentiated in many ecotypes of various biological and physiological development requirements. Th e article provides a bibliographic review of investigation about: morphology, biology, dispersal, damages, resistance to insecticides, population genetic structure and genetic control of this pest.
Agriculturae Conspectus Scientificus, Mar 21, 2000
Besides its high quality wine, cv. Plavac mali is also famous as a possible synonym for cv. Zinfa... more Besides its high quality wine, cv. Plavac mali is also famous as a possible synonym for cv. Zinfandel, widely grown in California, and cv. Primitivo, grown in Southern Italy. The supposition that Plavac mali is actually native to Croatia (Dalmatia region) and was introduced to Italy and named as Primitivo, and also introduced to California where it is named as Zinfandel, has been scientifically examined. Based on a comparison of climate requirements for growth and development for each of the above mentioned cultivars, we judged that Plavac mali cannot be of the same genotype as cv. Primitivo or Zinfandel. DNA marker analysis (microsatellites) has proven that Zinfandel and Primitivo share the same genotype, i.e., they are genetically synonyms, but cv. Plavac mali is a distinct variety. However, the degree of genetic similarity among the DNA markers suggests that Plavac mali and Zinfandel/Primitivo probably are related as parent and progeny.
Besides its high quality wine, cv. Plavac mali is also famous as a possible synonym for cv. Zinfa... more Besides its high quality wine, cv. Plavac mali is also famous as a possible synonym for cv. Zinfandel, widely grown in California, and cv. Primitivo, grown in Southern Italy. The supposition that Plavac mali is actually native to Croatia (Dalmatia region) and was introduced to Italy and named as Primitivo, and also introduced to California where it is named as Zinfandel, has been scientifically examined. Based on a comparison of climate requirements for growth and development for each of the above mentioned cultivars, we judged that Plavac mali cannot be of the same genotype as cv. Primitivo or Zinfandel. DNA marker analysis (microsatellites) has proven that Zinfandel and Primitivo share the same genotype, i.e., they are genetically synonyms, but cv. Plavac mali is a distinct variety. However, the degree of genetic similarity among the DNA markers suggests that Plavac mali and Zinfandel/Primitivo probably are related as parent and progeny.
ABSTRACT RAPD fingerprinting was used for strain identification and the assessment of genetic div... more ABSTRACT RAPD fingerprinting was used for strain identification and the assessment of genetic diversity within a field population of Bradyrhizobium japonicum. Total genomic DNAs from 13 field isolates and two inoculant strains were amplified using six different 10-mer primers. Different and informative band patterns were obtained for all strains analysed. Cluster analysis unexpectedly revealed that none of the field isolates was identical to inoculant strains which were regularly used for soybean inoculation. Among field isolates two highly divergent groups were determined. The results indicate that RAPD is a very discriminative and efficient method for differentiating and studying genetic diversity of B. japonicum strains.
Teran' and 'Refošk' grapes are traditionally grown on the Istrian peninsula, a region encompassin... more Teran' and 'Refošk' grapes are traditionally grown on the Istrian peninsula, a region encompassing three diff erent national territories (Croatia, Slovenia and Italy). Th e question of identity of these grape varieties has therefore intrigued stakeholders in the wine industry for many years now. Th e confusion about their identity has also led to problems related to labeling planting material and protecting designation of origin for 'Teran' wines at the level of the EU. Th is paper details the history of this problem with an outline of past research. It then shows the results of ampelographic and genetic characterization of selected samples of 'Teran'/'Refošk' vines of diff erent age and origin, all from Istrian vineyards. Th e results show that these are two diff erent grape varieties (on the basis of 21 SSR loci), but also that these are phenotypically similar grape varieties (on the basis of OIV descriptors), which might have been the main reason for the confusion. Finally, the paper defi nes characteristic morphological diff erences which enable us to distinguish them on a practical level.
