Papers by parviz Mohammadi

NACE, 2010
This NACE International standard represents a consensus of those individual members who have revi... more This NACE International standard represents a consensus of those individual members who have reviewed this document, its scope, and provisions. Its acceptance does not in any respect preclude anyone, whether he or she has adopted the standard or not, from manufacturing, marketing, purchasing, or using products, processes, or procedures not in conformance with this standard. Nothing contained in this NACE International standard is to be construed as granting any right, by implication or otherwise, to manufacture, sell, or use in connection with any method, apparatus, or product covered by Letters Patent, or as indemnifying or protecting anyone against liability for infringement of Letters Patent. This standard represents minimum requirements and should in no way be interpreted as a restriction on the use of better procedures or materials. Neither is this standard intended to apply in all cases relating to the subject. Unpredictable circumstances may negate the usefulness of this standard in specific instances. NACE International assumes no responsibility for the interpretation or use of this standard by other parties and accepts responsibility for only those official NACE International interpretations issued by NACE International in accordance with its governing procedures and policies which preclude the issuance of interpretations by individual volunteers.

Fusion-bonded-epoxy coatings have been used successfully for more than 20 years to prevent corros... more Fusion-bonded-epoxy coatings have been used successfully for more than 20 years to prevent corrosion of concrete reinforcing steel. Recent attention in the epov-coated rebar (ECR) industry has focused on service in hot/wet environments. New specifications mandate quality control programs that include cathodic-disbondment testing. A number of systems are available to meet the new industry requirements; including chromate and non-chromate sugace treatments, coatings for prefabricated rebar; and developmental coatings that combine bendability and good adhesion retention. Beyond the choice of a coating system, various other factors play a role in the cathodicdisbondment resistance of ECR. The application temperature and thickness of the coating, and steel St&ace preparation and contamination are significant contributors. If a sueace treatment is used, the weight of treatment applied is important. Finally the test conditions of time, temperature, and pH have a dramatic impact on the cathodicdisbondment test results for a given system, and even on the relative test pegormance of different systems.
rapa, 2002
Knowledge of the properties of materials is essential for several purposes: design,
specification... more Knowledge of the properties of materials is essential for several purposes: design,
specification, quality control, failure analysis and for understanding the structure and
behaviour of new materials. Specific test procedures evolve for each class of materials.
These procedures are generally those found best suited to the generic characteristics of
the material class and their use helps to provide the most meaningful results and to
allow comparison of data from different sources. Plastics are no exception.
rapra, 2002
Knowledge of the properties of materials is essential for several purposes: design,
specification... more Knowledge of the properties of materials is essential for several purposes: design,
specification, quality control, failure analysis and for understanding the structure and
behaviour of new materials. Specific test procedures evolve for each class of materials.
These procedures are generally those found best suited to the generic characteristics of
the material class and their use helps to provide the most meaningful results and to
allow comparison of data from different sources. Plastics are no exception.

Journal of Coatings Technology and Research, 2012
Organic coatings applied on cathodically protected metallic structures must have good resistance ... more Organic coatings applied on cathodically protected metallic structures must have good resistance to cathodic delamination or disbonding (CD). Both environmental conditions and coating composition influence the CD resistance. In the present study, the effect of types of epoxy resin, curing agents and their mixing ratio on cathodic delamination rate was studied in a high-build pigmented coating. Furthermore, the influence of platey fillers on CD resistance was also studied. In order to bring out correlations, if any, between adhesion and CD resistance, pull-off adhesion strengths (both dry and wet) of these coatings were also measured. Fairly good correlation was found between residual (wet) pull-off adhesion strength and CD resistance. When tested at 60 and 90°C, all the coatings under investigation showed chalking. Among the coatings under investigation, the one based on Bisphenol F epoxy and modified cycloaliphatic amine adduct exhibited excellent CD resistance.
Electrochemistry Communications, 2006
The analysis of the faradaic impedance of electroactive films provides a characteristic point fro... more The analysis of the faradaic impedance of electroactive films provides a characteristic point from which it is possible to estimate the thickness of thin films. Thus, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy was used in this paper as a fast and easy technique to estimate this thickness. The proposed method was checked on PB films.