XIII Eucarpia Symposium on Fruit Breeding and Genetics, 2013
Bistrica' is a widespread plum cultivar in the former Austro-Hungarian Empire and has been under ... more Bistrica' is a widespread plum cultivar in the former Austro-Hungarian Empire and has been under cultivation for more than 300 years. Although 'Bistrica' is a well-known and described cultivar, due to frequently observed phenotypic variation it has been reported as a "landrace cultivar" consisting of many different "biotypes". Reliable genotype identification in situ in old traditional orchards can be difficult, so the aim of this study was to determine its SSR profile and to check the homogeneity of its genotype across the region. Nineteen out of 33 analyzed accessions shared the identical genotype at 11 SSR loci having 4-6 alleles per locus. These accessions were sourced partly from nurseries and partly from traditional orchards of rather distant regions of all the countries included in the sampling. This SSR profile might therefore be the reference for 'Bistrica'.
In order to assess the genetic relationships and diversity among common buckwheat from Western Ba... more In order to assess the genetic relationships and diversity among common buckwheat from Western Balkans, three varieties produced under the names 'Ĉebelica', 'Darja' and 'Goluba' were evaluated with a set of 10 SSR and 32 morphological markers. Eight of ten primer pairs used managed to amplify SSR alleles, in average 7 alleles per locus. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) revealed that only 2.6% of the total diversity was attributed to the differences among 'Darja' and 'Goluba'. The largest percentage of variance between varieties was detected among 'Goluba' and 'Ĉebelica' (f CT = 0.136; p < 0.001). Factorial correspondence analysis also revealed a clear differentiation between these two varieties. Results of hierarchical clustering based on morphological data of the three analyzed common buckwheat varieties were not in a complete accordance with the 792
There is a need for classifying and conserving local apple cultivars from two main regions in Bos... more There is a need for classifying and conserving local apple cultivars from two main regions in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). Consequently, 71 local apple accessions (31 from Sarajevo and 40 from eastern Bosnia) were evaluated with a set of 10 simple sequence repeats (SSRs). These accessions were compared with 37 reference cultivars (24 traditional B&H and 13 international cultivars maintained at the ex situ collection Srebrenik) to determine synonyms, homonyms, and possible introgression of foreign genotypes into the local apple germplasm. Using 10 primer pairs of microsatellites, we were able to amplify 135 alleles for the 71 local apple accessions. Detection of more than two different alleles per locus was observed for 34 accessions. Fourteen different homonyms and 12 synonyms were identified among all the apple cultivars analyzed. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) revealed a significant genetic differentiation between most of the groups analyzed but not between accessions fro...
Twenty-one grapevine varieties grown all over Greece and belonging to ‘Mavroudia’ group were ampe... more Twenty-one grapevine varieties grown all over Greece and belonging to ‘Mavroudia’ group were ampelographically described and genotyped by AFLP molecular analysis in order to discriminate the varieties, synonyms, homonyms and variations of the group. In most cases, the molecular findings confirmed the results of the ampelographic description. In general, and despite the high degree of genetic similarity between certain pairs of the studied cultivars, the group of ‘Mavroudia’ was characterized as being heterogeneous. From the studied cultivars, ‘Kountoura mavri’, ‘Mavro Spetson’ and ‘Pappoudes’ showed very high degree of genetic similarity, sustaining the hypothesis that the last two are clones of the first. Grapevine cultivar ‘Pappoudes’ was for the first time ampelographically described and identified as being closely related to ‘Kountoura mavri’. High degree of genetic similarity was observed between cultivars ‘Gaidouricha’ and ‘Agiomavritiko’, suggesting that they probably origina...