The subject of this review is the loss of adhesion of polymer coatings which occurs when the meta... more The subject of this review is the loss of adhesion of polymer coatings which occurs when the metallic substrate is held at a cathodic potential. The phenomenon has been recognised and known as an important mechanism in the deterioration of paints and polymer coatings for more than twenty years. The potential may arise from the application of impressed current or sacrificial cathodic protection, or may be generated locally, as in the region surrounding an active anode. Cathodic disbondment is a complex phenomenon which has aspects of a specific ion effect involving the cations present in the electrolyte; where there may or may not be reduction of the metal oxide at the interface; which requires the presence of the aqueous phase, even though the polymer might water; and which requires a threshold potential and the presence of oxygen. These and many other aspects have been investigated in a number of centres over the past years. This review will try to draw together the evidence obtained electrochemically and by surface analysis in such a way that a record of the current understanding is provided.

progress in organic coating, 2015
The disbondment of protective organic coatings under excessive cathodic protection potentials is ... more The disbondment of protective organic coatings under excessive cathodic protection potentials is a widely reported coating failure mechanism. Traditional methods of evaluating cathodic disbondment are based on ex situ visual inspection of coated metal surfaces after being exposed to standard cathodic disbondment testing conditions for a long period of time. Although electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) has been employed as an effective means of evaluating various anti-corrosion properties of organic coatings; its application for assessing the cathodic disbondment resistance of coatings has not been sufficiently exploited. This paper reports an experimental study aimed at developing EIS into a tool for in situ measurement and monitoring of cathodic disbondment of coatings. A clear correlation between EIS parameters and the disbonded coating areas has been confirmed upon short term exposure of epoxycoated steel electrodes to cathodic disbondment conditions; however the degree of this correlation was found to decrease with the extension of exposure duration. This observation suggests that EIS loses its sensitivity with the propagation of coating disbondment, and that in order to achieve quantitative determination of the coating cathodic disbondment localized EIS measurements are required to measure the parameters related to local disbonded areas.

Journal of Coating, 2013
Organic coatings applied on cathodically protected metallic structures must have good resistance ... more Organic coatings applied on cathodically protected metallic structures must have good resistance to cathodic delamination or disbonding (CD). Both environmental conditions and coating composition influence the CD resistance. In the present study, the effect of types of epoxy resin, curing agents and their mixing ratio on cathodic delamination rate was studied in a high-build pigmented coating. Furthermore, the influence of platey fillers on CD resistance was also studied. In order to bring out correlations, if any, between adhesion and CD resistance, pull-off adhesion strengths (both dry and wet) of these coatings were also measured. Fairly good correlation was found between residual (wet) pull-off adhesion strength and CD resistance. When tested at 60 and 90°C, all the coatings under investigation showed chalking. Among the coatings under investigation, the one based on Bisphenol F epoxy and modified cycloaliphatic amine adduct exhibited excellent CD resistance.
Wiely, 1990
Very good reference for paint defects , (Practical aspect+Theoretical)
Books by parviz Mohammadi
Woodhead Publishing is an imprint of Elsevier, 2014
I would like to express my gratitude for the contributors to this volume. Each chapter, written... more I would like to express my gratitude for the contributors to this volume. Each chapter, written independently, provides a unique and important perspective on corrosion, sensing, and corrosion mitigation associated
with pipelines. I express our appreciation as well for the editorial staff of
Woodhead Publishing, who had the vision, tenacity, and editorial talent to
shepherd this work to completion.

Michael Baker Jr., Inc., 2008
This study was developed at the request of the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Pipeline and
... more This study was developed at the request of the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Pipeline and
Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) to provide a non-technical, high-level common
understanding of issues related to pipeline corrosion. This study follows similar efforts by PHMSA to
provide information on topics regarding pipeline integrity issues in report format. The intent is that the
report be used to facilitate effective communication on issues with all stakeholders (public officials,
industry representatives, trade associations, pipeline companies, and the general public). Readers who
desire more technical depth are encouraged to refer to books such as Peabody’s Control of Pipeline
Corrosion or the many technical papers published by NACE International (NACE), American Society of
Mechanical Engineers (ASME), and other technical societies and research organizations.
ChemTec Publishing, 2020
In general terms, the anƟ oxidants are expected to protect status quo by prevenƟ on of oxida-
Ɵ o... more In general terms, the anƟ oxidants are expected to protect status quo by prevenƟ on of oxida-
Ɵ on. OxidaƟ on is a chain reacƟ on involving free radicals and hydroperoxide intermediates.
AnƟ oxidants act by reacƟ ng and decomposing free radicals and hydroperoxide intermediate

y Vincentz Network, Hanover, Germany, 2012
This book is directed to anybody who is involved in developing, producing, testing and
marketing... more This book is directed to anybody who is involved in developing, producing, testing and
marketing of powder coatings, raw materials or application equipment.
What is new compared to the second edition? More than 5,000 recent articles and patents
concerning powder coatings have been evaluated and 250 of those have been referenced in
this book to ensure that it illustrates the current state-of-the-art. Highlighted core terms
and a significant extended index should help finding the desired topic in a shorter time. A
list of powder coating related web addresses will enable the reader to locate additional relevant information at the push of a button. Product and company names have been updated
as much as possible. Plus more than 30 new photos, diagrams and drawings complete this
revised and updated third edition.
I would like to thank Werner Grenda for valuable discussions, Dr. Corey King for corrections of the manuscript and Dr. Michael Ringel for his contribution regarding REACH. Many
thanks to the two dozens companies for the excellent additional photos they provided for
the 3rd edition of this book.
Emmanouil Spyrou
Marl, Germany, Mai 2012