Soybean cultivation holds great potential for a sustainable agriculture in Europe, but adaptation... more Soybean cultivation holds great potential for a sustainable agriculture in Europe, but adaptation remains a central issue. In this large mega-environment (MEV) study, 75 European cultivars from five early maturity groups (MGs 000-II) were evaluated for maturity-related traits at 22 locations in 10 countries across Europe. Clustering of the locations based on phenotypic similarity revealed six MEVs in latitudinal direction and suggested several more. Analysis of maturity identified several groups of cultivars with phenotypic similarity that are optimally adapted to the different growing regions in Europe. We identified several haplotypes for the allelic variants at the E1, E2, E3 and E4 genes, with each E haplotype comprising cultivars from different MGs. Cultivars with the same E haplotype can exhibit different flowering and maturity characteristics, suggesting that the genetic control of these traits is more complex and that adaptation involves additional genetic pathways, for exam...
ABSTRACT Study of Grapevine leafroll-associated virus 2 (GLRaV-2) distribution was conducted on 1... more ABSTRACT Study of Grapevine leafroll-associated virus 2 (GLRaV-2) distribution was conducted on 13 Croatian autochthonous grapevine cultivars or cultivars which are supposed to be autochthonous included in clonal selection: Babica, Babi , Glavinuša, Grk, Ljutun, Maraština, Mladinka, Nin uša, Plavina, Plavac mali, Pošip, Vlaška and Vugava. All of them are grown in the southern part of Croatian coastal region (Dalmatia). Sampling was done during autumn 2007, and only a few samples of cultivar Babi were also collected during 2008. All samples were tested for the presence of GLRaV-2 using DAS-ELISA test. Out of 1100 tested grapevine accessions, the presence of GLRaV-2 was determined in 45 samples (4.1%). No virus was detected in seven grapevine varieties (Grk, Ljutun, Mladenka, Nin uša, Plavina, Pošip, Vlaška). Minimal infection rate was determined in the cultivar Vugava (0.8%) while the most infected cultivar was Babi in which out of 98 analyzed grapevine accessions 33 (33.7%) were positive. All virus-positive tested vines contained mixed infections of several viruses and no vine was infected by GLRaV-2 only. In 14 different, randomly selected grapevine accessions the presence of GLRaV-2 was also confirmed by RT-PCR using the GLR2CP1/GLR2CP2 primer pair. RT-PCR products from four different grapevine accessions were sequenced. Sequences of gene segment coding for the viral coat protein revealed between 97.9% and 99.6% similarity on the nucleotide level, with absolute similarity on amino-acid level. Sixteen grapevine accessions were selected for transmission to herbaceous host Nicotiana benthamiana, but GLRaV-2 was not successfully transmitted to this host. To our knowledge this is the first report of GLRaV-2 in Croatia.
Agriculturae Conspectus Scientificus, Jun 23, 2011
Th e codling moth Cydia pomonella (CM) (Linnaeus) is a key pest in pome fruit production with a p... more Th e codling moth Cydia pomonella (CM) (Linnaeus) is a key pest in pome fruit production with a preference for apple. Th e pest is very adaptable to diff erent climatic conditions and is known for developing resistance to several chemical groups of insecticides. Because of these reasons, the populations of codling moth are differentiated in many ecotypes of various biological and physiological development requirements. Th e article provides a bibliographic review of investigation about: morphology, biology, dispersal, damages, resistance to insecticides, population genetic structure and genetic control of this pest.
Agriculturae Conspectus Scientificus, Mar 21, 2000
Besides its high quality wine, cv. Plavac mali is also famous as a possible synonym for cv. Zinfa... more Besides its high quality wine, cv. Plavac mali is also famous as a possible synonym for cv. Zinfandel, widely grown in California, and cv. Primitivo, grown in Southern Italy. The supposition that Plavac mali is actually native to Croatia (Dalmatia region) and was introduced to Italy and named as Primitivo, and also introduced to California where it is named as Zinfandel, has been scientifically examined. Based on a comparison of climate requirements for growth and development for each of the above mentioned cultivars, we judged that Plavac mali cannot be of the same genotype as cv. Primitivo or Zinfandel. DNA marker analysis (microsatellites) has proven that Zinfandel and Primitivo share the same genotype, i.e., they are genetically synonyms, but cv. Plavac mali is a distinct variety. However, the degree of genetic similarity among the DNA markers suggests that Plavac mali and Zinfandel/Primitivo probably are related as parent and progeny.