Vincentz Network, Hanover, Germany, 2012
This book is directed to anybody who is involved in developing, producing, testing and
marketing... more This book is directed to anybody who is involved in developing, producing, testing and
marketing of powder coatings, raw materials or application equipment.
What is new compared to the second edition? More than 5,000 recent articles and patents
concerning powder coatings have been evaluated and 250 of those have been referenced in
this book to ensure that it illustrates the current state-of-the-art. Highlighted core terms
and a significant extended index should help finding the desired topic in a shorter time. A
list of powder coating related web addresses will enable the reader to locate additional relevant information at the push of a button. Product and company names have been updated
as much as possible. Plus more than 30 new photos, diagrams and drawings complete this
revised and updated third edition.
I would like to thank Werner Grenda for valuable discussions, Dr. Corey King for corrections of the manuscript and Dr. Michael Ringel for his contribution regarding REACH. Many
thanks to the two dozens companies for the excellent additional photos they provided for
the 3rd edition of this book.
Emmanouil Spyrou
Marl, Germany, Mai 2012
Plastic and elastomeric materials have become an integral part of everyone's lives.
There isn't ... more Plastic and elastomeric materials have become an integral part of everyone's lives.
There isn't a home, an industry, or a commercial establishment that does not
make use of these materials in some form.
There have been instances where plastic materials have failed to perform
satisfactorily. This is not the fault of the material, but rather of a poor choice on
the part of the designer in the selection of the specific polymer or composite-in
other words, a misapplication.
Nils Malmgren AB, 2004
Epoxy resins, introduced , properties , synthetics, reactions , hardeners .
Conference Presentations by parviz Mohammadi
KTA, 2020
Quality control in Painting process
Papers by parviz Mohammadi
specification, quality control, failure analysis and for understanding the structure and
behaviour of new materials. Specific test procedures evolve for each class of materials.
These procedures are generally those found best suited to the generic characteristics of
the material class and their use helps to provide the most meaningful results and to
allow comparison of data from different sources. Plastics are no exception.
specification, quality control, failure analysis and for understanding the structure and
behaviour of new materials. Specific test procedures evolve for each class of materials.
These procedures are generally those found best suited to the generic characteristics of
the material class and their use helps to provide the most meaningful results and to
allow comparison of data from different sources. Plastics are no exception.
Books by parviz Mohammadi
with pipelines. I express our appreciation as well for the editorial staff of
Woodhead Publishing, who had the vision, tenacity, and editorial talent to
shepherd this work to completion.
Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) to provide a non-technical, high-level common
understanding of issues related to pipeline corrosion. This study follows similar efforts by PHMSA to
provide information on topics regarding pipeline integrity issues in report format. The intent is that the
report be used to facilitate effective communication on issues with all stakeholders (public officials,
industry representatives, trade associations, pipeline companies, and the general public). Readers who
desire more technical depth are encouraged to refer to books such as Peabody’s Control of Pipeline
Corrosion or the many technical papers published by NACE International (NACE), American Society of
Mechanical Engineers (ASME), and other technical societies and research organizations.
Ɵ on. OxidaƟ on is a chain reacƟ on involving free radicals and hydroperoxide intermediates.
AnƟ oxidants act by reacƟ ng and decomposing free radicals and hydroperoxide intermediate
marketing of powder coatings, raw materials or application equipment.
What is new compared to the second edition? More than 5,000 recent articles and patents
concerning powder coatings have been evaluated and 250 of those have been referenced in
this book to ensure that it illustrates the current state-of-the-art. Highlighted core terms
and a significant extended index should help finding the desired topic in a shorter time. A
list of powder coating related web addresses will enable the reader to locate additional relevant information at the push of a button. Product and company names have been updated
as much as possible. Plus more than 30 new photos, diagrams and drawings complete this
revised and updated third edition.
I would like to thank Werner Grenda for valuable discussions, Dr. Corey King for corrections of the manuscript and Dr. Michael Ringel for his contribution regarding REACH. Many
thanks to the two dozens companies for the excellent additional photos they provided for
the 3rd edition of this book.
Emmanouil Spyrou
Marl, Germany, Mai 2012
marketing of powder coatings, raw materials or application equipment.
What is new compared to the second edition? More than 5,000 recent articles and patents
concerning powder coatings have been evaluated and 250 of those have been referenced in
this book to ensure that it illustrates the current state-of-the-art. Highlighted core terms
and a significant extended index should help finding the desired topic in a shorter time. A
list of powder coating related web addresses will enable the reader to locate additional relevant information at the push of a button. Product and company names have been updated
as much as possible. Plus more than 30 new photos, diagrams and drawings complete this
revised and updated third edition.
I would like to thank Werner Grenda for valuable discussions, Dr. Corey King for corrections of the manuscript and Dr. Michael Ringel for his contribution regarding REACH. Many
thanks to the two dozens companies for the excellent additional photos they provided for
the 3rd edition of this book.
Emmanouil Spyrou
Marl, Germany, Mai 2012
There isn't a home, an industry, or a commercial establishment that does not
make use of these materials in some form.
There have been instances where plastic materials have failed to perform
satisfactorily. This is not the fault of the material, but rather of a poor choice on
the part of the designer in the selection of the specific polymer or composite-in
other words, a misapplication.
Conference Presentations by parviz Mohammadi
specification, quality control, failure analysis and for understanding the structure and
behaviour of new materials. Specific test procedures evolve for each class of materials.
These procedures are generally those found best suited to the generic characteristics of
the material class and their use helps to provide the most meaningful results and to
allow comparison of data from different sources. Plastics are no exception.
specification, quality control, failure analysis and for understanding the structure and
behaviour of new materials. Specific test procedures evolve for each class of materials.
These procedures are generally those found best suited to the generic characteristics of
the material class and their use helps to provide the most meaningful results and to
allow comparison of data from different sources. Plastics are no exception.
with pipelines. I express our appreciation as well for the editorial staff of
Woodhead Publishing, who had the vision, tenacity, and editorial talent to
shepherd this work to completion.
Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) to provide a non-technical, high-level common
understanding of issues related to pipeline corrosion. This study follows similar efforts by PHMSA to
provide information on topics regarding pipeline integrity issues in report format. The intent is that the
report be used to facilitate effective communication on issues with all stakeholders (public officials,
industry representatives, trade associations, pipeline companies, and the general public). Readers who
desire more technical depth are encouraged to refer to books such as Peabody’s Control of Pipeline
Corrosion or the many technical papers published by NACE International (NACE), American Society of
Mechanical Engineers (ASME), and other technical societies and research organizations.
Ɵ on. OxidaƟ on is a chain reacƟ on involving free radicals and hydroperoxide intermediates.
AnƟ oxidants act by reacƟ ng and decomposing free radicals and hydroperoxide intermediate
marketing of powder coatings, raw materials or application equipment.
What is new compared to the second edition? More than 5,000 recent articles and patents
concerning powder coatings have been evaluated and 250 of those have been referenced in
this book to ensure that it illustrates the current state-of-the-art. Highlighted core terms
and a significant extended index should help finding the desired topic in a shorter time. A
list of powder coating related web addresses will enable the reader to locate additional relevant information at the push of a button. Product and company names have been updated
as much as possible. Plus more than 30 new photos, diagrams and drawings complete this
revised and updated third edition.
I would like to thank Werner Grenda for valuable discussions, Dr. Corey King for corrections of the manuscript and Dr. Michael Ringel for his contribution regarding REACH. Many
thanks to the two dozens companies for the excellent additional photos they provided for
the 3rd edition of this book.
Emmanouil Spyrou
Marl, Germany, Mai 2012
marketing of powder coatings, raw materials or application equipment.
What is new compared to the second edition? More than 5,000 recent articles and patents
concerning powder coatings have been evaluated and 250 of those have been referenced in
this book to ensure that it illustrates the current state-of-the-art. Highlighted core terms
and a significant extended index should help finding the desired topic in a shorter time. A
list of powder coating related web addresses will enable the reader to locate additional relevant information at the push of a button. Product and company names have been updated
as much as possible. Plus more than 30 new photos, diagrams and drawings complete this
revised and updated third edition.
I would like to thank Werner Grenda for valuable discussions, Dr. Corey King for corrections of the manuscript and Dr. Michael Ringel for his contribution regarding REACH. Many
thanks to the two dozens companies for the excellent additional photos they provided for
the 3rd edition of this book.
Emmanouil Spyrou
Marl, Germany, Mai 2012
There isn't a home, an industry, or a commercial establishment that does not
make use of these materials in some form.
There have been instances where plastic materials have failed to perform
satisfactorily. This is not the fault of the material, but rather of a poor choice on
the part of the designer in the selection of the specific polymer or composite-in
other words, a misapplication.