Besides its high quality wine, cv. Plavac mali is also famous as a possible synonym for cv. Zinfa... more Besides its high quality wine, cv. Plavac mali is also famous as a possible synonym for cv. Zinfandel, widely grown in California, and cv. Primitivo, grown in Southern Italy. The supposition that Plavac mali is actually native to Croatia (Dalmatia region) and was introduced to Italy and named as Primitivo, and also introduced to California where it is named as Zinfandel, has been scientifically examined. Based on a comparison of climate requirements for growth and development for each of the above mentioned cultivars, we judged that Plavac mali cannot be of the same genotype as cv. Primitivo or Zinfandel. DNA marker analysis (microsatellites) has proven that Zinfandel and Primitivo share the same genotype, i.e., they are genetically synonyms, but cv. Plavac mali is a distinct variety. However, the degree of genetic similarity among the DNA markers suggests that Plavac mali and Zinfandel/Primitivo probably are related as parent and progeny.
ABSTRACT RAPD fingerprinting was used for strain identification and the assessment of genetic div... more ABSTRACT RAPD fingerprinting was used for strain identification and the assessment of genetic diversity within a field population of Bradyrhizobium japonicum. Total genomic DNAs from 13 field isolates and two inoculant strains were amplified using six different 10-mer primers. Different and informative band patterns were obtained for all strains analysed. Cluster analysis unexpectedly revealed that none of the field isolates was identical to inoculant strains which were regularly used for soybean inoculation. Among field isolates two highly divergent groups were determined. The results indicate that RAPD is a very discriminative and efficient method for differentiating and studying genetic diversity of B. japonicum strains.
Teran' and 'Refošk' grapes are traditionally grown on the Istrian peninsula, a region encompassin... more Teran' and 'Refošk' grapes are traditionally grown on the Istrian peninsula, a region encompassing three diff erent national territories (Croatia, Slovenia and Italy). Th e question of identity of these grape varieties has therefore intrigued stakeholders in the wine industry for many years now. Th e confusion about their identity has also led to problems related to labeling planting material and protecting designation of origin for 'Teran' wines at the level of the EU. Th is paper details the history of this problem with an outline of past research. It then shows the results of ampelographic and genetic characterization of selected samples of 'Teran'/'Refošk' vines of diff erent age and origin, all from Istrian vineyards. Th e results show that these are two diff erent grape varieties (on the basis of 21 SSR loci), but also that these are phenotypically similar grape varieties (on the basis of OIV descriptors), which might have been the main reason for the confusion. Finally, the paper defi nes characteristic morphological diff erences which enable us to distinguish them on a practical level.
XIII Eucarpia Symposium on Fruit Breeding and Genetics, 2013
Bistrica' is a widespread plum cultivar in the former Austro-Hungarian Empire and has been under ... more Bistrica' is a widespread plum cultivar in the former Austro-Hungarian Empire and has been under cultivation for more than 300 years. Although 'Bistrica' is a well-known and described cultivar, due to frequently observed phenotypic variation it has been reported as a "landrace cultivar" consisting of many different "biotypes". Reliable genotype identification in situ in old traditional orchards can be difficult, so the aim of this study was to determine its SSR profile and to check the homogeneity of its genotype across the region. Nineteen out of 33 analyzed accessions shared the identical genotype at 11 SSR loci having 4-6 alleles per locus. These accessions were sourced partly from nurseries and partly from traditional orchards of rather distant regions of all the countries included in the sampling. This SSR profile might therefore be the reference for 'Bistrica'.
Papers by Ivan Pejic